Pre-Jongin Days

It Started with a Drink
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2906 days before Mrs. Kim

“Good morning to all our parents, mentors, guests and of course, to all of us who will be officially out of high school in a few minutes,” this earned the laugh of the whole auditorium and Chanyeol smiled at the crowd in front of him. “Now, I’m not actually sure how I got here today to speak in front of you when I’m bad at speaking because I tend to babble useless things because my nerves get the best of me always that is why I prefer to just take whatever I want to say into writing because at least I get to correct them before I present it to the public eye,” he took a deep breath and heard some low snickers from the crowd. “So, you see? I already started babbling without me noticing.”

His audience laughed once more and he joined in. “Please allow me to just read what I have prepared for this special day,” and he took out a piece of paper that has seen better days. It is obviously worn from being folded and held for many times prior to this. So Chanyeol went about what he has wanted to say. He thought of smart ways on how to tell his fellow graduates that even though college is hard, they should still have fun. He doesn’t want to come off as some arrogant bastard who finds things easy because he is naturally smart.

And he thinks that it is effective because there were no moments were he saw people dosing off. Instead, they were laughing at his jokes, good and bad. Actually, Chanyeol couldn’t care less on anything but of one. Or someone. He has already spotted her the moment that he has faced the crowd from the podium, having memorized her seat from the rehearsals. He spared one more glance towards her direction and seeing her smile up to him is more than enough for Chanyeol.

But as he thinks of what he has planned to do, it took him all of his concentration to read everything right and not spew how beautiful Kyungsoo looks in her graduation gown. Well, she looks good in everything, he thinks.

“And after all that I have said with all those big words, in summary, I just want to thank all of you people present here because if I haven’t crossed paths with even one of you, I may not be right where I am right now…” and there were applause once more so he paused and used the time to clear his throat and his mind. He can’t screw this because this is just once in a lifetime and this is the one thing that he doesn’t want to fail.

“… but I’ve got to admit that there is one person who have made the biggest impression in me,” it went silent and Chanyeol could only hear his breathing amplified through the speakers. He wiped a bead of sweat on his forehead with the handkerchief that made Kyungsoo gape because it was the same one that she has used to fix Chanyeol up the first time they met, the boy being scraped from falling on his two feet.

“I hope you will allow me to be greedy this time as I use this opportunity to let that person know how special they are for me, for the longest time,” with his heart thumping so hard inside his chest, he fully turned to Kyungsoo, making the rest of the attendees shift their gazes towards her. Kyungsoo blushed at the attention and tried to hide her face by covering her face with her hands but still, they’ve already seen her.

“Ehem, Do Kyungsoo, after knowing you for all our high school days, you never failed to amaze me and stun me in more ways than one and my poor helpless heart can’t do anything but fall deeply for you and I just want to tell you that I have been in love with you since the day that you called me a giant clumsy idiot but I just got around to telling you this because at least, I can go out and say that I deserve you because I have the Valedictorian honor to brag,” Kyungsoo put her hands down and mouthed ‘idiot’ at him but she is smiling softly. The heart-shaped smile that always knocks him off of his feet.

“I’m not really good at this so, will you be mine? Be my girlfriend?” Chanyeol searched her face for any answer but she’s now looking at him blankly and he is internally panicking because she might reject him. He wasn’t thinking about rejection because he will just chicken out of confessing again until they both have gray hair and it will be too late. “You wouldn’t want to embarrass me in front of them, right? You’ll say yes, right?” he blurted out desperately and he wanted to slam himself on the floor because if he was Kyungsoo, he will outright reject himself.

“So this was planned? You confessing in public so I can’t say no?” Kyungsoo raised a brow at him and he scratched the back of his neck, smiling sheepishly.

“Busted,” he murmured and the crowd was in laughs again.

Just when Kyungsoo smiled at him once more and Chanyeol wanted to cry right then and there. “But I’d still say yes, anyway.”

And he did.


