Chapter 24

Love The Way You Lie

Chapter 24


Hyeona knew she’d been caught. Jiyong grabbed her hand and took her away from the lobby. Hyeona didn’t struggle one bit. She was a bit confused actually but knew this confrontation would have came but it was sooner than she planned all thanks to Zico. It was the wrong timing that’s for sure. But the one thing Hyeona couldn’t bring herself to do was run away from Jiyong. This time she was running with him, allowing for him to take her. 


Jiyong dragged Hyeona out of the hospital and into the streets. They pushed through the crowd of people. Hyeona tried to keep up with Jiyong’s pace. His grip on her hand began to tighten.


Parked on the side of the street, Jihyun saw the two running. Her eyes must’ve been deceiving her. She blinked a couple times but saw the same view every time, only they were getting closer. Jihyun got out of the car just as they passed her by. 


“Oh, ah, Hyeona!” Jihyun shouted. “Yah, Hyeona!” 


Once they were far enough, Jiyong stopped. His body was pumping with adrenaline but his mind was anxious, building questions after questions. He turned around and faced Hyeona. His eyes examined her from head to toe not missing any detail. His breath caught quietly in his throat as he continued staring at her.


This was the person he's been searching for. Hyeona looked exactly the same as he remembered. Long blonde hair, smokey eyes and red lips. Her signature look that made him fall for her. Yet there was this weird feeling lingering inside him as she was standing there right in front of him. Was he still dreaming? 


"Where the hell have you been all these years?" Jiyong asked without taking his eyes off of Hyeona. 


"Jiyong, I'm sorry," Hyeona said. "I'm sorry I left you." The last part left her voice breaking. It was believable. 


He stepped forward. "Where have you been?" Jiyong asked again, trapping Hyeona against the wall. 


"When I left you, my mother had just passed away," Hyeona said. "My step father, he was going to take me away." Jiyong's eyes widened at the new information. "When I refused to go with him, he threatened to hurt you. I didn't want that to happen so I had to do what I did and that was break your heart." 


"You left me to die," Jiyong said hoping to see the look he wanted in Hyeona's eyes when the words came out but he received nothing. "Breaking my heart hurt more than dying. Did you even look back?" Jiyong took a step back after not receiving he expression he wanted. He scoffed, assuming the answer. The look on his face turned into a look a disappointment. 


"I saw you unconscious and wanted to run back but my step father found me," Hyeona cried. "You don't know how much I wanted to be by your side. To apologize for saying those words. Everything I said I didn't mean." 


Now there it was. The sincere look of pain and guilt in her eyes, drew Jiyong back to her with a step. Jiyong held Hyeona’s face with both his hands. Their eyes met, his more intense than hers. He stared down at her without a trace of emotion. "Your friend called you Hyeona not Hyuna," Jiyong mentioned. Hyeona's face stilled but Jiyong missed it. "Who are you, really?" 


Hyeona’s hand slowly tore away at Jiyong’s before she wiped away her tears. "I heard that I had a twin sister named Hyuna. She had everything that I didn't. I was tired of my own life so I wanted to become her. I used her name instead of my own that way maybe I would be able to..." Hyeona didn't want to finish the rest. By the look on Jiyong's face it seemed he already knew the rest of the unfinished sentence. 


Jiyong's arm reached out to Hyeona, pulling her in for a hug. The action took Hyeona by surprise but it created a satisfied smirk on her face. This meant Jiyong believed her. Her arms stretched out around his body as she hugged him back, pulling him as close as possible to her. 


"I'm sorry," Jiyong whispered. "I'm so sorry." 


"It's not your fault," Hyeona said. "I'm the one to blame. After I escaped my step father, I looked for you but I couldn't find you. I thought you hated me and never wanted to see me again. So I gave up because I understood... because of everything I said."


Jiyong pulled away and shook his head. "I never stopped loving you." 


Hyeona internally smirked to herself in victory. She faked an innocent look. Of course, she knew how deeply in love Jiyong was with her. He after all these years is still blinded by his love for her. "Really?" After all, he did marry someone who looked like her. She smiled brightly then she looked to the ring on Jiyong's finger. Her smile faltered and she stepped away with a horrified expression. His eyes followed where hers went then looked back up at her. 


Jiyong’s expression fell as if he couldn’t explain the situation. He saw Hyeona distancing herself from him and it was tearing at his heart once more. 




