Chapter 12 -

Bitter & Sweet

(A/N: It's already the next day! So pls dont assume its still the previous night) 

You stared at your phone's screen, debating to yourself on whether to call Hoseok or not. You wanted to but you also didn't want to bother him, it was hard for him to take in the fact that his girlfriend was cheating on him with a scumbag. You gathered your courage whether he liked it or not, you immediately stormed out of your house and into the boys' dorm with all your might, only to find the boys except Hoseok gathered around the living room. "Noona!" Jungkook immediately stood up and walked to you, "you.. can help him right?" he said, heads down, facing the floor. "I'll see what I can do" you gave him a small smile and proceeded to Hoseok's room, he pretty much locked himself inside there. "Hoseok.. ah" you said softly, hoping that he would hear you. "Can I come in?" you said, your left hand on the door nob and your right hand resting on the flat surface of the door. He didn't respond to you and you perfectly knew that he didn't want to see anyone right now but you had to try, the look on the members were worrying you too. "Hoseok.. ah... wait, n-nevermind" you said softly, releasing your hands away from the door. You took a step away from the door, making your way back to the living room but you stopped on your tracks, hearing that Hoseok unlocked the door, hoping that you would come in. 

You turned back and slowly opened the door, revealing Hoseok just laying on his bed, his back facing you. "Have you eaten?" you asked, hoping that he would answer but he didn't, instead he turned to face you, revealing his swollen eyes and puffy cheeks. "You should've believed me.." you said, facing the wall trying to avoid eye contact. "I know and.. I'm sorry for not believing you" he said, weakly. He sat up, continued to look at you and you immediately sat beside him, you wanted to hug him badly but you didn't know how. Instead, you decided to just place your hand on his shoulder, letting him know that you'll be there for him although you knew how much he doesn't like you. "You know what this means right?" You asked him and he was facing down instead, not wanting to make eye contact. "I'll stop talking to her.. I'm already barely replying her messages and calls due to the practices and whatnot.. I'll be fine, I think.." he said softly but loud enough for you to hear. You smiled at how he's trying his best to be fine, you couldn't take it anymore and just hugged him. "You'll be fine, you can always talk to me about your problems.. you know" you said while embracing him. You didn't think he would hug you back but he did, he wrapped his arms around you and hugged you tighter. "Thank you" he said, his lips curving into a small smile. 

(A/N: Skipping a few weeks :P) 

You woke up to your phone's ringtone ringing away, you were still half awake and you didn't knew who was calling you. You managed to get out of bed and you went to your desk and picked up your phone, not looking at the caller ID. 

"(Y/N) ah~ Do you want to grab lunch later?" 

You heard a familiar male voice on the other end but you couldn't figure out who was it, not forgetting you were also half awake. 

"Who is this?" 

"It's Hoseok ~~" 

"What.. what do you want?" 

"Let's grab lunch later! Meet me at the western restaurant at 2PM okay~" 

You yawned and hung up on him, not giving him an answer. You checked the timing on your phone, it was only 8AM. "Jesus christ..." you said before dumping yourself back to bed. You drifted off to sleep peacefully but only to wake up to another ringing from your phone, you were fully awake this time but you answered the phone knowing that it could probably be Hoseok.. again. 


"Do you know what time is it?" 

"No, I just woke up" 

"It's almost 2PM! I told you to meet me at the restaurant!" 

"Oh.. right. I'll be there in 10 minutes, calm your " 

You hung up on him again, hoping that he wouldn't call again. You quickly went to take a shower and changed into your casual clothes, you then proceeded to head out to the restaurant, once you were nearing the restaurant, you saw a familiar figure waving ridiculously at you. You smiled at how happy he looked, you rushed to him. "You're late" he said, pouting. "Well.. I'm here already, aren't I? Come on, let's go in" you said, grabbing his arm and dragging him into the restaurant instead. After being seated and ordering, you patiently waited for the food to arrive. You tend to look out to the outside, wondering about life and how funny it is. You were also spacing out, making Hoseok smile to himself while he stared at you plainlessly. You only came back to your senses when the food came, you looked at how delicious they were and not realizing how hungry you were, you started digging in and Hoseok just keeps on smiling at how funny you were. After minutes or so, while the you and Hoseok were busy eating, Hoseok's phone kept ringing but of course, he refused to answer. You realized it was his horrible ex girlfriend, trying to get back with him though she was clueless on what was going on. He was somehow irritated by her and finally decided to answer his phone, "what do you want?" he said. You couldn't hear what she was saying but you knew that she was probably trying to get him to her again and somehow, it worked. "What happened? Are you okay? ... I'm coming" he said. You heard the words 'I'm coming', it made you angry. You stared at him while he was trying to rush to where Song Ji Yeon was, you coughed to yourself when he left the restaurant without saying anything at all. 'Great..' you thought to yourself while finishing your food and paying for both meals. You sighed while you walked back to your apartment, disappointed at how Hoseok reacted to her. 

(A/N: Skipping for another week... again im sry) 

To your horror and fear, they were back together again. 

