Chapter 6 -

Bitter & Sweet

 You've waited for at least 5 minutes then you finally see the usual black Mercedes Benz S Class 2014 coming towards you, as it gets closer, you see Casey driving the car. You sighed, trying to not think of what happened in the dorm, you were short tempered but you couldn't control your anger towards Hoseok. As you stood there, Casey, your personal chauffeur pulled over and came out to open the door for you. "Are you okay, Miss?" he asked while opening the door, "no" you said, getting into the car. After a while of driving, you finally arrived in front of your mother's company, it was a tall building and your mom is probably busy doing paperwork in her office. "Wait for me here" you told Casey before leaving the car. You got out of the car and began walking into the building, the staff knew who you were and greeted while you continued walking. You went up the lift, stopping at the highest floor -- it was also where the important people gather for a meeting and other you didn't bother caring. 

"She's out of the dorm? What? Jung Hoseok, do you know where did she go? ... What do you mean you don't know?" You heard your mother speaking, realizing that it was Jung Hoseok that she was speaking to, you peeked in for a few seconds but went in fully, letting her know that you were there the whole time. Your mother somehow got startled at who came in but she immediately calmed down realizing that it was only you, "I'll call you later about this, just go to your practice" she said, putting down the phone. She looked at you, sighing "what happened?" she asked. You explained what happened, ranting about him the entire time "I can't take it anymore Mom! Can't I just move back into our family house?" You sighed, leaning backwards on the sofa in her office. "No dear, how about.. I get you an apartment? But it'll be right next to their dorm, you know how nosy the press can get about everything" she said and you can't help yourself but to just agree to the idea, at least you were out of the dorm. You didn't like the fact that Hoseok's girlfriend was living there though it would only take a few more days but you can't stand the sight of the girl, you also feel like something isn't right about her. 

It took a few days for you to adjust back to the living conditions, you were back in your family house for the time being and for a few weeks, your phone kept blowing up but you knew that it was from the boys back in the dorms. They wondered where you went and how you suddenly disappeared on them, they also kept texting you about Hoseok's girlfriend, they too were sick of Hoseok's girlfriend but they couldn't say anything because it would piss the out of Jung Hoseok and they didn't want to see a smiling Hoseok turn into a nasty monster when he's angry. Although, you were curious on the texts they kept sending. You looked at what day it was, 'Monday', you looked back to the first text from Yoongi, it was Sunday from last week. 

Sunday - 

Yoongi: I tried talking to him but he isn't listening. 

Yoongi: Where the are you? It's 11PM and you're still not back. 

Yoongi: (Y/N) I know you've read this, could you at least reply? We're worried. 

You stared at the messages, smiling to the fact that they were at least, worried but you knew not all of them were. You're still mad at Hoseok though, you skipped the useless messages from people you didn't know but the messages from the boys kept coming from time to time. 

Tuesday -

Namjoon: (Y/N), I know you're mad at Hoseok but can't you come back? 

Namjoon: Jin hyung misses your cooking. 

Jungkook: Noona! Where are you? :( 

Taehyung: (Y/N). Please come back, we miss you~ 

Thursday - 

Jin: (Y/N) ah~~ We miss you! :( 

Jin: I MISS YOUR COOKING!! Once you're back, we're going to battle on who's the best cook okay!!

Saturday - 

Jimin: (Y/N) ~ We still miss you!! Come back soon ~ 

You looked at the messages, smiling to yourself. They missed you alright and you missed them too but you can't come back just yet, not until the renovation in your 'new apartment' was finished. You didn't want to tell them that you were going to live next to them but you told Yoongi about it anyway, you were also in the middle of packing your final things in your room into the huge boxes. And once you were done packing your things in your room and into your boxes, you walked down to the basement on where your art and dance studio were, thinking about what to reply Yoongi before starting to pack again. 

You: Yoongi ah, I'm going to come back soon, probably tomorrow. 

You pressed on 'send' and you finally continued packing a few of your paintings into more boxes. After a while, you finished packing and you unlocked the door to your dance studio, revealing an empty studio with just mirrors and cold air. You docked in your iPod and started playing a few calming songs but you couldn't dance yet, instead, you were just laying on the wooden floor with closed eyes and your phone right beside you, trying to get a feel into the calming music that was playing. You felt your phone vibrate a few times, knowing that it was messages but you didn't know who was it from. You grabbed hold of your phone and unlocked it, revealing that Yoongi finally replied after an hour of silence from him. 

Yoongi: Finally! Wait... you're not mad at Jung Hoseok anymore? 

