Chapter 23 -

Bitter & Sweet

Loud music could be heard as the lift door slides open, boxes of chicken in that plastic bag in their hands as they walk over to the practice room – Taehyung who is at the very front, takes another step closer to the door with his hand pressed onto the door knob; ready to push it down when he saw two people dancing in the room. “Why aren’t you opening it?” Jimin questions him and he lets go of the knob and signals a ‘shh’ to everybody behind him, confusing them. “What’s the matter?” Namjoon asked but Taehyung only pulls him lightly and points to the two people in the room dancing their soul out. Once they saw, they immediately understood why and stood there, just watching them dance.

Minutes after, the lift door slides open once again and this time, it was a female figure. Her hands holding tight on the kimchi soup she bought nearby but she stops in her tracks looking at the members outside. “Why aren’t you going inside?” hyewon ask, taking a step closer as every word escaped but only to be stopped again with a hand over , ‘shh’ Taehyung signals to her as he takes his hand away. Hyewon was confused but, she knew they were looking or rather, watching something. Being quick and alert, she averted her attention over to transparent panel on the door. 

Her expression changed – sour like a plum. She couldn’t pull her eyes away from the scene of you and Hoseok dancing, you guys had full concentration on your moves, moving with the music. It was like a strange connection was being born. Hyewon was envious, though she had been friends with Hoseok for years, she had never hold a connection like this to him. 

The moment the music stopped, you and Hoseok drop down onto the ground – covered in complete sweat. “Weak” he commented, getting his upper body up from the ground with drips of sweat coming down from his forehead. You got to admit, a sweaty Hoseok was indeed y. “How long has it been since you danced?” he asked, panting still. 

You thought hard but you just couldn’t come up with an answer. He lets out a laugh, “It must have been long huh?” he said, you nodded in agreement. It was true, the last time you danced was probably 6 to 7 weeks ago and you got to admit, it is long. “Life gets busy hence, I’m not able to enjoy my hobby properly” 

“Busy? Since when were you busy?” he laughs, you pouted at him and got up instead of answering him – walking over to the bench/table that had towels being placed nicely on and grabbed on. “Hey! Throw me one!” he shouted from that short distance but you ignored his words and rolled your eyes, hanging the towel over your head. It grew silent in that medium sized practice room. 

“I was joking, (Y/N) ah!” he said, getting up on his feet – thinking if he had said anything wrong in the past few minutes as he take a few steps closer to you, “(Y/N) – “ he stood behind of you, little did he know that you wasn’t one bit hurt by his words and was just fooling him. “Are you o-“ his words got stopped as you turned and threw a towel lightly at his face.

The towel drops onto his hand with his face being totally speechless as he stares at you, who was laughing due to his reaction. “Yah! What was that all about?” he asked but all you did was laughed and when you finally stops, you look over at him and tries to not laugh again. Being too focused on each other in the practice room, the both of you didn’t notice people outside…until, Jimin who wanted to move closer, only to hit his feet against the wall – causing a loud sound to be heard. 

You and Hoseok turned to the door and the moment you both did, Taehyung pushed the door knob down. “We are back!” he shouted, getting his feet into the practice room and placing the chicken down. You and Hoseok look at each other before looking back at them, suspiciously. But nevertheless, they greeted you and settled down for lunch with hyewon too. 

“You were… peeking just now right?” you asked, nudging Taehyung’s arm which caused him to drop the chicken back into the box. His expression was way too obvious.”Hmmmm?” you nudge his arm even more causing the other members to laugh. 

Giving up, he sighs. “Yeah, we were” he answers and before you could open your mouth to tease and ask him why, he spoke again. “It was only because you and Hobi hyung were enjoying your time dancing!” he said, you had a light shade of pink across your face upon his comment, it was unexpected. “W—Well, he was the one who forced me to dance...” you said softly.

The practice room was filled with laughter as the 9 of you ate the chicken the members bought back with the kimchi soup Hyewon bought too. Early dinner didn’t take a long time to finish and as soon as they were finished, they did some warm ups before starting to practice with you and Hyewon sitting by the side. Though there were loud music,  the silence between you and Hyewon was just intense intense and intense but you enjoyed watching the boys practice with your mini sketchbook on your lap along with a pencil in your hands. 

