Chapter 10 pt 2 -

Bitter & Sweet

You were sleeping pretty peacefully, it was rather early. "(Y/N)! Wake up!" Hoseok said, opening the curtains which made the sunlight be shone upon your face. "But.. it's so early.." you said, hiding your face under the pillow. "Yah! We have a shoot to do!" Hoseok said, pulling your blanket off of you. You then slowly open your eyes to see him infront of you, all dressed up but his hair was still in a terrible state. "Ah.. you're awake, i'll be in my stylist room then. Don't go back to sleep." He said, leaving your bed side and out of the door. You sat up and look at the empty hotel room and took your phone which was on the side table,'8:30AM', this was probably one of the earliest time you have woken up in awhile which made you just sit on your bed in daze but you quickly snap back to reality. "Let me just.. take a quick shower." you said, getting up from your bed and going into the bathroom. After 10 minutes or so, you were out of the shower and in your bathrobe. After another 10 to 20 minutes, you were done with your make up and out with your shorts and an oversized t-shirt. Opening the bathroom door, your room door was also opened. "Oh? You're done already?" you asked, looking at hoseok who just opened the room door. "Yup. I see you're done with everything too?" he asked back which made you give him a nod. "We're heading to breakfast first... right?" you asked him while walking out of your hotel room with your small bag filled with makeup and the book which you never completed reading due to Hoseok's disturbance in the plane. 

"(Y/N) ah..... are you that hungry?" he sighs, walking alongside with you to the hotel dining area where everyone has already gathered. "(Y/N)!" Jin called out to you a bit loudly, managing to grab everyone's attention, he looked at everyone who was staring, feeling embarrassed -- he quickly jogged to you, facing down with his red face. You chuckled at his red face, trying to pat his head but he was too tall for you to reach. "Good morning, Jin oppa~" you smiled at him and he was smiling brighter than anyone else in the dining area at you, he immediately grabbed your hand and dragged you to sit beside him, you just laughed at how he was acting. Somehow, everyone was acting grateful to you so they immediately fed you with good food in the morning without you having to take on your own. One of the photographers came up to you "(Y/N)? Your shoot with Jhope and Jimin will be starting soon, do head to the rooftop garden" he said and you just nodded. 'A picture with Hoseok and Jimin...' you thought to yourself while eating with your mind away. You were only brought back to your senses when Jin softly smacked the table and you see him running to the same photographer that was talking to you a few minutes ago and once you were done with your food, you quickly went up to the rooftop garden, seeing that the equipment has already been prepared, you looked to your right seeing that Jimin was the early one and he was already getting ready, touching up his makeup and hair. "Annyeong Jimin ah~" you said while waving and walking to get your hair done as well as touching up your make up. 

While Jimin was playing around with himself on his phone, you took out your book while your stylist for the trip was touching up on your hair and you only looked up when you saw someone sitting down beside you by the corner of your eye. You turned to the person who sat down, turns out it was only Hoseok, finally here to just touch up on his hair. "You're finally here" you said in a annoyed yet sarcastic tone, leading him to raise his eyebrows and look at you, "I'm sorry sir, please don't be mad at me" you said, causing him to just laugh at what you said. You pft-ed at his laughter and continued reading until it was finally time to go through the photoshoot. Somehow, they managed to ask you to hold the book open like you would read it but you were asked to look up to the sky instead, the wind was blowing too and Hoseok was behind you, posing of course along with Jimin sitting by your chair facing the camera. The photoshoot with Hoseok and Jimin went well, it was like every normal BTS photoshoot but instead, you were in it. "(Y/N)? We're going to the pool to get more pictures, is it okay if you took a few with Jin and Rap Monster?" the same photographer asked. "Yes, sure" you said while preparing to head down to the next location with all of them. 

"Do you feel like a model now?" Hoseok said, trying to tease you. "Excuse me? I am a model..." you said with sass. "You are? How come I didn't know that?" He asked, "because you never bothered asking~~~" you said, flipping your hair then you proceeded to skip to where everyone was. The photoshoot with Jin and Namjoon took place near the pool but you weren't allowed in the pool due to the busy schedule and you didn't have proper attire, you sat on the same chair like you did before and started to listen to your music on your iPod while playing 1010 instead of reading, letting your stylist do whatever he wanted to your hair. You felt one of your earphones fall out, realizing it was Yoongi who came to see you. "(Y/N) ah~ explain to me why are you appearing into our summer edition?" he said, staring at you. "Hmm, I don't know... Ask Bang PDnim about that~~" you said, putting your earphones back into your ears, escaping reality and diving into your feelings of music. After a few minutes, you were then asked to carry on with the photoshoot, you laid on the hammock with Jin sitting by your side and Namjoon standing by the tree, posing for the camera. Once the photoshoot was done, "Great work everyone" you bowed at everyone. "Right, let's wrap it up for now! Let's go for lunch!" The photographer shouted then everyone proceeded back to their own rooms, getting room service instead of actually going to the dining area. 

