Red light

Dazzling Dreams

Coincidently, BTS and Got7 schedules were similar at music shows as they are both promoting at the same time. This meant that I often bumped into Mark along the hallway and we always manage to say hi or give each other high fives. Not just with Mark, Jackson also started to do the same and will call my name loudly when he sees me. He is a social butterfly; he knows most of the groups and says hi to people enthusiastically. Is this guy ever down? He is always so hyped up and excited.

It is not a surprise that sometimes BTS waiting room will be next to Got7’s and Yugyeom, Jackson and Mark will often come over to BTS waiting room, Jackson likes sticking with Rapmon which is not a surprise as he never hides his admiration for Rapmon's rap skills; Yugyeom hitting well with Jungkook ever since they played games together and those two cute maknaes relate well with each other. As for Mark, he came over because he became close with V who texted him regularly, even more than I do. Hence the waiting room is always bustling and crowded.

Hanging out with both groups became a normal routine and the boys mixed well with one another. Naturally, I became closer with Got7. While the boys are on stage, makeup team and stylists from both teams will sometime exchange ideas and stories about poor or popular fashion coordination and styles. “Rian-ssi, I am not sure how to say this but…” one of the Got7 coordinator said, looking at me with a serious face as she pulled me to a corner of the room.

“Yes? It’s okay, tell me, I am listening…” I replied, thinking that she had a secret to share.
“I am not sure if anyone told you but I think you are getting too close with the boys.” She said.
“Eh? What do you mean by that?” I was flabbergasted by her comment.
“I mean, you are too friendly with Bangtan and Got7, especially Mark.” She explained.
“But, I am just friends with them all…” I said.
“I don’t know about Bangtan but Got7 members are prohibited from dating, at least for 2 years. Just be careful, we might not think that you are flirting with them but other staffs can think otherwise and rumours can start…” She warned.
“Ah… yes. I see, thank you for telling me this. I will be more care.” I said reluctantly.

This is not the first time I have heard about this. At first, one of BTS managers gave me a lecture on how I was being too close and touchy with the boys. He warned me that I can lose my job if I continue to do so. But I just brushed it off, thinking that he was being to uptight and serious about it. I mean, I am used to hugging my friends and hitting people on the arm. How is that a crime? How is that wrong? The manager started to give me more frequent after their first win. He became more furious each time he lectured me.

After being repeatedly told that I am too close with the boys, it makes me think and reflect. What is wrong with being friends with the boys? They are idols but they are also human beings. I guess I must think of the bigger picture and be careful with my actions and interactions with the boys in public. I do not want any misunderstandings or rumours to spread that will affect negatively on the boys, especially now they have gained greater momentum and earned their well-deserved first place on music shows. I need to be careful now, even someone from outside of the company thinks it is risky for me to be such close friends with them. This is the red light, isn’t it?




A/N: I am just curious, who is your bias or rather, ultimate bias in BTS? Why?

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Hi my readers, how do you define love?

Who is your bias in BTS? (Explain in the comments section :))



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NickyDieos #1
Chapter 38: YaaaaaaaaaaAAAaaAAAAaaaAAsSSSSsSSSS New chapters. Tank chu!
Loue365 #2
Chapter 35: So one will not be friend zoned
NickyDieos #3
Chapter 34: Yeah more chapters so fast!
Loue365 #4
Chapter 32: like I said before friendzoning
NickyDieos #5
Chapter 32: Great chapter!
I'm so happy I stumbled over this,it seems like such an interesting fanfic and I can't wait to get started reading :D
Lalaywa #7
Chapter 31: Its cute!! But please for hints at romance!! (like Rapmon)
Loue365 #8
Chapter 30: Why do i have a feeling that the guys are getting friend zoned?
NickyDieos #9
Chapter 30: Good chapter!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Blackviolet #10
Chapter 29: I need more .. enough said!