You: I'm still mad yet I'm coming back but.... 

Yoongi: But what? 

You: Did you noticed that next door is renovating?

Yoongi: Oh yeah, the renovations are loud and it irritates me. Why is someone moving in next door in this kind of timing?

You: I'm moving in next door you fool. Don't tell the boys yet, I wanna give them a little bit of surprise. 

Yoongi: Wait what? I'm killing you when I finally see you. 

Somehow, you didn't feel threatened but glad because of Yoongi's reply. You spent your day dancing in your dance studio and you realized that the renovations would be completed already so the next day is finally the day where you'll move in next door. You finally had an apartment of your own but you were also slightly irritated at the fact that you're still going to have to face Jung Hoseok from time to time. The next day, you woke up and showered. You helped the movers get your boxes and everything else in the moving van. You got Casey to drive you back to the dorm instead of getting onto the moving van and when you finally arrived, you noticed that the boys were staring at the movers bringing in your boxes, they were wondering who was moving in and you spotted a wild Yoongi glaring at you in a distance. 'He's killing me.. oh god' you thought to yourself, gulping and finally going to see your apartment. "(Y/N)!" You heard someone shouting, it was Jin. "You're back!!" He shouted, running towards you, opening his arms widely attacking you with a surprise hug. 

You laughed at his actions and hugged back, causing the rest of the boys except Hoseok and Yoongi to run and attack you with warm hugs. You looked at Yoongi who was finally walking slowly towards you, ending up to flick his finger on your forehead. It hurts but you knew you kinda deserved it after disappearing for a week. You walked into the newly renovated apartment with new expensive furniture placed nicely around the house, you also noticed your boxes in their own rooms. "Yah (Y/N)! You can't go into someone's house, that's rude you know!" Jin said, trying to get you out of the house. "It's my house, you silly boy" You said, laughing at him. "You live in this house? Wahhhhh" Jin said, walking inside to where you were standing, followed by the boys as well. 

It was a few weeks into living in your new house, you enjoyed your loneliness in the house but the boys tend to come by after their practices and complain about their life yet they were enjoying their life. They missed you in the dorm and were hella glad that Hoseok's girlfriend finally left the house but it quickly got messy due to the boys, they complained on how it was squeezy in their rooms, you invited them to sleep in the guest room but it was only limited to 2 person so you finally decided to show them your mini dance studio which could only fit 2 sleeping persons inside. "You... dance?" Taehyung asked, "occasionally yes... I love dancing so.." you said. 

From time to time, the boys would come by your house at night, sleeping in either the guest room or the dance studio. 'Why are they even sleeping in my dance studio....' you thought to yourself while you peeked into your studio to see Jungkook and Jimin sleeping soundly on the wooden floor. While the boys kept taking their turns sleeping in your house, Hoseok was behind the scenes, filled with anger on why you're letting the kids sleep in your house. 


A/N: HELLO!!!!!! ITS MEEEE, Z!! HAHAHA, I'm back with Chapter 6 ~ I hope you enjoyed it! Do leave comments though, I appreciate your kindness and thoughtfulness :") And shameless promotion time ~ 


@yohwanmon - Z
@svngjoes - A

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Chapter 29: Yesyesyes! You updated! I loved how you started this chapter! I didn't think that you would continue the ending scene from the previous chapter. And BTS's sudden arrival! But why was Hyewon glued to Hoseok so much? I'm sure you were using her to make me jealous.

I wonder just how beautiful I am to be a model, and an experienced one at that! But why has Hoseok never mentioned it before? Thinking about it, you never mentioned how beautiful I was either...
I've been wanting to comment about how there is no update, but I kind of felt bad, because I don't really want to force it... but I really miss this story. It's just we saw how they starting having feelings for each other and spending time together... Maybe, are you busy? Having some problems? I really hope you update soon *_* Pweaseee?
Chapter 24: "Like both of you were meant to be , partners in life and forever."
Sophiakg #4
Chapter 24: THE FEELS MAN
Sophiakg #5
Chapter 23: That chick needs to calm her down
Chapter 23: I am so glad that Hyowon or whatever her name is, said those words... because we saw some development from Hoseok's side, and finally it's my turn... kekeke
Funnypanda369 #7
Chapter 23: OH MY GOSH! MY FEEEEEEEEEEEEELZZZZZZZZZZZZ! But that girl... She's that typical 'looks innocent but is a total ' type. *sighs* I see this everywhere, but, chincha, this time I don't actually mind because she actually has a connection to Hobie. I'm so glad my character is calm, just like me, hahaha XD