2850 days before Mrs. Kim


“Uhh, who’s this?”

Kyungsoo pouted over her phone. “Oh, come on! I miss you, bestie!”

“Eww. Please don’t call me that. Makes me think we’re those es in TV who knows nothing but make up.”

“Shut up, Byun. Spare me the sass or I will give this strawberry cheesecake away.”

“You know where the spare key is, princess.”

Kyungsoo chucked her phone into her bag and reached for the spare key hidden on top of the door’s frame. If only Chanyeol was there, he would’ve taken it in a blink but then she’s way shorter than her boyfriend so it took her longer time and more effort to finally take it and opened the door. Maybe she’ll hit her bestfriend a couple of times to make up for it.

And she did when she opened the door and behind it is a smirking Baekhyun with a knowing look on his face.

“If you weren’t such a and opened the door for me…” she reasoned as Baekhyun rubbed the sore spot on his arm that Kyungsoo has punched.

“But you look so cute when you’re struggling like that. I will send the picture to Chanyeol!” he waved his phone and on the screen is what looked like her picture showing her on her tiptoes and Kyungsoo knew that it was not flattering but before she could even scowl at him, Baekhyun his heels and ran for his safety.

It took one slice of the cheesecake to get Baekhyun out of his hiding spot and Kyungsoo seized the opportunity for payback. Baekhyun, in the end, have both of his arms feeling quite numb.

“You are so violent. I was actually expecting some love because I have been neglected for a few weeks because my bestfriends decided that it was fun to become lovers and leave poor Byun Baekhyun alone,” he grumbled as he scooped another bite and put it in his mouth.

Kyungsoo smiled at her bestfriend since forever and pulled him into a hug. “Sorry, Baekkie. That’s why I’m here. I want to make it up to you.”

Baekhyun put away his fork and pulled Kyungsoo closer. He knew better than anybody else how she and Chanyeol had gone through all the phases of awkwardness, denial and tension before they became official. It was almost painful to watch for him because it is clear that those two were made for each other. They are simply perfect when Chanyeol is the big guy but a giant baby in reality that needs too much caring while Kyungsoo is the mother hen who has all the love that she could give. He’s happy that they finally have each other though he’s most likely to be left alone, unlike before when it was the three of them.

When it was him and Kyungsoo, then.

“You don’t have to worry about me, princess. I can just manage on my own. I’m your loyal royal servant always and forever,” he felt Kyungsoo hold onto him tighter. She feels guilty, he knows it. Kyungsoo becomes more upset with herself if she knew that she’s done something to upset someone.

“Thank you, Baekkie. I love you, really.”

“Please don’t let Chan hear that or he’ll keep you away from me,” he jabbed and joined Kyungsoo when she chuckled, hoping to hide his pain in faux happiness.

“We were already like this even before he joined us so there’s nothing he could do about it.”

“But he’s your boyfriend now. He has all the r

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Chapter 44: Here on my nth rereads! I super love this story! Thanks again for sharing this!
Chapter 44: Uughhhhhh.... this is too perfect, at first i thought im gonna cry for "drama" but you sure wrap it with enough romance.... my kaisoo feels content
Henna9705 #4
Chapter 44: LOVED IT! Again, how come I just found your stories?! This was so good
Lolypop123 #5
Chapter 43: I love this cute :3
It's been such a great read. I enjoyed this fic so much. There were recently negative things that happened to me these past days but reading this keeps my mind from dwelling too much. So thank you so much, it's such a great ride and a roller coaster of emotions. I love how you play with the characters and the fluff is something I'm in dire need as of the moment, and you just nailed it.. Came across with your u/n and I just found out that you wrote some of the fics I've been pouring my heart out from fic fests all over twitter and hey am reading all your other stories and lemme tell you I love your writing..

Sorry for my blabbering but yeah I love you authornim..
Ikaw pala ang sumulat nito????? Binasa ko to last year, and i was looking for this for months, dito lang pala. :D... I'll read it again. :3