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”To all present I say: We are gathered here, not to witness the beginning of what will be, but rather what already is. We do not create this marriage, because we cannot. We can and do, however, celebrate with Hyungwon and Minhyuk the wondrous and joyful occurrence that has already taken place in their lives, and the commitment they make today”


Minhyuk smiled, looking up at Hyungwon, taking the others hands in his. He started circling his thumbs on the spine of Hyungwons hand, biting his lip nervously. 

The younger smiled back at him, squeezing his hands reassuringly, don’t be nervous he mouthed, and with that, Minhyuk felt himself relax a little.


Hyungwon managed to look away from Minhyuk for a second, getting a glance at the audience. 

On the front rows were their families and closest friends. He could see his and Minhyuks mom sitting together, both sobbing but smiling. 

He could see Kihyun, Jun and Bobby, the oddest group in the crowd, sitting together, smiling.

Both Jun and Bobby had managed to travel to Korea, only to witness the wedding and though he didn’t know them too well, he was grateful remembering when they had showed up at their house, screaming suprise! Minhyuk had almost fainted, but when he had regained his composure, he had thrown himself at the pair, hugging them for minutes while Hyungwon had observed the trio, smiling.


”May you always need one another, not to fill an emptiness, but to help each other know your fullness. May you want one another, but not out of lack. May you embrace one another, but not encircle one another. May you succeed in all important ways with each other, and not fail in the little graces. May you have happiness, and may you find it in making one another happy. 

May you have love and may you find it in loving each other.” 


Minhyuk looked behind Hyungwon. There was Wonho, his hair slicked back, tears running down his cheeks. If Minhyuk were ever to define the word proud, he would show them a picture of Wonho at that moment.

Wonho seemed to notice Minhyuk looking, giving him a smile before wiping the tears away, Minhyuk smiling back at him.


Hyungwon looked behind Minhyuk, only to see four of his best friends standing there. 

Jimin, Yoongi, Jooheon and Changkyun, all of them smiling back at him. 

They were dressed from head to toe in grey, a pretty boring color if you had asked Minhyuk, but Hyungwon liked it. 


Even after all these years, they were still with them, their group still going strong. 

Jooheon and Changkyun had their own rap duo, producing music that would be written down in history. Yoongi were still teaching at the university, Jimin handling most business at the dance studio, but sometimes taking extra jobs as a teacher for the youngest at the university sister school. 

All of them taking so many different paths, but in the end, one way or another, they always found each other. 



”Do you, Hyungwon Chae, take Minhyuk Lee to be your husband, to have and hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish; from this day until death do you apart?”


Hyungwon looked down at Minhyuk, butterflies flying in his stomach.


”I do”


”Do you, Minhyuk Lee, take Hyungwon Chae to be your husband, to have and hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish; from this day until death do you apart?”


Hyungwon swore Minhyuks smile were so wide, he was almost afraid that the skin on Minhyuks beautiful face would rip this time when he answered with a similar, less shaky ”I do”


”You may now exchange rings and vows” 


Hyungwon was first, coughing awkwardly before turning to Wonho to get the ring. It was a beautiful silver ring with a word engraved in it, forever. 

Wonho gave him an encouraging smile before giving him the ring, Hyungwon grateful that Wonho had said yes to be his best man. 

Turning back to Minhyuk, he grabbed the blondes hand, smiling. 

”This ring is a token of my love, I marry you with this ring, with all that I have and all that I am” 

He put the ring on it’s rightful place before intertwining their fingers again. 


”I, Hyungwon Chae, promise you, Minhyuk Lee, that I will be your husband from this day forward, to be faithful and honest in every way, to honor the faith and trust you place in me, to love and respect you in your successes and in your failures, to make you laugh and be there for you when you cry, to care for you in sickness and in health, to softly kiss you when you are hurting, and to be your companion and friend on this journey that we make together”


Minhyuk smiled, tears threatening to fall. He could hear sobs from the audience too, but it was vague, because in the moment, the only focus he had was Hyungwon. 

”I give you this ring as a visible and constant symbol of my promise to be with your for as long as I live”

He put the ring on Hyungwons slender finger, the first tear falling down his face, Hyungwon wiping it away. 

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monjiexi #1
Chapter 33: Awww I respect your ddecision but I really did love book 2 as much as I love the first one ㅠㅠ
sehunzy4beast #2
Chapter 32: Thanks for such a amazing story! :) Its really great that it also can help you to get up from your personal problems and become better throuout the whole story. This fact itself is a really good example for everyone to learn from !! Cant wait for book II !!
srod1953 #3
Chapter 31: This story is one of te first that I fell in love with. I'm sad to see it go but hopefully book to will be just as great
Chapter 31: Im glad that feel better now ❤ it'll probably feels empty without reading citrus update ;;
OppaIsWaitingForMe #5
Chapter 31: U actually updated lmao!! xD before i check the updates i first check the replies (to see what kind of bull i wrote to authors and people xD) I didn't know u updated lawl! ANYWAY THAT WAS *Sob sob* BOOTYFUL >,,< *fangirls* sjgxejvdisxishjxjedke!!! So ure gonna ..(?) post another one? Another season xD season two @^@ ooooh!! I'll be the first one to subscribe to it (surely) xD
monjiexi #6
Chapter 31: I cant wait ughhh I love this so muchh srslyyyyyy !!!!
Chapter 31: *hugs* now you almost made me cry :3 but i can't wait for the next one!! :D
srod1953 #8