Secret Revealed

3 Steps To Loving You (EXO FANFICTION)
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A/N: From now on , if I don't mention anything , it means that I'm writing in the Third Person POV (: other POVs will be stated otherwise ^^ ENJOY !


Seyeon opened her eyes slowly , trying to adjust to the lighting of her surroundings . She noticed a blurry figure in front of her , but couldn't make out who it was .

"Seyeon-ah , " Baekhyun held onto Seyeon's hand firmly . " can you hear me ? "

Seyeon squinted her eyes and blinked a few times before being able to open them fully .

"Baek ... baekhyun ? " She croaked .

Baekhyun heaved a sigh of relief, closing his eyes . " Oh my god thank god you are awake . I was scared to death you brat ! "

Seyeon sat up slowly as Baekhyun supported her up .

"Where am I ? " Seyeon asked , looking around the room .

" Nurse office . You fainted on the corridor just now , don't you remember ? " Baekhyun replied .

"Oh ... " Seyeon nodded her head lightly .

Baekhyun sat at the edge of the bed , in front of Seyeon . "What happened just now ? Why did you faint suddenly ? I asked the nurse but she couldn't really come up with a diagnosis since the root of the problem was unknown . Did you feel any pain or any other symptoms before you out ? "

Seyeon remained silent and played with her fingers . She wasn't sure if she should tell Baekhyun about her gastric pain . She felt that something wasn't right , but she didn't want Baekhyun panicking for nothing if it was actually a false alarm .

"Don't try to hide anything from me Oh Seyeon . " Baekhyun said firmly .

"H...huh ? " Seyeon stuttered .

"You always play with your fingers when you are hesitating about something . So don't try to lie to me . "

Seyeon gulped . Well , she can't hide it forever right ? "My ... stomach was hurting suddenly and ... yeah . "

Baekhyun frowned . " Again ? It happened at the rooftop a few days back right ? "

Seyeon nodded , not uttering a single word .

"I think you should get it checked at the hospital . It doesn't sound like a simple gastric pain to me . " Baekhyun suggested .

Seyeon looked up and declined the suggestion instantly . " No it's okay ! I don't think it's that big of a problem . " In actual fact , she didn't disagree because she didn't think of it as a big problem , but rather because she was afraid that it was a problem .

"What if it's a problem ? If it isn't , then that's great ! You have to get it checked to confirm that you are okay right ? "

Seyeon looked away and bit her lip . " I will do it soon . "

" And when is that ? " Baekhyun questioned .

"Just ... soon ."

Just then , Seyeon's phone vibrated .

From : Ahjussi 
Hey , you can start work today . Report to the SM Building after you are done with things in school okay ? See you .

Seyeon texted a quick 'Okay' before getting out of bed . However , even before she could leave the room , Baekhyun blocked her way .

"Where do you think you are going ? "

" Erm ... I ... have work ? " Seyeon replied .

Baekhyun scoffed and looked at Seyeon , annoyed . " Work ? Seriously ? After you just regained consciousness like what ... 5 minutes ago ? Give your body a break ! "

"Don't stop me . I have to work to live . Now get of the way . " Seyeon said as she shoved her way past Baekhyun .

At that moment , Baekhyun grabbed onto her arm and spun her around to face him . " If money's what you need , I can help ! There's no need to toture yourself this way . Let's just go to the doctor now can we ? Let's just get your body checked today and get it over and done with , hmm ? " Baekhyun pleaded .

" Let's not let money get in between us , please . " Seyeon said as she slipped her arm out of Baekhyun's grip and left for the exit.

"EVEN IF IT'S NOT FOR YOURSELF ! " Baekhyun shouted , causing Seyeon to halt suddenly . " Do it for me . So that I won't kill myself in the process of worrying for you . "

Seyeon kept silent . She closed her eyes and sighed . She hated herself for making Baekhyun worry for her all the time . She hated herself for being so cowardly. She hated herself for always being the receiving party , instead of the giving one . * I'm sorry Baekhyun , but do give me some time to prepare myself . To prepare myself to face the harsh reality , if it really is harsh . * Seyeon thought as she walked out of the nurse office .


"Hi ! You must be Oh Seyeon ? " A woman , who seemed like she's in her mid-twenties , asked .

"Ah ... yes . I'm here to report for work . It's my first day here . Did Mr Park inform you about my arrival ? " Seyeon replied politely ,bowing slightly .

" Mr Park ... ? Oh yes Oh Mr Park HAHAHAHA sorry I forgot .. yeah forgot . "

Seyeon laughed awkwardly along . * Forgot ? Did she forget Ahjussi's name . *

" Erhem . " The lady cleared before continuing . " By the way , I'm Kim YoungJoo , the in-charge of all trainees in this company , but you can call me Ms Kim instead . Since it's your first day here , I will bring you around and brief you about your job scope . Is that alright ? "

Seyeon nodded her head and smiled . " Yes sure ! I'm fine with anything . "

" That's great ! Let's go then ! "

Seyeon heaved a sigh of relief . She was so glad this 'Ms Kim' was different from the 'Ms Kim' s she always sees in dramas . You know , those who order rookies around like there's no tomorrow . At least her first day was starting right .

However , why does she feel that that 'Ms Kim' seems rather nervous ?

A few hours ago ...

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Shawn1231 #1
Chapter 30: Update soon Please!
Ariari1004 #2
Chapter 30: update please
Alexia1999 #3
Chapter 29: Update soon please!
Can't wait for the nxt update. Wishing this story to have a happy ending!