Chapter 9 -

Bitter & Sweet

"You know, just because you're yoongi oppa's cousin, doesn't mean I'll be nice to you" she said, leaning against the wall which slightly made you choke on your saliva. "I didn't ask for you to treat me nice anyways." you said, placing the cleaning equipment you were holding, down. "Why are you even here?" She asked, still sounding like an awful . "It's because I want to be here? Is that wrong?" you said, folding your arms, "of course it is. You're a virus causing my baby to have problems" she said in a mocking tone, "virus? Is that the best you have?" you tempted her, trying to see how far this 'fight' would go. "Yeah, a virus. What else? Hmm, let's see. Like what my baby said, you're irrelevant and I too, hate your guts" she said, pissing you off. "Seriously? Copying what he said now? Pft, you can't even make up with your own 'insults'" you said, causing her to blow up. ", you think you're that big because you're yoongi oppa's cousin? You're ing low, you know that? I don't give a single ! on whether you're his cousin or not, you're disgusting like every other girl. I don't know why the boys like you more than me, I'm clearly better than you. I'm better in everything" she said, causing you to shut your mouth because anytime now, one of them could walk in. You didn't want to blow up, you controlled your anger towards the lowlife . "What? Can't say anything now?" she said, laughing with her arms folded, not knowing that Taehyung has been standing behind her, listening to every word she said.

"See. You can't even say a single word now. How pathet-" But before Ji yeon could continue, she was interupted by the sound of the door opening which causes you and ji yeon's attention to be faced upon the door. "Hey. What's going on?" Taehyung asked, coming. Ji yeon's face expression changed faster then jeon jungkook running in run! bts ep 7. "Oh nothing! we were just talking. Right, (Y/N)?" She smiled, like the first time you met her, that 'angel' like smile which could nearly cause you to have diarrhea but of course, you didn't say a word and just stared at her. Taehyung grabbed your wrist as he stares at Ji yeon and coughed, saying, "That wasn't what i heard." and walked out of the dorm pulling you along leaving Ji yeon alone in the dorm. Taehyung lets go of your wrist and stares at you with his those eyes looking like he was going to cry, "(Y/N)...." you look up at him, you saw his face and gosh you felt hella guilty, "Taehyung-ah...I'm sorry.." you apologized, looking down at your feet, you couldn't face him after avoiding them for weeks. "It's okay. The main question is, are you okay? Did she do anything to you?" He asked. "I'm fine. I just need more time alone." you said, he nodded, "I understand." he said. You went back into your apartment and took a deep breath, taking out your phone and notice some notifications that was from last week that you haven't cleared,

Thursdays -

Jin ah: Yah! i miss you~~~

Jin ah: Let's have lunch soooooon~~ ^^

Friday -

Jin ah: (Y/N)? Are you okay?

Sunday - 

Jin ah: ....ah this is the first time you have taken so long to reply me, it's been days...i hope you're fine.

Jin ah: Reply soon okay?

Realizing you had not only made the boys worried but also your best friend you sighed, if it wasn't for that fight with Hoseok, you wouldn't be like this now. You opened your chat with Jin ah and started to reply her, 

You: Sorry Jin ah, something happened..ㅠㅠ

Jin ah: Let me guess....Jung Hoseok?

You: Bingo. 

Jin ah: Would you like to talk about it? Have you eaten?

You: fact no, you mentioned about having lunch together right?

Jin ah: Yes!! I found this really nice western store! let's go there~~! 

You laughed at how cute your best friend reaction was when food was mentioned, 

You: Of course, 3:00PM? text me the address too!

You went out of your chats and look at the timing,'2:10PM', you placed your phone down on your table and went to get ready. It didn't take long for you to prepare as usual but your reflection on the mirror didn't satisfy you at all, you looked like a walking skeleton, "i need to get my body back..." you sighed but grabs your bagphone and headed out. Called a cab and told him the address Jin ah send. After 20 to 30 minutes, the taxi stopped,"We have arrived." the driver said, you took your wallet and paid the amount stated on the screen and got out, the first thing you saw when you got out was Jin ah waving at you from the door of the restaurant. The closer you walked, the clearer her face was which made you smile, it has been weeks sinces you last saw her. 

"(Y/N)~~" she shouted, spreading her arms open and hugged you so tight you felt like you would suffocate."J-Jin ah...." you called out, realizing she was hugging you too tight, she pulls away. You guys went inside, got a seat near the window and ordered your food. "So... what happened?" jin ah asked, you placed your glass of water down and slowly explained to her. She lets out a sigh, "You have always been like this. This part of you hasn't changed at all." You looked down, trying to hide away your embarrassment 'I guess I haven't really changed huh...' you thought to yourself. 

