Chapter 8 -

Bitter & Sweet

It's been days since you last talked to BTS, you couldn't face them, not after what happened between you and Hoseok. You were 101% sure that the members heard Hoseok shouting at you, you spent the last few days in your apartment being angry yet sad about what he said. You're affected by his words, they were hurtful and even dancing couldn't get you to forget about his words. Pretty much, you locked yourself in your apartment, you couldn't talk to anyone but yourself for days. You've been ordering take outs, eating unhealthily but sometimes, you would go a day without eating anything and just drinking water. You lost hell lot of weight, you look skinner than before, to sum it all up.. you just look like a walking corpse. The boys were deeply worried about you, except Hoseok of course. He was a mean but you can't blame him, what he said was somewhat true to a certain extent. From time to time, you'll hear loud knocks on your door and constant ringing on your phone, you're not irritated by the constant annoyance from the boys but you wished for Hoseok to at least apologize soon but the apology never came. 

Although you barely eat, you still continued to take care of your hygiene. It was a Wednesday, you woke up to the blazing hot sunlight streaming down on your face through your white curtains. You rubbed your eyes while yawning, looking around your room. The impactful words of Jung Hoseok still lingers in your mind to this very day, it was weeks ever since you last saw them. Somehow, the decision of flying to Europe came into your mind, you wanted a new life, you didn't want to go through this arranged marriage with someone who dearly hates you with all his might. You wanted to run away from your problems but you also knew that running away from everything isn't going to help, you knew that even if you ran away, flying to another country by any means, your parents would've found you by now, judging by how powerful they were, you couldn't even step out of Seoul even if you wanted to. Your life was already planned out by your parents, you had your freedom but you still had to go through the plan that your parents already had set for you ever since you were younger, they already probably planned out your death too. 

Still, you continued laying in bed though you're wide awake. You raised your right hand, closing one eye and looking at your right hand, seeing how the light makes your hand darker, you smiled at how your life was laid out, recalling the past memories you had when you were younger. You turned your body to face the wall near your door, the wall was filled with pictures from when you were younger, you missed your friends but you have no clue on where they are right now because they could be in another country living life to the fullest or just being themselves in Seoul. You grabbed hold of your phone, checking what time it was '12:10PM' it was finally time to get up. You got up, feeling tired from doing nothing at all, you took your fresh clothes and went into the bathroom to take a warm shower. Even though you were in the bathroom, your phone was blowing up.. again from messages and calls. After the warm shower, you figured that it was finally time to get your life back on track though you didn't have the confidence to do so anymore, you checked your messages and calls, figuring out that it was from the boys. You slowly took your time to go through most of the messages that they sent. 

Namjoon: Weird for me to be messaging you but I'm just checking, are you okay? 

Namjoon: The boys (including myself) pretty much heard Hoseok shouting at you. 

Jin: (Y/N) ah ㅠㅠ Are you okay? Reply me please!! 

Yoongi: Just checking to see if you were doing okay.. you're okay right? 

You looked at how they were concerned about you, you let out a smile, tears were about to fall. You missed them a lot. 

Jungkook: Noona! I hope you're fine! We miss you! 

Taehyung: I gave Jhope hyung a good 'scolding'! 

Jimin: (Y/N) ah ~ Do you remember that time where you saw me topless? ㅋㅋㅋ 

You laughed at the fact that you did saw Jimin topless when you first met them. There were a lot of messages from them, telling how they were feeling and how they were doing. They weren't doing so well without you of course but they were fine during practices. It was you who kept them going, not to mention their fans too. You felt sorry for avoiding them but you just didn't want to face Jung Hoseok anymore because if seeing his face makes you remember all the awful things he said, you'd rather see pikachu than him. "I will face them... today" you said to yourself, standing up. You walked to your art room, you got inspired.. somehow. You started painting and after a few hours, you finally finished the art. The thought of being away for a few nights were popping into your mind, you wanted a break away from everything, you wanted to enjoy yourself before facing bull again. 

'They should be at practice now.... right?' you thought to yourself while walking around your apartment mindlessly. You immediately took out your phone from your back pocket and started typing in a message for someone, knowing that he would reply right away. 

You: Sorry for not talking to you in weeks, just wondering... Are all of you at practice right now? 

Yoongi: Are you okay? What happened? Have you been eating? Are you doing well? 

You: Can you just answer the question I asked you previously? 

Yoongi: What? Oh, yeah. All of us are here, why? You're not going anywhere aren't you? 

You: Thanks, I'll see all of you soon. 

Yoongi: Can you answer my four questions now? 

You: Fine. I'm not okay, you know what happened. I've been eating.. barely and I don't know. There, are you happy now?

Yoongi: Jesus christ (Y/N). Please eat healthily, I don't want to see a corpse walking around our block ㅠㅠ

After that text from Yoongi, you couldn't reply. You didn't know what to reply but you definitely knew that their dorm would be in a mess right now and after all those weeks of not talking to them, you decided to clean their dorm and cook them a meal so that they could eat once they're done with work for the day along with a note, apologizing on her overreaction. You thank the gods that they gave you a spare key so that whenever you went to the supermarket, you could always get in without having to inform them especially if they were already at work. 

You unlocked the door to their dorm and immediately sighed at the mess that they created in the dorm "this is going to take a while..." you muttered under your breath, not realizing that Soo Ji Yeon stepped into the dorm. "Ahem..." Ji yeon cleared , making you turn around to find her standing there. "What are you doing here?" you asked, "the real question is.. what are YOU doing here? You're not supposed to be here" She said with a mocking tone in her voice, you coughed "I can be here whenever I want? How did you get in anyway?" you said, "the door was unlocked you dumb , don't know how to lock doors?" she said, cursing at you. "I knew something wasn't right about you" you said. "It's not like you can do anything about me anyway" she said, making you think that you were worthless in everything when really, you're not instead of fighting back, you coughed at her attitude, disgusted at how she was treating you. 


A/N: Hello hello! It's ZZZZZZ ~ There's a possiblity that there will be a double update today again!! Hehehe, look forward to the next chapter being done by A ~ I will be back... soooooon. Do leave in the comments whether you liked it or not ;-; !! (Please 'upvote' our fanfic too!! It really minds a lot to us :"))

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Chapter 29: Yesyesyes! You updated! I loved how you started this chapter! I didn't think that you would continue the ending scene from the previous chapter. And BTS's sudden arrival! But why was Hyewon glued to Hoseok so much? I'm sure you were using her to make me jealous.

I wonder just how beautiful I am to be a model, and an experienced one at that! But why has Hoseok never mentioned it before? Thinking about it, you never mentioned how beautiful I was either...
I've been wanting to comment about how there is no update, but I kind of felt bad, because I don't really want to force it... but I really miss this story. It's just we saw how they starting having feelings for each other and spending time together... Maybe, are you busy? Having some problems? I really hope you update soon *_* Pweaseee?
Chapter 24: "Like both of you were meant to be , partners in life and forever."
Sophiakg #4
Chapter 24: THE FEELS MAN
Sophiakg #5
Chapter 23: That chick needs to calm her down
Chapter 23: I am so glad that Hyowon or whatever her name is, said those words... because we saw some development from Hoseok's side, and finally it's my turn... kekeke
Funnypanda369 #7
Chapter 23: OH MY GOSH! MY FEEEEEEEEEEEEELZZZZZZZZZZZZ! But that girl... She's that typical 'looks innocent but is a total ' type. *sighs* I see this everywhere, but, chincha, this time I don't actually mind because she actually has a connection to Hobie. I'm so glad my character is calm, just like me, hahaha XD