"Hyeona, it's not what it—" Jiyong tried to explain. He reached out for her.


Hyeona pulled away fast. "If you loved me why?" 


"Please understand it was a mistake," Jiyong said. "I can explain everything." 


“I don’t want to hear it,” Hyeona said. 


“Please listen to me, Hyeona,” Jiyong pleaded desperately. 


“I can’t, Jiyong. This is... this isn’t right. You’re married now.” 


Hyeona walked back slowly and with every step she took, Jiyong followed trying to reach out for her. He pulled her close, holding her in his arms and never wanting to let go. 


“I’m sorry,” Jiyong said. “Don’t go. Don’t leave me again. I’ll fix this. I’ll fix everything.” 


Hyeona couldn’t stop the smile forming on her face. She whispered into Jiyong’s ear, “What about your wife?” 


“It doesn’t matter anymore because I found you.” 


Jiyong knew he meant every single word he said. This wasn’t a dream. It was real. Hyeona was with him. She never meant to hurt him. He truly believed her. 


With his hands encircling her body, Jiyong’s eyes darkened as he stared at the silver band on his finger. A heavy feeling weighed down on him and his heart... something felt wrong in his heart. 




Hyuna strolled down the empty hospital halls with Gayoon by her side. As she looked up from her feet, it was the same setting that she and Jiyong had their fall out. The memory was still very clear. Every emotion, every word, memorized and felt. 


Gayoon saw the expression on Hyuna’s face growing with hurt and sadness. It felt like Hyuna wasn’t with her anymore. She was too focused on something else and Gayoon knew it was bothering her even if Hyuna wouldn’t admit to her.


“Hyuna?” Gayoon said. “Are you alright?” 


Hyuna stopped walking. Everyone asks that same question but do they truly care for the answer? 


Without even knowing, Hyuna felt the first teardrop fall. She was crying. She was sick of crying. 


Gayoon hugged Hyuna in a soothing manner. “Did something happen?” 


In response to the previous question, Hyuna shook her head before giving an answer. “Gayoon, I’m not ok,” Hyuna cried. “I can’t do this anymore.” 


Gayoon pulled away to look Hyuna in the eyes. She was genuinely and truly worried. Hyuna wasn’t alright and she hasn’t been. “Do what? Hyuna, what are you saying?” 


Hyuna sniffled before answering, “I made my decision.” Gayoon’s brows furrowed not understanding where Hyuna was coming from. “Before he leaves me, I will leave him first so it won’t hurt as much.” 


“Oh, Hyuna, I’m sorry. Can’t you two work this out? You haven’t even been married long. I’m sure he loves you very much.” 


Hyuna shook her head. “It’s not me. He doesn’t love me. He loves her. And as long as I’m around, she’s all he’ll ever think about. To save myself from this heartbreak, I need to end this.” 


Gayoon nodded. Even if she didn’t know the entire story, Hyuna was her friend. “I’ll support you in everything and every choice you make, Hyuna.” 


Leaving Jiyong may have been Hyuna’s only option, now that she thought about it. From the start she knew Jiyong would never love her, the real her because in his eyes she was someone else. No matter how hard she tried to fight it, her feelings got the best of her. Jiyong’s love was sincere. The most sincerest love Hyuna has felt. The only ever love Hyuna received like that was the love from her father. It was his love that Hyuna fell in love with Jiyong. That love that didn’t belong to her.


Life before Jiyong was ok. Life without him... Hyuna would find out after this is over.




“Jiyong, what’s the matter, dear?” Eunju asked as Jiyong entered her bedroom. His head looked down at his feet as he made his way to his mother. Jiyong bowed politely at her feet and Eunju lifted him up. She saw the guilt and hurt in his eyes. She’s seen this look too many times. 


“Mother, I’ve made a mistake,” Jiyong spoke quietly unable to look Eunju in the eyes. 


“What mistake is that?” 


Eunju placed her fingers onto Jiyong’s jaw and gently turned his face so that their eyes could meet appropriately. She felt Jiyong fighting against her hold. She knew he was anxious right now. 


“I don’t love Hyuna.” 


Eunju’s eyes widened and lips parted at the words that came out of Jiyong’s mouth. Her body stilled, unable to understand why Jiyong was saying such a thing. 




