Chapter 38

Love The Way You Lie

Chapter 38


The sound of that voice echoed through Jiyong’s ears. The echo rang repeatedly leaving him unable to think or breathe in that moment. 


“Hyuna?” Seungsung hurried into the hospital room followed by Sohyun. “Hyuna!” He ran to his daughter’s side crying with relief and joy. Sohyun’s cries were heard too. 


Jiyong slowly made his way to the entrance of the door. His head peeked in, catching only a glimpse of the scene inside. In that moment he could finally let out a breath. His eyes let go of more tears, only this time it wasn’t because of what he had thought happened. It was because Hyuna was in fact actually alive, breathing and in front of him. 


His lips curled into a smile. Just as he was about to step foot inside the room, something in him told him to stop. Jiyong watched the lovely scene unfold. He suddenly remembered his words. He remembered the promise that he had made to Hyuna. Hyuna was awake now. That promise is now meant to be kept. She will live her life as if she never met him. 


The thought of letting her go, Jiyong couldn’t bear to do it yet it was the right thing to do. After all what almost happened was because of him. Hyeona did what she did to get back at him for leaving her. If not having Hyuna in his life meant she would live, then that was the sacrifice Jiyong was willing to make. 


Jiyong turned away, holding in the rest of his tears. He left quietly and made sure to keep his promise to the one he loves. 


“I thought you left us!” Sohyun sobbed, holding onto Hyuna. 


“I thought I did too,” Hyuna admitted. “For a moment there I didn’t think I was coming back.”


“You’re still here and that’s all that matters,” Seungsung said. “As a father I was so afraid.” 


“Hyuna, Hyeona did this to you,” Sohyun said. “She tried to kill you.” 


Hyuna’s eyes fell. Her mind thought carefully of what to say next. Her heart had been tired but still she harvested no hate toward Hyeona. “Sohyun...”


Sohyun abruptly stood up. “No, Hyuna!” Hyuna kept her eyes down still. Hearing the frustration and anger in his sister’s voice didn’t change her thought or feelings. “How could you even try to defend her actions? Hyeona is a killer. She killed my mother and she tried to kill you. I need you to see that. Both of you. Please stop looking for the good in her because there isn’t any.” 


Sohyun’s voice expressed the hurt inside of herself. Hyuna felt it all. It was hard on Sohyun. All her sister wanted was to be heard. 


“You both don’t know the words she said to me. I don’t consider my sister at all. It may be different with you, Hyuna but she’s not my family. You are. I care about you the most. So please...”


Hyuna reached for Sohyun’s hand. Sohyun looked down at Hyuna with even more tears threatening to fall. 


“When did my sister grow before my very eyes?” Hyuna chuckled. “I understand how you feel. I also understand Hyeona. She’s already caused so much and I cannot let her continue. I have to stop her.” 


Hearing his daughters, Seungsung felt the need to carry the blame for Hyeona’s actions. “Everything is my fault. Hyeona hates me the most. Hyuna, you do not need to blame yourself for the mistakes I made. Hyeona is angry with me and is taking it out on you. She wants to hurt me the most.” 


“Hyeona isn’t my only problem at the moment,” Hyuna said. “I’m still being investigated as the prime suspect for Zico’s death.”


“We know you didn’t do it, Hyuna.” 


“But the police will never believe me,” Hyuna said. “Zico spoke my name before he died. I woke up in his hospital room.”


“Hyeona must’ve had something to do with his death,” Sohyun said.


“Maybe but I can’t prove that to them.”


“There may be a way to prove that it wasn’t you, Hyuna,” Gayoon said as she entered the room. 




Gayoon wrapped her arms around Hyuna tightly. “I’m so happy that you’re alive.” Gayoon pulled back with a soft smile. She chuckled with tears falling from her eyes. Hyuna gently wiped them away. 


“Gayoon, you said there may be a way to prove Hyuna’s innocence... how?” Seungsung asked. 


“CCTV footage may have not captured the angles of Hyuna’s and Zico’s rooms but they must’ve caught Hyeona entering and leaving the hospital that same day and any other day she visited.” 


Realizing that Gayoon may be onto something, the Kim’s all nodded at each other, understand the situation they were all in now. 


