Christmas Eve

If I fall in love with you: Another snowfall


The news about the President being gone reached Jeju island very quickly. Getting a call from a very panicky Ryeowook made the already worried Kyuhyun and Heechul even more distressed. Those two knew their father. The President would not leave without seeing them first or even giving them a call. 
It took Dennis and Sungmin heck a lot of effort just to calm the two down  and get them ride the private jet they got. The two actually even thought of drugging their bosses just to make their jobs way easier. Heechul was yelling at everything, even the door. Kyuhyun was blabbering and sulking at the same time. How did the boy did that? Nobody knows.
Where would his dad go? Heechul asked himself. He really couldnt think straight anymore. First, their company was in a big trouble and now, his father was nowhere to be found. What in the world was happening to his family? 
"Maybe that bastard has to do something with this." Kyuhyun finally said something audible. The boy had been blabbering for too long that none of them could even understand what he was saying anymore. Although Sungmin was pretty sure that he heard something that sounded like cubic formula, just a little bit more complicated.
"Who?" Dennis, probably the only composed person in the plane, asked.
"Hankyung." Heechul also finally said something that was not included in the list of swear words. The darkness in his eyes was still visible. "He's the only bastard I know right now and I believe my brothers thinks so too." He eyed his brother that was seating across him. "Right Kyuhyun?"
Kyuhyun nodded. His stepfather was one of the biggest businessmen in Asia but the old man was a very nice man. He couldnt think of anybody that would even think of hurting his dad. KIm Jae Hwa might be nice and all, but he's still dangerous. No one would even try to touch his old man. Except for that bastard Hankyung.
"Bute we dont have any proof that he did it." It was Sungmin, holding on to Kyuhyun as much as he could. He just had that feeling that the boy would jump of the plane if he let him go even just for a second. Dennis was also doing the same thing with Heechul.
"I do not need a ing proof. I can just go barge in his office and ruin his whole life before I skin him alive and watch him bleed until I take mercy on him and throw him the middle of Pacific Ocean."
Dennis' forehead knotted as he choked on his own spit. He'd been working with Heechul for quite a while and he was already used to the man's overly brutal death threats but what he saw in the others eyes was telling him that the younger was more than serious when he said those words. Kim Heechul was more than willing to murder Hankyung with his own hands. It gave him creeps.
"Heechul-ah, calm down." All he could do was hold the his boss' hand. He was trying to act calm outside but inside, everything was in a total haywire. He didnt know what to do. The company's in trouble and the President is missing. They have no idea what to do or even where to start. The only clue they have was that Hankyung definitely had something to do with everything. 
That Hankyung. That bastard.
"I swear I am going to kill him if he did something to my father." Heechul hissed.
"I would gladly help hyung." It was Sungmin again. The President had been more than just a boss to him. President Kim treated and raised him like his own son after his father passed away. He would never forgive anyone that would even lay a finger on the old man.
Silence enveloped the four of them. Kyuhyun wasnt mumbling anymore. Sungmin was still holding the younger. Heechul was just staring into thin air, probably thinking of the best way to torture Hankyung. Dennis was also just holding Heechul's hand, squeezing it from time to time and drawing random shapes on the top of his boss' hand. It might not seem like it but the gesture was the only thing keeping Heechul from exploding. Feeling Dennis' hand on his was giving him a very odd comfort.
"I'm sorry."
"I'm sorry?" He chuckled. "Your apology wont bring back our parents."
Kim Jae Hwa's tears were still falling. It was never his intention to hurt anybody. It was never his intention to ruin anybod's life. It was never his intention to lose his own brother. He just .. wanted to save his family. He just did what he thought was right.
"I didnt mean it." He sobbed.
The tall, slim man, laughed hysterically. Hankyung smirked. It gave him creeps. It broke his heart. What had he done? His brother died. His nephew lost his parents. And everything was all his fault. 
"You didnt mean it?" Another set of laughter was heard from Zhou Mi. "You freaking left your brother in a burning building to die!!!" Anger was more than visible in the young man's eyes. And the stare that Hankyung was giving him took him back to the darkest part of his life.
It was already almost Christmas. There Christmas decors all over the place and snow was falling beautifully from the dark moonlit sky. It was the perfect time to have a cup of coffee in front of the fireplace. Across him was his wife, playing with his two boys. His brother was sitting in one of the recliners, reading his favorite books while listening to Henry's violin.
It has almost been five years since he last saw his brother's family. It was really sad that Mandy and Henry couldnt join them. He didnt know why but they chose to stay in China. They said that they will just come over and visit but they never did.
Henry was already almost five and already playint the violin. That kid is a musical prodigy.
