Easy money and siblings

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Chapter 3:





Minhyuk clutched his sweater paws, biting his lip anxiously while walking beside Hyungwon. 

He could feel the other students staring at them, and he smiled a little at the fact that he had actually contacted Hyungwon first, though he got extremely shy around the other when they met in person. 


”Where did you go before?” Hyungwon asked, his head turning slightly in Minhyuk’s direction. 


”I lived in Daegu, so a local school there…” Minhyuk said, his confidence slowly coming back. He followed Hyungwon to the back of the school, where the latter started climbing a rusty ladder. 

Minhyuk thanked his dad for putting him in sports early, it was an advantage when he had to climb the ladder. 


”Hmm interesting… ” Hyungwon mumbled, sitting down crosslegged on the hard surface. 

Minhyuk joined him, accepting the cigarette given to him. 

Hyungwon pulled out a lighter, lighting his own cigarette, then Minhyuk’s. 


Minhyuk’s gaze landed on Hyungwon’s lips, wandering up to his eyes. They were closed, long eyelashes resting on his cheekbones. He was so lost looking at the boy, he hadn’t noticed Hyungwon opening his right eyes slightly. 





Hyungwon could feel the others gaze burning right through him, quirking an eye open at the older. 

He liked Minhyuk, he had to admit that, Minhyuk dressed nice, he was adorable and he also smelled like citrus, which was always nice. 


”You’re staring” Hyungwon remarked, the grey smoking slowly leaving his lips, only to disappear into thin air.  Minhyuk looked flustered, looking away quickly. 


”Sorry, I just… Nah nevermind” The older said, rubbing his neck hastily. Hmm, Hyungwon thought to himself, seemed like he did that when he was nervous; adorable. 


”It’s okay” Hyungwon assured, smiling a little, but on the inside he wasn’t really smiling. He didn’t like how soft he became when he was around Minhyuk, it was like every barrier of confidence he had build around himself just crashed down. 


Hyungwon remembered that they had actually started talking on the camming site, and that gave back a bit of his confidence, he could imagine how Minhyuk felt at the moment. 

He felt confident again and decided to take a chance and test if Minhyuk was still interested by sitting up and leaning on Minhyuks shoulder. The smell of citrus and smoke once again made Hyungwon dizzy, and he could feel the blonde stifle but then relaxing. He smiled. 



They stayed like that for a while, it was pretty comfortable Hyungwon had to admit, and even though they were silent, it wasn’t awkward. 

He rested his head on Minhyuks bare shoulder, the blondes skin was soft and he had a slight tan, which according to Hyungwon only made him more attractive. 


He was wondering what this was, did he like him? Was Hyungwon just attracted to Minhyuk… He didn’t know, this whole scenario with him and Minhyuk did things to him. Things he didn’t really like, but feelings that he at the same time welcomed. It made him feel all warm and fuzzy. 


”So…” Hyungwon started ”For how long have you watched me on ( insert camming site )” He smirked when he saw the older turn red. Hyungwon shifted so he was even closer to Minhyuk. 

”Why are you asking?” The blonde snapped and Hyungwon chuckled. 

”Calm down, only asking… ” Hyungwon decided to be happy with that answer and instead he threw away his cigarette and sighed. 

”Maybe we should go back?” Minhyuk suggested, and Hyungwon took a deep breath. He would’ve loved staying like this, leaned on Minhyuk, smelling the vague citrus all afternoon. 

”10 more minutes please? I have math now and I’m not really in the mood…” Hyungwon mumbled, lips brushing against Minhyuks shoulders. The older shuddered but nodded, 

”Sure… I’m not really in the mood either” Minhyuk hummed. 

Hyungwon decided to change the topic and asked softly if Minhyuk wanted to meet this weekend, and since it was Thursday, only 2 days away. 

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monjiexi #1
Chapter 33: Awww I respect your ddecision but I really did love book 2 as much as I love the first one ㅠㅠ
sehunzy4beast #2
Chapter 32: Thanks for such a amazing story! :) Its really great that it also can help you to get up from your personal problems and become better throuout the whole story. This fact itself is a really good example for everyone to learn from !! Cant wait for book II !!
srod1953 #3
Chapter 31: This story is one of te first that I fell in love with. I'm sad to see it go but hopefully book to will be just as great
Chapter 31: Im glad that feel better now ❤ it'll probably feels empty without reading citrus update ;;
OppaIsWaitingForMe #5
Chapter 31: U actually updated lmao!! xD before i check the updates i first check the replies (to see what kind of bull i wrote to authors and people xD) I didn't know u updated lawl! ANYWAY THAT WAS *Sob sob* BOOTYFUL >,,< *fangirls* sjgxejvdisxishjxjedke!!! So ure gonna ..(?) post another one? Another season xD season two @^@ ooooh!! I'll be the first one to subscribe to it (surely) xD
monjiexi #6
Chapter 31: I cant wait ughhh I love this so muchh srslyyyyyy !!!!
Chapter 31: *hugs* now you almost made me cry :3 but i can't wait for the next one!! :D
srod1953 #8