twenty one

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I was 15 the last time someone decided to slap me.

It was right after my mother's funeral and at school, I was just all depressed. I didn't talk. I didn't eat. I didn't do homework. My teachers understood where I was coming from and didn't question me about it, instead, they tried to give me the easiest school year possible. But I guess some people didn't agree. Jiwoo was the school's . It's hard to imagine that we used to be friends; seeing her in a nice state was still blurry in my mind. The week of my mother's death. She decided it would be fun to 'play' with my feelings. I was constantly getting yelled at and made fun of by her and her group of friends everyday at school. But I didn't react. In fact, I wasn't feeling anything at all. No emotions. No pain. No sorrow. Nothing. I knew that I shouldn't give into them, they were a bunch of stupid pricks that I couldn't give them the satisfaction of reacting to them. So I ignored them. Until one day, Jiwoo seemed to get fed up that I wasn't even acknowledging them that she came right up to me and started going off about how it was my fault that my mom committed suicide, and about how everything was my fault.

And I just stood there and didn't say anything. I just stood there and watched her yell at me whilst I just listened to her ramble on about nothing. That's when she got so pissed off that for once, someone wasn't acknowledging her, that she slapped me straight across the face.

Sohyun's slap seemed about the same. But the only difference is that this time, I was reacting. I could still feel the sting of her hand coming in contact with my cheek even once she stopped. My eyes seemed to flow an everlasting amount of tears. And I just stood there. Listening to Sohyun yelling at me, and all that was going through my head was 'what if Jimin found out?' That wast he honest to god truth. In the moment, I didn't care about Jungkook. I didn't care about Sohyun or even myself. I just seemed to think about Jimin and what he would say if he found out I was cheating on him.

"YOU ING !" Sohyun yelled at me for about the tenth time, "I CAN'T BELIEVE I EVER CALLED YOU MY FRIEND!" She continued to yell as she started moving around the room, grabbing all of my things and chucking them out the door. And I just stood there, tears still streaming down my face. I didn't know what to say. I mean, what could I say? I couldn't say it never happened because it did. I couldn't say that I was sorry, because no matter how much I wanted to feel sorry, I wasn't. Jungkook was just... amazing, and the thought of him feeling what he and I felt together with someone else just knocked all the air out of my lungs.

"Sohyun..." I whispered quietly, trying to call out to her to give me a chance to talk.

She snapped her head towards me, and I could practically see fumes coming out of the side of her head, "WHAT?!"


"What the hell is going on here?!" Jia appeared at the door with noticeable bags under her eyes and her hair was a mess. "I'm trying to get some sleep and you guys are waking up the entire dorm!"

I looked over at Jia, my eyes big and were probably looking very desperate. Jia's eyes met mine and that's when I knew that she knew what was going on.

Sohyun continued to pick up my things and chuck them out the door, "You see this girl right here, Jia? She's been ing seeing my boyfriend behind me back!" Sohyun spat.

Jia just stood there beside me, watching whilst Sohyun kept throwing my things out the door. But she remained silent.

Sohyun stopped what she was doing and looked up at Jia, obviously not the reaction she was looking for, "Why are you just standing there, Jia?! Our so called friend was trying to steal my ing boyfriend!" Sohyun shrieked, "And all you're doing is stand--" Sohyun froze and looked at Jia. I didn't think that it was anymore possible for Sohyun's eyes to become even narrower, but they did.

She glared at Jia, "Did you- did you know?" Sohyun questioned Jia. I quickly glanced over at Jia, and tried to tell her she didn't have to take the blame, that she didn't have to go down with me.

But Jia hung her head and nodded.

Sohyun walked straight up to Jia's face and I thought she would slap her as she had done to me; finding out both of her friends had been lying to her. But instead she spoke, "Both of you. Get. Out." she hissed at us as she threw the last of my things out of our room and slammed the door in our face.

That's when I felt Jia bring me into a hug and I cried. I cried as hard as I did during my father's funeral. I cried as hard as I did the night that Hoon broke up with me. I cried as hard as I did before, and more. Jia her hand over my hair trying to soothe me, "Shhh, it's okay Hyeon. Everything will be okay. We just need to go talk to Jimin and Jungkook about this," she murmured to me. And at the mention of Jimin and Jungkook' name, I cried even harder.

"Talk to me about what?"

I felt Jia's head glance up from my shoulder, "." she whispered under her breath. I slowly turned around to find the last person I would want to see.


His smile that he had on his fac

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jamychanel #1
Chapter 29: I hope you'll continue writing the story I'm so curious as to what will happen to hyeon and if Jungkook got a chance (^^)
Chapter 29: Woah!! This story is intense! Interesting!!
Jimin y r u confused :( U love her n her only!
Don't get distracted
U two r good together!
Chapter 29: Wow! Awesome story!!!! Update soon please
Chapter 29: I love this story, update soon<33333 pleaseeeee~~~
Chapter 29: Ughhh now I want Jimin and Hyeon!!!! T_T Author-nim, IM REALLY HOPING that Hyeon will be with Jimin but why do I have a feeling that... She won't?
LadySyndra #6
Chapter 3: I feel like she should've been more understanding of why JungKook was such a . I mean, she herself went through something terrible and her personality changed. She should've thought 'oh maybe he's going through something as well'
Magnoliyana #7
Chapter 29: Please be strong author-nim.. Time will heal you. Or if not, you'll get used to it i guess. Ive been there many years back and it's totally fine now, altho we dont talk anymore..

And it's obvious that Jungkook is the best for Hyeon but I cnt help but to feel that Jungkook is nothing more but a brother to her,like I dont sense any romantic feelings btwn them. Hehe. And im not so for TeamJimin either after he met Yoona. Lol. *majorplottwist* Hyeon ends up with another BTS member. Muahahaha!
Sugardreamx #8
Chapter 14: Crap. I didn't realize i pushed the next button before i can comment for kookhyeon kiss! I knew the tension can't stop it but well... Seems wrong tho.

And they chose to forget it. Lol. I wonder if another kiss would come before they could straight up their priority.

Yeah hyeon deserve explanation!

P.S : Imagine suga blushed make me grin so wide
Sugardreamx #9
Chapter 10: I just rewatched what a girl wants around a week ago and the scene when hyeon was searching for milk and creal remind me of that movie..

And it turns out i was right. Haha.

Damn kookie. Get yourself together. Remember you still have sohyun. At least you have to get proper break up with her first before fall deeper to hyeon. Hehe