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My eyes opened to find Jungkook sitting quietly the bed across from mine. I shot out of bed grabbing my blanket and pulling it up to cover my chest that had almost been exposed. "WHAT THE HELL!" I screamed, which caused Jimin to sit up straight beside me.

"Wait, what's going on, Hyeon?" he asked as he frantically looked around the room. He spotted Jungkook in the room and groaned. "Kookie, what are you doing here. I don't know if you can tell but we're kind of nak--"

Jungkook cleared his throat, knowing what Jimin was going to say. "Uhh yeah. I already kind of noticed that," he said looking at me with a frown. I awkwardly scratched my head, trying to give him a look that said, 'I'll explain later.'

Jungkook seemed to pick up what I was trying to say, and he nodded his head. "Um, I was just waiting for you guys to wake up because, Hyeon, our lunch reservations are in half an hour." Jungkook said getting up and throwing Jimin his boxers and other clothes that were lying on the ground. Jimin looked at me and raised a brow. "Lunch reservations? You didn't tell me you were going to have lunch with Kookie."

I looked over at Jungkook nervously as he gave me a reassuring look. I didn't know we had lunch reservations either. "Oh well, we haven't really had the time to talk as much since I'm with you, and he's with Sohyun. You know, just to catch up," I said, making up a little white lie on the spot.

Jimin nodded as he pulled on his clothes, "That's understandable," he said now throwing me some underwear and a dress to put on, "Take care of her, Kookie!" Jimin said jokingly to Jungkook as he opened the door, gave me a wink, and walked out leaving Jungkook and my self alone in my room.

Jungkook looked at me as his mouth began to open, and I knew what he was going to ask so I just cut to the chase. "What do you want me to have said? No? He would have been suspicious." I said as I rolled my eyes at Jungkook, explaining what the last night was about. I gave him a look, "And anyways, don't tell me you didn't Sohyun last night." He began to say something again, but quickly shut his mouth and proving my point.

"Turn around," I commanded him. He raised a brow at me, "Why? I mean, it's not like I'm not going to see you , why not just get it ove-"

"Just turn around!" I told him again, and he turned his back to me chuckling. I quickly pulled my dress over my head and turned around to find Jungkook facing me again. "Kookie, what did I sa-"

"You have a very nice bum, you know?" he told me smirking.

I whacked him on the side of his head and grabbed my purse from off the table, "Come on." I said as I grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the room.



I shoved some more of the pasta into my mouth and moaned in delight, "This stuff is ing delicious!" I said with a mouthful of food in my mouth and Jungkook looked at me and laughed. "You're so adorable." he chirped and I felt myself squirm in my seat. Why did that comment make me feel weird? Maybe because I wasn’t used to hearing it from Jungkook.

He leaned in closer to me from across the table, "You know last night when me and Sohyun were..." he cringed slightly, "You know." I rolled my eyes.

"Having , banging, ing, all of the above. Yes I do know, me and Jimin were doing the same thing, pabo. You don't have to feel guilty," I said to him before taking a sip of my water. "Keep going."

He gave a small laugh, "Yeah that. Anyways, I almost blew our cover you know?" he said as I leaned in closer to hear what he had to say.

"What the hell Jungkook. How?"

He gave me a sly grin, "Well when were almost, you know, I almost said your name instead of hers."

My eyes grew wide and I slapped his hand that was on the table, "Why?! How could you do that you idiot!" I exclaimed, thinking about all the possible scenarios that could have played out if he had.

I saw a twinkle in his eye, "Well can you blame me? You're just really really se-"

I threw my napkin at him to shut him up, "Shut up! We're in public!" I whisper-shouted at him. He shrugged, "But it's true." I rolled my eyes.

He took the napkin that I just threw at him and held it up against my face, "You have a little something here," he said wiping whatever was on my cheek. I gave out a small smile. I felt my eyes slowly travelling to what was behind Jungkook's head and quickly slapped his hand away from my face. He gave me a confused look, "What? What's wrong?" he asked me. I ducked a bit so that the back of Jungkook's head was blocking me view.

"Oh my god," I muttered under my breath, "Jin and Mina."

Jungkook gave me a surprised look and turned in his seat. And there was Jin and Mina sitting together in a corner table that was isolated from the other tables. They were laughing and it looked like they were having a good time. Jungkook smiled, "So that's the girl Jin hyung was talking to me about. They look cute don't they?"

I peeked at them and smiled. They did look cute. "Do you think we should g

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jamychanel #1
Chapter 29: I hope you'll continue writing the story I'm so curious as to what will happen to hyeon and if Jungkook got a chance (^^)
Chapter 29: Woah!! This story is intense! Interesting!!
Jimin y r u confused :( U love her n her only!
Don't get distracted
U two r good together!
Chapter 29: Wow! Awesome story!!!! Update soon please
Chapter 29: I love this story, update soon<33333 pleaseeeee~~~
Chapter 29: Ughhh now I want Jimin and Hyeon!!!! T_T Author-nim, IM REALLY HOPING that Hyeon will be with Jimin but why do I have a feeling that... She won't?
LadySyndra #6
Chapter 3: I feel like she should've been more understanding of why JungKook was such a . I mean, she herself went through something terrible and her personality changed. She should've thought 'oh maybe he's going through something as well'
Magnoliyana #7
Chapter 29: Please be strong author-nim.. Time will heal you. Or if not, you'll get used to it i guess. Ive been there many years back and it's totally fine now, altho we dont talk anymore..

And it's obvious that Jungkook is the best for Hyeon but I cnt help but to feel that Jungkook is nothing more but a brother to her,like I dont sense any romantic feelings btwn them. Hehe. And im not so for TeamJimin either after he met Yoona. Lol. *majorplottwist* Hyeon ends up with another BTS member. Muahahaha!
Sugardreamx #8
Chapter 14: Crap. I didn't realize i pushed the next button before i can comment for kookhyeon kiss! I knew the tension can't stop it but well... Seems wrong tho.

And they chose to forget it. Lol. I wonder if another kiss would come before they could straight up their priority.

Yeah hyeon deserve explanation!

P.S : Imagine suga blushed make me grin so wide
Sugardreamx #9
Chapter 10: I just rewatched what a girl wants around a week ago and the scene when hyeon was searching for milk and creal remind me of that movie..

And it turns out i was right. Haha.

Damn kookie. Get yourself together. Remember you still have sohyun. At least you have to get proper break up with her first before fall deeper to hyeon. Hehe