Everything’s gonna be okay.

If I fall in love with you: Another snowfall

“How long are you gonna do this?”

“How long are you gonna do this?” The man questioned him back, giving a particular stress on the fourth word as the older sat on the chair right across him. He eyed the new comer while the other just looked at him, full of doubt yet with eyes filled with certain obliviousness. “Who are you working for?”

He smiled at the man before taking a sip from his cup of black coffee. He’d had the same conversation before, with the same man and he always give him the same answers. He was trained to do so.

“You already know the answer to your question. I work to whoever signs my paycheck, preferably the ones that have bigger value.”

The man chuckled, the same reaction he gets every time and it will never get old. He, on the other hand just continued smiling. Although he’s getting tired of being asked the same question over and over again, he was trained to keep his poker face on. He was trained to avoid showing any sensitive emotions. He was trained to do a lot of things, from playing with people’s minds, feelings and emotions to actually ending someone’s life without anyone noticing it but he wasn’t a killer, he’s just trained to be like one.

“You’re making it sound like you’re a money or something.” The man sat up straight and crossed his legs. “I know you don’t work for the money. You have lots of those already.”

He just shook his head, still doing his best on hiding whatever is going inside his head. “You know nothing about me my friend. A job is job.”

The man smirked, he didn’t like it. It made him feel a little uncomfortable but not enough to make him let his guard down. The man in front of him is one of the most dangerous people he ever met and it scares him but excites him at the same time. That man wasn’t trained to be killer but has the heart of one and is not afraid to dirty his hand with blood.

“I wonder where your loyalty lies…..my friend.” The man smiled at him, it gave him creeps. He was smiling but his eyes were definitely saying otherwise. For the first time in his life, he feared someone.

“Why are you doing this?”

“Doing what?” The man asked, trying to look and sound so innocent but they both knew that he know better.

“You know what I’m talking about.” Their smiles both wore off after a few seconds. A serious talk is needed to discuss a serious matter. He’s risking everything that he has but caring seemed to be the least of his concerns. This is going to be his last job, he better make it worthwhile.

“I want you to quit your job.”


“I don’t want to live like this…..”

“Like what?”

“I don’t want to live my life worrying if the man I love will ever come back to me every time he leaves for his job. I don’t want my kids to live a life worrying about if they will still have someone to call a father at the end of the day.”

“I thought you love me?”

“I do but loving you is one of the most dangerous choices I’ve ever done in my life. Quit your job. Please…..before it’s too late.”

“I’m sorry.”

He left the house that night, not giving the woman he treasured the most any assurance of safety or if he will ever come back. He did, but what he found was his wife and three months old son, bathing in their own blood.

The job that he was trained to do since he was a little kid took away his only source of happiness. His job killed his family. His job murdered the ones he loved the most. And even though it’s already too late, he will erase that job from his life.

“I have my reasons.” With that, the man left.


“Who is Jungsu?”

The question echoed inside Heechul’s head. It went straight to his heart and it made him cringe. Who is Jungsu? Who is his angel? Who is he? He chewed his lips, trying to fight back the tears that weren’t there yet but he knew they were come very soon. No one ever asked him that question before. No one ever asked him any question about his angel before. No one dared to ask him.

He looked at the man sitting comfortably across him and he saw his angel. That is his angel…..or at least that is the face of his angel. His chinky eyes, his perfect nose, his thin lips, his beautiful dimple….everything. He is his angel.

“You.” He whispered. The other man heard him but what he said was too inaudible for him to understand. He saw the older looked at him confusion. His heart was beating too fast that he felt like it’s gonna burst. He didn’t know what to say.

“Heechul-ssi?” Dennis called his boss.

Heechul just looked at him with eyes filled with different emotions, just like how they were when they first saw each other: confusion, fear, passion….and love. It confused him but the look his boss was giving him made him feel very uneasy. He touched a very sensitive part of the man’s life and he was pretty sure that his boss wasn’t ready to talk about that yet.

He forced himself to smile, showcasing the dimple on the side of his lips, hoping that it would help loosen the very obvious tension that built up around them but it didn’t. His smiled seemed to make the other feel more….uncomfortable? He couldn’t find the right word to describe Heechul. Everything was just too fuzzy for him and he didn’t even know why.

“Jungsu….” Heechul choked. “Is someone I….” He opened his mouth again, trying to find courage to continue speaking but ended up looking like a fish gasping for air… “Jungsu is…..” And then his tears finally decided to come streaming down his face.

Everything just went blank for him. He tried, he really did but he just couldn’t. He covered his face with hands and cried his heart out until he felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around his vulnerable figure. He was sure it was Dennis.

“Shhhh….it’s okay. You don’t have to force yourself.” The man his long black hair. “Everything’s gonna be okay….” He didn’t know why, but he believed what Dennis Park just said.

Everything’s gonna be okay.



LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME and short hehehe..but oh well~~ didnt edit this chapter at all...didnt even read it...so tons of typos are to be expected xDD
achaintro haha .. loving the comments....IDK what to tell you now since I've already technically.replied to all your comments through text so ya lol
julgium updated :)
eunhaeteukchulbiased I'm trying....is it getting predictable? ><  and nope...I wont give you any hints about geng's character..coz that's gonna spoil the whole thing lol..and as of now...I still loathe hanchul hehe so IDK...but I might change my mind...so we'll see :)
19izzati thank you~~~~~
Aki_Hikari it was interesting...but not anymore...I failed T.T
angel_wings thanks <3
Sinner but this is not an asian drama ^^
sophiexoxo thanks <3
verility I've been writing too much backstory lately so I probably'd delay KyuMin for a while..and Sungmin's too...and so as the others >< and about the help you were offering me a few days ago....I need it now hehe...I kind a need help with Kangin and Shindong's characters...I still dont know where to put them ><
JBzherimaar there's gonna be more next time <3

and I just reached 50 subcribers and 100++ comments!!! YEY!!
I really wanted to update when I reached 50 and 100 at the same time but I couldnt....writer's block again tsk tsk
well anyway...THANK YOU ALL~~~~~~~~~~~~


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got a chapter automatically rated .. it's probably all because of all the swear words .. still no from me :p


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Chapter 14: Question: Who is that brother, Dennis is talked about before. He mentioned he visited his grave
Chapter 2: Oh? Who?
Chapter 1: First chapter and my eyes are already watering 😭
im sad i come when its seem discontinued :(
Pinkyoinkoink #5
Please continue this beautiful story?
Chapter 45: Nooooooo! I wanted to see what really happened!
kimluna1 #7
Chapter 5: I just couldn't imagine the physical treaty of Park Jungsu as Dennis, to me he is a stranger whose face I can't see/draw.
kimluna1 #8
Chapter 4: Jungsu and Dennis aren't the same person alright, I don't think this will be a very good idea for a sequel (sorry had to say that). Because Heechul (or anyone who has lost a loved one) will always look for his lover not for a replica, because when he loved him he loved Leeteuk's heart and soul not just the face. I have to say that I am a #heeteuk#teukchul shipper and the first part made me cry my eyes out, I felt the pain and the sorrow my heart ached. Please no more sad endings.