Chapter 19 -

Bitter & Sweet

Getting up into a sitting position, you continued to stare at the text and emoticons Changkyun had send you through kakaotalk, you tilted your head to the side. 'What could be a problem?' you thought to yourself, placing your phone down; being completely lazy to reply him as you get out of bed completely and head to the bathroom to have a shower before heading out to the kitchen to make some simple brunch for yourself to eat. After eating, you went to clean up and only remember about the message Changkyun had send you when you saw your phone on your bed upon entering your bedroom; picking it up and started to question him.

You: What's the problem?

Changkyun: Come to starship!

You stared at his reply with a weird look on your face but yet you were to lazy to question him and end up changing your outfit and place your laptop into your handbag as you head out and called for a cab because your chauffeur would most probably be with your mother now and you wouldn't want to trouble them. After awhile, your cab was here and you headed inside. "Where are you going today miss?" the driver asked, "Starship entertainment please." you said as you took your laptop out, replying to those necessary emails; once you were done replying you place it back inside and meddle with your phone also not to mention looking outside the window, enjoying the scenery outside until you had reached. You noticed how the driver had stopped infront of a big building as he turn to face you, "we have reached." he said, you took out your wallet and paid him the amount stated on the screen before heading out of the cab only to see changkyun waiting outside. "Finally you're here." He said, moving from his position as you walk to him. "So what's the issue?" you asked, entering the building after him. "You'll find out soon." he said, walking towards up the stairs as you follow up behind him. You guys had reached the second floor and what infront of you was a big meeting room, Changkyun went front and gave a knock before entering with you following behind. 

"Oh, you're here." Kim Shi dae, the founder of Starship spoke as you both enter, "take a seat" he said, intructing you and changkyun who had just enter, doing as he said; the both of you took a seat. It wasn't only you guys inside, the rest of Monsta x and their manager was there too. This kind of situation had made you nervous as hell, what exactly is going on? What is the problem? Those questions kept popping in your head as your eyes shifted from left and right not to say it was also awkward like that situation where you and Hoseok's parents had a meeting. "So...." Kim shi dae spoke, making you and the members of Monsta x, along with their manager look over to him. "If you guys don't know... a few people spotted a girl with Changkyun yesterday and it has been almost everywhere on social media this morning, the fans have been questioning us ever since last night.." he said, placing the device down with the articial of you and Changkyun walking together with close to each other while walking to your apartment. "I know you all are close and all" he sighed, "But... this isn't the first time it happened remember? It happened earlier this year but after explaining the situation, it died down and this time explaining it again wouldn't work." he continued, you took a sip of water from the tiny bottle. "What do you suggest we do?" Changkyun asked making him look at you both in the eyes causing you and changkyun to look at each other. 

"I want you guys to pretend to date for about....3 weeks and once it dies down, you guys have a silent break up and stop seeing each other for a while and we'll write a statement on you guys dating and breaking up." He finished his sentence, leaning back in his seat with the water in his hand as he take a sip. You and Changkyun look at each other, "D-Date?" you guys said in sync causing Kim shi dae to respond with a nod. "But i have a fiance..." you said quietly but loud enough for them to hear, "But nobody knows who he is right?" you sighed, giving up and agreed yes to get this meeting over with. You went out with your handbag hang by your shoulder as you sighed, "(Y/N) ah" Changkyun called out to you causing you to turn towards him, "I'll talk to you later, i have schedules after this." he said and gave you a hug, you waved goodbye to him as you walk out of the building, letting out a heavy sigh. 'Arranged marriage, living in bts's dorms and now some pretend dating for 3 weeks yet it's coming to the end of the year...?' you said in your head as you let out another sigh and stared at the sky thinking about how the year has been going for you but only to be interupted by your phone ringing, taking it out from the pocket of your bag; you stared at the caller id, it was your mother.


"(Y/N) ah... would you mind explaining to me about what is happening?" 

You sighed over what your mother had asked over the line, those news really spread fast. While walking down the streets to the closest cafe you could find, you slowly explained it to her. 

"So it's for 3 weeks only?"

"I guess so... or more like when it dies down?" 

"Isn't this the second time this year?" 

"I know but he is a close friend since a long time...."

"Have you told Hoseok about it?" 

"No...i can't tell anybody about the details, not even my fiance he said." 

"I understand, I'll explain to your father tonight...Let's hope he doesn't flip."