While you were walking with your bag, Yoongi somehow managed to walk with you, talking casually "how's the shoot with the boys?" he asked while walking by your side. "Great! Considering that I barely went on photoshoots with guys.." you said, grabbing hold of your phone and going back to your room. "Hoseok... didn't do anything to you.. right?" he asked, sounding a bit worried about you. You chuckled at the thought of Yoongi being worried, "relax! He didn't do anything, he won't do anything" you said before entering your room. "I'll see you later, okay Yoongi oppa?" you waved at him, smiling and shutting the door at his face. You sighed, scanning the hotel room, 'Hoseok isn't here..' you thought to yourself, sighing even more to the fact that you were all alone in the quiet hotel room. You took out your laptop from your bag, finding a comfy spot on the bed and finally, you switched on your laptop while trying to call room service. After you ordered your food, you surfed the web on your laptop, a couple of minutes into intense web surfing, you heard knocking on your door. "Room service!" you heard a male voice coming from outside your hotel room. You got up and opened the door, asking the man to just put the food by the television and finally, you got your food and you tipped the dude. 

While you were busy eating your food, you got back to intense web surfing again. And once again, 10 minutes into multitasking, you heard your door opening, wondering who was that, you tried to lean in and peaked but it would've caused a mess on your bed so you stopped leaning in, instead, you went back to web surfing and not caring about whoever came into the hotel room. "Yah! You just started eating without me?" Hoseok's voice popped out, startling the out of you. "Jesus christ, dude. You just scared the out of me" you said, putting down your fork and glared at Hoseok's gulity face. "I'm sorry ma'am!" he suddenly said, bowing at the same time. "By the way, they said that you're going to have your photoshoot soon? I think in 30 minutes.." he said, sitting beside you, stealing your food when he had the chance. Indeed, you had your photoshoot and you knew that it was going to be in a magazine, they had you wear one of your mom's latest but not yet released clothing design. The day went on like any normal photoshoot would go, the boys had their shots as well along with you in it but also, you managed to have some fun with the boys as well as becoming closer to Hoseok. 

And thus, after one tiring day, another day in Honolulu followed. However, it was rest day for everyone which means that you could do anything you'd like but you didn't seem like going out, worried that you'll get lost. You end up staying in your hotel room while the crew went exploring, you didn't knew what the boys were up to and you didn't want to know, they were probably up to something mischevious in the hotel. While you were calmly using your laptop again, reading a few stories online, Taehyung busted into your hotel room, giving you a fright like how Hoseok did. "(Y/N)!!" He shouted, "jesus christ, not again..." you muttered under your breath. "Yes, Tae?" you asked, staring at him. "Let's go play!" Taehyung said happily, you couldn't say no to the adorable munchkin. You spent the whole day with them, they were the best company in the world, you were somehow glad that you got into an arranged marriage with Jung Hoseok because you met the greatest people in the world. 

The third day, numerous photoshoots were followed. They took group shots along with you in it, you liked watching them posing. It was funny to you but pretty amusing because they're clearly natural in modelling, it was great. You finally get to play in the pool, you swam like a kid but what caught your eye was how Jungkook and the boys were finding their victim to dunk in the water. They sang a weird song while heading towards Min Yoongi, grabbing him by his feet and arms, they practically carried his body and got him in the water. You laughed at how ridiculous they looked but Namjoon quickly went in the water as soon as the boys tried to carry him as well. As soon as you started having fun with the boys, the photographers were taking pictures mindlessly of you and the boys, it was a pretty good shot for a candid picture. The fourth day, it was the same as the third day but instead, you went to the beach with the boys and crew and the day, of course, ended with a lot of good shots as well as too much fun and suntan. The last day occurred, it was also another rest day because it was the final day in Honolulu and everyone had to go back home the next day. You pretty much spent half of your day reading the book up on the rooftop garden by yourself, you noticed that no one ever comes up onto the rooftop garden, it was probably too hot or no one knew about it or maybe, no one took interest in it. The rooftop garden was beautiful although, it tends to get too hot but you still enjoyed your time alone reading -- you were calmly reading until Hoseok appeared, you turned to look at the familiar figure heading towards you, knowing that it was Hoseok by the way he walks. "(Y/N) ah~~" Hoseok said, you sighed "yes?" you replied. "Why are you all alone up on the rooftop?" he asked, taking a seat beside you. "Figured that I want to be alone.. I guess" you said, turning the pages on your book. And of course, the final day in Honolulu ended with both you and Hoseok just talking about life and feelings for everything, that certain talk pretty much dragged both you and Hoseok closer together. 

