Chapter 22 -

Bitter & Sweet

You continued laying in bed, staring at your plain sad white ceiling thinking whether to place 'glow in the dark' stars to stick on your ceiling, it was a good plan but you were somehow too short to reach your ceiling; while staring, you heard your doorbell rang - wondering who could it be because it was pretty late in the night, you got out of bed and walked towards the front door, looking through the peep hole, it revealed to be Jin. 'Jin oppa? Why is he here...' you thought to yourself, you finally opened the door, looking at Jin's face trying to figure out on what he wanted. 

"Can.. I come in?" Jin asked, looking into your eyes. "Y-yeah, sure" you said, letting him in - still confused on what he could possibly demand right now, you closed your front door not realizing that Hoseok was just standing at the lift lobby, trying to figure out on why his hyung was entering your house but he couldn't be bothered to knock on your door and ask because he was feeling really tired. You then proceeded to walk into your room, almost forgetting that Jin was now in your apartment, the atmosphere was somehow awkward now that Jin was inside and it was dead silent too, you immediately laid down on your bed covering yourself with your thick and warm comforter, Jin however came into your room and sat on your chair, he was still staring at you like he wanted to know something. "Why are you staring at me like that?" you asked but his stares weren't making you feel uncomfortable which was a good thing because you didn't like uneasy staring especially if boys were staring, "are you sure you're okay?" Jin asked, "I've been thinking about what Hye Won said to me.." you said, sighing while staring at your ceiling again, is your ceiling that interesting to you? "Hye Won? What did she say?" Jin asked, becoming curious about what happened between you and Hye Won, you sighed and turned to look at Jin, you started explaining about what happened when BTS was busy performing on stage. 

After hearing what you said, Jin leaned back against your chair and let out a sigh "she said that?" he said, folding his arms at the same time. "yeap..." you said, sighing with your eyes closed, facing the ceiling again. "Don't overthink about it, I'm sure she's joking" Jin said, trying to reassure you, "she sounded serious... ah whatever" you said, pulling your comforter to cover your face. "Just go to sleep, is it okay if I slept in the guest room?" Jin asked, standing up at the same time. "Go ahead, goodnight Jin oppa" you said, looking at him leave your room, you sighed once more before you drifted off to sleep. 

Finally, after long hours of sleeping like a princess, you woke up with your vision being a bit blurry but after a few blinks and rubs, your vision was now back to normal. You slowly got out of bed, one leg after another - you made your bed and walked straight to the bathroom with your planned outfit for the day. After doing whatever you needed to do, you then walked back into your bedroom to grab your phone along with your sketch book that you placed on your desk, you unlocked your phone to see your notifications but there weren't any. You then made your way to the kitchen to hunt for food, you were dead hungry but you noticed a small umbrella-ish on the dining table, you picked it up - revealing food already on the table along with a small post it note by the side. 

'I couldn't leave without doing anything, eat up. Thank you for letting me sleep here - Jin' 

You smiled at how thoughtful Jin was, you then sat yourself down and started to dig in. God, Jin's cooking was amazing, after finishing the food you cleared the dishes and washed them. It was lunch, you wondered whether the boys already had their lunch or not but being the kind girl that you are, you prepared their food and packed it, you planned to go to Big Hit to find them so you could feed them on their break so that they could focus on practice. After preparing everything, you then got your bag and placed your sketch book inside, you left your house with everything you need and finally, you were on your way to Big Hit Entertainment. 

Upon reaching your destination, you stepped foot inside the building where staff was greeting you - already knowing who you were because somehow, you managed to visit Big Hit regularly nowadays. You walked around for a little bit, scanning everything that you see but not forgetting that you came because you made lunch, you walked to the dance studio which wasn't far at all, you slowly opened the door peeking inside to see the boys smiling and laughing which made you smile too. You looked inside a bit more on why they were smiling and laughing when they were supposed to be practicing, you slowly opened the door a bit more - revealing that Hye Won was already there, happily talking to them. Apparently, they were already eating - Hye Won bought chicken for all of them, you just continued looking but you didn't want to be spotted by them, you lost the feeling of appearing in front of them so you closed the door, hoping that no one would hear you or the door closing. While in the midst of closing, you heard Hoseok's voice "it's already lunch.. Where is (Y/N)? Isn't she supposed to be here?" you sighed at how Hoseok was expecting you to come and you did but you didn't want to bother them - seeing how much they were having fun with Hye Won inside. 