You were disgusted by their 'sweetness' and yet, you still noticed that something wasn't right about her. Could she be cheating again? That has her ways. It's been a week and yet, you couldn't find anything about her but you got lucky. You were wandering around aimlessly in the mall, hoping that something would catch your eye and something DID caught your eye. That 'something' was.. Song Ji Yeon! You coughed at her sight, you caught her, indeed cheating again. You managed to take a picture too but you weren't telling Hoseok yet because in the situation right now, he probably wouldn't believe you again. You also wanted to see how long this 'fake' relationship would go. A few days pass since you caught Ji yeon cheating on hoseok with that exact same scumbag, you were on your sofa, laying down staring at the ceiling. 'What does he see in that woman?' you said, in your head as you roll to the other side, facing the television and stared around only to notice the time. "It's already 5:50PM?" you asked yourself, slowly getting up. "I need to get over to make them dinner.." you said, stretching you arms and putting your hair into a messy bun, grabbed your phone and head out to the next door only to see... Song Ji Yeon infront of the boy's dorm door. You were truly disgusted at the sight of her but at the same time you were curious on why she was infront of the boy's dorm. Taking a step out and closing the door behind you, you walk over and Ji yeon noticed your foot steps and turned to you. 

"What are you doing here?" you asked, stopping in your tracks. She look at you from head to toe and let out a small laugh at how sloppy your outfit was. "I'm here to see my boyfriend. Is there anything wrong with that?" she said, answering your question. You rolled your eyes at how y she was being, "I didn't say there is? Anyways, i highly doubt he's home, they're all out today." you said, trying to shove her aside and going towards the door but she didn't move abit and continue staring at you. "I didn't ask and also, you have the spare key right? If so, let me in." she said, rolling her eyes at you and look towards the door. You started to feel pissed off on how she was demanding you to open the door just for her despite it wasn't somewhere you could just easily step foot into. "you can't see him, you're hurting him again and yet, you're still using him?" you blurted out by accident but somehow you were glad you let it out. She folded her arms, giving you a weird look, "what are you talking about? I love him & he loves me too!" she said, with a smirk, "Are you THAT jealous of our relationship?" she said, letting out a small sarcastic laugh. You choked on your saliva upon hearing what she said and let out a small laugh, "You're such a bad liar even my ancestors could tell better lies than your ugly mouth. So please , do me the honor and explain this picture" you said, taking your phone out with the photo on the screen. Her eyes slowly expanded, unfolding her arms with opening wider when she took notice of the picture you had. "W-Where the did you get that?" she said, shuttering on her own words but she slowly got back into position with her arms folded again,"Okay, so what if I'm cheating again? He's too blind to even realize anything" she said, you got more pissed for some reason,  "He may be blind but he definitely deserves better, he doesn't need your fake attitude and face in his life. He needs someone who could love him for who he is and someone who could take care of him. And you, are not qualified for any of it. You're shady as " you said, folding your arms too.

Little did you and Ji yeon know, Hoseok had came back to the dorm earlier, before Ji Yeon and you had appeared infront of the dorm and was eavesdropping all along. Ji Yeon then raised her left arm and landed a loud tight slap on your left cheek, you were shock by her action and stared at her with your mouth open and your hand on your red cheek. "you're such.. a " she said, raising her arm again, to give you another tight slap but this time she was interupted by the dorm door being opened. The both of you took a step back, shocked at who came out. It was none other then, Jung Hoseok. He stared at you with your hand on your cheek and at Ji Yeon with her hand raised up making her slowly raising down but hoseok grabbed hold of it. "What's... all this?" 


Hello all, It's 'A' here with chapter 12 & once again, i hope y'all are enjoying the story so far!!(◍•ᴗ•◍) ♡  Do leave your comments down below because it makes me & Z laugh alot and it's kind of nice to know a few are enjoying our story so far. Chapter 13 will be by Z so look forward to it! ヾ(^∇^) ♡ ♡ ♡ 

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Chapter 29: Yesyesyes! You updated! I loved how you started this chapter! I didn't think that you would continue the ending scene from the previous chapter. And BTS's sudden arrival! But why was Hyewon glued to Hoseok so much? I'm sure you were using her to make me jealous.

I wonder just how beautiful I am to be a model, and an experienced one at that! But why has Hoseok never mentioned it before? Thinking about it, you never mentioned how beautiful I was either...
I've been wanting to comment about how there is no update, but I kind of felt bad, because I don't really want to force it... but I really miss this story. It's just we saw how they starting having feelings for each other and spending time together... Maybe, are you busy? Having some problems? I really hope you update soon *_* Pweaseee?
Chapter 24: "Like both of you were meant to be , partners in life and forever."
Sophiakg #4
Chapter 24: THE FEELS MAN
Sophiakg #5
Chapter 23: That chick needs to calm her down
Chapter 23: I am so glad that Hyowon or whatever her name is, said those words... because we saw some development from Hoseok's side, and finally it's my turn... kekeke
Funnypanda369 #7
Chapter 23: OH MY GOSH! MY FEEEEEEEEEEEEELZZZZZZZZZZZZ! But that girl... She's that typical 'looks innocent but is a total ' type. *sighs* I see this everywhere, but, chincha, this time I don't actually mind because she actually has a connection to Hobie. I'm so glad my character is calm, just like me, hahaha XD