"Thank you" 

You hung up on her after thanking her and walked into the cafe to get yourself some orange juice along with donut and left the store. While taking a sip of your juice and a bite of your donut, you walked down the street to see that the sky was already dark, probably going to be 7:30PM soon, 'I have to get back soon... i need to make them dinner..' you said to yourself in your head while continuing your small walk down the street before you finally decided to take the subway back and walked back to your aparment by yourself. You sighed at the thought of how you were going to explain the situation to the boys. Upon reaching the door, you had their spare key in your hand as you reach out to unlock it only to hear it being unlocked and open, "I'll- O-Oh! (Y/N)...." Jimin stared at you, it looked like he was going out. "You're back?" he asked, you nodded, heading inside to see all of them around the living room area staring at you; you knew they would have heard of the news and just gave them a smile, "How was practice today?" you asked, placing your bag down and grabbing your apron as you head to the kitchen to prepare dinner. They had all answer except Hoseok, you somehow can't blame him for not answering; they were probably shocked from the sudden news of you and changkyun 'dating'. You prepared dinner and ate with them as usual, it was the same but today seemed more awkward and less chatty. Jimin and Taehyung helped you clean up after dinner and after all was done; you said your goodnights and headed to your apartment next door and jumped onto your bed, facing the ceiling. 

"There's only 2 and a half months left before the year ends.." you said out loud, staring at the ceiling fan spinning; spacing out and was only brought back to reality when you heard a loud vibration coming from your phone. "Who is it now..." you asked yourself, getting up and grabbing your phone that was placed on your table. 

Yoongi: Hey

You: Hey?

Yoongi: Dinner was awkward as hell, i'm sure you know why, right?

You: Yeah i do...

Yoongi: Mind explaining?

You: I can't or more like... i'm not allowed to. 

Yoongi: Seriously? We didn't know you liked Changkyun all this time though

You: It's not like that! He's just...nevermind. I'll explain the full story to you after 3 weeks

Yoongi: 3 weeks? Really?

You: Yes really. I'm sorry.

Yoongi: I'll be waiting then... other then that, be careful i suppose? 

You couldn't bother to reply Yoongi's last text and left it as it is as you head towards the bathroom for a quick shower and a glass of cold milk before you head off to bed; covering your blanket over you in the most comfortable position... but only to be distrupted by your doorbell ringing; thinking if you ignored it, it would go away but damn, you were so wrong. It went from doorbell ringing to knocking on your door, being completely irritated; you got up and headed to peek at the peek hole to see Jung Hoseok outside. 'Gosh... what does he want? It's already 12AM..' you thought to yourself as you open the door for Hoseok and left to the kitchen. Hoseok closed the door behind him and sat down on the sofa with his hands together as he stare over at you walking towards him as you place the glass of water infront and sat down beside him, "why didn't you tell me about changkyun when we first met?" Hoseok questioned, breaking the silence between you guys. 'because we weren't dating in the first place stupid....' you thought to yourself. "why would I tell someone that I'm dating? Especially to someone I just met" you said, leaning back. He moved his position to face you, "Well, i told you didn't i? You could have just told me" he said, you looked over to him; he didn't seem agitated, rather he seemed 'sad' or maybe it could be your imaginations i mean, you were sleepy as hell. No responds was given to hoseok causing him to sigh, "am i the only one feeling this way?" he muttered quietly under his breath, "You're tired right?" he asked, you gave a nod, "You know?" you asked him back, "I can tell...I won't bother you anymore then, goodnight." he said, giving you the usual smile he would give but today, it was weaker; thinking he could be tired too you, you bid him goodnight and got up and walked to your bedroom. You were in bed again, 'finally' you thought as you pull the blanket over to cover your body before you fall into deep sleep. On the other Hoseok who had proceeded to your guest room to sleep was laying on the bed looking at the ceiling, "What am i to do now?" he questioned himself as he roll around the bed like a little child. 

Ten hours went by quickly, you then woke up feeling a bit more tired than usual though you had literally ten hours of sleep, you rolled off your bed resulting into falling on your wooden floor but it didn't hurt that much. You got up on your feet and did a bit of stretching because why not? Your mind was completely stuck on what happened last night, why did he come to your house at 12AM? The most important thing was, what did he say last night because you couldn't hear him? You shook your head out of frustration, hoping that Hoseok will get out of your mind, you made your bed and sat on it, checking your phone that was resting by your pillow the whole time, noticing that there was a few messages from Changkyun, you unlocked your phone and opened to see his messages. 


