Chapter 10 pt 1 -

Bitter & Sweet

"What would Bang pdnim want?" Taehyung asked, yawning. "How do i know." Yoongi answered, leaning back in his seat. "Would we get scolded? I mean we did nothing wrong..." Jimin said. It was morning, the time where they would usually be heading to practice but today, they were heading to the company. Once they arrived, they got out with their slightly messy hair due to sleeping in the car, went in and went to his office. Namjoon proceeded to knock on the door afew times and opened it. "Sajangnim, we're here" Namjoon said while stepping into Bang Pdnim's office, "ah yes, all of you are finally here. I have something to tell you guys" he said, going through a few documents on his table. BTS looked at him, confused yet anxious about what he was going to say, afraid that they were going to be in trouble for doing something wrong. "Right... What I was about to say is that all of you are going to Hawaii.. Specifically saying, Honolulu. It's somehow a vacation but do a simple photoshoot for the summer edition. You're going to leave in two days so do, enjoy yourselves over there and not forgetting, do focus on the photoshoot too" Bang PDnim said calmly, placing his elbows on the table using his hands to support his face while talking to the boys. They were too shocked, trying to accept the fact that they were going to Hawaii in two days. "H-hawaii?" Namjoon said, stuttering on his own words. Bang PDnim nodded, "yes.. Well.. (Y/N) was the one who suggested it so if you were going to thank me, I suggest you thank her instead" Bang PDnim said before shoo-ing them away to let them finally go to their practice. 

You woke up to the sudden burst of messages on your phone, you jolted up from your bed and into a sitting position, trying to figure out who's blowing up your phone early in the morning. Turns out it was Taehyung and Jimin at the same time, 'what are they planning to do to me? At this timing seriously?' you sighed, thinking in your mind. 

Taehyung: (Y/N)!!!! THANK YOU!!! 

Jimin: ARIGATO (Y/N)!! 

Taehyung: Yaaah~ Are you awake?? 

Jimin: Taetae and me are ready to blow up your phone~ 

Taehyung: (Y/N)!! I LOVE YOU THANK YOU 

Jimin: What did Taetae send you? Wait! Let me see on his phone.... 

Jimin: NO (Y/N)! Don't believe him! I LOVE YOU MORE FOR GETTING US TO HAWAIII ~~~ 

Taehyung: Jimin just snatched my phone away ㅠㅠㅠ

You laughed at how they were trying to blow up your phone with messages, shaking your head, you got out of your bed and you put your phone on the desk, making your bed then finally, you went to the bathroom to take a warm bath. You looked at yourself in the mirror, seeing that your weight hasn't fully came back yet but you were getting there. You were finally eating normally again, you thought of dancing again but you had to clean the house instead and maybe the dorm too. You recalled on how fake Ji Yeon was, you weren't affected by her words but you chuckled at her stupidity and how she still doesn't recognize you from everything. You took your laptop out to the living room, using it while watching some show on the television before going off to do actual work, you somehow booked 8 plane tickets to Hawaii and booked 4 hotel rooms to stay in. You were excited but at the same time worried because you haven't seem them in weeks and you couldn't apologize to Hoseok but you knew today was the day that you're going to finally face them and gain your confidence back. 

After being unproductive for at least a few hours, you finally did the house chores cleaning and organizing everything in the house. You cleaned your mini dance studio as well, you also organized your art room again. After a few hours, your house finally looked neat and organized and it was about time that the boys would be back home from practice. You settled back down on your sofa, started using your laptop again but you got startled by the sudden loud knocking coming from your door, "who is it?" you shouted from the living room. "It's us (Y/N)!!" you heard Namjoon shouting from your entrance door. It was them, you looked around forgetting that you already cleaned the house, you closed your computer screen and fixed your hair to at least look presentable in front of them. You walked over to the door and opened it, revealing six boys with smiling faces and a boy with a long face, you couldn't tell whether Hoseok was being mad or sad. "Why... are you guys here?" You asked, "we're here to thank you of course! We got pizza!" Namjoon said with a bright smile, his dimples were showing. And of course, you let them in, "did you just clean the place?" Yoongi asked, causing you to just nod in return. 

They placed the pizza and soft drink down, they also somehow managed to make themselves at home. You smiled slightly at their actions, however you tend to keep on looking at Hoseok who had a long face the whole time, you squeezed yourself between Taehyung and Jungkook, looking at them. "Uh.. I'm sorry" you blurted out the words, looking down. "For what?" Yoongi asked, knowing that you were going to apologize after long weeks of avoiding everyone. "For.. avoiding you and Hoseok ah, I'm-" you tried apologizing to Hoseok as well but he beat you to it "Sorry (Y/N) ah.. I know my words were harsh on you" he said, looking down due to embarrassment. "I'm.. sorry too.." you apologized still looking down but your eyes started to look up, only to see the other members smiling."Come! let's eat now!!" Jin said, opening the pizza box. They all started to each take a piece, "Here (Y/N)!" Jimin said, passing you a piece of pizza. "Thank you" you thanked him and took the piece from his hand and started eating. Gosh it's probably been weeks since you last eaten pizza and it tasted like heaven alright. Finishing that piece, you grab a can of coke there and opened it. Looking at the members eating pizza, talking happily, it's been a long time since you last saw this scene which made you smile. "(Y/N), try this!" Jin said, feeding you the pizza he took a bite out of it, you took a bite too. "Oh! This flavour is nice too!" you said, he laughed at how adorable your expression was which somehow made you laugh too.

