Chapter 26

Love The Way You Lie

Chapter 26


Jung-Hwa has had an uneasy feeling tugging at her. She felt like she was being watched every second. This feeling made her paranoid and she really began to think she had gone crazy. Almost every chance she had she looked over her shoulder. 


It was late and she had just returned from visiting Seungsung in the hospital. The man regained his ability to move normally but he still had trouble speaking. He was struggling to communicate and Jung-Hwa felt terrible. 


As soon as she arrived at her home, she pulled into the driveway and held her keys in hand as she made her way up to the front door. It was quiet all except for the sound of her keys jingling in her hands. 


The next thing Jung-Hwa felt was a hand on her shoulder spinning her around. Her body was pressed harshly against the door. She squirmed as her heartbeat paced. 


“Who are you?!” Jung-Hwa shouted. “Get off me!”


“What did you do with my money?” Zico asked impatiently. 


Jung-Hwa’s horrified eyes widened. “Wha—what money? I don’t know what you’re talking about?” 


“Where is my 500 million won?” Zico asked, each word seethed through his lips angrily. “Don’t try to lie to me.”


“I—I really don’t know what you’re talking about. Please let me go. I don’t know you. You must be making a mistake.” 


Zico let out a devious chuckle. His eyes were wild and his smile sent shivers down Jung-Hwa’s spine. “Kim Jung-Hwa. A check was written out to you from me. Am I wrong? Are you not Kim Jung-Hwa?!” 


A fearful cry emitted from Jung-Hwa’s mouth as she cowered down the door. She didn’t dare look up at he man harassing her. She prayed that this was just all a dream. 


The man above her knelt down in front of her. “What did you do with my money? Just give it back and I’ll forget all about his, hmm?” 


“I can’t,” Jung-Hwa said quietly. 


“What was that?” 


“I can’t. I don’t have that money anymore.” 


Zico wrapped his hand around Jung-Hwa’s neck, pulling her up to her feet. She grasped onto his hand and tried to get him to release her. 


“Hyeona... Hyeona gave me the money.” Her voice gasping for air didn’t help much. Zico could barely hear her sentence process through his ears and into his head. 


“Hyuna?” Zico chuckled. “Of course that .” He recalled Hyeona knowing most of his personal matters. He didn’t think she’d go this far as to leaving him without a won to his name. He released Jung-Hwa, who then fell onto the front porch gasping for air. She stared at his feet in humiliation. 


“Ah, Hyuna.” Zico scoffed as he looked down at the pathetic woman at his feet. “I’ll find you.” 


Jung-Hwa shook in fear as she watched the man disappear from her sight. She said Hyeona but why did he say Hyuna? Her mind was running through so many thoughts. Surely he misheard her unless... Jung-Hwa gasped. She remembered Hyeona always used Hyuna’s identity. She recollected herself and stood up and entered the safety of her home. Now she had to find Hyeona before that man comes back for her or worse targets Hyuna.


She ran inside, locking the door behind her. A soft breath of relief came out and she pressed a hand to her chest. Breathing in and out didn’t calm her down much. 




Jung-Hwa quickly turned to the direction of the voice. Her eyes widened even more and to her surprise, Hyuna stood there with worry in her eyes.


“Are you ok?” Hyuna asked worriedly. 


It took a second for Jung-Hwa to snap out of her shock. She nodded and answered back with, “I’m fine, Hyuna. What are you doing here? Don’t you live with your husband?” 


Hyuna looked down. She didn’t know how to say it but she had to. “Me and Jiyong aren’t going to be together anymore.” 




“It was a mutual agreement,” Hyuna said still looking down. “This is still my home so I came back.”


Jung-Hwa nodded. She didn’t speak another word. She headed for the stairs and took a couple steps up before turning back to Hyuna. “Hyuna, please be careful. If you’re going to stay here then stay. Don’t be leaving whenever you want.” That was Jung-Hwa’s only warning to her. She turned back and continued up the stairs.


Hyuna left the living room and traveled into her father’s office. It was so empty without her father inside. She looked at the photos that sat in frames along the shelves of the walls. Photos of her, photos of their family together. Her eyes drifted to the small safe placed at the end of the shelf. 


If it was one thing Hyuna knew, it was her father’s passcodes for certain things. Her fingers began pressing the numbers. The safe clicked and door opened slightly. Hyuna opened the safe door all the way until she could see what was inside of it. Her hand pulled out many folders but she was determined to find what she was looking for. She shuffled through the files until she found the document that would confirm the dark truth. 


