Not Again

It Started with a Drink
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It will happen eventually, it’s only a matter of time. That is the reason why Baekhyun had been calm and accepting when Yifan came to him and told him that he needs to get back to China because he still is the Branch Manager of Kim Corp China and a lot of responsibilities cannot be dealt with over emails or phone calls. He understood that he needed to leave because of work and he also didn’t have a grudge against Jongin for turning down Yifan’s request to be transferred in the main branch. Wu Yifan is exceptional at what he does so naturally, Jongin trusts him more than anyone to handle their biggest branch outside of Korea.

He also pushed down the feeling of loneliness that started to creep on him when Yifan told him that he will be leaving in a week.

Baekhyun will surely miss his boyfriend. Even though they didn’t have the ideal start in their relationship, the man is a good person under all his cockiness and face. He is quite adorable when he doesn’t get his way and when he scrunches his eyebrows too much. He looks like an angry bird like that; hence, the reason why Baekhyun has that big red angry bird plushie in his room. He’s sweet, romantic and a gentleman and Baekhyun was never cared for like that before. He was used to not having any expectations from people he is involved romantically because he was never the first choice.

Yifan made him feel that he is priority, that he is the first choice, that he is the only one and how could he not like the guy? Yifan has never did something to completely upset him except with the weird sounds he makes when he sleeps and with his height that is nothing compared to his tower build. Baekhyun smiled sadly. How will he able to survive what probably could be months of living without Yifan? He had grown so used to the life with him in it and to be honest, Baekhyun doesn’t want to go back there. He had been so lonely and empty, even though he has gotten back Kyungsoo and he gets to annoy Jongin at times, it’s not enough. The triplets are all lovely, especially Kyungin, but at the end of the day, he is still just their uncle. He has no one to call his but Yifan and that is sad.

Baekhyun has always been in constant craving of something to possess and he is not proud of it. Look at what it had done to his relationship with his bestfriend and her fiancée. Baekhyun is far from perfect and one of his fatal flaw is his greed. It may not manifest in a cruel and evil way but he himself knows that he is a greedy person. But his greed could easily be overpowered by his rationale so he is not a deranged who throws a ing fit when he doesn’t get what he wants. It kills him though.

The other thing that kills him aside from Yifan leaving is Yifan leaving. With his boyfriend gone, he will have to find ways to keep himself from slinking into his self-deprecating thoughts that his boyfriend have dealt with at the early months of their relationship. Yifan told him that he should stop doing that to himself and he listened because he had a great point. And that is also killing him in another way because with Yifan not there to distract him and own his attention, it wanders and his thoughts go back to the time that he and Chanyeol have talked about the two of them.

He acted mature and prevented himself from doing something impulsive and stupid so he told Chanyeol that he will not leave Yifan just because he says that he is more than ready to start everything anew between the two of them. He said that no more hiding, no more lying, no more hurting. He said that it will be just about the two of them and the world could go itself. That is seriously a very, very tempting offer because a great love is not that easy to bury down in the recesses of your mind and heart. Seeing Chanyeol baring himself vulnerably surely took its toll on him, Baekhyun knows that Chanyeol is a proud person.

Chanyeol didn’t argue with him and instead, he said that he will wait. That was something that he didn’t do before and he learned that hard way. Baekhyun can’t deny the thundering in his chest and the delight in knowing what the other was prepared to do for him. He was touched at the gesture though it was a little too late. Baekhyun owes it to Yifan to keep their relationship working. He chose to accept him in his life and it wouldn’t be right for Baekhyun just to drop everything just because his heart is screaming at him to do so.

He may not be as in love with Yifan as he would like to be but he is undeniably happy with him. It’s not that hard to love the guy when he’s all gummy smiles and y, deep bed voice.

Park Chanyeol is a person in his past, a bitter memory that he is not thrilled to go back to just yet and he’s out to explore the world. He told Chanyeol to do that but he simply shook his head. Baekhyun felt a pinch in his heart at that because when his anger at the CEO has been pushed at the back of his mind, he wants Chanyeol to be happy, or at least give himself a chance to be. But who is he to dictate what could make him happy or not, so he told Chanyeol that he do as he pleases and maybe, maybe, if things are meant to happen, it will happen.

Or he may have phrased it as if they were meant to be, they will be. No matter how long it takes and no matter what happens in between.

He felt guilty as he saw the glint of hope in his large eyes and a hint in his smile but Baekhyun is not closing any door. He’s tired of expecting. He will just take things as they go, grab on something or someone that he could grab onto and live. Live for himself.


“Baekhyun, are you okay?”

“Of course. Just a bit tired from work but yeah, I’m good. You?”

A scoff. “It has been a long time since you asked about me.”

