Day off

Dazzling Dreams

Luckily, I have one off day and I was able to fulfil my promise to her. We went to Myungdong to shop, we visited cafes and restaurants that she always wanted to try and went cycling at Han River. By the end of the day, she was smiling contentedly as she swings my arm around as we walked home. “Rhiannoooon, promise me, you will have dates with me whenever you are free?” She pouts cutely. “Yes my cutie pie, all my free time is for you,” I smiled and patted her head.

As I was about to enter my house, I received a text from Rapmon, “Are you free? Want to get some coffee?” I looked at my watch and it was already 11.35pm. Since he asked, he must have wanted some coffee. I told Bona that I was going to meet him and she complained, “I thought we were going to do some manicure and masks before we go to bed!” “Sorry Bona, I promised him too that I will treat him someday. I think he is having a hard time. Another day for girl’s night, okay?” Reluctantly, she let me out.

“Where at?” I asked him.
“At studio.”
“Want me to get the coffee?”
“Yeah sure.”
“Americano for you?”
“Yeah, thanks. See you soon.”
“No problem, Joonie.”

Why is the boy drinking coffee late at night? Is he staying up to work on a new song?
“Hey sunny boy. Here’s your coffee. I got some warm Americano instead of your usual iced ones. It is not good for your stomach to drink cold stuff at night.” I said to him. I have been calling him sunny boy after I saw the debut photos where he was wearing some black googles. I just could not give up the chance to .

“Yes mother. Warm drinks at night.” He nodded thoughtfully.
“So, what are you doing here? You have a broadcast in few hours. Don’t we have a rehearsal at 5am?”
“Couldn’t sleep, so I came to to work on a song.”
“But you just released an album.”
“Creative juices don’t stop flowing just because you released an album.”
“Okay, tell me about the song that you are working on.”

“Seems like it was just yesterday, we grew up a lot
Good things were always other people’s things
We were always hoarse
from an uncertain future and worries…”

“That’s what I have got so far.” Rapmon concluded.
“Hmm, that’s BTS story right?”
“Yes, I am just looking back at how when we started as trainees, growing ourselves and debuting, now released a full length album. Even though we are still worried, we kept moving forward and pushing ourselves…” Rapmon shared their past stories, their hardships, challenges, setbacks and his person worries and sorrows. I did not know what to say, to comfort him or to offer him any compliments. I simply listened patiently. He must have kept so much in. As a leader, he had burdens that he could not share with s and to his friends. Although I am not able to understand fully, of his feelings, his thoughts or his worries, I just hoped my listening ear helped.

“Sorry I have been talking all the time. I don’t know why I said all that to you. I must have been so boring,” he apologised.
“No it’s fine. I should be sorry because I don’t know what to say to you, to make you feel better.” I said.
“You being here, listening to be is comforting enough already.” He gave me a smile, revealing his deep dimple on his right cheek.
“Alright, now is bed time. You should go rest up, you have to perform tomorrow,” I advised.
“Mhm, it’s 2.15am already? You must be tired. I will walk you home.”
“Exactly, it’s late and I can walk home myself. No biggie.”
“Yeah, like I will let a girl walk home this late at night, it’s dark and scary out there.”
“But not as Dark and Wild as your album…” I murmured.
“What?” as Joon chortled.
“No is a no. Let’s go,” he insisted.
“Fine, Mister Kim.” I gave up trying to argue otherwise. It will take the whole night and I might as well skip my sleep.

We walked in silence as he seemed to be in deep thoughts. They say musicians get reminiscent at night and compose better then. I think that is about right.
“Here’s my house. Thanks for walking me home,” as I waved in his face to get his attention.
“No biggie. Goodnight Rhiannon,” he replied in his soft, deep voice.
I reached in for a hug as I bid him goodnight. “Joonie, I will be here to listen when you need someone to. That’s what friends are for right?” I comforted him.
“Thanks.” Even under the dim street lights, I saw his beaming face.
“You know, you should smile more. You look cute when you smile,” I suggested before going into my house.

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NickyDieos #1
Chapter 38: YaaaaaaaaaaAAAaaAAAAaaaAAsSSSSsSSSS New chapters. Tank chu!
Loue365 #2
Chapter 35: So one will not be friend zoned
NickyDieos #3
Chapter 34: Yeah more chapters so fast!
Loue365 #4
Chapter 32: like I said before friendzoning
NickyDieos #5
Chapter 32: Great chapter!
I'm so happy I stumbled over this,it seems like such an interesting fanfic and I can't wait to get started reading :D
Lalaywa #7
Chapter 31: Its cute!! But please for hints at romance!! (like Rapmon)
Loue365 #8
Chapter 30: Why do i have a feeling that the guys are getting friend zoned?
NickyDieos #9
Chapter 30: Good chapter!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Blackviolet #10
Chapter 29: I need more .. enough said!