Chapter 1 -

Bitter & Sweet

The bright sunlight has been shining through your curtains for the past hour and only then, you finally woke up with the sunlight directly on your face. You raised your right hand, blocking the sunlight and squinting your eyes at the same time, you slowly got up into a sitting position, stretching and yawning, you pushed the curtains away and opened your window. You looked out your window, children were playing near the trees happily, wind was blowing into your room as well. Breathing in the air, the fresh smell involving leaves and nature, you knew that summer was coming soon. You laid back in bed with your phone on your hand, checking the time

'11:20AM', you sighed, "It's late..". You then saw a bunch of messages from your friends, slowly scrolling through the chats in your whatsapp, you locked your phone without replying. You got up, placed your phone on the desk and then proceeded to the bathroom for a quick shower. After your quick yet warm shower, you chose to wear your favorite shorts and t-shirt for the day, you went downstairs, only to be greeted by the maids of the house. "Where's mom and dad?" you asked one of them, "they left for work early, would you like me to cook for you miss?" the kind maid replied. You declined her offer and Grabbed your favourite bowl from the upper cabinet along with your corn flakes from the cabinet next to it. Walked over to the fridge, hoping to find milk inside but it was nowhere found, the only milk in there was your mother's favourite 'banana milk'.  You looked over at your maid, "There's no more milk?" you asked. She gave a nod, "The bit was used during dinner last night." you sighed and grabbed a spoon, your cereal bowl and sat down at your dining table and started eating. 

As you ate your cereal, you had your phone in your other hand as you scroll through your twitter when a notification pop out. 

Jin Ah: Have you woken up? did you see what Yi Seok posted yesterday? He's looked so cute!

You placed your spoon down and texted her back, 

You: Yi Seok posted? i didn't see! let me see! 

Jin Ah: *sends image*

You clicked on the image, waiting for it to load, you placed your last spoonful of cereal in your mouth, placed the spoon down and held your phone in your hands again. You observed the picture closesly and let out a small gasp. 

You: You're right! he look so cute in that outfit~! 

Jin Ah: i want to go out with him again-- in a group! don't mistaken!

You let out a small laugh, 

You: Are you sure? hehehe, i'm kidding. Why not we have dinner with Yi Seok & Kyu Bin?

Jin Ah: Kyu Bin? oh! it's been forever since we went out together! Let's go with your idea~!

You stared at your time, '12:02PM', locked your phone and went downstairs to your work room, the place where you did your art. It wasn't a job or anything, you just liked drawing alot. You would draw different things everyday, Clothes, Animals, Scenery, Still life and many more kinds. Gathered your art materials and wore an apron over your clothes and placed your art materials on the table next to you, you grabbed you pencil. "It's Saturday, what's the theme for today?" you asked yourself. "i drew the scenery of the playground nearby yesterday...." You looked around the room, thinking what would be a good theme for you to draw for today, you stopped and stared at a book with a horse picture as the cover and got your pencil to start sketching. 

Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock

There was nothing but the sound of the clock ticking, The silence in the art room was insanely quiet but it was the only way you could focus as you did your art. Why not classic music you ask? well, you're just plain lazy to on some so let the clock ticking be your music for this session. You placed your pencil down, satisfied with your sketch, you reach out for your paint brush but at the same time, your phone let out a loud vibration. Instead of taking your paint brush, you grabbed your phone to see who had messaged you. 

Yi Seok: (Y/N)-Ah! 

You: Yes?

Yi Seok: Let's meet up~! with the others too!

You: oh! did you read my mind? i was thinking the same too! i told Jin Ah about asking you & Kyu Bin for dinner!

Yi Seok: telepathy maybe! kekekeke let's all arrange to meet for dinner tomorrow then!

You: greeaaaat ideaaaa! 

"This kid's timing is good." you mumbled under your breath as you lock your phone and place it down on the table once again, you reach out for your brush and stare at your colors on your painting plate(?) and started mixing colors together to get a total different color. Satisfied with it, she started on her artwork again. 

Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock

Time went by as you remained concenrated on your art work, placing your finishing touches on your horse painting, you placed your paint brush down and stared at it. "That was hard work." Somehow satisfied with it, you took off your apron and stood up. But again, your phone vibrated loudly. You bend down to pick it up and see who texted you,

Dad: You're staying home for dinner today?

You: i am. why?