Your plan of providing them homemade lunch has resulted into a major fail which made you feel disappointed in yourself, you sighed at how Hye Won beat you to giving them lunch but you quickly forgot about it in a matter of a few seconds. You then took out your phone, dialling the only person who would actually eat your food at a time like this, your best friend, Jin Ah. 

"Jin Ah!" 

"(Y/N)! Yah, it's been forever since you last called me" 

"I'm sorry! I'm busy these days, how is my best friend doing?" 

"I'm fine! What about you? Are you doing well with you know who?" 

"Who? Voldemort? I'm fine, is it okay if I dropped by Cube?" 

"Voldemort? Are you insane with Harry Potter now? And yes, come here! Yi Seok and I miss you so much" 

"Alright alright... By the way.. Have you guys eaten?" 

"Nope, why?" 

"I cooked food! Alright, I'm coming soon. Please welcome me thank you" 

With that being said, you hung up on your best friend and quickly made your way to Cube Entertainment where she is an ongoing trainee waiting to be debuted along with Yi Seok whom you known since high school. Once you reached your destination, you had a warm welcome by the staff and you made your way where Jin Ah was. You looked at the familiar girl sitting on the floor in the middle of the dance studio with Yi Seok by her side and the members of BEAST was present too, "Jin Ah!" you shouted, giving her a little shock but when she regained her confidence, she stood and ran to give you a big warm hug. "(Y/N)!" A very familiar male voice popped out, it turned out to be Yi Seok who managed to come forward and join the hug. You peeked out your head, trying to catch air when you realized that BEAST was smiling and staring at the same time, after a few seconds of hugging, you finally broke away from the hug - you stared at BEAST who was staring back at you. 

"Oh right! (Y/N), you know this group and oppa! This is (Y/N) ~ My best friend since high school!" Jin Ah introduced you to Doojoon from BEAST, you knew the group and you've seen the boys quite a few times before but you never really got the chance to make small talk with them. "I've seen you around, I'm Doojoon!" Doojoon introduced himself, his lips curving into a small smile and his hand extended for you to shake it. You shook hands with Doojoon and met the rest of the members of BEAST. They are such a catch and definitely boyfriend material especially Gikwang, "oh right! Are all of you hungry?" you asked them, clapping your hands together. "I guess so" Yi Seok said, answering on their behalf. You then took out the food which was basicially enough for all of them, you watched them eat happily and how sweet Jin Ah and Doojoon was acting though they were in the same company; no one knew about their relationship except them. They looked really cute, you wished to have that kind of relationship with someone special, Hoseok finally came into mind which made you a bit confused on why he was on your mind. 

After they were finished eating, it was already time for them to get back into practicing so you kept the containers and sat by the side, watching them dance which made you miss dancing. You missed feeling the music and how it takes you away into another world that no one knew about, furthermore you missed dancing with a partner and the only person who would dance by your side was none other than Jung Hoseok. You smiled at how you and Hoseok met, it was through a dinner arranged by your father, the thought of exposing yourself through dancing to Hoseok was one thing that you didn't regret doing, you continued smiling at how he challenged you into a dance battle where he somehow lost in. You looked at how Jin Ah was trying her best to dance though you knew the can't dance at all but at least, Yi Seok knew how to dance and he's a natural! 

It's been a while since you last hung out with them so knowing that you had no plans for the day, you just waited for them to finish up then you could head for dinner with them. After a while, they were finally done for the day - noticing at how patiently you were waiting, they were preparing to finally go back home "(Y/N) ah~ Were you seriously waiting for us this whole time?" Yi Seok asked, carrying his bag then patting your head while you kept your things since they were already ready to go home. "It's been a long time since I last hung out with both of you okay.. Let's go eat dinner! I'm getting hungry" You said, shooting a fist up in the air and leading the way out of the dance studio. You felt your phone vibrating non stop but honestly, you couldn't be bothered to check who it was, you didn't want to be disturbed by anyone because you were finally getting some catch up time with your best friends. 