Baekhyun winced at the hurt that was evident in Yifan’s accusation. “I’m sorry. It’s just that I know that you are busy and I don’t want to disturb you.”

“I appreciate that, Baek, really. But you make me feel like you don’t miss me. Do you?”

“What?! I miss you, Yifan! I miss you so bad but I also understand that you are needed there and I don’t want to be the clingy boyfriend that will add to your stress and will cause a rift between us. We are miles apart, for ’s sake! I don’t want us to fight that is why I…” Baekhyun sighed. “And now we are fighting.” Again.

Yifan mirrored his sigh. “Okay. I’m sorry, baby. I just… miss you so bad too and not being with you at the end of the day makes me lonely.”

“I know, Fan. I feel the same and I’m sorry if I don’t know how to deal with this the way you want it to.”

“I just miss you so much.”

“Hmmm. Same here.”

“You know that I want to see you, right? If I could just fly back and forth, I would.”

Baekhyun chuckled. “You’re an idiot who will waste his time and money if you do that.”

“But you will be worth it.”

“Thank you, Yifan. Thank you for being the stupid person you are.”


“Because you still persisted to go after me when I pushed you away.”

“If that’s the case then I will be more than happy to be stupid all my life.”

“You’re stupid.”

“For you.”

“Ugh, fine. Let’s just sleep this through. Good night, babe.” I…

“Good night, baby. Love you.”


“Good morning, Baek.”

Said guy halted his walking and turned to the source of the voice and found himself smiling.

“Good morning, Yeol.”

Baekhyun made his way to the conference room to join in the meeting, with Chanyeol following behind with a smile that looks a little brighter as days passed.


“How are the babies?”

“They’re still adorable as , Fan! I just want to squish them all!~”

Yifan chuckled throatily and Baekhyun took note of that. “Are you sick?”

“I’m fine, Baek. It’s just a cold.”

“Are you sure? Have you taken cold medicine?”

“I’m fine, mom. Geez.”

“Don’t you geez me, Wu Yifan. I’m worried!”

“Aww, aren’t you the sweetest?”

“Damn right. You better get your to bed now and rest. Call in sick tomorrow. If you don’t, I will have Jongin do it for you.”

“Alright, alright. Don’t terrorize my boss, baby.”

Baekhyun shrugs. “I’m package deal with Soo so he has to deal with me.”

“You do know that he is a great guy, right? He loves Kyungsoo and their kids.”

“I don’t doubt that,” Baekhyun’s voice turned softer. “Kyungsoo’s lucky to have that pup.”

“You have me too, Baek. You know that.”

“I know and thank you for that as long as you are not looking at someone else there right now or I’ll gouge your eyes.”

“Gouge them, then. They’re yours anyway,”

“Ew, shut up! I told you to sleep!”

“I will. I will. Bye, babe.”

“Take a rest, Fan. I mean it.” And I wish I could just say it.

“Yes, mom. I love you, mom.”


“Seungsoo will never hear the end of this,” Baekhyun grumbled under his breath as he tried to balance the pile of documents on his arms because he was too lazy to take them by batch. Besides, Seungsoo should’ve been there to help him but the old man has gone off to a date, most likely. He can’t help but smile though. At least he could see the elder happy with what’s happening between him and Johyun. He’s not sure how it happened but most probably it was because of the Jewel. It was wiped off of his face though when he almost faceplanted on the ground after tripping because he can’t see his feet.

“You okay, Baek?”

A part of the pile was lifted from him and Chanyeol is there right in front of him. They have been called to yet another meeting with Jongin because the construction of the main hotel is getting pushed back because of the ty weather. They had to adjust the timeline to keep things in order. Baekhyun smiled at him and muttered a low thank you before

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Chapter 44: Here on my nth rereads! I super love this story! Thanks again for sharing this!
Chapter 44: Uughhhhhh.... this is too perfect, at first i thought im gonna cry for "drama" but you sure wrap it with enough romance.... my kaisoo feels content
Henna9705 #4
Chapter 44: LOVED IT! Again, how come I just found your stories?! This was so good
Lolypop123 #5
Chapter 43: I love this cute :3
It's been such a great read. I enjoyed this fic so much. There were recently negative things that happened to me these past days but reading this keeps my mind from dwelling too much. So thank you so much, it's such a great ride and a roller coaster of emotions. I love how you play with the characters and the fluff is something I'm in dire need as of the moment, and you just nailed it.. Came across with your u/n and I just found out that you wrote some of the fics I've been pouring my heart out from fic fests all over twitter and hey am reading all your other stories and lemme tell you I love your writing..

Sorry for my blabbering but yeah I love you authornim..
Ikaw pala ang sumulat nito????? Binasa ko to last year, and i was looking for this for months, dito lang pala. :D... I'll read it again. :3