"Appa, I'm cold. I want hot chocolate." He felt someone tugged on his pajama. It was his eldest son, Heechul.
"Ask Umma to make some for you and Kyu." He smiled at his son but he just earned a pout. "What's wrong?"
"But I want your hot chocolate." The boy whined. He could imagine his son being very demanding once he grew up. Although the boy had always had his way to charm every single person around him. 
He just sighed. "Fine."
Heechul's pout automatically turned into a smile, followed by a giggle that he was guessing came from Kyuhyun. 
"Appa, I want some tiny marshnallows in it too!" Kyuhyun requested. The boy was still busy playing with his new game console.
Kim Jae Hwa stood up, watched his family and smiled. Christmas eve had always been one of his favorite occasions. It's been a family tradition that they would all sit in front of the fireplace and wait for the clock to hit midnight.
"Jae Sun-ah, do you want some too?" He nudged his brother on his way to the kitchen. The younger just shook his head.
The phone rand before he could even take another step. 
"I got it." His wife smiled at him and walked towards where the phone was supposed to be. She frowned. He just chuckled. "Yah! Kim Heechul! Where did you leave the telephone again?!" His wife's pissed off voice just echoed and in the kitchen.
"Upstairs Umma! Under the couch in the family room!" Heechul just grinned. He knew that he would probably get in trouble again since they were in the basement and his step mother probably had to go two flights of stairs just to get the phone. But it was Christmas. No one gets in trouble on Christams eve.
Everything fell silent. Only Heechul's giggles, Kyuhyun's grunts and Henry's violin could be heard. Jae Hwa was smiling brightly as put marshmallows in his children's mugs of hot chocolate. Ji Yun, his wife, was busy talking to her sister animatedly on the phone - he'd always found that trait admirable. Jae Sun was still busy reading his book as he let his son's music echo in his head. Little Kyuhyun was still playing his game and Heechul was trying his very best peaking through the gifts under the Christmas tree.
Everything was so peaceful. Everything was so perfect. Until something exploded.
It was the fireplace. Faulty gas valves. He's always known about that. He didnt get it fixed. He will forever regret not doing so.
Kim Jae Hwa lost his brother and second wife in the fire. Kyuhyun got his lungs punctured. Heechul broke his leg.
Jae Sun, his beloved younger brother, jumped out of the couch he was in as soon as he heard the explosion. It was already almost too late. The huge pine tree already fell and his nephews were nowhere to be found.
"Kyuhyun-ah! Kyuhyun-ah! Wake up!" Heechul voice was heard. The boy's leg was stuck under the tree and was trying to lift the huge tree that was about ten times bigger than him. "Uncle! Kyuhyun ..." The boy trailed off with tears flowing from his eyes. "Kyuhyun .. he's under the tree .. "
Jae Sun immediately lifted the huge tree and found an unconcious Kyuhyun under it. He scooped the boy up and quickly ran upstairs. "Heechul-ah, I'll come back for you okay?" The elder boy just nodded, face still tainted with fear and tears.
Ceilings started falling. Smoked filled the whole place. He could even barely see where he was going. He had to save his nephew. He promised hell come back for Heechul. But the boy was already gone. Where did he go? His leg was broken, he couldnt have gone too far.
Jae Sun looked for his nephew everywhere. Maybe Heechul got scared of the fire. Maybe he ran. He didnt know. 
The basement's stairs collapsed, so as the ceiling above him. He was trapped.
Heechul was saved by father. Heechul told his father that his Uncle Jae Sun promised to come back for him. Kim Jae Hwa didnt listen. His son is safe. 
sorry for not updating for like .. forever .. I just had some personal stuff going on and I really didnt have the drive to write
also, I think I'm having my 'mid-fic crisis' again lol
this happens a lot .. tho I stop writing in the middle most of the times
let's just all hope that I wont leave this fic hanging this time
IDK if this chapter is good or not .. as I've said, I havent been writing for a while so I'm kind a not in the 'zone' yet
but I still hope you'll like it ^^
thanks for the comments btw .. so for subscribing and waiting c:
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got a chapter automatically rated .. it's probably all because of all the swear words .. still no from me :p


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Chapter 14: Question: Who is that brother, Dennis is talked about before. He mentioned he visited his grave
Chapter 2: Oh? Who?
Chapter 1: First chapter and my eyes are already watering 😭
im sad i come when its seem discontinued :(
Pinkyoinkoink #5
Please continue this beautiful story?
Chapter 45: Nooooooo! I wanted to see what really happened!
kimluna1 #7
Chapter 5: I just couldn't imagine the physical treaty of Park Jungsu as Dennis, to me he is a stranger whose face I can't see/draw.
kimluna1 #8
Chapter 4: Jungsu and Dennis aren't the same person alright, I don't think this will be a very good idea for a sequel (sorry had to say that). Because Heechul (or anyone who has lost a loved one) will always look for his lover not for a replica, because when he loved him he loved Leeteuk's heart and soul not just the face. I have to say that I am a #heeteuk#teukchul shipper and the first part made me cry my eyes out, I felt the pain and the sorrow my heart ached. Please no more sad endings.