Finally, you were on your way to the restaurant nearby that you spotted earlier before entering Cube and once you were shown to your table, you quickly sat down and started looking through the menu because , you're too hungry to notice anything else. "Calm down woman and look through slowly, don't rip out the page" Jin Ah said, giggling at how focused you were when reading the menu. After you finished ordering what you wanted along with Jin Ah and Yi Seok, you casually asked how they were doing in Cube, how is trainee life and whatnot, you grew interest in their lives because you wondered how is life being a trainee under a entertainment like Cube or Big Hit. When patiently waiting for your food to finally come, you took out your sketch book and did final touches into the work you've been doing when you were waiting for them to finish practice, the work that you did had butterflies in it, you liked the thought of butterflies flying in a field of flowers, it was a nice picture in your head and finally, your art work was done. Basically, you spent your evening talking and catching up with Jin Ah and Yi Seok, you finally felt belonged again since you didn't know what the heck was actually happening in their lives and now that you're updated with whatever they're doing, you feel fine. 

When your food finally came, you immediately digged in due to your stomach's demand of food. Jin Ah kept chuckling at how excited you were and that you never changed at all since high school, it's a relief that you could be crazy around Jin Ah and Yi Seok considering that they knew you since high school and how they were stuck by your side ever since. And after eating, you're a fast eater so you had to wait for the both of them to finish their food which could probably take a while because Jin Ah is slow in everything especially eating but it didn't take long until they're finally done and finally, you asked for the bill. "Yah, (Y/N).. let us pay" Yi Seok said, knowing that you were going to pay for everything, "it's fine. Today is my treat okay" you said, paying for the food at the same time. "Pft, rich girl" Yi Seok said under his breath but loud enough for you to hear, "yah! I heard that" you hit him on his arm. "That definitely hurt woman" he said, glaring at you and instead of being scared or freaked out, you gave him the brightest smile you had and a peace sign at the same time. 

"Do you guys want to take a walk around or something?" You asked, hoping that they would agree to it, "sorry (Y/N)! But the both of us, our schedule for tomorrow is pretty tight. We'll walk with you another time okay, we'll see you soon. Byeee~" Jin Ah said, pouting at how busy she was and she practically grabbed Yi Seok by his arm and dragged him away but she turned around to wave at you and of course, you waved back with a smile on your face. You sighed and turned around to walk away, it was still early to go back home so you're just walking rounds, helping your stomach to digest your food. 

It's been an hour ever since you started walking around, you finally then proceeded to make your way back home. Once you reached your front door step, you unlocked the door and opened it - putting your shoes aside and locking the door, you went into your living room to find a wild Jung Hoseok sitting on your sofa, "Hoseok?" you said softly but loud enough which made him look and just stare at you, he stood up and walked towards you, putting his hands on your shoulders "where have you been? Jesus christ" he asked, demanding for an answer. "I was outside the whole time?" you said, staring into his eyes. He finally lets go of your shoulders sighing, "why didn't you reply my messages or even return my calls?" he asked, staring at the floor instead of your face but before you could even answer, he spoke again "do you know how worried I was? Something could've happened to you and you didn't come to Big Hit today" 

'He.. was worried?' you thought to yourself before saying another word, "I came actually..." you said, admitting that you dropped by before you went to Cube, "wait.. what?" Hoseok said, finally looking at you again. "I dropped by but.." you said, turning your head away, avoiding eye contact. "Why didn't you come see us?" he asked, sighing. "I brought you guys lunch.. actually but when I got there, Hye Won was already inside and y'all were eating.. oh what to do.." you said, sighing then proceeding to walk to your room. "You made us lunch?" Hoseok asked, making you stop on your tracks and turning around, "yes Hoseok, I made you guys lunch but since you were already enjoying your food, I went to Cube instead" you said, sighing once more at him. "Cube? Why not starship?" Hoseok asked, making one step closer to you each time he said something. "Because my best friend is in Cube and why should I be in starship again?" You said, folding your arms. "Because your boyfriend is in Starship.. duh?" he said, getting closer to you. "I didn't tell you? Changkyun oppa and I were never together..." you said, sighing at how he didn't know and only realizing that he wasn't there when you explained everything to the boys. "Wait... so it's true? You and Changkyun were never together?" Hoseok asked, goddamn he has so many questions at this time of the night, "yes, we were never together. Can you go now? I just want to sleep, I'm tired" You said, sighing once more. Jesus, you're sighing way too much. "Alright, fine.. Goodnight. Come by Big Hit tomorrow okay" Hoseok said, backing away before leaving you alone. 