“When word gets out that I’m awake, the police will come for me,” Hyuna said. 


“You’re protected here,” Gayoon said. “As far as they know... you’re dead. I’m gonna go review the footage with the security team. I will not stop until Hyeona is put behind bars.” 


“Thank you,” Seungsung said.


Gayoon smiled towards the family. Her expression changed when she took a look around the room. 


“What is it, Gayoon?” Sohyun asked. 


“Nothing, it’s just— didn’t Jiyong come with you guys?” Gayoon asked. 


Hyuna’s heart skipped a beat at the mention of that name. Her eyes went back and forth from Seungsung to Sohyun, searching for an answer from them. 


Jiyong? Why would he be here? There was no way he would leave Hyeona. His heart would be crushed if he knew of everything Hyeona had done. It was Hyuna again. Hyuna felt her heart break a little more. She would soon be the reason why Jiyong would not be able to be with the woman he loves. 


“He did but he was right behind us,” Sohyun said. “He must’ve left. He probably felt guilty for everything he did to Hyuna. Good.” 


“Sohyun...” Seungsung said. “Please enough.” Seungsung saw the expression made out of Hyuna’s face. He knew his daughter still harbored feelings for Jiyong even if Hyuna would not allow herself to say it. 


“Well I have work to do,” Gayoon said. “I will go through everything and get back to you when we find something. In the meantime, Hyuna, rest.” 




Weeks had passed. Hyeona drowned her sorrows in alcohol. Her days consisted of drinking and finding anything to numb her pain. At times she would think Jiyong would come back to her but reality hits after a high. She was the monster in his life. 


Everything she ever wanted had disappeared. Everything she did to get to that point, was it even worth it? Hyeona scoffed at the thought. It didn’t matter anymore. What’s done was done. 


The only pleasure Hyeona received in all this was that she isn’t the only one suffering. Poor Hyuna. Poor, perfect little Hyuna. Everyone’s golden girl, her life cut short. They can only blame themselves for what has happened. Hyeona laughed at the thought of the image of each of their expressions when they found out. 


The best revenge was Hyuna’s life. Jiyong wouldn’t be able to live life with the person he loves because Hyeona took that away from him. Seungsung would know what it’s like to lose both daughters. Sohyun, to be honest, Hyeona didn’t have a grudge against Sohyun much other than the fact that Seungsung had another daughter whom he loved and cared for more that he ever did for her. Eunju would have to see her son miserable for the rest of her days. 


Hyeona became startled when there was a loud bang at her door. No one comes to visit her. The banging continued until Hyeona had enough and opened the door with much irritation. 


Behind the door were police officers. Hyeona froze in spot but remained calm. 


“Hello officers,” Hyeona greeted. “What brings you here?” 


“Kim Hyeona?” One of them spoke. 




Both officers looked at one another. Hyeona quickly studied their body language. She knew she couldn’t fight them off. She also knew she couldn’t out run them. She wasn’t going to. She had nothing to be guilty about. 


“I’m afraid you’re going to have to come with us.” 


Hyeona acted as if she was taken back a bit. “May I ask what this is about?” 


“We’ll explain on the way. Oh and Miss Kim, it’d be best if you don’t try anything.” 


“Take me in boys,” Hyeona said. Her smirk almost reached from ear to ear. “I have nothing to hide.” 




A/N: Not edited. Miss writing but life after graduation really keeps you busy. Thank you to all those who still read this fic and who have been waiting patiently for me.

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Chapter 38: I'm so happy to see you back! I'm hoping Hyeona will finally get what she deserves!
sheryin #2
Chapter 38: yay you're back! Hope you update soon ♡ ♥
nitzforshort #3
Chapter 38: feels good to know u r back <3 stay safe
Chapter 37: Omg! I just came back after being gone so long and this is the first fic I sought out! It's so exciting, I hope you update again soon!
sheryin #5
Chapter 37: I hope the "father" part is hyuna voiceee TT. Please update soon. The suspend killing mee!!!
marveLLius #6
Chapter 37: Update again please author
Daewon9397 #7
Chapter 36: oemgeee update pleaseee ??
sheryin #8
Chapter 36: Please update soon <3
nitzforshort #9
Chapter 35: <3
nitzforshort #10
where r u :( i miss u updating :(