Chapter 3 -

Bitter & Sweet

"The ? Was that your father?" Hoseok said while looking around the dance studio, wondering where the did the voice came from. You sighed, "yes.. that was my father, commanding us to go to the meeting room" You said while making your way out of the dance studio. "Your family is that rich?" He asked, "what do you mean by that?" you turned around to stare at him, "(Y/N) don't ignore my announcement. This is your father speaking, please come up to the meeting room before I drag both of you out of the dance studio" Your father made another 'announcement', "what the ? The voice is coming out of nowhere is creeping me out" Hoseok said while trying to shield himself from whatever the voice was, you sighed at what your father said "come on before my father literally comes and drags us up" you grabbed hold of his left arm and dragged him upstairs. You and Hoseok finally reached outside of the meeting room, you didn't realize that you were still holding his hand until he spoke "so, how long are you intending to hold my hand now?" he asked, you turned around and quickly let go "oh, sorry" you looked away, feeling embarrassed. 

You took a deep breath, leaving small knocks on the door leading it to open by itself. Once the door was opened, it revealed to find 3 adults sitting around the rectangled-ish table waiting for the both of you. "Oh great! You're finally here, please have a seat. We need to get started on this so Mr Jung and Hoseok can finally go home" You went forward to sit beside your mother and opposite of Hoseok with his father. "Let me begin, so.. about your marriage. Your wedding will be a year onwards from tomorrow, however, I'm announcing it to everyone about your engagement but due to Jung Hoseok's career, I'll be keeping his identity about him being your fiancé private" You looked at him and nodded, thinking that he's finally done on what he said, you stood up and began walking towards the door "(Y/N), I'm not done yet. Please go back to your seat" you turned around, sighed then proceeded to sit back down. "As I was saying, Jung Hoseok's identity will be private and one more thing, you'll have to start living with Hoseok starting from tomorrow" 

Once you heard the words 'living with Hoseok', both you and Hoseok choked on water, staring at your father "WHAT?!" you and hoseok said in sync, you leaned back on your chair, sighing because of what just happened. After your father finished talking, you were dismissed and both Mr Jung and Hoseok went back home, you felt disappointed as you begin packing your clothes and other necessary things before heading off to sleep. After you finished packing, you received 2 messages on your phone, wondering who that was, you picked it up and looked onto the screen. 

'Jung Hoseok' 

'Eeeeeh? What does he want now?' you thought to yourself while unlocking your phone, checking to see what he said. 

Hoseok: You know where I stay right? 
Hoseok: I think you do if you don't, ask your father.. or something. I'll be waiting downstairs tomorrow at 11AM, don't be late. 

You sighed at what he said, knowing that you have to be up bright and early in the morning, just to move your things to where he lives. After a few minutes of thinking and staring onto your ceiling, you finally replied. 

You: Okay, see you soon.. I guess. 

He didn't reply and so you went out of your whatsapp, stared at the timing, '11:05PM', placed your phone down and slowly tucked yourself in bed before it gets too late but, you couldn't seem to fall asleep. The thought of 'living together' kept lingering around your head, first i'm getting married to someone i barely know and now i have to start living with him? the heck!

The next morning, a loud vibration could be heard from your phone which was placed on your side table. "Who would be calling me this early?" you said, slowly getting up to reach for your phone, 

'Jung Hoseok'

Upon seeing the caller id, you already felt annoyed but you didn't have a choice but to only pick up, 

"Are you up?" 

"I just woke up." 

"For sake, it's already 10:15AM. Please hurry up."

"Ya, sure." and hung up on him, placed your phone down, walk over to your closet and grab your jeans and black hba pullover and walk to the toilet to have a quick shower. After your quick shower, you grabbed your large luggage, a smaller bag and started packing. '10:50AM', You stood up after packing everything. You grabbed your sling and walked out of the room, while having your maids helping you with the large luggage. "The car is ready, miss." your maids informed, you thank her and walk outside to see your chauffer opening the door for you, you head inside. 

After getting your bags inside, your chauffer drove off with the address you had given him. After placing your phone down, it vibrated again. "What does he want now?" you sighed, picking up your phone to your ear again, 

"It's already 11:15AM, where the are you? i have been waiting outside since 11:00AM."

"I'm already on my way, geez. Calm the down will you? Also, there's traffic here."

"Just hurry the up. I dont have all day to wait for you, i have work."

"Do you think i own this ing road? I'm reaching anyways."

"Maybe? Gosh just hurry the up." Being oh so annoyed, you hung up on him. "Geez, this guy need to calm his ing down." You cursed.

It was not long till you reach the carpark, Having your chauffer open your door, you step out. You could already see hoseok's figure from far. With your bodyguard carrying your bag for you, you started walked up, out of the carpark. "Look who took their ing time." he said with his arms crossed while he stared at you as you walk closer to him. "Watch your language, mister." your bodyguard said, you raise your hand up. "It's alright." you told your bodyguard. 

You look at the door behind hoseok, somehow this seemed really familiar to you. "Wait...isn't this a dorm?" you asked, he turned and stare at you, "How did know? Are you physic?" you rolled your eyes, "sarcasm noted. I've been to some...dorms myself." you said. "Are you sure you're not physic?" he asked. You let out a sigh, "How long do you intend to stand outside?" you stared at him with your arms crossed. Hoseok reach for the door handle but someone opened it instead, "Oh?" a boy with brown hair came out. "Oh? tae-ah~ where are you going?" hoseok asked, turning his back to you. The boy with brown hair opened the door alittle bigger, "Hyung! it's practice time..." he said. You stared at the strange brown hair boy, noticing there was a lot of movement behind him, you peaked into the dorm. A topless red haired man walking around, trying to find a shirt "Jesus christ man, put on a shirt!" You shouted loud enough for the red haired boy to hear. 

Hoseok and the brown haired boy turned to you, "What?" 


A/N: hello~~ A here!! >_< Chapter 3 was half done by Z because it was suppose to be included in chapter 2 but it was too long ;; I think this is honestly quite short buuuut, i hope y'all enjoy it! For update on our fangirling, follow our twitter; @/svngjoes & @/yyosoap ♡ ♡ ♡ 



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Chapter 29: Yesyesyes! You updated! I loved how you started this chapter! I didn't think that you would continue the ending scene from the previous chapter. And BTS's sudden arrival! But why was Hyewon glued to Hoseok so much? I'm sure you were using her to make me jealous.

I wonder just how beautiful I am to be a model, and an experienced one at that! But why has Hoseok never mentioned it before? Thinking about it, you never mentioned how beautiful I was either...
I've been wanting to comment about how there is no update, but I kind of felt bad, because I don't really want to force it... but I really miss this story. It's just we saw how they starting having feelings for each other and spending time together... Maybe, are you busy? Having some problems? I really hope you update soon *_* Pweaseee?
Chapter 24: "Like both of you were meant to be , partners in life and forever."
Sophiakg #4
Chapter 24: THE FEELS MAN
Sophiakg #5
Chapter 23: That chick needs to calm her down
Chapter 23: I am so glad that Hyowon or whatever her name is, said those words... because we saw some development from Hoseok's side, and finally it's my turn... kekeke
Funnypanda369 #7
Chapter 23: OH MY GOSH! MY FEEEEEEEEEEEEELZZZZZZZZZZZZ! But that girl... She's that typical 'looks innocent but is a total ' type. *sighs* I see this everywhere, but, chincha, this time I don't actually mind because she actually has a connection to Hobie. I'm so glad my character is calm, just like me, hahaha XD