The flight back was tiring as well, you weren't sitting beside Hoseok like you did on the way to Hawaii and instead, you were sitting beside Yoongi. You were somehow asleep during most of the flight, your head on Yoongi's shoulder. He didn't mind it at all, he was happy to let you use his shoulder as your pillow. He smiled at the sight of you sleeping and mysteriously took a picture of your sleeping face. "And... I'm going to keep this as a souvenir" he whispered to himself before drifting off to sleep, resting his own head on yours. You spent the rest of your day back in your apartment sleeping instead of doing anything else productive but the next day, you woke up to the sunlight blazing through your curtains, you got up in a sitting position rubbing your eyes and yawning. You took a warm shower, changed into your casual outfit then proceeded to do clothes shopping though you already had tons of clothes in your walk-in wardrobe, there's no such thing called 'too much clothes' alright. But first before actually shopping by yourself, you went to get your favorite coffee in the cafe by a chocolate shop. As the day goes on, you spent most of your time in the shopping mall, trying to fit in clothes and buying them, carefully on trying to not spend too much money. You already had at least 5 paper bags on you. After you finished shopping, you were walking around, just looking until you spot someone awfully familiar but with another man. 'Song.. Ji Yeon??' you thought to yourself, raising your own eyebrow while staring at them. Song Ji Yeon carelessly clinging onto someone who was unknown to you, they managed to kiss as well. '... Jung Hoseok... your own girlfriend just ed her own relationship with you..' you said it in your mind while you continued staring at the cheating bastard clinging onto some man whom you didn't know. 


A/N: HelloOOOOO!!!! It's ZZZZZZZZZ ;-; !! We've already reached 600 views, oh my god!! I hope that this story will reach above 1k views :") Ain't it shocking, huh? This may be fiction but Song Ji Yeon has the guts to cheat on our Hoseok TT.TT Anyhoooooo, I hope you enjoyed Chapter 10 pt 2 ~ there won't be any more parts, you can calm your now. Also, I really appreciate our readers commenting on this story! :") The comments made me and A laugh harder than we're supposed to, keep the comments coming in!! :") I laf u all <3 

@H2JOONS (yes we created our own twitter, we don't even know why but if you want to ask questions pls mention us thnx) 

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@svngjoes  ♧ A

@yohwanmon ♧ Z

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Chapter 29: Yesyesyes! You updated! I loved how you started this chapter! I didn't think that you would continue the ending scene from the previous chapter. And BTS's sudden arrival! But why was Hyewon glued to Hoseok so much? I'm sure you were using her to make me jealous.

I wonder just how beautiful I am to be a model, and an experienced one at that! But why has Hoseok never mentioned it before? Thinking about it, you never mentioned how beautiful I was either...
I've been wanting to comment about how there is no update, but I kind of felt bad, because I don't really want to force it... but I really miss this story. It's just we saw how they starting having feelings for each other and spending time together... Maybe, are you busy? Having some problems? I really hope you update soon *_* Pweaseee?
Chapter 24: "Like both of you were meant to be , partners in life and forever."
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Chapter 24: THE FEELS MAN
Sophiakg #5
Chapter 23: That chick needs to calm her down
Chapter 23: I am so glad that Hyowon or whatever her name is, said those words... because we saw some development from Hoseok's side, and finally it's my turn... kekeke
Funnypanda369 #7
Chapter 23: OH MY GOSH! MY FEEEEEEEEEEEEELZZZZZZZZZZZZ! But that girl... She's that typical 'looks innocent but is a total ' type. *sighs* I see this everywhere, but, chincha, this time I don't actually mind because she actually has a connection to Hobie. I'm so glad my character is calm, just like me, hahaha XD