You're mad thinking you could ever save me ( TW )

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Chapter 24 


( You thought it was gonna be sunshine and rainbows now did you... Sry ) 


They were in the park, underneath the old spot, away from all the people. 



”I’m so sorry… For leaving you, for never writing and for ing everything up…”

It was probably the 149th time Minhyuk said those words that evening and Hyungwon smiled, leaning on the other. Minhyuk smelled like his shampoo, and Hyungwon was slightly disappointed, longing for the usual citrus. 

”I… It’s okay now”

Minhyuk smiled, nudging Hyungwons shoulder. 

”So… What about…” Minhyuk looked down at Hyungwon, his ability to speak suddenly disappearing. He was so stunned by the beautiful human being looking back at him, he just had to pause to take it all in. Save it as a mental photography for when times are though. 

Hyungwon looked at him questioningly, and Minhyuk snapped out of it ”What about us?”

”I don’t know…”

Minhyuk sighed, he didn’t know either, it was frustrating. 

”I get if you don’t wanna get together again…” Minhyuk mumbled, barely noticeable and Hyungwon sat up, cupping Minhyuks face.

”Of course I do, I just don’t know if I can… If I trust you”

”As I said, you don’t have too…” Minhyuk said sadly, looking down at the ground. He felt slender fingers lifting his head up, meeting with a pair of dark eyes, before he felt lips on his. 

”But, I want to, and I’m just gonna have to build up that trust again” Hyungwon said, determined and Minhyuk almost felt moved, kissing Hyungwon again. 

”Thank you…” He murmured into the kiss ”You know, Wonho hates me…” Minhyuk laughed and Hyungwon couldn’t help but smile a little himself. 

”I noticed” Hyungwon simply said, taking Minhyuks hand, intertwining their fingers. It was like falling in love with Minhyuk, all over again. 

”Did something happen between the two of you while I was gone? I texted him earlier, and I got the jealousy vibe from him…?”

”Nothing really happened, I guess he just cares…” Hyungwon wasn’t too sure himself, he would have to talk to Wonho about it later. Sort out. But right now, Minhyuk was the only one who mattered. 

”I…” Hyungwon started, but quieted himself instantly. What he was about to say, came as a habit, not from the heart. 

”I love you…” Minhyuk mumbled, and before Hyungwon could answer, he said ”You don’t have to say it back, it’s okay”

Hyungwon smiled a little, leaning on Minhyuk. 


I think I love you 



To: Wonhoe

From: Hyungwon


”Hi, could we talk?”


To: Hyungwonnie

From: Wonho


”Yeah sure, what’s up?”


To: Wonhoe

From: Hyungwon


”I meant face to face?”


To: Hyungwonnie

From: Wonho


”Oh, okay, Wendys at 1pm?”


To: Wonhoe

From: Hyungwon 


”See you then”



Hyungwon stumbled inside Wendys at 1:22, out of breath, hair soaked. He scanned the place for Wonho, who he found at one of the tables next to the windows. 

He hurried over, sitting down on the chair across from Wonho. 

”Sorry for being late, the weather surprised me” Hyungwon said, putting his bag on the floor next to him. 

”I noticed” Wonho said amused, leaning back ”What’s wrong?”

”Who said something was wrong?”

”Just tell me”

”Stop being so rude”



Hyungwon crossed his arms, trying to look pissed but the both of them just started laughing seconds later. 

”Okay, but on a serious note” Hyungwon said, after calming down from the laughing, regaining his usual calm self ”I wanna talk about… Minhyuk”

Something changed in Wonhos eyes, and Hyungwon started questioning if this was a good idea. 

”First of all, why do you hate him?”

Wonho laughed at that ”Guess three time Hyungwonnie”

”Because he went to the US?”

”Hm, something like that” Wonho said, leaning back in his seat.

”So, that’s why Jimin had to hold you back that day? So you wouldn’t beat the living crap out of him?”

”Yes, that’s why” Wonho said calmly, taking a sip of his coffee, and Hyungwon sighed.

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monjiexi #1
Chapter 33: Awww I respect your ddecision but I really did love book 2 as much as I love the first one ㅠㅠ
sehunzy4beast #2
Chapter 32: Thanks for such a amazing story! :) Its really great that it also can help you to get up from your personal problems and become better throuout the whole story. This fact itself is a really good example for everyone to learn from !! Cant wait for book II !!
srod1953 #3
Chapter 31: This story is one of te first that I fell in love with. I'm sad to see it go but hopefully book to will be just as great
Chapter 31: Im glad that feel better now ❤ it'll probably feels empty without reading citrus update ;;
OppaIsWaitingForMe #5
Chapter 31: U actually updated lmao!! xD before i check the updates i first check the replies (to see what kind of bull i wrote to authors and people xD) I didn't know u updated lawl! ANYWAY THAT WAS *Sob sob* BOOTYFUL >,,< *fangirls* sjgxejvdisxishjxjedke!!! So ure gonna ..(?) post another one? Another season xD season two @^@ ooooh!! I'll be the first one to subscribe to it (surely) xD
monjiexi #6
Chapter 31: I cant wait ughhh I love this so muchh srslyyyyyy !!!!
Chapter 31: *hugs* now you almost made me cry :3 but i can't wait for the next one!! :D
srod1953 #8