With her very eyes Hyuna examines her birth certificate for the first time ever. It was there in fine print. Hyuna was born a twin. She dropped the birth certificate as she stumbled on their heel. How could she have not known? Why did Seungsung keep this from her all this time? 


Hyuna felt the tears coming but she in a cry. Enough crying. She felt guilty though. Hyeona knew of her even when Hyuna didn’t know Hyeona existed. Hyeona knew about her twin. Hyuna didn’t.  


As Hyuna laid in bed, for the first time in a long time she felt fine. Even with all these surprises, Hyuna felt she could sleep. But when she wakes up it’ll be the same. 


In the morning Hyuna returned to the hospital. She visited her father first before reinstating. When she got there, Seungsung had still been asleep, resting during his recovery. 


Hyuna didn’t hate her father for not telling her the truth. She wasn’t hurt either but she just didn’t understand why he had lied to her. 


Suddenly the sound of the door opening captured Hyuna’s full attention. When she saw the people entering the room, her face paled. 


Jiyong and Hyeona walked in together. Her arm was wrapped around his like they belonged to each other and they did. Both of them were just as surprised to see Hyuna as well.


“Oh, Hyuna unnie,” Hyeona chimed. “I didn’t know you’d be here. Jiyong brought me here to check up on our father. I very glad he’s given me this opportunity.” 


“Yeah...” Hyuna said quietly. She tried her best to avoid Jiyong’s eyes. 


“Stay, won’t you?” Hyeona said but there was something in her eyes that was saying something different. Her smile make Hyuna uncomfortable.


Jiyong watched Hyuna carefully. His eyes wouldn’t leave sight of his wife. He saw the familiar white lab coat in her arms and his brows quirked up. 


“I just came to visit for a little bit.” Hyuna looked back at her father’s sleeping form. “Excuse me, I have to get to work.” 


“So soon?” Hyeona asked. 


Hyuna nodded without saying anything else. The hospital room was starting to feel suffocating to be in. She knew where she wasn’t wanted. She walked past the two lovers and out the door. 


Hyeona glared at Hyuna as she left. Once the door shut she looked to Jiyong. “I can’t believe I’m really seeing my father.” 


“This is your first time seeing him, correct?” Jiyong asked. 


Hyeona nodded but it was a lie. She knew Jiyong was being kind by bringing her to see her father but in truth, Hyeona didn’t want to. Once was enough but now she had to pretend. 


Her body moved beside Seungsung. She reached for his hand and held it tightly. She felt a light squeeze and her body froze. 


“Hi, dad,” Hyeona spoke. “I know you probably don’t know me but I’m your daughter. It’s me, Hyeona. Do you remember?” 


Jiyong listened to the conversation as he stood there watching. Hyeona convinced him that she was really worried about her father. He figured she should get a chance to meet him since they parted ways long ago. 


“Why don’t I leave you two alone?” Jiyong suggested. “Give you some space to say what you want. It might be uncomfortable with me here.” 


Hyeona nodded and Jiyong walked out standing outside the room. He glanced down both sides of the hallway, hoping to see Hyuna nearby. 


Just then he saw Hyuna walking across the hall. He quickly followed after her. 


Hyuna walked into the stairwell of the hospital. As soon as she did, she felt a pair of hands pull her against the door. Her body was slammed against the wall and man pressed against her. 


“You’ve been a bad girl.” 


Recognizing the voice, Hyuna tried her best to push the man away. “Get off me.” 


Zico smiled sheepishly. “Where is my money?” 


The confusion on Hyuna’s face was evident. She continued struggling against him until he pressed their heads together. They were so close together. She could feel the warmth of his breath against her skin. 


“What money? Please I really don’t know what you’re talking about. Let me go.”


“You were the only one other than me with access to that account. Tell me who is Kim Jung-Hwa and why did you give her my 500 million won?” 


Hyuna gasped and Zico took it as a sign that she had been caught red handed. He smiled victoriously as Hyuna’s face fell. 


“No... that’s not true. Jung-Hwa... she didn’t...” 


“I want my money back Hyuna,” Zico said. 


“I don’t have it.” 


“Oh?” He let out a diabolic laugh. It shook Hyuna to the core. Her fearful eyes couldn’t look away from the crazy man. “No. You’ll get me more than what you stole. Like before it’ll be you and I. Your body has always been useful, as well as your mouth.” 


That was it. Hyuna brought her hand up and slapped Zico hard across the face. The sound of the slap resonated off the walls of the stairwell. 


“I missed you too, babe.” The smirk of Zico’s face was dangerous. He leaned into Hyuna. She screamed trying to keep the man away. 


“Get off me!” 


