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My eyes flew open at the sound of a loud thud against the window.

The rain was coming down harder than ever and the wind was whistling a haunting eery sound.

My heart started pounding.

, why was I such a wuss when it came too scary noises? I have watched way too many horror movies in my life which got me paranoid even more.

I glanced over at the bedside clock: 3AM

I turned over to look around Jimin’s room. I got up and walked towards the door. Walking out of his room and down the hall, I made my way into the kitchen.

I stuck my head in the fridge looking for milk.

Hearing a creak behind me, my heart started pounding again and I grabbed the closest thing I could find, spinning around and holding it up as it I was going to have to stab someone like the main characters in a horror movie.

"What are you doing?"

I gave out a deep sigh and put down the fork I picked up a few seconds ago.

Jungkook rubbed his eyes coming up to me.

He was wearing a white t-shirt and shorts. Not to mention his hair ruffled everywhere.

Awwwe, he looked like a little boy waking up fr--

Stop it.

"I thought you were a murderer," I admitted.

He gave a small laugh, "And you were going to do what? Stab me with a fork?"

It was my turn to laugh.

"No, I meant what are you doing up?"

I gave him a wary smile, "I couldn't sleep," I said, scrummaging through their fridge again, "What are you doing up?"

He plopped down on a chair across the counter from me, "I couldn't sleep either. The wind was giving me a headache."

I nodded as I started to look through their cabinets.

"What are you even looking for?"

"Cereal. Do you guys even have any?"

He nodded, "Here, let me."

Getting up from his seat, he came up beside me and opened the cabinet, stretching up to reach the cereal which was resting on the top shelf.

As he did so, I couldn't help but notice his shirt raising as his arms went up for the cereal.

I wonder if he's as toned as Jim--

Stop. Hyeon, you need to get yourself together.

I looked back up at him as he grabbed the cereal and handed it to me.

Our bodies were dangerously close, and I just couldn't help but get lost in his ey--

I looked down and cursed under my breath, "Err, thanks."

I moved away from him and took a seat on the counter, pouring my cereal and milk into a bowl.

He came around with two cups of water, handing me one, "So if you couldn't sleep, why are you eating cereal?"

I swirled my spoon around the bowl, "You know that movie What a Girl Wants?"

He thought for a bit, “No… Is that an American movie?”

I nodded, "I watched that movie with my dad and in the movie. There was a scene when Daphne, the main character, couldn't sleep, she would eat cereal," I scooped up a spoonful of cereal and placed it in my mouth, chewing it slowly.

Jungkook waited patiently until I was done, "When I was little and I couldn't sleep, I would wake up appa and we would eat cereal together, just like Daphne and her dad in the movie."

I bit my lip remembering all the times appa and I spent together, and how I wouldn't be able to eat cereal with him anymore.

Jungkook nodded, "Sounds like you and your dad had a special relationship."

I smiled down at the bowl in front of me, "We did."

I looked up at Jungkook, waiting for him to question me like everyone else, what did you mean you did?

But he didn't.

"So," he said changing the subject, "how about your mom?"

I froze and felt all the blood drain from my face.

I wasn't planning on telling him.

Well, to be honest, I wasn't really planning on telling anyone when I moved to Busan. I had a plan that if anyone asked ab

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I'm back with an update! I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long but please be sure that I am now back!


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jamychanel #1
Chapter 29: I hope you'll continue writing the story I'm so curious as to what will happen to hyeon and if Jungkook got a chance (^^)
Chapter 29: Woah!! This story is intense! Interesting!!
Jimin y r u confused :( U love her n her only!
Don't get distracted
U two r good together!
Chapter 29: Wow! Awesome story!!!! Update soon please
Chapter 29: I love this story, update soon<33333 pleaseeeee~~~
Chapter 29: Ughhh now I want Jimin and Hyeon!!!! T_T Author-nim, IM REALLY HOPING that Hyeon will be with Jimin but why do I have a feeling that... She won't?
LadySyndra #6
Chapter 3: I feel like she should've been more understanding of why JungKook was such a . I mean, she herself went through something terrible and her personality changed. She should've thought 'oh maybe he's going through something as well'
Magnoliyana #7
Chapter 29: Please be strong author-nim.. Time will heal you. Or if not, you'll get used to it i guess. Ive been there many years back and it's totally fine now, altho we dont talk anymore..

And it's obvious that Jungkook is the best for Hyeon but I cnt help but to feel that Jungkook is nothing more but a brother to her,like I dont sense any romantic feelings btwn them. Hehe. And im not so for TeamJimin either after he met Yoona. Lol. *majorplottwist* Hyeon ends up with another BTS member. Muahahaha!
Sugardreamx #8
Chapter 14: Crap. I didn't realize i pushed the next button before i can comment for kookhyeon kiss! I knew the tension can't stop it but well... Seems wrong tho.

And they chose to forget it. Lol. I wonder if another kiss would come before they could straight up their priority.

Yeah hyeon deserve explanation!

P.S : Imagine suga blushed make me grin so wide
Sugardreamx #9
Chapter 10: I just rewatched what a girl wants around a week ago and the scene when hyeon was searching for milk and creal remind me of that movie..

And it turns out i was right. Haha.

Damn kookie. Get yourself together. Remember you still have sohyun. At least you have to get proper break up with her first before fall deeper to hyeon. Hehe