Minutes pass as you continue a light sketch on your  sketchbook. The loud music comes to a stop, you look up to see the boys covered in light sweat with light pants escaping from their mouth. It was only one dance but, they were already sweating and panting though you knew well their dances was never really easy and would understand how they feel. 

Minutes and hours pass, it was now nearing 9PM. They have been practicing since evening and in those little breaks, Yoongi and Jin would come and talk to you, especially Jin since he knew how much being near Hyewon made you uncomfortable due to her sudden gush of insults that happened a few days back. The music stops again, heavy panting with a huge amount of sweat coming down from their forehead and on their body as well though it was an air condition-ed room. “My feet might actually run off if i continue” Yoongi joked. A small smile plastered on your face as you look at them in such a tired state, practicing for long hours wasn’t something they were forced to do but something they wanted to do; perfecting their performance on stage and giving their best to their fans. 

You took a fresh new towel from the table and wave it in front of Yoongi’s face, “What?” he asked, his voice somehow annoyed but you knew well he wasn’t, “You’re sweating like a pig, clean it” you waved the towel once again in front of his face but this time, he took it from your hands and cleaned his face, getting up on his feet. “Hyewon? (Y/N)?” Hoseok called out, you both turned your heads, his footsteps getting closer to the both of you though you were standing in front of yoongi while, she was sitting at the side, on the floor. “You’re still here?” he questioned you both while wiping his sweat away with the towel.  The other members stared over at Hoseok too, wondering why you were still here. 

“Well....” you eyes shifted from left to right, “I thought of waiting for you guys to finish practice and go back together?” you said, answering his question along with a nervous laugh but an awkward silence filled the entire room. you thought, did you just made it awkward or was it because they were too tired too reply and it wasn’t the first time you actually watched them practice but hell, this awkward silence was killing you. “We will be ending really late y’know that right?” Namjoon spoke, breaking the silence in the room and of course you knew well they were going to practice till a late timing but watching them dance was such a pleasing thing to do.

“Namjoon is right plus, it’s hitting 9:20PM and going home late isn’t safe for a lady.” Yoongi followed after, “So get your home and oh, you too, Hyewon.” he continued, raising his brows at you with a slight grin which caused you to roll your eyes jokingly at him. Hyewon looks up from her phone, her eyes onto the boys – mainly on Hoseok though. “I was thinking of going off soon and i guess this would be the right time” she said, standing up and grabbing hold onto her bag. 

Yoongi look over at you with his eyebrows raised again and you knew he was asking you to get home now to avoid any dangerous things to happen at such timing, you sighed. “I’m going too i guess” you said, walking over to the corner you were sitting at just now, with Hyewon and grabbed your bag along with your bucket hat, bidding goodbye to them and leaving the practice room for good.

It was 9:30PM now and you and Hyewon were walking out and onto the streets, the quiet streets along with the silence you both held on while walking was killing you it wasn’t because you disliked it when there wasn’t noise but it was too quiet that if a pin dropped, it could be heard. You felt the need to start the conversation but she was already walking in another direction which just made you pull your bucket hat down, walking back to your apartment in the dark. 


10PM, you were finally back in your apartment. Shoes off and on the sofa with your bag placed by your side. You just wanted to sit here for hours and not move because you were just, lazy and lazy and lazy but knowing that you sweated this afternoon from dancing was just going to stay nasty if you didn’t take a shower right now and got your up to the bathroom. 

20 minutes passed, you were out in your living room again but this time, fresh and in your pjs along with your laptop on your lap. “Time to check them emails” you told yourself, clicking around on your laptop and finally being on your email tab, looking through the new ones. But meh, they were all the same –  that’s what you thought until you scrolled a little more down, an email from a familiar name appeared. Curious, you clicked on it.