"You've gotten a lot skinnier too, I'm going to have to make you eat a lot today!" She said, determined to make you look like you have meat in your body, you laughed at how determined she was, "I'm sorry, Jin Ah" you said, looking down again, "what for?" she asked, "Everything... Anyways! How are you and Doojoon oppa?" You changed the subject quickly, wiggling your eyebrows. She covered her face due to the shyness, you were glad to see her happy and smiling. You hoped that Doojoon won't do anything bad to her like her previous ex-boyfriend, god he was terrible. "I'm getting so stressed out about this, Jin Ah... Help me please" you pouted, hoping that she would suggest something amazing. "How about a holiday?" She said, "a holiday?" you asked, squinting your eyes with a 'what are you even talking about' look. "Yeah! A holiday! With the boys... maybe? Try making up with him! It's good to stay friends than being enemies! Talk about frenemies (Y/N).." she said, "but the dude hates me!" you reminded her, "oh right... become frenemies!" she said. You sighed, "I'll take that to mind. I'll see what I can do" you said. "That's my best friend!" she said, giving you a thumbs up. While you were happily talking to your best friend, you didn't realize that it had already reached the evening. 

You unlocked your phone, checking the time '5PM'. "Ahh, its 5PM... Shouldn't you be getting back to the company?" You asked her while sipping your drink, "! I'm behind schedule! Sorry (Y/N) ~ I have to go! We'll meet up soon again okay?" She said, trying to pack her things. You waved at her leaving, smiling away. It was a fun time getting back on track with your best friend, at least she was happy with Doojoon and you're stuck with the most hateful person on Earth and he's even your fiance! You sighed while waiting for the waiter to give you the bill, you sighed even more when you finally paid the bill and left the place. 'A holiday..... I mean... They do deserve a break, they've been working their asses off' you thought to yourself while trying to figure out on where to head out next. You ended up entering Big Hit Entertainment, trying to find Bang PDnim but you bumped into Changmin instead. "Oppa!" You said while you stared at his face, "omo! (Y/N) ah~~" he said, giving you a welcoming hug. "Why are you here? Are you here to see me? Did you miss me?" He asked but you laughed softly instead, "I'm looking for Bang PDnim, it's urgent!!" you said, making it seem like it was an important issue when it really wasn't. "I'll bring you to him then~ wait... you don't miss me at all?" He pulled a sad face, "Yah oppa! I missed you of course~ seriously though! Bring me to Bang PDnim please~" you said, giggling. 

Once you reached his office, you knocked on the door and opened it, revealing a busy yet not busy on paperwork Bang Si Hyuk. He looked up at you, surprised at your sudden appearance "(Y/N)! What brings you here? How's your engagement with Jhope going?" he asked, surprising you that he knew about the engagement. "You know?" Your eyes widen at his knowledge, "of course! Your mother told me about it" He said. You almost forgot that he was close friends with your mother, "is it possible if you gave BTS a break?" you asked, "what! No! Their comeback is nearing you know, they still have to practice" he said, you sighed at his answer. "Please? Jung Hoseok and I had a fight, you know they deserve a break too! Please please please" you pouted, trying to make him agree and he did, "fine~ But somehow, they'll have to work still... Go to Hawaii, Honolulu. I guess.. they'll have a photoshoot, I want a summer edition to be out soon" he said, in a serious tone. "Deal! I'll provide their tickets!" You said happily, "yes yes and I'll provide the crew's tickets and whatnot" he said, making you smile even more. 


A/N: Hello! It's 'A' hereeeee with chapter 9! Double updates in a day again! i hope y'all enjoy this chapter and do leave comments saying you like or dislike it! ♡♡♡ Please also 'upvote' our story if you're kind enough to do so hehe ♡♡♡

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@svngjoes (A)

@Yohwanhee (Z)♡

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Chapter 29: Yesyesyes! You updated! I loved how you started this chapter! I didn't think that you would continue the ending scene from the previous chapter. And BTS's sudden arrival! But why was Hyewon glued to Hoseok so much? I'm sure you were using her to make me jealous.

I wonder just how beautiful I am to be a model, and an experienced one at that! But why has Hoseok never mentioned it before? Thinking about it, you never mentioned how beautiful I was either...
I've been wanting to comment about how there is no update, but I kind of felt bad, because I don't really want to force it... but I really miss this story. It's just we saw how they starting having feelings for each other and spending time together... Maybe, are you busy? Having some problems? I really hope you update soon *_* Pweaseee?
Chapter 24: "Like both of you were meant to be , partners in life and forever."
Sophiakg #4
Chapter 24: THE FEELS MAN
Sophiakg #5
Chapter 23: That chick needs to calm her down
Chapter 23: I am so glad that Hyowon or whatever her name is, said those words... because we saw some development from Hoseok's side, and finally it's my turn... kekeke
Funnypanda369 #7
Chapter 23: OH MY GOSH! MY FEEEEEEEEEEEEELZZZZZZZZZZZZ! But that girl... She's that typical 'looks innocent but is a total ' type. *sighs* I see this everywhere, but, chincha, this time I don't actually mind because she actually has a connection to Hobie. I'm so glad my character is calm, just like me, hahaha XD