

*Mingyu's POV*

I quickly enter the house scurrying to find a place to hide the bottle of pills in. My eyes resort to the small cabinets I store my clothes in and I rush over and open the drawers hiding the bag in a corner covering it with my t-shirts. 

I walk outside looking back at the small cabinet, just hoping, that no one will find out.


Rays of sunlight peek through the shade of trees in central park, kids scramble all around struggling to tag each other, dogs enjoying the scenes of nature. 

I look around trying to find Wonwoo but there is no sight of him anywhere. 

My feet crunch on the crisp leaves scattered all across the grass, I roll up my sleeves exposing my slit skin, feeling bare .

I make my way back to the main walkway to find Wonwoo standing there, his hands in his pockets kicking at the small pebbles on the ground.  His head moves up and he gleams at my presence.

"You came,"

I hold up my arms up high in the air.

"Yeah, I guess I did."

He pulls me in for a tight embrace and we stand there for awhile, I am soothed by his familiar scent and soon I wrap my arms around him as well. 

"I'm glad you're here." 

I tilt my head lightly and we start to move along the path, hand in hand. 

"I have something to show you or us.." 

"Hm? What do you mean?"

"You'll see." 

I lift my head up higher, anxious to see what surprise awaits. 

After a few minutes of following the trail we stop and he turns around holding a sheet of paper in his hands, placing it in mine.

"What's this?"

"Just a few word definitions, read them!" 

My eyes trace the words on the paper, exquisite words I've never even seen before.


(adj.) dazzling, stunning in effect.


(n.) the delusion of things being more beautiful than they really are.


(n.) a beauty that is more than skin-deep.

"Wow.." I gasp.

"Amazing isn't it?" 

He turns around grasping my hands in his, and his gaze is unexplainable. His eyes pierce through my body and I am unable to comprehend why it is able to do so. 

"These words mean a lot to me."

"How so?"

"They all define you.." he breathes out, and suddenly the world is spinning and my breath is being taken away.

"Wonwoo, they're such fascinating words, it can't possibly... represent me.."

He pulls me forward my torso touching his, his face only a few centimetres from mine. 

"They do." he whispers.

I stare at him, biting onto the sides of my cheeks trying so hard not to cry, my heart is beating so hard that it hurts and I clutch onto his shoulders that I feel like I'm engraving my nails into his skin.

"You are foudroyant, dazzling and stunning in effect."

"I am under an illusion, kalopsia. This may be delusional but I truly think you are way more alluring than how you are viewed to others."

"Kalon.. Your magnificence is skin-deep.." 

I start to whimper, and Wonwoo brushes the surface of his palm against my cheeks. 

"Don't cry please.. it will be alright." 

I bury my face into his chest and it just might take an eternity until I come back to my senses. 

People are looking in our direction and I don't like it. I'm uncomfortable.. 

"Wonwoo, people are staring."

He looks at our surroundings then grins back at me.

"Then, give them something to look at." 

My lips touch his and they're soft and warm. I feel like I'm in heaven and my negativity is freed. His touch is just like the sunlight, warm and bright and I cannot fathom to how graceful he is with his skin against mine.

Our tongues enswirl together and I tune out of the world, it's just him and I.

I am thankful for him..

Because Wonwoo made my laugh a little bit louder and cheerful, my smile just a tad wider, and my life better.

I closed the door, but he let the light in...


*Wonwoo's POV*

I am not myself right now.

Mingyu makes me feel like nothing.

As I pour myself out to him I am not suicidal, happy, I am just me.

He was never the Mingyu that wanted to die, the most intellectual kid in the school, he was the Mingyu I loved. 

In French, they say la douleur exquise. The heartwrenching pain of wanting someone you can't have.

Mingyu rejected me at first and I felt the twisting and turning inside me and I did feel that I couldn't have him.

I couldn't believe in love at first sight, it was just impossible. But, he proved me wrong. I felt rejected at first but he opened up and he was in my arms. 

He was mine, and I was his. And I am never letting go. 

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HanSang #1
Chapter 9: Boy needs to get a damn phone to consider someone as a friend wow
Chapter 29: Beautiful. I cant believe those kind of cruel people really exists and I hope every victim will hav etheir own wonwoo who will always be beside them and ready to save them from all those disgusting people. I am happy wonwoo just came in the right time, imagine if he didnt, mingyu's life will surely be wasted. I am glad they both made it.
Chapter 16: I was reading this then Ellie Goulding's song Love Me Like You Do was playing as a bgm from my Spotify. It feels so beautiful my heart's weak
Chapter 4: This kids badly need to get their head checked. People like those exist, they don't have filters around their pretty little mouth and starts to blabb about sensitive things. Make fun of things that should not even be touched, tsk.
dannaching11 #6
Chapter 29: this was awesome authornim.. good job ;) i love it!!!
Chapter 28: This story was great! And I know this irrelevant but that waitress was savage asf. XD
Chapter 29: So Beautifuuuuulll~!! ❤❤❤❤
This is so good! And finally, a happy ending ❤
Chapter 29: This is so beautiful! :'3
This story makes you feel lots of emotions, and at the end you just feel happy and relieved and.. a lot of good things!!<3 thank you so so much.. He made it goddamn it ;-; thank you again.
Ah, I love this story so much ;-; it's so beautiful