Hit me up sometimes

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Chapter 26 1/2

Kihyun pushed Wonho up against the wall, hands pinned above his head, slamming the door shut with his foot. Wonho groaned at the slight pain, forgetting it in seconds, giving the other an amused look, not expecting Kihyun to have a more dominant side to himself. 
Kihyun attacked his neck with harsh kisses and bites, pushing his thigh in between his legs, Wonho biting his lips to hold in a moan. 
”You’re perfect…” A very drunk Kihyun slurred, biting down on Wonhos bottom lip, rolling it between his teeth. Wonho let out a small groan, arching his hips into Kihyuns touch, desperate to get some friction. 
”Such a tease…” Wonho groaned, and Kihyun gave him a look in disbelief.
”Says you with your skinny jeans…” Kihyun started removing his shirt ”Or this annoying shirt that you don’t even bother to button up, distracting me all night…”
Kihyun ran his hands amongst Wonhos abs, kissing him desperately. 
”Let’s… Mmm… Move over to the bed…” Wonho suggested, Kihyun nodding before wrapping his legs around Wonhos waist, kissing him again. 

Once they were in the bedroom, Wonho was tired of Kihyuns little ”game”, pushing him down onto the bed, hovering over the younger. 
”You’ve had your fun, now it’s my turn…” He said next to Kihyuns ear, the brunette shrugging when the hot breath hit his ear. 
”Please…” Kihyun groaned quietly, and Wonho smirked ”Sorry? Did you say something?”
Kihyun blushed, unconsciously bucking his hips against Wonhos ”Please… More, make me feel something…” Kihyun moaned, Wonho stopping for a second at that, remembering that he

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monjiexi #1
Chapter 33: Awww I respect your ddecision but I really did love book 2 as much as I love the first one ㅠㅠ
sehunzy4beast #2
Chapter 32: Thanks for such a amazing story! :) Its really great that it also can help you to get up from your personal problems and become better throuout the whole story. This fact itself is a really good example for everyone to learn from !! Cant wait for book II !!
srod1953 #3
Chapter 31: This story is one of te first that I fell in love with. I'm sad to see it go but hopefully book to will be just as great
Chapter 31: Im glad that feel better now ❤ it'll probably feels empty without reading citrus update ;;
OppaIsWaitingForMe #5
Chapter 31: U actually updated lmao!! xD before i check the updates i first check the replies (to see what kind of bull i wrote to authors and people xD) I didn't know u updated lawl! ANYWAY THAT WAS *Sob sob* BOOTYFUL >,,< *fangirls* sjgxejvdisxishjxjedke!!! So ure gonna ..(?) post another one? Another season xD season two @^@ ooooh!! I'll be the first one to subscribe to it (surely) xD
monjiexi #6
Chapter 31: I cant wait ughhh I love this so muchh srslyyyyyy !!!!
Chapter 31: *hugs* now you almost made me cry :3 but i can't wait for the next one!! :D
srod1953 #8