Dad: ah, we have something important to discuss with you tonight.

You: what's it about?

Dad: you'll find out during dinner.

"Aish! what could be so important that he can't tell me over the phone?" you sighed, shoving your phone in your back pocket. You hanged your apron as you walked out of the door and walked up to the bedroom, you grabbed new and fresh from the washing machine clothes and took a really quick shower due to being sweaty in the art room. By the time you finished your shower and changed into your clothes, it was nearing 4.30pm. It was still early and you've been thinking about what your dad is about to say to you during dinner, you brushed it off as something that isn't really important. You took out your dock and placed your phone on the dock, playing music. It seemed like medium volumed music have finally calmed your thoughts, you took a book out on your shelf by random and started reading until your parents were back from work and it was already dinner.

"Miss!" Your maid called, you were walking down the stairs, "I'm down, don't need to call." you smiled to your maid, she backs away as you walk your way to the dining table and took a seat. As the maids place your dish on the table, your father and mother was also seated. Once all the food was placed down, you guys started eating. It was a pretty silent dinner, like every other dinner you have had in this house.

You placed your bowl down and look at your dad, " mentioned the 'important' thing you wanted to discuss with me?" you asked. "Ah." he placed his chopsticks down and looks at you. "As you know your 20th birthday is next year and when you reach that age you...know what it means right?" you shook your head indicating a 'no'. Your mother then placed her chopsticks down too, "Just be straight forward to her honey." Your father sighs,


"Arranged marriage."

You choked on your drink, "A-Arranged marriage?" you placed your cup down, "You got to be joking right?" Your father sighs, "It's not a joke, me and your mother have planned this since you were 15." You push your fringe back with your hand and look at your parents. "you can't be kidding me, i don't even know who i am getting married to. this is not what i want!" you shouted. "neither do we want this to but" he paused, "He is a successor of a family business which could benefits us" you lowered your head, unable to process this sudden agreement, "and" he continued, "i know his dad very well and i'm sure his son is great person just like him." 

Still being unable to process it all, you looked up. "I'll do it." you agreed to the arranged marriage, even though you were frustrated with the fact that you didn't even know this man but you guys are to be 'married' but if it helps save your family reputation and business, you couldn't say no. You got up from your seat, "thanks for the food." you said and left the dining table to head back up.

Back in your room, you felt that little bit of regrettfulness for saying 'yes' to the arranged marriage but on the other hand you knew that even if you said no, you'll have to go through it. You felt like your head was about to exploded and calls your best friend, Jin Ah to come over. Jin Ah stays pretty nearby so it didn't take a long before she reached. "I'm here, what's so important?" she asked.

You started explaining to her slowly, her expression was surprised but yet she expected this to happen."I don't even know anything about that guy! i can't get married to him...." Jin Ah nodded, agreeing on what you said, "but wait, do you really not know anything about him?" she asked. You thought for a second, trying to recall what your father said during dinner. "he didn't mention anything except JH" 


"yes, i don't know how that's going to help me but-" 







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Chapter 29: Yesyesyes! You updated! I loved how you started this chapter! I didn't think that you would continue the ending scene from the previous chapter. And BTS's sudden arrival! But why was Hyewon glued to Hoseok so much? I'm sure you were using her to make me jealous.

I wonder just how beautiful I am to be a model, and an experienced one at that! But why has Hoseok never mentioned it before? Thinking about it, you never mentioned how beautiful I was either...
I've been wanting to comment about how there is no update, but I kind of felt bad, because I don't really want to force it... but I really miss this story. It's just we saw how they starting having feelings for each other and spending time together... Maybe, are you busy? Having some problems? I really hope you update soon *_* Pweaseee?
Chapter 24: "Like both of you were meant to be , partners in life and forever."
Sophiakg #4
Chapter 24: THE FEELS MAN
Sophiakg #5
Chapter 23: That chick needs to calm her down
Chapter 23: I am so glad that Hyowon or whatever her name is, said those words... because we saw some development from Hoseok's side, and finally it's my turn... kekeke
Funnypanda369 #7
Chapter 23: OH MY GOSH! MY FEEEEEEEEEEEEELZZZZZZZZZZZZ! But that girl... She's that typical 'looks innocent but is a total ' type. *sighs* I see this everywhere, but, chincha, this time I don't actually mind because she actually has a connection to Hobie. I'm so glad my character is calm, just like me, hahaha XD