Changkyun: Where are you? 

Changkyun: Why aren't you replying me? I thought I said I wanted to talk to you. 


Changkyun: Good morning (Y/N), come by Starship today. 

Changkyun: I still want to talk to you. 

You looked at his messages wondering what could he possibly want now, only then did you realize that you had to keep up with this because you're supposed to 'date' him for three weeks, you didn't know how to pull this off, considering that you're an extremely bad actor. You lightly threw your phone aside and got up to take a short shower, after your shower, you went into your kitchen to feed yourself a small meal since you didn't have a big appetite. Once you finished eating, you went back into your room and grabbed your usual bag excluding your laptop then you proceeded to your art room, taking along with you, your sketch book. You had your casual outfit on today, you were feeling rather a bit lazy to dress yourself up and there was no one you wanted to impress anyway. You then left your house and made your way to Starship Entertainment of course, you had nothing better to do but today was rather a bit different, when you finally arrived at your destination, you noticed that fans were camping... well, not really but they were waiting for someone to either arrive or leave, they looked rather excited, judging by their faces. You got out of the car and made your way into Starship but you were quickly stopped by the fans who were apparently waiting for you, "(Y/N)!" a black haired girl stopped you from walking into Starship, she startled you. "Y-yes?" you asked nervously, gulping on what she was about to say, you hoped she won't curse on you for 'stealing' her 'oppa'. "Are you really dating I.M oppa?" Her question surprised you, making your eyes widen a little bit, "well.. yes. I guess" you said, you were still feeling nervous. "Waah! I support you and I.M oppa!" she said, giving you the sweetest smile. "T-thank you, please excuse me, I have to go" you said, smiling at her and you made your way into Starship, finding the dance studio. 

Once you found the dance studio, you peeked inside and looked at Monsta X practicing, sweating everything out. You knocked on the door and let yourself in, hoping that they wouldn't notice you coming in but Minhyuk was the first one to look at you when you stepped foot into the studio. "(Y/N)!!" Minhyuk stopped dancing, shouting your name and running towards you. "Oh, (Y/N). You came" Changkyun said, he stopped dancing as well and made his way towards you, giving you a small yet sweaty hug then the rest of the boys joined in -- giving you a really big and sweaty hug. "Yah yah, all of you are really sweaty" you said, trying to push them away from you resulting in all of them laughing at your reaction. You realized that you disturbed their dance practice and you finally let them continue doing what they were doing before you came in so you sat yourself down at the side, focusing on them dancing -- making you miss dancing as well, you haven't dance in a while. You continued to look at them dancing, you caught Changkyun glancing at you but he quickly looked away, smiling to himself which caused you to smile at his reaction, you then took out your iPod and plugged in your earphones, you also took out your sketch book and a pencil to sketch while they were busy practicing. The day ended somehow, with you just spending your day at Starship with Monsta X and constant teasing from the members, you got home feeling extremely tired from what you did although you didn't do much but at least, you got to see them dance and you get to draw again. 

The following week became a routine for you since you would usually spend most of your time at Starship, getting lunch with Changkyun and more teasing from the members, everything seemed so scripted but you managed to take this well and you managed to play it off casually though the both of you knew that the relationship wasn't real, it wasn't real in the first place. Changkyun regretted the night where he sent you home because this fake relationship wouldn't happen if he didn't send you home but it was too late for that and he had to go through this fake relationship with you, he also knew that you had a fiance but three weeks is passing by faster than you could ever imagine. The same thing followed everyday, you woke up; taking a shower then eating and after eating, you would make your way to Starship to spend time with Monsta X and the news about you and Changkyun was already beginning to die down, you went into the dance studio to find them laying on the floor instead of practicing, you sat yourself down at the same spot and began drawing them laying on the floor. Changkyun stared at you, realizing that you were drawing them, he quickly stood up and went towards you, "you're drawing us.. aren't you?" he asked, folding his arms trying to act tough, "yeah, I'm bored" you said, looking at him. 

The same thing happens everyday, it was already the second week of your fake relationship -- it was going extremely well and you were glad that the news about you and Changkyun was dying down really fast. It was already lunch time and you were on your way to Starship again. You heard your phone ringing, you took out your phone from your bag, checking the caller ID -- it was Changkyun. 