“Hey (Y/N), how have you been? It has been a long time since i last seen you and your family, maybe it’s been nearly 9 months since i saw met you? I heard you are engaged now! Kekekeke congratulations! Anyways, i’ll go straight to the main point here. 
I’m having a shoot for my new collection in 2 days and i was thinking of making you the main model for my new collection a long two other girls since you are more experience, i’ll be having you have more shots than the other two if you were to join. (Y/N) ah, i hope you will take this chance and be the model for my new collection!

I await for your reply.

Park Shin hyun.“

The moment you saw the name below, you knew it was your mother’s friend. ‘Model huh...’ you thought to yourself while staring at the email and shoving some baked cashew nuts into your mouth at the same time. It has been months since you last modeled for anybody not because you were busy but lazy and somewhat wanting to focus on better things. You felt like you couldn’t say no or reject this offer .
Letting a soft sigh out, you agreed to the email and went off to do other things on your laptop until you hit your limit and went off to bed. 

The next two days pass by like any other normal day you would experience though, you didn’t spend much time with bts and instead, you went back home to have dinner with your family; spending some good quality family time together which you have not don’t so for months after moving out. 

The day of the shoot arrived in a flash and boy, you were up pretty early for once out of this few days. With a glass of milk in your hand and your phone in another, your body leaned against the fridge as you take a sip once every few seconds while eyes focused on your phone – looking through your kakaotalk chats when a sudden vibration was felt on your hands, shocking you a little. 

Hoseok: I heard about the photoshoot but we’re currently having schedules... Not sure what time we will end todayㅠㅠ

You sigh at his reply, it was expected. You had a sudden feel of sadness arising in you but you shrug it off; thinking you were just tired. 

You: It was expected but it’s okay if you can’t come. 

Hoseok: I’m sorry ㅠㅠ Fighting!! 

You: You too ^^

Finishing the last bit of milk, you left the kitchen and headed towards the bathroom to prepare for the day and left the house. 

Before heading towards the venue of the photo shoot, coffee is the number 1 thing you absolute must have in the morning hence, stopping by a local cafe to get some iced coffee and once done, you were off to the venue of the photo shoot. 

“I’m.... Here” you said in a soft voice, entering the area that was filled with photographers and staffs. Small footsteps taken as your eyes shifted from left and right to try and see for any familiar faces but only to be in shock by a sudden back hug. “(Y/N)!” the person who had their arms around your waist shouted – dragging her words on your name slightly. Your head turned to see who that person was but to even in more shock to know it was Park Shin hyun. “U-Unnie?!” you shuttered on your words with mouth open but it only place a smile onto Shin hyun’s face

Her hands off your waist and was now, grabbing onto your’s; pulling you into the make up room to have your things done before she introduce you to the other models whom were pretty much still minors. Being the one with most experience here, you knew well the photographers and staff were expecting big things from you and holding onto this big expectations from everyone else still gets you nervous no matter how many times this has happened. 

Hours has passed with the photo shoot going in good progress and soon, the long hand on the clock was hitting 5PM. “Alright, we will have a 5 minute break” one of the staff announced, you and the rest of the models walk out of the shooting area and into the make up room to get your make up done not to mention snack a little.

But little did you know, BTS were outside – opening the door and entering the area, shocking everybody in there. “Hello” They all greeted as they step foot into the room. 

While BTS has entered the room, you were in the make up room – just changed into a new outfit when you hear loud talking outside. Weird, you thought; there wasn’t many people outside on breaks. Being a little curious kitten of course, you walked out of the room to have your mouth hanging open and eyes nearly popping out. 

“(Y/N)!!” Jin shouted, running towards you and pulling you into a hug as if he hasn’t seen you for days and weeks. You couldn’t get a hold of things,  they had schedule and couldn’t come but why are they here? As your thoughts run through your head, your eyes were on the members who were standing still, smiling at you while Jin lets go of you. “Wh....y?”

Jin looks at you blankly, “What do you mean why? We came t-” Yoongi stood beside Jin; interrupting jin. “We came to visit of course” he said, finishing Jin’s sentence.

Your expression remained blank but now, you could get hold of why they were here. Your eyes were now focused onto the bag held in Yoongi’s hands, mouth opened as if to question him what it was but only to be called back to shoot. 

