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I gave myself final look in the mirror.

I must admit, I had a hard time getting ready without Sohyun or Jia to help me, but in the end I thought I looked decent enough.

I glanced at the clock and saw it was 5 minutes to 8 o'clock, the time our reservations were.

I quickly grabbed my purse and cardigan, heading for the door.

Stopping, I went back to the bed and picked up the small piece of paper Jungkook left for me.

Well it might be a good idea to keep his number. You know, just in case I needed it.

Why the hell did you need it Hyeon? When were you going to call him?

Shoving the paper in my bag, I hurried out the door.



The hotel's restaurant wasn't very difficult to find, but looking around the room, I felt a bit underdressed. I looked down; I just had on a white floral dress with silver flats, while everyone else in the restaurant had on suits, ties, and glamourous dresses.

Dammit, I hope I don't stand out too much.

Walking up to the counter, I tried looking around the restaurant for Jimin.

"Do you need help?"

I turned to see the restaurant hostess looking at me intently.

"Err, yes. I have a reservation for 2."

She opened up a binder, "Name?"

. Whose name did Jungkook put our reservations under?

I saw her looking at me annoyed.

I took a deep breath, "Park Jimin?"

She gave me a look, "You don't sound so sure about that name."

I shook my head, "No, I'm sure."

God I hope I was sure. The hostess looked as if she was about to tear me head off my body.

She looked at her binder with a frown, "You're one other is already here, follow me," she said leading me into the restaurant.

I could feel the judging eyes of all the women in the room. I gave them a look.

So what if I wasn't rich and fancy like you? At least I had some dignity.

The hostess led me to a back room that had dim lighting.

"Mr Park, your date is here," she moved aside and I saw Jimin in the centre of the room with a white shirt and blazer on.

He looked up and his eyes went wide when he saw me, but quickly changed as a wave of relief washed over his face.

As the hostess left, we just stood there looking at each other until I moved closer to sit down.

"Here let me," he said pulling out my chair for me.

I sat down and gave him a small smile.

He sat back down and I looked around the room.

There was only one table in the room, which was ours, the lights were dimmed, and a floral smell of roses filled the room.

Wow, Jungkook really went all out preparing this date.

"So why didn't anyone tell me I was going for dinner with you tonight?" he said as I turned my attention back to him.

"Well to be honest Sohyun and Jungkook planned this all today so," I shrugged, "you can say I really didn't know about it either."

He leaned in, "You know, when Kook told me that I was going on a blind-date, I was kind of afraid that it would be some crazed fan who would be fangirling over me all night," Jimin lowered his voice causing me to lean in to hear him, "but I'm glad it was you."

Our eyes locked.

A small dimple appeared on his cheek.

In complete honesty, Jimin was the kind of guy I could see myself with. He was cheeky, but charming. He was easy to talk to and I felt like I could be myself around him, even if that meant I could act like an idiot. Gosh, I bet even Sora would be proud of me for finding someone aside from Hoon.

And that was probably the best thing about Jimin; he was the complete opposite of Hoon.

When our food arrived, we spent most of the night chatting away about absolutely everything we could possibly talk about.

He told me stories about him and the boys on tour, his life back home, their new album.

I told him about my friends back home, school, and my lifelong dreams.

There were times when our legs would brush up against each other as we were talking, and I couldn't help but notice that everything, even the slightest things, felt just right.



When we were finished our dinner, Jimin got up and paid the bill.

This night was going better than I expected, and I didn't even think about Jungkook once.

, I mentally slapped myself. Jungkook.

"Ready to go?" Jimin asked as he came back from paying the bill.

I gave him a toothy grin, "Yuuup!"

We walked out of the restaurant and along a deserted sidewalk.

I felt Jimin place his hand into mine. I blushed slightly as the skinship. Looking up at him, I gave him a small smile. “Is this okay?” he asked.

His hands were soft and his long slender fingers perfectly intertwined with mine.

I nodded in response.

"So where are we going?" I wondered looking up at him.

"I thought we could go back to the dorms, watch a film and just chill. They’re not that far from here so it'll be easy for you to go back to your suite," he looked at me with a small smile.

We arrived at a fairly large building, and Jimin put his key in and opened the door.

Taking me hand, I let him guide me to the third floor of the building, stopping at a door, which I assumed must have been the dorms.

“Are any of the boys home?”

He shook his head, “I don’t think so. Most of them have gone back to spend time with families since we have a bit of a break this weekend.”

Inside the dorms, I headed straight for the couch, c

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jamychanel #1
Chapter 29: I hope you'll continue writing the story I'm so curious as to what will happen to hyeon and if Jungkook got a chance (^^)
Chapter 29: Woah!! This story is intense! Interesting!!
Jimin y r u confused :( U love her n her only!
Don't get distracted
U two r good together!
Chapter 29: Wow! Awesome story!!!! Update soon please
Chapter 29: I love this story, update soon<33333 pleaseeeee~~~
Chapter 29: Ughhh now I want Jimin and Hyeon!!!! T_T Author-nim, IM REALLY HOPING that Hyeon will be with Jimin but why do I have a feeling that... She won't?
LadySyndra #6
Chapter 3: I feel like she should've been more understanding of why JungKook was such a . I mean, she herself went through something terrible and her personality changed. She should've thought 'oh maybe he's going through something as well'
Magnoliyana #7
Chapter 29: Please be strong author-nim.. Time will heal you. Or if not, you'll get used to it i guess. Ive been there many years back and it's totally fine now, altho we dont talk anymore..

And it's obvious that Jungkook is the best for Hyeon but I cnt help but to feel that Jungkook is nothing more but a brother to her,like I dont sense any romantic feelings btwn them. Hehe. And im not so for TeamJimin either after he met Yoona. Lol. *majorplottwist* Hyeon ends up with another BTS member. Muahahaha!
Sugardreamx #8
Chapter 14: Crap. I didn't realize i pushed the next button before i can comment for kookhyeon kiss! I knew the tension can't stop it but well... Seems wrong tho.

And they chose to forget it. Lol. I wonder if another kiss would come before they could straight up their priority.

Yeah hyeon deserve explanation!

P.S : Imagine suga blushed make me grin so wide
Sugardreamx #9
Chapter 10: I just rewatched what a girl wants around a week ago and the scene when hyeon was searching for milk and creal remind me of that movie..

And it turns out i was right. Haha.

Damn kookie. Get yourself together. Remember you still have sohyun. At least you have to get proper break up with her first before fall deeper to hyeon. Hehe