The Great MinHo Ho Ho Ho!!!

The Shining Knight and The Dark Rider

    " Meet me at the garden. Come quickly, don't let the boys follow you! Be careful! " IU sent me a text message while I was packing my books after school. Just as I was about to reply her, ChunJi turned behind to face L.Joe and me, " Hey, so? "

    " Huh? So? So what? " I was confused. What did he meant by 'So' ? ChunJi raised his eyebrow and answered, " IU went to the toilet, so can you now answer our question? "

    " IU went to the toilet? " L.Joe asked suspiciously, " With her bag? " ChunJi nodded and replied, " She said she needed something in her bag. "

    " She could have just taken it out right? Maybe she abandoned us again. " TaeMin sighed, appearing out of nowhere, ok, maybe not nowhere, but all of a sudden, making me jump. They all sighed and lowered their heads sadly. Whatever, I couldn't care less. I need to leave already. This is it, time to escape! I slowly and quietly pick up my bag and was about to flee when they all looked up at me, more like stare at me, " JungMi. " I gulped and looked up at them. I awkwardly smiled at them and asked, " Yes? "

    " Where are you going? " L.Joe camly asked and ChunJi continued, " To meet up with IU? " TaeMin then finished it, " And dumped us again? " I blinked innocently and shook my head, " Of course not! I... I... "

    " You what? Going to the toilet? " L.Joe started and ChunJi added sarcasticly, " With your bag? Something you need in there? " TaeMin shook his head and warned, " You better not try to escape... " I sighed and lowered my head, " Fine. "

    " Sit down, JungMi. " L.Joe comanded and ChunJi glared at me, " We are not taking our eyes off you. " TaeMin then told me, " We won't let you have a chance to escape. You promised to tutor us on science today! And the test is only a week away! You'll help us, right? " TaeMin did some ageyo at me. He's soooo cute! I almost started pinching his cheeks! Luckily I didn't, I would have looked so weird! I looked at TaeMin and sighed. Haiz, TaeMin is just too cute to reject.

    But IU is waiting for me and I promised to go with her. I took a glance at ChunJi and L.Joe and gulped at their serious expression staring down at me. I sighed then slowly nodded and sat back down on my chair. They all relaxed and went back to pack their things without leaving their eyes off me. " She listened to him but not me... " L.Joe mumbled to himself softly beside me. " Huh? What did you say? " I asked him, feeling distracted, when I heard mumurs. " N-nothing! " He stuttered and shook his hands infront of him before he continued to pack his stuffs.

    Ignoring what he might be doing, I shifted my attention back to thinking. Haiz, how am I going to escape now? A ha! My eyes lit up and I raised my index finger up to diagonally infront of my head. An imaginary light bulb beside my head and I smiled. A brillant idea just came to mind! I have to quickly take actions before they finish with their packings! I pretended to look sad with no hopes of escaping while looking around the classroom casually and stopped my gaze outside the window. I pointed out of the window with a suprised look, " Look! "

    They then naturally turn their gaze to where I pointed at. I immediately took this chance and ran away as fast as my legs can take me. I ran out of the classroom and into the corridor. Without looking back, I ran with all my might. I know they will probably catch me soon if they chased after me, since I, erm, am not a fast runner and further more, they are boys! I could never outrun any of them! But, I don't really care if they will catch me or not, I am just going to keep running till I reach the school garden, maybe they aren't even chasing me!

    Soon, I arrived at the garden and saw IU pacing up and down the bench we sat on this afternoon with a worried expression, I walked over and panted " IU! I am here! "

    " JungMi! Why are you so late? I am so worried! I thought you got caught by the boys! " IU exclaimed worriedly as she came over to hugged me, " I thought I needed to go alone to meet MinHo oppa. " I patted her back and smiled, " Don't worry, everything is fine. And will be fine too. So will finding your mother... "

    She broke the hug and gave me a small smile, " Thanks JungMi. For the comfort. I woudn't know what to do without you... I didn't even thought about going to 'The Wise Old Man' before. " We then slowly sneaked out of the school making sure that they, you know who, woudn't spot us and quickly make our way to 'The Wise Old Man' .


    " JungMi. I am worried. What if the results isn't what I wanted to hear? " IU asked as we looked at the door of MinHo, " What if he isn't home? What if he is busy? What if my mother wouldn't accept me? "

    " IU ah, you need to calm down... Let's just go in and forget about the 'what ifs' , ok? " I tried to make IU relaxed, she is too tensed up. But... actually, I had the same questions in my mind all along. What if my brother this, what if my brother that. I shook the thought away. There wouldn't be any problem, I will find my brother. " Everything will be ok.. " I tried to reassure IU, and maybe myself.

    IU smiled back at me and asked for comfirmation, " Really? You really think so? " I nodded.

    Suddenly, hundreds of little brown teddy bears fell from the sky and landed right infront of us. Both of us were shocked at the sudden teddy-bear-rain. We took a step backwords to avoid the falling teddy bears. We exchanged looks when the teddy bear rain stopped. I can see that IU was as confused as I am, " What just happened? " IU asked, picking up one of the bears. I shrugged, " I have no idea... but aren't they cute? " I replied as I started hugging a bear.

    However, before we could say anything else, a voice broke into our conversation, " Ho Ho Ho Ho!!! Are you girls here for the Great MinHo? " It was a male's voice. I jumped and immediately turned around automatically. I bumbed into a great, big, rounded belly. " Ah! " I screamed as I was bouced back from the belly and fell onto the ground with a thud. " Oh, I'm so sorry! "

    The person wearing santa's clothes came over and tried to help me up, but ended up stepping on one of the bears and falling backwards. " Ahhh!!! " He screamed, " Help me up! Quickly!!! " I blinked a few times, trying to get back to my senses before quickly standing up and rushing over to the fallen santa. " Are you ok? " I asked him as IU and I pulled him up.