“I never loved Hyuna,” Jiyong said. “I found the one I truly love, mother.” 


Horror struck Eunju’s eyes. “Who would that be?” 


Jiyong stood up slowly. He walked towards the bedroom door and opened it. Eunju watched carefully, still trying to make sense of Jiyong’s actions. 


A young blonde with a familiar face stepped into the bedroom. Her arm encircled around Jiyong’s. She looked nervous, almost. Jiyong assured her everything would be fine before bringing her to the foot of Eunju’s bed. 


“Mother, this is Hyeona,” Jiyong introduced. “The one I fell in love with. Hyuna’s younger twin sister.” 


Eunju’s eyes fell back onto Hyeona. Her expression hasn’t changed from when she first saw the blonde walk in. 


“Hello, Madam Kwon,” Hyeona said. “I apologize that we have to first meet this way understand such circumstances.” 


Eunju was rendered speechless. 


“Your expression says it all, Madam Kwon,” Hyeona said with a nervous chuckle. “I know it’s hard to believe but yes I am Kim Seungsung’s daughter. Hyuna is my older twin sister. I love Jiyong.”


Eunju didn’t spare a word to Hyeona. She was surprised by the sudden appearance but most of all she was worried. Eunju wasn’t worried for herself but for Jiyong.


“What do you want to do now?” Eunju asked Jiyong. 


“Mother?” Jiyong said.


“The decision is yours, Jiyong. Whatever you choose to do now is your own decision.” 


“Why are you speaking like you’re disappointed in me?” Jiyong asked. “You and father arranged this marriage—“


Eunju cut him mid-sentence, “I gave you the choice. I would never force you. You wanted this marriage and if you don’t want it anymore it is your choice.”


“I’m sorry, Jiyong,” Hyeona said, standing up. 


“No, Hyeona, don’t go,” Jiyong said grabbing her hand. 




Both Jiyong and Hyeona turned to look at Eunju. Hyeona kneeled back to floor and politely bowed. 




“I’d like to speak to Jiyong alone, if you don’t mind,” Eunju said. 


Hyeona looked to Jiyong who nodded for her to leave. She looked back at Eunju and bowed again before slowly standing to her feet. She walked over to the door and exited the room. 


Once out of the suffocating room, Hyeona’s famous smirk was plastered on her face. Her eyes admired the Kwon Mansion that will soon be hers. 


“Who knew that poor blonde boy I met years ago was really a rich CEO?” Hyeona said staring at the family portrait. 


Her eyes traveled down the hall and her smile began fading away when the wedding photo of Jiyong and Hyuna hung high. Her eyes narrowed in on Hyuna. That innocent smile bothered Hyeona so much. 


“I’m taking back everything you stole from me.” 




Hyeona’s head turned towards the direction of the voice. She followed it until it lead her to the stairwell where she saw a head of black hair walk by under. 


“Jiyong? Eunju?”


Red. All Hyeona could see was red. This was it. The moment she’d waited for. The revelation of her existence. So as Hyeona climbed down the stairs, her eyes didn’t leave Hyuna’s sight. 




Hyuna turned around and breath was immediately caught in . Suddenly she forgot how to breathe. Her eyes widened. Fear and shock was written in her eyes and all over face. Her body stilled as if she had been paralyzed. 


“You must be Hyuna,” Hyeona said. Hyuna couldn’t believe what she was seeing. It was her. It’s really her. The one Jiyong’s been looking for. “Hi, I’m Hyeona.” 




A/N: Not edited.

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Chapter 38: I'm so happy to see you back! I'm hoping Hyeona will finally get what she deserves!
sheryin #2
Chapter 38: yay you're back! Hope you update soon ♡ ♥
nitzforshort #3
Chapter 38: feels good to know u r back <3 stay safe
Chapter 37: Omg! I just came back after being gone so long and this is the first fic I sought out! It's so exciting, I hope you update again soon!
sheryin #5
Chapter 37: I hope the "father" part is hyuna voiceee TT. Please update soon. The suspend killing mee!!!
marveLLius #6
Chapter 37: Update again please author
Daewon9397 #7
Chapter 36: oemgeee update pleaseee ??
sheryin #8
Chapter 36: Please update soon <3
nitzforshort #9
Chapter 35: <3
nitzforshort #10
where r u :( i miss u updating :(