After that pizza session with the boys, it was getting late and they all returned back to their dorm. "Thank you once again!" Namjoon said, leaving. You smiled at his words and closed the door. "We're leaving in 2 days..." you look around and walk to your store room to find your bag and brought it to your room. Even though there was still 2 days before you leave, you started packing most of the clothes you were planning to bring, mostly shorts, sleeveless and light thin cardigan because it's going to be really hot, i mean it's summer. After packing majority of your clothes and other essential items, you closed it and went to bed before it gets too late. The day after was the same as yesterday though you ate with yourself yet you cooked for the boys, they still had practice though they were gonna leave in a days time. 

Finally, the day you and the boys have been waiting for came. The day to the trip to hawaii, honolulu. You and the boys checked in your baggage and went into the departure hall. Once you were in the departure hall, a big make up section caught your eye and of course, being a girl you went there and looked around. "Why do girls fancy make up so much?" Jimin asked, "It's pretty!" you said, taking the new lipstick by chanel and placed it in your basket along with many other things and went to pay. Happy with your purchase, you went out of the store smiling. Seeing that it was nearly time for your boarding time, you and the guys hurriedly walk to your gate and somehow made it in time. After the bag check and alittle of waiting, you had boarded the plane and found your seats. You were sitting with Hoseok of course but he didn't mind at all, he felt like a new person. He wasn't like how he was before and somehow that made you happy. 

After a few hours in the air, you started to get bored of just listening to music alone, it somehow involved a little bit looking on the outside too. You took your book out that you brought along with you in your bag, you started reading and somehow you were listening to English music as well. After an hour or so, you were still reading your book but you felt someone tugging you, trying to get your attention. You looked at who was disturbing you, it was Jung Hoseok. "what?" you said, with a sarcastically annoyed tone. "I'm boreeeed! Do something with me!" He said while tugging your arm back and forth."I'm reading a book, ask someone else" you said, looking back down at your book. He continued tugging your arm, "(Y/N)... let's watch a movie!" he said, giving you a pout. You sighed and placed your book down, giving up. "Okay, fine i will." He smiled and plugged his earpiece into his laptop and gave you one side of the earphones. "What kind of movie is this?" you asked, placing the earphone in your ear. "It's a melodrama type of movie! Just watch it! I'm sure you would like it." He said, hitting the play button. It was an hour long movie but you were enjoying it, in general you also have a liking for melodrama genre type of movies. 

After watching another movie with Hoseok, it was already time for touch down which happened rather fast. "Oh.. we're here already." you said, placing your book into your bag. Soon after, the doors were open and everybody went out, including you and the boys. Custom and taking your baggage took up most of your time but fianlly, you were out of the arrival hall. There wasn't much people at the airport which made you and the boys somehow relieved because you wouldn't want the fans to question who you were and have the fans mobbing them. "The van is here." BTS manager, Song Hobeom said. Upon hearing that, you and the guys headed towards the exit and hop into the vans, even though it was only one van, you and the guys managed to fit in it. Well, of course the camera crew are only coming tomorrow which means you and the guys have the the whole night today to relax and rest. 

The distance from the airport to the hotel took rather long, making some of the members falling asleep in the van. Once you guys reach, you went to the counter and checked in, got the keys and went back to the boys sitting in the lobby. "So.. how are we going to split the rooms?" You asked, "Scissors paper stone! What we always do." Jimin said, "Ah, Me and (Y/N) will be sharing one room." Hoseok said, the others look at him with a rather shocked face but look back at each other to continue their game to decide who sleeps with who. "Namjoon will be with hyung, Jungkook and Tae and that leaves me with jimin. settled, let's go up now." Yoongi said, giving the keys out. "Let's just place our bags and head to the nearest restaurant for dinner!" Taehyung suggested and everyone agreeded. You, Hoseok, Jimin and Yoongi waved to the other 4 who's rooms were on the other side and proceeded to your room, unlocking it with your key. 

Once you reached inside, you and hoseok placed your bags down and went outside to meet the others to have a simple dinner at the nearest restaurant before heading back into the hotel again. The others waved and said their goodnights as they head to the other side and into their rooms.