Just then she felt Zico’s body weight shift off of her. She saw Zico on bent over on the ground, holding onto his jaw. 


“Don’t touch my wife,” Jiyong warned. 


Hyuna looked up at Jiyong. Her lips parted and she gasped as she realized what he’d done. Jiyong looked down to Hyuna. He cupped her face in his hands as his fingers caressed her cheeks. 


“Did he hurt you?” Jiyong asked. 


Hyuna only shook her head. She was afraid to speak. Jiyong was being caring and it scared her because Jiyong always had two sides to him. One that made her fall in love with him all over again and one that breaks her heart over and over. 


Zico stood up, wiping the blood from his lips. He glared at Jiyong then eyes traveled to his real target. 


“I’m not done with you yet, Hyuna,” Zico chuckled. “Your husband has you on such a tight leash but don’t worry I have a tighter one.”


Jiyong growled. He speared Zico against the railings, angrily. His eyes were rapid and blood boiling. 


“Jiyong, don’t!” Hyuna cried. She held onto his arm. 




All three of them turned to the direction of the voice. It came from the stairwell door. Hyeona’s eyes widened in fear. It wasn’t because of the scene unfolding in front of her, no. It was because now she was afraid the truth about her would be revealed. 


Her eyes locked with Zico’s. With a blink of his eyes the look of confusion turned into realization. He glanced back and forth between Hyeona and Hyuna. As he stared at Hyeona longer he knew right away which one was which. 


“Hyeona...” Jiyong spoke. 


Hyeona left as quickly as she could. Zico smirked at that. She should be afraid. He knew now. He knows everything. 


“Hyeona!” Jiyong shouted after her. He grabbed Hyuna’s hand and ran after Hyeona as he dragged Hyuna away. 


When they were out of the stairwell, Hyuna yanked her hand away from Jiyong. He turned back to her with a surprised look of confusion on his face. 


Hyuna shook her head and took a couple steps back before completely turning her back on her husband. She walked forward until Jiyong pulled her into his embrace.


“What are you doing?” Hyuna asked. “Let me go.” 


“You came back to work,” Jiyong said. “Why?” 


Hyuna tried to remove Jiyong’s arms from her waist but failed to do so. She felt his arms tightening around her. Jiyong’s head was resting along her shoulder and she could feel the beat of his heart against her back. 


“I won’t be a Kwon anymore,” Hyuna answered. “After the divorce, I’ll live my life just like before. Before I met you.” 


“Like you said until the divorce,” Jiyong gritted. “What did he want with you this time?” 


Hyuna once more tried to break away form Jiyong’s embrace. After struggling to do so she let out a frustrated huff. “I don’t know. Now let go of me.” Hyuna finally broke free from Jiyong. She continued walking forward but heard Jiyong’s foot steps trailing behind her.




Jiyong stopped once he heard his name. Both Hyuna and him turned around to see Hyeona standing there. 


“Can we go please?” Hyeona asked. She looked shaken up, almost. She trailed up to Jiyong with doll like eyes, batting her lashes. “Please let’s go.” 


Jiyong nodded. He locked their fingers together as he held her hand. 


Hyuna wanted to save herself from the heartbreak she would receive but every time she saw Jiyong she felt it again and again. Right now she felt that pain. She thought she had grown use to it but it still hurt every time. She saw the woman he truly loved. The woman with the same face as hers.


Hyeona flashed a half smirk at Hyuna before leaving with Jiyong. She saw the sullen expression painted on Hyuna’s face. The expression suited her well in Hyeona’s opinion. It made her happy to see Hyuna like this. 


The two left the hospital and returned to the Kwon Mansion. The entire ride, Jiyong noticed that Hyeona seemed a bit uneasy. As he parked the car, his hand reached for hers. She was a bit startled at first then calmly smiled at him. 


“Is something on your mind?” Jiyong asked. 


“No,” Hyeona brushed off. 


“If it’s about the stairwell, I can explain.”


Hyeona shook her head. “Don’t. You don’t have to. He must’ve antagonized you.” Of course Hyeona knew Jiyong attacked Zico because of Hyuna. Zico thought Hyuna was her until she revealed herself. For once in her life, Hyeona thought she could finally live the life she felt she deserved but she knew Zico. He wouldn’t let that happen. 


Jiyong brought Hyeona into his bedroom. “This is where you’ll stay from now on.” Hyeona smiles from ear to ear, glancing around the huge bedroom. “I had Teddy and the servants go retrieve your belongings from your friends apartment.”


“Are you sure this is appropriate?” Hyeona asked. “I mean you’re still married to my sister.” 


