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My eyes cracked open as the sunlight hit my eyes.

I sighed, about to get out of bed, when I felt a pair of arms wrapped around me.

Slightly turning my head, I saw Jungkook asleep next to me. I freaked out a little trying to remember what happened.

Remembering last night, I smiled.

Jungkook was there for me, and it seemed like he always has been there for me to help me out or to comfort me whenever it was necessary; when I told him about my parents, when he stayed three hours to help me with me assignment, and now, when he found out his best friend was just playing with me.

I nudged him gently, and he moaned.

Getting right next to his ear, I whispered, "Jungkook? Kooookie, it's time to get up."

His eyes fluttered open, and we were now lying down face to face with one another.

"Hey," he whispered.

I smiled, "Hey," I whispered back.

"How are y--"

We were cut off by a loud banging on the door.

"GUYS GET UP BREAKFAST IS READY!" Sora yelled from the other side of the door before opening it wide.

She stood there in front of us, her arms crossed, and she was glaring at Jungkook.

"Err, hey Sora," Jungkook managed to fumble out as he scrambled to get out of bed, but tripped a couple of times before finally standing up straight and bowing towards her.

I giggled, but she shot me a glare.

"Before either of you say anything, I want to know what Jeon Jungkook is doing here and why you were in bed together when he clearly has a girlfriend," Sora snapped at us.

"Well I--" Jungkook started saying before I cut him off.

"Kook was just worried about me, Sora," I explained to her, "I mean, he's been one of my best friends since I've moved away from here and, I mean, wouldn't you do the same thing and follow me if I went off with someone else if last night played over again?" I questioned her.

She sighed, "Yeah, you're right," she glanced over at Jungkook, "Sorry about that, it's just, my mom came to wake you up but she saw Jungkook in bed and she flipped!"

My eyes grew wide and Jungkook’s jaw dropped.

"Wha-- What you say?" I asked quickly, "I mean, you did make up something, didn't you?"

Rolling her eyes she said, "Of course I made up something, but...” Sora bit her bottom lip, and she only did that when she was nervous.

I eyed her, "But what?"

She took a deep breath in.

"But I told her that Jungkook was your boyfriend and he was probably here to apologize about what happened last night so when you go downstairs for breakfast, you need to act well... Couple-y," Sora said as fast as she could.

My jaw dropped.

"You WHAT?"

She cringed, "I'm sorry I couldn't think of any other reason why you he would be in bed with you so I told her you were together."

I turned to Jungkook who to my surprise, seemed to be calm.

He shrugged, "I'm okay with it, I mean, it's just for the morning."

I finally gave in and sighed, "Alright," I said shooing Sora out of the room, "We'll be down in a bit so just wait."

Shutting the door, I turned to face Jungkook.

"So how--"

His phone started vibrating like crazy.

"Sorry, hang on a sec," he said taking out his phone.

I watched as his eyes grew wide, "."

I raised an eyebrow at him, "What?"

He ran a hand through his tousled hair, "Sohyun’s wondering where I am. She even called Jimin and he said he didn't know where I was."

I gawked at him, "You mean you didn't tell her you were coming here to find me?"

He gnawed on his bottom lip, "Well... Not really..."

My palm came in contact with my forehead.

"You have got to be kidding me!" I exclaimed in frustration.

He started punching in numbers on his phone, "Wait wait wait, I think I got an idea."

I watched as he lifted the phone to his ear before someone finally picked up.

"Hey Yoongi hyung!" he chirped, "Listen, I need you to do me a big favour. What do you mean not another one? Just listen! Can you text Sohyun and tell her I'm with you? Why? No I'm not with Jimin because he's being a . I'm with Hyeon. Where? In Ulsan. Hyung no-- don't do that just-- Hyung! Just do this for me please! FINE! But text Sohyun!" Jungkook shouted into the phone before hanging up.

I stared at him, "So....?"

He collapsed on to the bed groaning.

"Yoongi hyung said that he'd cover for me but he's coming to pick me up right now," Jungkook mumbled.

"Why is he coming to pick you up now?"

"Because he hates lying, and I guess picking me up would soften the lie since if he picked me up, I really would be with him, thus, making the lie a truth," he explained.

I shook my head, "Anyways. So how are we going to do this?" I said pointing my finger at Jungkook then back at me.

