Chapter 5 -

Bitter & Sweet

It's been weeks since you last moved in to BTS's dorms and the members have taken a big liking to you, they treat you like family despite knowing you for that few weeks only. But then....there was Hoseok, most of the time when you made dinner, he would always come home saying he has eaten outside or refuse to eat your food but there are times he do but all he does is critcize it, there was even a pillow in the middle to divide each of your space on the bed. Tonight was the same again, it was just the 7 of us eating. "This fried rice is really nice, (Y/N)!" Jin complimented as he place another spoonful into his mouth, "How do you cook this? If any of us cook this it might become burned rice instead!" Jimin joked as he place his spoon down. The sound of the door opened, you turned and of course it was non other then Hoseok. "Hey, have you eaten?" you asked, politely. He just gave a nod as he took his shoes off and walk inside, placing his coat at the coat hanger and left to his room but stop in his tracks. "My girlfriend is coming here tomorrow." he said, entering his room. 

"." you heard yoongi muttered under his breath but you dare not question why and just started clearing the plates into the sink to wash them and of course, the boys helped you with it. "Thank you for making such a good meal again." Namjoon said, giving a smile to you before entering his room. Being done cleaning, you went into the room and saw hoseok sitting down on the bed with his hair wet. "Are you going to sleep with your hair wet like this?" You asked, of course you were concern. "No? Even i would know that's bad for me." he said, not even turning his back to face you while talking. You kept quiet and grabbed your phone from the table but he suddenly turn his body to slightly face you, "My girlfriend will be sleeping over for a few days." he said before turning back. "wha-....ok..." you said but before leaving the room, you stopped in your tracks 'Wait, the ? If shes coming over then where the do I sleep?' you thought. You turned around, "Jung Hoseok, if your girlfriend's coming over, where do I sleep? The sofa?"

He turned to face you again, "Of course? If not where do you think she's going to be sleeping?" he said. You felt like arguing back but it was night and you didn't want to disturb the others and turn away but to see Taehyung at the door. "(Y/N), you can sleep on my bed. I don't mind conquering the sofa." he offered, opening the door. "It's okay, i'm fine with the sofa. I don't want you to have back pains from sleeping on it, it could distrupt your practice." you said, rejecting his offer with a smile. Taehyung didn't pester you about it because he knows you would be too stubborn to accept it and came to borrow the face cream he wanted from Hoseok and left. Tonight ended the same again, with a pillow as the boarder, it felt squeezy compared to your bed at home but it was for your parents so you let it go.

Morning was the same, you woke up to make them breakfast despite that today they had a day to rest but Jimin, Namjoon, Hoseok and Jin went to practice leaving Yoongi, Taehyung, Jimin and you at home for the day. You started cleaning the shoe rack that has been messed up because they're just too lazy to place it nicely, once it was done, you went back inside the living room to see Taehyung and Jungkook dancing to music that was coming out of the speakers they have at home. You laughed at how cute they were when jungkook called you to join them and since you didn't have anything more to do, you joined in with them. Yoongi who was wondering what the is happening came out and gave weird looks to you guys. "Hyung! come join us~" Taehyung said. Yoongi just shook his head and headed back to his room. 

Time passed as you dance with them, realizing that it was almost time that the rest would come home, you went to take a quick shower before heading to the kitchen to prepare dinner for them. Rolling your sleeve up, you started preparing dinner for them. By the time you finished, you could hear the door being unlocked as they slowly enter in, you place the pot in the middle with 8 bowls down. Jimin walked towards the table first, "Is that kimchi jjigae?" he asked, putting his bag by the side before sitting down. "Yes." you answered, putting the pot cover away. Jimin face changed from that tired face he had just a minute ago to 'i'm ready to eat this whole pot'  as he his lips. The others slowly gather around the table too and started eating. Hoseok then came in to join too, surprisingly he didn't say a word and just continue eating but of course, he was the one who ate the least but the others ended up finishing the whole thing anways. "I'm so full..." jimin said, patting his stomach. After dinner, you went back to your room, remembering Hoseok's girlfriend will be coming over soon, you grab your pillow and blanket and walked towards the sofa, Yoongi who was relaxing on the sofa look up at you, "Why are you carrying your pillows out here?" he asked, you look over to hoseok who was in the room and look back at him. "His girlfriend is staying over for a few days." He raise one of his brows, "and now you have to sleep on the sofa?" he asked, you let out a heavy sigh, "Yes." 