“Why wouldn’t it be?” Jiyong looked down at his watch and Hyeona didn’t miss the change in his facial expression. “Make yourself at home. I have business matters to attend to. I’ll be back, ok.” Jiyong saw the head maid walk in and bow politely to him and Hyeona. “Lydia will be here if you need anything.”  




“Excuse me.”


Hyeona’s eyes lingered onto Jiyong’s back until he was out of her sight. She felt her heart beating for joy. Moving into the Kwon Mansion was just step one. This meant she was getting closer to the life she wanted. 


Hyeona took another look around Jiyong's and Hyuna's now formerly shared bedroom. She wandered around the room admiring all that was in it. She stopped at the bed. 


"I want these sheets changed," Hyeona demanded. "I want new pillows as well. Make sure you don't leave a trace of Hyuna in this room at all." 


Lydia hesitated to speak and Hyeona grew irritated fast. She wanted the maid to do what she asked without question.


"Hurry up. Don't you know who I am? I'm the new and rightful madam of this mansion." 


"Ye--yes, Hyeona." 


“Then go.”


“Yes, Hyeona.” The head maid bowed politely before heading out of the room complying with Hyeona’s request. 


Hyeona looked at the photo frame with Hyuna's picture in it. She slammed the photo frame down and the sound resonated off the walls of the room. She couldn’t believe that soon this will all belong to her.


Nightfall came but Jiyong didn’t return yet. Hyeona grew impatient. She didn’t even know where he went. He said he was taking care of business but what business could be so important? 




Hyuna’s shift was just about done. She visited her father one last time before heading home. Because of her work, Hyuna barely had time to see Seungsung when he was awake. She believed it was best for him to rest and recover before she asks him. 


As Hyuna stepped foot into the lobby, her eyes looked up at she stopped where she was. Her heart couldn’t take any more. She wanted to move on and forget but he was always there to remind her. 


Jiyong walked towards her. He noticed that Hyuna wouldn’t even look at him. Her eyes were every where but on him. 


“It’s late,” Hyuna said. “You should be home.” 


“I’m taking you home,” Jiyong said. 


“I can manage,” Hyuna assured him. “Please don’t waste your time on me, Mr.—”


Jiyong snapped. His arm wrapped around Hyuna’s waist and he pulled her body onto his. “Don’t call me that, Hyuna. We’re far from strangers.” 


“It’s late, Jiyong,” Hyuna said to please the man in front of her. “I’m heading home and you should too. Let go.” 


Jiyong didn’t want to argue any more. He took Hyuna’s hand and dragged her along with him out the hospital doors. In the parking lot, Jiyong pushed Hyuna into his car ignoring her protests. He climbed into the driver’s side and drove away as soon as he got it. 


The ride was quiet, much like he had expected. He quietly chuckled to himself. Hyuna heard him but decided to remain quiet. 


“Are you not going to speak to me?” Jiyong asked. 


“You should put your seatbelt on,” Hyuna said. 


Jiyong laughed mockingly. “You should put your seatbelt on? Really? Like you care.” Just then he hit the brakes and Hyuna felt her body jerk forward from the motion. She saw how he jerked forward as well. Jiyong wasn’t wearing a seat belt so if this was a real incident, he’d be a goner.


“Are you crazy?! What’s wrong with you?!” 


“Yes I’m crazy because you make me crazy! Why? You want me to do it again? Ok.” 


Hyuna reached over Jiyong’s body and grabbed the seat belt. His eyes followed her every move. She buckled the belt even tightening it in case he tried it again. She looked annoyed but most of all Jiyong saw worry in her eyes. 


The rest of the drive remained quiet. Jiyong didn’t try anything else. He just wanted to see if Hyuna truly worried about him. The truth was that he was actually surprised. She did care. 


When they arrived at the Kwon Mansion, Jiyong took a hold of Hyuna’s hand and led her into the mansion. Once they were both inside Hyuna twisted her hand out of Jiyong’s grip. 


“Ah, Miss Hyuna, you’ve returned,” Teddy greeted. 


“Hello, Teddy,” Hyuna said with a small smile. 


“Take Hyuna to the guest room across from my room,” Jiyong said. 


“Of course,” Teddy replied.


“That won’t be necessary,” Hyuna said. 


“Why not?” Jiyong asked.


“I’ll take any other guest room in the mansion, Teddy,” Hyuna said. “First floor will be fine. I won’t be here for much long anyways.” 


Hyuna followed as Teddy agreed to her request. Jiyong couldn’t believe that Teddy granted Hyuna’s request over his. He followed behind them closely.


“This room will do. Thank you, Teddy.” 