While you were shooting, the members were giving out energy drinks to the staff and once done, BTS and hyewon stood behind all the cameras and watched how your photo shoots went by. Oops, did i not mention Hyewon was with them too?

Eyes on you and the other models got you nervous, especially since it was BTS; the boys whom you have gotten to know only earlier this year and how the year is already ending. The first set of shoot were over and you quickly rushed to the place where had the camera connected to the laptop with the photos displayed on the screen as you stood there and hear the director’s opinions.

He stopped talking and look over to BTS, “i didn’t know you were friends with this famous talented kids” he laughed, you laughed too – you too, didn’t expect to be friends with them until your parents decided for the arranged marriage to happen. “why don’t you take some shoots with them?” your eyes expanded at his words, “Are you serious? Wouldn’t that waste our time?” you said, it sounded blunt but he laughs it off.

“Of course not! We are almost done with the shoot anyways” his words somehow made the boys overjoyed – some and instantly, Hoseok pulled you to the shooting area and you gave a weird look to him, a really weird one but he only return that weird look of yours with an adorable smile that could cause you to melt any moment. “1 2 3” 

The camera man took the pictures be it you and him chatting or posing like professionals as if the shoot was suppose to just be the two of you. Laughter was being brought on set with Hoseok by your side now but not everybody was laughing; one was being sour like a fresh sour plum. 

After Hoseok was yoongi, the one who is always worrying for you almost every single day but don’t get me wrong, he treats you like a mere sister – as if you were related to him. “Can i get a shoot with Hoseok too?” Hyewon asked, appearance shy like an innocent puppy. Once approved, she moved to the set with Hoseok but you could only stare at them in a weird look again. 

A few minutes pass but the ‘shoot’ between Hyewon and Hoseok was not done. You sighed, “Hyewon, you’re too stiff. Relax your shoulders” you advised her and all she could do now was follow your advise. “put on a natural smile with a comfortable pose” you said and she followed. You didn’t expect you, yourself to give her advise on posing but you did and can’t help but to feel happy about it – not in an arrogant way but in a way, you helped her because you didn't want to seem rude and knowing that you have more experience in modelling than hyewon does; you thought it would be better to give advices to Hyewon about posing and whatnot since it appeared as she was still a minor in it. 

Finally the shoot between Hyewon and Hoseok ends and it was your turn with Yoongi. The both of you were walking onto the set and getting ready with posing, standing by his side; your right arm over Yoongi's shoulder, your head resting on his left shoulder and finally, the both of you looked into the camera - showing a blank look on your face. The light flashes and the picture was taken. Both Yoongi and yourself took the few seconds of break to change both of your facial expressions and this time it was the both of you - just casually talking and laughing like how you would always be with Yoongi around. Another light flashes and another picture was finally taken - after a few rounds of taking shots with Yoongi, it was finally time for a few group pictures with BTS. 

One of the group pictures that all of you took - was all of the boys hugging (and squeezing) you to death while smiling at the camera. Even taking group shots (including Hyewon, of course) took a hell lot of time but after a while, the entire shoot came to an end with the whole lot of you taking one last group picture. "That's a wrap!" Shin Hyun said, clapping her hands together with a huge grin on her face, it was pretty obvious that she was overjoyed with satisfaction on how well the shoot was going while time was flying by. "Great work everyone" You greeted while bowing at everyone who was already packing up and leaving the venue, by the time you were finally done removing your makeup, changing back into your own comfortable clothes - BTS was already standing by the van, patiently waiting for your arrival while Hyewon stays in the van but she was looking through the black transulcent car door window but of course, her attention was all onto Hoseok's back. 

You walked out of the venue to find tired yet smiling faces that were looking at you while you're taking slow steps towards the van; you let out a small sigh of relief at the thought of you not having to call for a cab because BTS was there, already ready to bring you back home since your apartment is literally right beside theirs. "I thought all of you left first" you said when you finally reached right in front of their faces, "we would never leave first (Y/N).. you know that" Jimin said, giving you a sweet smile with his teeth showing - you just chuckled at his response and finally went into the van, landing yourself a seat at the back of the van, being squeezed in between Yoongi and Seokjin. The engine of the van started, the driver had his foot pressing against the accelerator and the van started moving forward - out of the carpark and into a road now full of traffic; although it was really late but the traffic never dies, no matter what the time was - day or night. 