"It's Changkyun, where are you?" 

"I'm on my way to Starship, why?" 

"Ah, okay. I'll meet you outside, text me when you're finally here" 


You hung up on him and upon reaching your destination, you went out of the car with your bag and walked to the Starship entrance, you took your phone out and began tapping on your phone -- messaging Changkyun that you've reached and within a few minutes, you see Changkyun, Jooheon and Hyungwon walking out and making their way towards you, "let's go grab foooood!" Jooheon said, leading the way towards the restaurant that was at the end of the road, you sighed because you were too lazy to walk but you walked anyways. While walking, you were happily talking to the three of them which made you feel at ease because you didn't have to think of the fake relationship you had going on, you felt eyes watching you and suddenly, you felt a hand reach out for your hand, interlocking his hand on yours -- it was Changkyun's hand, confusing you at first but you then realized that you still had to put on a show for everyone. You heard squeals and immediately, you saw a few fans coming towards Jooheon, Hyungwon and especially Changkyun; they wanted a picture with the three of them, you almost forgot that they were part of the popular boy band, Monsta X; they somehow completely ignored your presence but a fan surprisingly wanted a picture with you and Changkyun. You gave in and took a picture with the fan along with Changkyun, this went on for a few minutes but it quickly ended because they had a schedule to follow and you were supposed to get food.

The third and last week of your fake relationship was coming to an end, you were glad that it was already going to be over and that you didn't want to keep this going on but you were also glad that you were able to pull it off since you and Changkyun were close friends but it became rather hard whenever you had to act lovey dovey in front of everyone, you were laying still on your bed -- staring at your plain white ceiling; thinking whether to paint the ceiling or paste something that would lighten your mood whenever you plan to sleep at night. Your thoughts quickly went to BTS, you wondered how they were because you couldn't really spend time with them due to this fake relationship you had to keep up with; you hoped that they were doing fine. You felt your phone vibrate a few times, you wondered who was messaging you so you grabbed your phone and looked at the screen, messages from Changkyun and Yoongi. You unlocked your phone and checked on what was going on. 

Changkyun: Hey, just bear with me for a few more days. 

Changkyun: It's going to be over soon, hwaiting! 

Yoongi: These 3 weeks... You're going to tell me what is going on.. right?

Yoongi: By the way, Hoseok's friend is in town... I think you should meet her. 


A/N: Hello!! 'A' here with chapter 19! I'm sorry for the late update (๑′°︿°๑) i caught a slight fever and honestly i'm still having headaches but i'm much better compared to a few days ago ;;;; I hope you enjoy today's chapter and the whole story (๑°꒵°๑)・*♡ Also, run's 2nd win that happened afew days ago!!! i feel so proud of the boys and i hope they're doing well ;~; Look forward to the next chapter my lovely readers ♡♡ (Honestly... i think the story is too rushed >___<)

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@Svngjoes (up10tion acc) A ♡♡

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@Namjoonstop (BTS acc) Z ♡♡ 

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Chapter 29: Yesyesyes! You updated! I loved how you started this chapter! I didn't think that you would continue the ending scene from the previous chapter. And BTS's sudden arrival! But why was Hyewon glued to Hoseok so much? I'm sure you were using her to make me jealous.

I wonder just how beautiful I am to be a model, and an experienced one at that! But why has Hoseok never mentioned it before? Thinking about it, you never mentioned how beautiful I was either...
I've been wanting to comment about how there is no update, but I kind of felt bad, because I don't really want to force it... but I really miss this story. It's just we saw how they starting having feelings for each other and spending time together... Maybe, are you busy? Having some problems? I really hope you update soon *_* Pweaseee?
Chapter 24: "Like both of you were meant to be , partners in life and forever."
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Chapter 24: THE FEELS MAN
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Chapter 23: That chick needs to calm her down
Chapter 23: I am so glad that Hyowon or whatever her name is, said those words... because we saw some development from Hoseok's side, and finally it's my turn... kekeke
Funnypanda369 #7
Chapter 23: OH MY GOSH! MY FEEEEEEEEEEEEELZZZZZZZZZZZZ! But that girl... She's that typical 'looks innocent but is a total ' type. *sighs* I see this everywhere, but, chincha, this time I don't actually mind because she actually has a connection to Hobie. I'm so glad my character is calm, just like me, hahaha XD