“My pleasure,” Teddy said with a slight nod of his head. 


“You’re now excused, Teddy,” Jiyong said. 


Without another word, Teddy left the two alone in the hall. Jiyong waited until Teddy was out of sight and it was only the two of them again. 


“There are many guest rooms in this mansion, but your refuse the one I choose for you. Why? Does it disgust you that much to be close to me?” 


Hyuna sighed. Her hand reached for the door knob but before she could even twist it, Jiyong stopped her. She looked up and felt his hand tighten around hers. His eyes pleaded with her but she couldn’t give in. He leaned in closer, closing the distance between them until the tips of their noses touched. That’s when Hyuna took a step back. 


“Hyeona’s waiting for you, isn’t she?” Hyuna asked as she tilted her head away. “You should go to her.” She felt Jiyong’s hand loosen and she twisted the door knob and entered the guest room. She closed the door quickly and locked it before Jiyong could pull anything else. 


Hyuna really didn’t understand him at all. Why was he still messing with her even when Hyeona came back to him? He probably wanted to play with her. She wanted this to be done so that they can both move on. 


Jiyong walked back to his room. Upon entering, Hyeona wrapped her arms around Jiyong. He smiled at the gesture, pulling her as close as he can. 


“I missed you,” Hyeona pouted. 


“I missed you too,” Jiyong said. 


Hyeona took Jiyong’s hand, dragging her along with her as she took backward steps while keeping her eyes on him. “Come to bed with me.” 


“You take this room tonight. I’ll sleep in the guest room across the hall.” 


The words caught Hyeona off guard. Did Jiyong really mean it? Will he really not sleeps in the same bed with her? Let alone the same room? 


Jiyong saw the confusion in her expression. “I thought about what you said and it would be inappropriate. I don’t want people bad mouthing you because of me. Sleep here and soon it’ll be us.” 


Hyeona nodded as Jiyong gently kissed her forehead. She watched as he left out the door. Jiyong’s words weren’t much of an assurance. She felt like his heart was somewhere else. It couldn’t be. 


The thought of Jiyong falling out of love with her and in love with Hyuna made Hyeona’s skin crawl with envy. She wasn’t about to lose Jiyong, especially to her sister. 


Suddenly her thoughts were interrupted with the ringing of her phone. Hyeona went over to the bedside table and answered without looking at the caller I.D. 


“Hello?” She said sounding irritated. 


“I know your secret.”


Hyeona felt her heart stop. The silence was loud. She gripped tightly onto her phone. Through her clenched jaw she spoke calmly. “Zico.” The name was said with so much venom laced in each syllable. “With what do I owe this pleasure of speaking to you?” 


“I know what you did, Hyuna. If that’s even your real name. Tell me, Hyeona, do you know what it’s like to lose everything without having anything?” Hyeona remained quiet as she listened on. “I know you took my money. Something tells me you can’t get it back. You were so good at fooling everyone but when I saw you and your twin and I knew immediately that she wasn’t really you and you weren’t really her. I feel stupid realizing it just now but seeing you two together is really an eye opener.” 


“Get to the point,” Hyeona said. “What do you want?” 


“Isn’t it obvious?” Zico chuckled. “I want my money and you’re going to give it to me or else Jiyong may know something about your past.” 


Hyeona chuckled, “Jiyong’s married to my sister. Why would I care?” She tried to play it off.


From the end of the line she could hear Zico clicking his tongue. “You think I didn’t see with my eyes you two leaving together. I’m good at piecing puzzles together. From what I heard, Jiyong and Hyuna won’t be together for long and something tells me it’s because you’re in the picture. And Hyeona if I don’t get what I want, you won’t get what you want.”


“Go to hell,” Hyeona gritted.


“I’m dragging you with me.” 






A/N: Not edited.

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Chapter 38: I'm so happy to see you back! I'm hoping Hyeona will finally get what she deserves!
sheryin #2
Chapter 38: yay you're back! Hope you update soon ♡ ♥
nitzforshort #3
Chapter 38: feels good to know u r back <3 stay safe
Chapter 37: Omg! I just came back after being gone so long and this is the first fic I sought out! It's so exciting, I hope you update again soon!
sheryin #5
Chapter 37: I hope the "father" part is hyuna voiceee TT. Please update soon. The suspend killing mee!!!
marveLLius #6
Chapter 37: Update again please author
Daewon9397 #7
Chapter 36: oemgeee update pleaseee ??
sheryin #8
Chapter 36: Please update soon <3
nitzforshort #9
Chapter 35: <3
nitzforshort #10
where r u :( i miss u updating :(