It took a while before the van reached Hyewon's hotel entrance. Hyewon took the handle and opened the door with Hoseok following her from behind, the only thing you did was stare at them; you saw Hyewon taking a glance at you but she didn't do anything to mock you. The van door closed by itself like it was on automatic, although the door window was black - you could still see what was going on outside but of course, you couldn't hear anything but all you saw was Hoseok giving her a friendly hug with cute smiles on his face, bidding her goodnight. You were too tired to even bother look at what was going on anymore so you decided to just close your eyes and hopefully fall asleep before the van starts moving again.

Finally, reaching the apartment building, you were woken up by someone poking on your left cheek; your eyes slowly opening, blurry at first but your vision was settling in, looking at the tip of the finger that was poking your cheek; you turned to your head to your left and saw Seokjin's hand and his curious-looking face staring at you. "Are we already here?" You asked, yawning and covering your mouth at the same time. The van door opened and slowly, everyone was getting out of it - Seokjin helped you get out by grabbing your hand while you were trying to find your step on the solid ground. 

Everyone was walking back and into the elevator without saying a single word; you knew that everyone is tired to even speak one word. You were the first one to get out of the elevator and you straight away walked to your front doorstep, unlocking your door and turning to face BTS that were slowly walking by - looking like absolute walking corpses. The urge to say goodnight was at the tip of your tongue but you couldn't bring yourself to say it because you didn't have anymore energy left to speak so instead, you locked your front door and dumped your shoes one corner; giving yourself a reminder that you would put it nicely the next morning. Instantly, you went into the bathroom to wash up and get ready for bed. Dumping everything at one side became a habit so you dumped your bag on your chair, changed into your pajamas and took out your phone so it could charge overnight. You finally switched off the lights and the only source of light was coming from your phone screen - your screen kept coming on; indicating that you had messages coming through but you were too lazy to check who it came from and why was someone messaging you late in the night so instead of getting up and out of bed, your head landed on your soft pillow and your eyes slowly closed, drifting off to a peaceful slumber. 


A/N : Hello, it's 'A' and here is the long awaited chapter 23 which took us nearly 3 months, it is pretty long but i hope it feeds your thrist ♡(.◜ω◝.)♡. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. do comment down your thoughts and look forward to the next chapter ( ˊᵕˋ )♡.°⑅

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@Kyahoseok A 

@Namjoonstop Z 

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Chapter 29: Yesyesyes! You updated! I loved how you started this chapter! I didn't think that you would continue the ending scene from the previous chapter. And BTS's sudden arrival! But why was Hyewon glued to Hoseok so much? I'm sure you were using her to make me jealous.

I wonder just how beautiful I am to be a model, and an experienced one at that! But why has Hoseok never mentioned it before? Thinking about it, you never mentioned how beautiful I was either...
I've been wanting to comment about how there is no update, but I kind of felt bad, because I don't really want to force it... but I really miss this story. It's just we saw how they starting having feelings for each other and spending time together... Maybe, are you busy? Having some problems? I really hope you update soon *_* Pweaseee?
Chapter 24: "Like both of you were meant to be , partners in life and forever."
Sophiakg #4
Chapter 24: THE FEELS MAN
Sophiakg #5
Chapter 23: That chick needs to calm her down
Chapter 23: I am so glad that Hyowon or whatever her name is, said those words... because we saw some development from Hoseok's side, and finally it's my turn... kekeke
Funnypanda369 #7
Chapter 23: OH MY GOSH! MY FEEEEEEEEEEEEELZZZZZZZZZZZZ! But that girl... She's that typical 'looks innocent but is a total ' type. *sighs* I see this everywhere, but, chincha, this time I don't actually mind because she actually has a connection to Hobie. I'm so glad my character is calm, just like me, hahaha XD