 After parting ways, you took the key out and unlocked the door. Taking off your shoes, you headed towards the bed, taking a seat down, "My back hurts from the seats in the plane.." you complained, massaging your shoulder area. Hoseok on the other hand was placing his bag down on his bed, "I'm sure the pain will be all gone tonight after you have a good night sleep." he said while taking off his outer wear and placing it in on one of the hangers, "Hey, do you want to shower first?" he asked, you looked at the time and it was getting rather late and gave a nod. You opened your bag and grab your change of clothes and went into the bathroom. After 20 - 30 minutes, you came out drying your hair with the towel. "Wow, you took a long time." He said, standing up with his change of clothes in his hands,"Why do girls always take so long in the bathroom..." he questioned, you laughed, "It's typical i guess?" you answered but he had already entered the bathroom. 

Having your towel over your head, you took out your phone and switched off your flight mode which caused your phone to buzz non- stop. You then look through who had caused the buzzing only to see messages from your friends who were in seoul, 

[Group chat name]

Jin ah: Have you reached hawaii?

Jin ah: ah! i'm so jealous~ i want to go hawaii too~ ㅠㅠ

Yi seok: (Y/N) ah~~~ i'm so jealous!!!

Jin ah: It's night there right? It's only 6PM here~ 

Kyu bin: you should have brought us along too!! 

Rina: yes! ㅠㅠ

They were all from your friends, most of them were your friends whom you have been with for years and some were just regular ones, you smiled at the thought of those who still bothered to message you after so long. 

You: Aish~~ You know i can't, this is business... or rather a trip with my fiance..

Yi seok: uwa~~ I'm still jealous!!

You: Don't be!! i'll bring back souvenirs for you all~ ^^

Kyu bin: you dont have to.. but if you insist, we don't mind as well!

You: How are you guys? 

Jin ah: practice just ended ㅠㅠ

Yi seok: mine too!! life as a trainee is no joke ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Rina: I'm just eating dinner at home ^~^

You: you can do it Jin ah, Yi seok~! 

Happily chatting with your friends in the group, you heard the bathroom door being unlock and look up from your phone, "Ah hoseok, you're do-" you place your hands which was holding your phone, down on your lap. "Yah! Jung Hoseok!" you shouted which made him turn to stare at you. "Why why why why are you suddenly shouting?" he asked in confusion. "What are you doing walking out shirtless?!" you said, sighing. He then realize he wasn't in a room with one of the guys and quickly apologized and grab his shirt and wore it. "This bring back memories, it reminded me of the first time i met the guys and how i saw jimin shirtless." you giggled, "...(Y/N) ah...You know, about the things i said.. i'm sorry." he said, apologizing for the second time. "It's alright" you let out a small awkward laugh, "I was too harsh on my words, i know it wasn't right for me to be saying those things to you." he said, looking down at his legs. You got up and walked infront of him, "I'm sorry too but we can't keep being like this can we?" you said, he looks up, "like what?" he asked, "You know.. barely talking to each other?" you said, spreading your arms out slowly, "C'mon! Give me a hug.. only if we're fine or 'friends' now." you laughed but he stood up and embraced you. "Thanks (Y/N)." he said, pulling off the hug. You kind of wish that hug lasted alittle longer. After that, you and him chatted alittle before he went off to bed and afew minutes after, you went to bed too.


A/N: Hello! it's 'A' here with chapter 10 pt 1, we have decided to split it into 2 parts because it would be too long to put it together.. i'm sorry (。•́︿•̀。) Also, sorry that this chapter was uploaded late, we had something on earlier ㅠㅠ...Do comment down your thoughts for this chapter/story or if you liked it! ♡♡♡ (Also 'upvote' it if you're a kind soul ♡♡) (also enjoy a gif of shirtless hoseok :---))) because i'm basically already dying bc of him)

Our twitter -

@Svngjoes (A)

@Yohwanmon (Z)

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Chapter 29: Yesyesyes! You updated! I loved how you started this chapter! I didn't think that you would continue the ending scene from the previous chapter. And BTS's sudden arrival! But why was Hyewon glued to Hoseok so much? I'm sure you were using her to make me jealous.

I wonder just how beautiful I am to be a model, and an experienced one at that! But why has Hoseok never mentioned it before? Thinking about it, you never mentioned how beautiful I was either...
I've been wanting to comment about how there is no update, but I kind of felt bad, because I don't really want to force it... but I really miss this story. It's just we saw how they starting having feelings for each other and spending time together... Maybe, are you busy? Having some problems? I really hope you update soon *_* Pweaseee?
Chapter 24: "Like both of you were meant to be , partners in life and forever."
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Chapter 24: THE FEELS MAN
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Chapter 23: That chick needs to calm her down
Chapter 23: I am so glad that Hyowon or whatever her name is, said those words... because we saw some development from Hoseok's side, and finally it's my turn... kekeke
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Chapter 23: OH MY GOSH! MY FEEEEEEEEEEEEELZZZZZZZZZZZZ! But that girl... She's that typical 'looks innocent but is a total ' type. *sighs* I see this everywhere, but, chincha, this time I don't actually mind because she actually has a connection to Hobie. I'm so glad my character is calm, just like me, hahaha XD