    " I-I'm fine. " He replied as he walked dizzily to the door of a house. Wait, isn't that house MinHo's house? " Are you MinHo? " I asked. He turned around to face us and looked at us thoughtfully, " Oh! You are IU and JungMi! " He pointed to us, " I know the two of you. Come on in. "

    We then followed him inside. We sat down on the sofa as he took off his fake beard and the pillow at his belly. " Merry Christmas! " He exclaimed happily as he handed each of us a bear. " Huh? Christmas was last month... " IU said as she took over the bear. " What?! Isn't it tomorrow? I even bought all those bears for the kids when I go to the orphanage tomorrow! " He looked at us with a shocked face.

    I took out my phone and showed him the date. " Christmas was definately last month. " I told him. " Oh my godness, I can't believe I saw the wrong date all along... " He looked like he was going to faint as he sat on the sofa infront of us. He closed his eyes and lowered his head, looking really disappointed. I was about to speak when his head shot up with a smile, " Is there anything that you girls need help with? I'm a famous Fortune-Teller! I can solve all problems! Why? Because... I'm Choi MinHo, The Legendary 'Wise Old Man' ! "

    IU turn to me and I smiled encouragingly. IU took a deep breath and answered, " I... I need help... with my... m-mother ... " Her voice trails off as she looked uncertainly at him and to me and back to him, waiting for his reaction. He shurgged and replied, " Why not? I will help you, how about you JungMi? Your brother? "

    " Mmm. " I nodded and he smiled.


    After a few minutes, MinHo turned back to us, " I have a piece of good news and a piece of bad news. Which one do you want to hear first? " He asked.

    " Erm, the bad news first. " Both of us answered. " Ok, for the bad news, IU... " He looked striaght at IU and her expression immediately turned tense after hearing her name at the bad news section. " I'm sorry but you probably wouldn't see your mother ever again. " MinHo told IU. IU blinked a few times as a few drops of tears rolled down onto her rosy cheeks. She closed her eyes and wiped her tears away with her hands. She looked so sad... and I feel so bad. If I had not suggested to come here, she would not have known this terrible truth. At least, she would have some hope left. " IU, you would feel better letting out your tears... "

    She looked up at me with her tear stained eyes and I opened up my arms for her. She went into my embraced and began sobbing. " I thought I didn't give myself too much hopes on finding my mother already, but why am I so disappointed now? " IU cried as I patted her back, " It's ok, IU... " MinHo then passed her a piece of tissue paper with a little comforting smile, " Come on, it's alright. You've doing fine without her all these years anyway, it doesn't really matter if it's a few decades more. "

    IU wiped away her tears and looked up, " You're right! I'm fine without her! She's the one who left me at the orpanage heartlessly without looking back, I don't need her, my adopted mother is good enough for me! " IU exclaimed after she calm down. We looked at her unsurely, is she really fine already? " Don't worry, I've thought it through already. I am really fine. " She gave us a small reassuring smile before continuing, " Why don't we continue with the good news now? "

    " Oh right! I almost forgot about it! " MinHo stated before turning to me, " Well, the good news is that JungMi, you will probably see your brother within these few days! "

    " Really? " I asked excitedly. " Of course! Why would I lie to you? Don't you belive me? I am 100 % trustable! Why? Because... I'm Choi MinHo, The Legendary 'Wise Old Man' ! " He reasoned with a proud expresion on his face before he continue, " Oh, and you've already met him before! It's just that you didn't realised he is your brother before. " He replied. My eyes widened. Really? I've met him before? I wonder who it is?

    Suddenly IU hugged me again and started sobbing again, " I'm so happy for you, JungMi! Congratulations! You are finally going to find your brother after all these years! " She jumped up and down the place excitedly, " Remember to introduce him to me when the two of you reunite! " She clasped her hands together.

    " I will! " I replied with a smile. She seemed even more excited than I am. But haiz, she already lost hope on her mother, it's no wonder if she pinned all her hope onto my brother...



djputitbackon & Cute_bunny THANKS for reading and subscribing! :D Comment!!! We loves comments <3



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--doyouhearme #1
Chapter 36: L.JOEEEE <3 *spazzing*
What a coincidence...I'll have to read this soon.^^
angelkitty #3
Chapter 36: Awwww, L.joe and Jungmi is so sweet ^-^ keehehehe. L.joeeee <3333 OMGGGG, MY RICKY APPEARED TOO :DDDDD Three cheers for Ricky :P Hip hip Hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hoorayyyyy ~~
Aww, what about my Taemin? :< He doesnt have a pairing, boohoo T.T
Chapter 36: Kyaaaaaaa~~~ <3 <3 <3 <3
Reading this story for just one night <3333 I looooove it!! /rolls down the mountain/ wiieee~~ L.Joeeeee <3
Chapter 36: Awwwwwwww~~OuO
L.joe How sweet!!<3<3<3
I was Blushing while reading it!!
Anyway the ending was awesome Im sureThat everyone LOVED it!!
This was an Amazing/cute/funny,Awesome Fanfic that i will never forget!!<3<3<3
Chapter 36: Aww~ L.Joe~ ! <33 So sweet and cute~ Plus, it's a happy and good ending for everyone, not only them! ^^
You're welcome! And TeenTop! I love you too~ XD
Chapter 35: Woo~ L.Joe confessed too? XDD
Chapter 35: OMG LJOE!!!!*Fangirl*OuO
OH MY GOOOOD CHUNJI!!!*Jump around like crazy*
Update soon unni!!I can't wait!OuO