You place the pillows down nicely but you could see Yoongi was already becoming pissed off but he just stood up, ready to go when the door bell rang. Those in the living room turned to the door, wondering who it was and those in the room came out too, to find out who it was. "Oh, you're here!" hoseok said, "Ah, i'm sorry for coming so late~" a girl stepped in, she has the looks but as you turn to face the members they didn't look so pleased with it. "Ah, who is she?" she asked, entering into the living room. "Oh, bang pdnim decided to finally hire a maid." he said, wrapping his arm around her waist. You felt your blood boiling, 'what the actual did he just say? Do i ing look like a maid to you?' you thought to yourself but decided to brush it off and gave off a smile to them, "oh. I'm Soo Ji yeon!" she said, introducing herself. "Come, let's just head inside. i'm tired." he said, leaving you and the guys inside. Yoongi stood up, he was clearly pissed. "I'll go talk to him, (Y/N)." he said, heading towards the door but of course, you stopped him."I don't want to cause problems between each of you guys," you said, he turn to look at you and let out a sigh, "fine, i'll be in my room then. goodnight, (Y/N)" he said, giving a soft and sweet smile. 

The few days continued to be same as always even with Soo Ji Yeon in the house, dispite being called maid, you kept yourself high and up ignoring it. Seeing that the food in the fridge needs to be restock, you went to the supermarket alone and only came back an hour later due to the distance and thinking of what they would like to eat. "I'm back." you said, taking your shoes off. "(Y/N)!!" Jimin called out, the members seem to be happier then usual to you coming back from the supermarket which made you wonder what was going on as you slowly make your way to the living room to see Ji Yeon in the kitchen. "What are you doing?" you asked her, placing the grocery on the counter, grabbing your apron too. She turned, "Oh! I was planning to make them dinner~ You don't have to do it tonight!" She said, "YOU NEARLY BURNED OUR GODDAMN DORM DOWN! NO WAY YOU'RE MAKING DINNER FOR US!" Jin shouted, you and the members were shock, it was your first time seeing Jin blew up but at the same time it made you mad.

"If you can't cook, don't do it and cause trouble. Leave it to me." you blurted out due to your anger. The sound of someone opening the door was heard, "what the ?" Hoseok came out. '' you thought. "Who are you to say that to her?" He said, moving closer to you. "Who the am i? I'm (Y/N) and i'm not some ing maid in this house. You know why i'm here and you're not even telling her?" you said, rolling your eyes. "Wait...if she's not the maid..then who is she?" Ji yeon asked, Yoongi stood up, "Relax kiddos, she's my ing cousin get over yourself." he lied, trying to calm the situation down but clearly you were too angry to be calmed down. 

"You know what? you Jung Hoseok." You said, pointing your middle finger at him and threw your apron at his face, taking your phone you started to dial in some numbers. "Miss, is there anything wrong?" the person over the phone asked,"Oh, finally. Could you pick me up now? I want to see my mother. NOW." you replied. "Yes miss. I'll be there in 5." he said, you hung up your phone and slam the door behind you. 

The members were shocked at how you blew up, yoongi look over to hoseok and shook his head walking off to his room. "Ah...we won't have dinner tonight?" Jimin asked, "Let's just order take outs..." jin suggested. 


A/N: Hello! It's A here with chapter 5. I hope y'all like it, it's currently 5:47AM at my place omg i need to get sleep this is so unhealthy HAHAH. Next chapter will be by Z so look forward to it ♡ ♡ ♡  

For 'updates' or maybe fangirling; follow our twitter: ♡ ♡ ♡  (A) ♡ ♡ ♡ (Z)


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Chapter 29: Yesyesyes! You updated! I loved how you started this chapter! I didn't think that you would continue the ending scene from the previous chapter. And BTS's sudden arrival! But why was Hyewon glued to Hoseok so much? I'm sure you were using her to make me jealous.

I wonder just how beautiful I am to be a model, and an experienced one at that! But why has Hoseok never mentioned it before? Thinking about it, you never mentioned how beautiful I was either...
I've been wanting to comment about how there is no update, but I kind of felt bad, because I don't really want to force it... but I really miss this story. It's just we saw how they starting having feelings for each other and spending time together... Maybe, are you busy? Having some problems? I really hope you update soon *_* Pweaseee?
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Chapter 24: THE FEELS MAN
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Chapter 23: That chick needs to calm her down
Chapter 23: I am so glad that Hyowon or whatever her name is, said those words... because we saw some development from Hoseok's side, and finally it's my turn... kekeke
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Chapter 23: OH MY GOSH! MY FEEEEEEEEEEEEELZZZZZZZZZZZZ! But that girl... She's that typical 'looks innocent but is a total ' type. *sighs* I see this everywhere, but, chincha, this time I don't actually mind because she actually has a connection to Hobie. I'm so glad my character is calm, just like me, hahaha XD