[Continuation of sorts

If I fall in love with you: Another snowfall

A/N I honestly have no idea how to continue from where our original author left off. I can't assume what will happen. Instead I decided to write more about what happened when Dennis knocked on the door at the end of Chapter 23  http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/107121/27/if-i-fall-in-love-with-you-another-snowfall-eunhae-heechul-heeteuk-kyumin-leeteuk-teukchul-denchul



Heechul answered the knock by opening the door and immediately turning his back on his visitor. He wanted the company, but he wasn’t going to stand there and be gawked at because of his tears. Heechul went back to the balcony and held the concrete railing in a tight fist, willing his tears back.

Dennis had been hoping for something different than a back him. He thought he’d heard noises from Heechul’s room, someone other than Heechul here, but as he entered and looked around, he knew this wasn’t true. He still couldn’t shake the feeling like he was being watched though.

Looking at his boss, Dennis could tell he wasn’t taking being alone tonight very well. His shoulders slumped as he tried to pretend he was relaxed, but there was still a tightening in Heechul and Dennis could see he was actively controlling his breathing.

Making his way to the bed, Dennis pulled back the covers and fluffed up the pillows. He figured to try and make Heechul go to bed would be better than having him sit and stare off the balcony all night. As he turned to head out and bring Heechul back inside, he in a soft breath because the younger man was leaning against the doorframe, watching him.

Heechul’s arms were crossed over his shoulders and the light from an intensely bright moon was silhouetting his thin frame. He looked like an angel… No, he looked like an angel was holding onto him, squeezing him tightly from behind with wings wrapped around him too. Dennis thought he heard wings then, feathers shuffling as they pulled away from Heechul but when he blinked to look again he saw the soft fabric curtain being picked up by the wind.

“Always staring at me,” Heechul said. There was no soft smirk, no sign of the playfully rude Heechul. Instead there was a longing and mournful sadness.

Dennis was at a loss for words as he looked at his boss. Heechul appeared so, lost.

“You should be sleeping,” Heechul added. He had to look away from Dennis’ beautiful face. A face that reminded him of his pain and all that he’d lost, especially after being visited by that one not long ago. Jungsu still felt so fresh and present in this place and as Heechul closed his eyes he swore he smelled raspberry cheesecake and vanilla votives. He let his arms drop from his chest and tucked his hands in his pockets, fresh tears b red rimmed eyes.

Emboldened, Dennis almost felt like he was given a gentle push in the small of his back as he found his feet taking him closer to Heechul.

“I can’t fix you Heechul.” Dennis said, not sure how the words were coming to him, but knowing he’d wanted to say them for a long time. “I can’t give back what you lost. But I can be here when you need someone else with you. Even if you want me to be quiet.. It might be hard, but I’ll try and keep from talking,” Dennis grinned at Heechul, trying to catch his eye and make him smile. It hadn’t worked.

With all else failing, Dennis slipped his arms around Heechul’s slender waist and closed the distance between them, hugging him tightly.

Heechul opened his eyes suddenly at the feel of the hug. He stared out in the empty room as Dennis’ body heat filled him up with what Heechul had longed for. Comfort. Slowly, his hands left his pockets to find the shoulders of the one that held him. They weren’t Jungsu’s shoulders; they didn’t feel of skin tightly pulled against bone, these shoulders weren’t sickly in the slightest. Dennis was alive and Dennis was strong. Heechul allowed himself a moment to just touch his lean muscles before fully giving in to the hug. The tears dropped down his pale cheeks as he rested his chin on Dennis’ shoulder and squeezed him close.

“He won’t leave me alone,” Heechul said after a while, when he trusted his voice to not be tight with emotion. It was still a whisper. “But I can’t leave him alone either. I’m scared for him. I’m scared for me.”

Dennis didn’t have any idea what Heechul was talking about, but he didn’t need to. He did know that Heechul needed his company. And that the younger man had left a wet spot on his shoulder from crying. Dennis pulled from their hug slowly, shocked when Heechul clung to him like he didn’t want him to leave.

“I’m not going to leave you alone either,” he said softly, smiling as he wiped Heechul’s cheeks.

Heechul nodded and lowered his head, keeping his eyes off Dennis’ face. He didn’t want even more tears from seeing this face of his angel on someone new. But this someone, this Dennis, was starting to feel as if he’d known him for years.

Allowing himself to be pulled to the bed, Heechul sat on the edge, but he refused to let go of Dennis and he caught the older man’s hand. “Stay.” It wasn’t a question, although there was a hint of a plea in his tone.

Dennis swallowed hard and nodded. He moved past Heechul, onto the bed and under the covers. Heechul followed his lead and settled in beside him, on his back, looking at the ceiling.

“Thank you,” Heechul whispered. He was half talking to Dennis and half thanking his angel, who was still looking out for him.

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got a chapter automatically rated .. it's probably all because of all the swear words .. still no from me :p


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Chapter 14: Question: Who is that brother, Dennis is talked about before. He mentioned he visited his grave
Chapter 2: Oh? Who?
Chapter 1: First chapter and my eyes are already watering 😭
im sad i come when its seem discontinued :(
Pinkyoinkoink #5
Please continue this beautiful story?
Chapter 45: Nooooooo! I wanted to see what really happened!
kimluna1 #7
Chapter 5: I just couldn't imagine the physical treaty of Park Jungsu as Dennis, to me he is a stranger whose face I can't see/draw.
kimluna1 #8
Chapter 4: Jungsu and Dennis aren't the same person alright, I don't think this will be a very good idea for a sequel (sorry had to say that). Because Heechul (or anyone who has lost a loved one) will always look for his lover not for a replica, because when he loved him he loved Leeteuk's heart and soul not just the face. I have to say that I am a #heeteuk#teukchul shipper and the first part made me cry my eyes out, I felt the pain and the sorrow my heart ached. Please no more sad endings.