After he left, you thought about what he said, the word 'worried' that came out of his mouth was surprising to you because you never thought that he would be actually worried about you, you dismissed it as something that a friend would do. You went off to bed without washing up but you did changed into your pajamas, you didn't like sleeping in your casual outfit, it somehow made you feel uncomfortable about it.

By the time you woke up the next day, it was already noon. You've been waking up whenever it's noon but you didn't care, you went to the bathroom to take a shower and do whatever you needed to do, since you feel extra lazy today, you had your sweatpants on along with your favorite pullover and a bucket hat to complete your whole outfit and not forgetting your nike shoes. You grabbed your bag and everything else that you needed and went out of your house, making your way to Big Hit without having food in your stomach. You dropped by the nearby cafe before heading inside Big Hit since you were thirsty, you didn't have the appetite to eat lunch so you bought iced americano for yourself and finally, you made your way to Big Hit and upon reaching destination and the dance studio, you opened the door to go in only to see a lonely Hoseok sitting all by himself in the center of the studio. "Hoseok? Where are the rest of the boys?" you let your voice out, letting him know that you're here. "Oh, you're here! Come sit beside me, I'm lonely and the boys went to get lunch" Hoseok said, his lips curving into the brightest and sweetest smile that when someone looks at him, that person would fall in love with him completely. 

"(Y/N)... Just a question.. Have you been dancing lately?" Hoseok's sudden question caught you off guard but when you think about it, the answer is a complete no and you wondered what is gonna happen if you said yes, you hoped that he won't make you dance right now because you feel really lazy and you're in Big Hit. "No.. why?" you replied, looking at him while taking a sip on your americano. "Really? Let's dance, come on!" Hoseok said, standing up. You sighed knowing that you're going to end up dancing, making a fool out of yourself because it's been a long time since you last danced in a studio and at last, you stood up and placed your bag along with your americano at the side. You turned around to see Hoseok trying to find a song to dance to and finally, he chose a song that fits your style, he knew you too well. 

He started dancing to the beat, trying to lure you into dancing as well. You had to give in considering how much you loved dancing, it was your passion and a secret that no one else but BTS and your parents along with your family maids know. You were feeling the music, being let into another world, your own world. You loved how the music moves you and how Hoseok starts dancing along with you like both of you were meant to be, partners in life and forever. While you were busy dancing your hearts out, the members were busy buying lunch for everyone including you and since the both of you were literally dancing your souls out, a familiar figure was on her way to Big Hit. 


A/N: Hello everyone [v.v] It's Z ~ This took longer than expected due to distractions and more distractions, I'm literally in the midst of dying. Now that Chapter 22 is done, do look forward to Chapter 23; I'm so tired, I just want to sleep. Anyways, I'm going to sleep now since it's almost 8 in the goddamn morning :") Woohoo me! 


@svngjoes - A

@yohwanmon - Z

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Chapter 29: Yesyesyes! You updated! I loved how you started this chapter! I didn't think that you would continue the ending scene from the previous chapter. And BTS's sudden arrival! But why was Hyewon glued to Hoseok so much? I'm sure you were using her to make me jealous.

I wonder just how beautiful I am to be a model, and an experienced one at that! But why has Hoseok never mentioned it before? Thinking about it, you never mentioned how beautiful I was either...
I've been wanting to comment about how there is no update, but I kind of felt bad, because I don't really want to force it... but I really miss this story. It's just we saw how they starting having feelings for each other and spending time together... Maybe, are you busy? Having some problems? I really hope you update soon *_* Pweaseee?
Chapter 24: "Like both of you were meant to be , partners in life and forever."
Sophiakg #4
Chapter 24: THE FEELS MAN
Sophiakg #5
Chapter 23: That chick needs to calm her down
Chapter 23: I am so glad that Hyowon or whatever her name is, said those words... because we saw some development from Hoseok's side, and finally it's my turn... kekeke
Funnypanda369 #7
Chapter 23: OH MY GOSH! MY FEEEEEEEEEEEEELZZZZZZZZZZZZ! But that girl... She's that typical 'looks innocent but is a total ' type. *sighs* I see this everywhere, but, chincha, this time I don't actually mind because she actually has a connection to Hobie. I'm so glad my character is calm, just like me, hahaha XD