He took a step so the gap between us closed, our face once inches apart.

"Just follow my lead," he said quietly.

Putting his hand on the small of my back, we walked down the stairs into the kitchen where Sora and her mom were eating breakfast and chatting away, until we came into the room.

"Good morning!" Sora’s mom chirped happily.

"Morning," Jungkook and I said at the same time.

Sora’s mom grabbed two plates from off the table and loaded them with food, handing both me and Jungkook a plate, "You guys must be starving, you should eat!"

"Thank you, Ajumma," Jungkook said politely as we sat down at the table to eat our breakfast.

Sora’s mom sat across the table from Jungkook, her elbows propped up on the table, "I'm sorry but I haven't formally met you yet, my boy," she said to Jungkook.

Jungkook flashed her a charming smile, "I'm Jeon Jungkook, Miss," Jungkook said as he stood up to bow 90 degrees. Sora’s mom seemed happy with this.

"So tell me Jungkook-ah, what do you do?"

Sora groaned beside me and we looked at each other.

Since my mom died, Sora’s mom took charge in stepping in to become my secondary mother when my aunt was at work and let me by myself.

Sora and I both knew that her mom was interrogating Jungkook like a proper mom should when meeting their daughter's boyfriend.

"Well, I'm a singer in a group," Jungkook explained to her.

Sora’s mom looked at me, her eyebrows raised.

"In a group? I see," she said, "Is your group... Well known?"

It was Sora who laughed.

Jungkook smiled, "Actually, I think we're pretty well known."

"Eomma," Sora said getting her mother's attention, "He's in BTS."

Ajumma’s eyes widened in shock.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't know," Sora’s mum said turning a bright shade of red.

Jungkook chuckled, "It's fine, Ajumma."

Sora turned to Jungkook, "Hey Jungkook, did you know that Hyeon can si--"

I slapped my hand over and glared at her.

Jungkook looked at me questioningly, "Hyeon can do what?" he asked.

I gave him a nervous smile, "Nothing. Nothing at all, isn't that right Sora?"

She nodded and I released my hand from .

Yes, you almost heard it from Sora.

I could sing. Well, I used to sing. My father working at a recording studio and all, of course he was willing to

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jamychanel #1
Chapter 29: I hope you'll continue writing the story I'm so curious as to what will happen to hyeon and if Jungkook got a chance (^^)
Chapter 29: Woah!! This story is intense! Interesting!!
Jimin y r u confused :( U love her n her only!
Don't get distracted
U two r good together!
Chapter 29: Wow! Awesome story!!!! Update soon please
Chapter 29: I love this story, update soon<33333 pleaseeeee~~~
Chapter 29: Ughhh now I want Jimin and Hyeon!!!! T_T Author-nim, IM REALLY HOPING that Hyeon will be with Jimin but why do I have a feeling that... She won't?
LadySyndra #6
Chapter 3: I feel like she should've been more understanding of why JungKook was such a . I mean, she herself went through something terrible and her personality changed. She should've thought 'oh maybe he's going through something as well'
Magnoliyana #7
Chapter 29: Please be strong author-nim.. Time will heal you. Or if not, you'll get used to it i guess. Ive been there many years back and it's totally fine now, altho we dont talk anymore..

And it's obvious that Jungkook is the best for Hyeon but I cnt help but to feel that Jungkook is nothing more but a brother to her,like I dont sense any romantic feelings btwn them. Hehe. And im not so for TeamJimin either after he met Yoona. Lol. *majorplottwist* Hyeon ends up with another BTS member. Muahahaha!
Sugardreamx #8
Chapter 14: Crap. I didn't realize i pushed the next button before i can comment for kookhyeon kiss! I knew the tension can't stop it but well... Seems wrong tho.

And they chose to forget it. Lol. I wonder if another kiss would come before they could straight up their priority.

Yeah hyeon deserve explanation!

P.S : Imagine suga blushed make me grin so wide
Sugardreamx #9
Chapter 10: I just rewatched what a girl wants around a week ago and the scene when hyeon was searching for milk and creal remind me of that movie..

And it turns out i was right. Haha.

Damn kookie. Get yourself together. Remember you still have sohyun. At least you have to get proper break up with her first before fall deeper to hyeon. Hehe