

*Wonwoo's POV*

The yellow streetlight at the corner of the narrow alley, flickers, on and off. I try to peek into the windows of Mingyu's "den" - as he calls it - but there is no sign of anyone inside. 

I am shivering, my shoes sinking into the ankle deep snow. I didn't assume I was going to be waiting this long outside..

I'm so stupid.

I slouch my shoulders and bring my arms closer to my torso, my hands going through the sleeves of my sweater. I hug myself in the cold of night, the tiny, white flakes slowly flying through the air as if they were free.

No one to pull them down, tear them apart, they're beautiful..

I reach into my pocket and grab my cellphone, opening messages.

My fingers are ready to press the buttons on the touchscreen but my mind does not know what to say.

Despite this, my fingers take control and type in some random bull.

"Why aren't you sleeping? I'm in front of your house, can you come out for a moment?"

I quickly hit backspace.

Oh my ing gosh, that sounds like something that would come from a boy group song.

I set my mind straight and think properly on what I'm going to type onto the screen.

"Where are you?"

In what seems like less than a second, he has already replied to the text.

"I'm heading home.. why?"

My eagerness is about to crack my screen. 

"From where?"

"The grocery store.."

I'm about to type more but I guess I could make this visit a surprise! I snicker quietly, I'm normally not the best at subtlety but let us give it a try tonight! 

"Okay, be safe!"

I slip my phone back into my back pocket and I stand here. Freezing, in the bone chilling snow.


Mingyu almost slips backwards due to the ice on the ground. He fixes his balance, but his eyes never leave mine.

"Hey.. what are you doing here?"

Mingyu looks up at the sky, then back at me. Observing me from top to bottom, his eyes like a scanner, looking for every detail possible.

"It's almost midnight, and you're shaking. Cause you're only wearing an obey sweater and jeans." he smirks cheekily at me and clicks his tongue so loud that it echos through the whole alley. 

He tilts his head to the right and quickly brings it back to position. He strides with pride, and his stature tall and proud. 

His eyes filled with joy, he looks new and fresh. 

Mingyu is wearing a jacket that seems it would smother you in warmth, just all the proper clothing for the season.

"Come in, we'll get you inside and bring yourself to the proper temperature." he grins and his eyes curve into a smile as well. 

The key clicks into place and he opens the door turning on the lights. It seems more organized, and liveable. Filled with basic appliances like a microwave. 

"Thanks for helping me with the money."

"It's no problem really." I say rubbing my  hands together. 

Mingyu sets the bags to the side and takes his jacket off, throwing the piece of clothing to the mattress in the corner. 

"Do you want anything?" 

I shake my head in response to his offer.

"I'm okay, thanks though."

"You sure? I brought take out. We can always share."

"No, I'm not really that hungry."

"'Kay then."

He organizes the bagged grocery items next to the food appliances and stacks them appropriately. It's mostly instant food, but he has a fair share of vegetables and fruits.

"Is there a problem or something?"

"No, why would there be."

Mingyu shrugs while pursing his lips tightly together.

"I don't know, you text me randomly asking where I am. I come home and you're waiting in front of my door."

"I just wanted to see you... I guess?"

He starts to chuckle loud to the point where he is choking for air. I raise my eyebrows at him.

"You seem to be in a good mood lately. You're not dull."

"Dull, my ! Since when was I ever dull?"

"I don't know, a few days ago."

"Who cares how I was a few days ago. We have to get you warm!"

He takes a few steps over to the drawer with the blanket and heads towards me.

"Mingyu, I'm okay!"

He tries to wrap the blanket around me tickling my arm pits and I keep on laughing.


The tears are swelling in my eyes as I kick trying to breathe, I open my eyes and for once, I can see his eyes up close, and they're deep, beautifully brown, he stops and looks back at me, wide eyed.


*Mingyu's POV*

He was being stubborn again, happy.. but stubborn. It was annoying, if he gets fun out of teasing my "good day" why don't I get some fun too?

I tickle him everywhere as I try to wrap the long piece of fuzzy cloth around his body, or at least around his shoulders but Wonwoo's a fighter. I beam as Wonwoo flails his arms around as he chortles heartily. 

Though as if time were to stop, Wonwoo stops and he eyes me. His irises are focused onto mine, and this moment becomes all familiar. His gaze is warm and every sound comes to a pause.

You remember those moments when you were young and you were watching some sort of movie with your parents? Then, that one particular scene happens and the adults do it or start to make out. Your mom and dad are telling you to close your eyes and they cover your face with their hands to ensure you have no sight of it.

That specific clip in the film is playing right now, in real life..

I close my eyes and move my head towards his face.

I stop and I feel his lips brush against mine. 

I lean in forward and I kiss Wonwoo. This is what a kiss feels like. In the books they described how his/her lips tasted but.. Wonwoo didn't taste like anything. They just tasted like him and I didn't know how else to describe it.

I never expected my first to be with him, but I was surely glad. I wrap my arms around his neck, and I let go.

"I-i'm sorry I wasn't supposed to do that wasn't I?"

He was quiet, a heartbeat too long and I take note of the details on his face. The most beautiful thing in the galaxy.

Panic wrenched in my chest.

"I think... I like you."

I stop and those five words were enough for the rest to come spill out of Wonwoo's.

"For sakes, I like you too. I've never looked at anyone the way I've looked at you, and it's frightening."

I start to sniffle and I slowly start to cry.

"I got scared and I tried to reject you and remove you from my life because I didn't want to love you, I didn't want to get hurt by anyone again."

If only I could collapse into dust, the thought had never come but I always longed for him.

Then, Wonwoo wore a smile as breathtaking as his eyes and he pets the side of my head.

In a few years without being able to love, he just entered my life. I wanted him and I knew it.

I glue my eyelids tightly together and I bury my face into the fabric surrounding his shoulders.

Heat like the radiant sun reflected off from the gleam of his eyes, and it was all I managed to catch before he pulled me in again locking my lips with his.

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HanSang #1
Chapter 9: Boy needs to get a damn phone to consider someone as a friend wow
Chapter 29: Beautiful. I cant believe those kind of cruel people really exists and I hope every victim will hav etheir own wonwoo who will always be beside them and ready to save them from all those disgusting people. I am happy wonwoo just came in the right time, imagine if he didnt, mingyu's life will surely be wasted. I am glad they both made it.
Chapter 16: I was reading this then Ellie Goulding's song Love Me Like You Do was playing as a bgm from my Spotify. It feels so beautiful my heart's weak
Chapter 4: This kids badly need to get their head checked. People like those exist, they don't have filters around their pretty little mouth and starts to blabb about sensitive things. Make fun of things that should not even be touched, tsk.
dannaching11 #6
Chapter 29: this was awesome authornim.. good job ;) i love it!!!
Chapter 28: This story was great! And I know this irrelevant but that waitress was savage asf. XD
Chapter 29: So Beautifuuuuulll~!! ❤❤❤❤
This is so good! And finally, a happy ending ❤
Chapter 29: This is so beautiful! :'3
This story makes you feel lots of emotions, and at the end you just feel happy and relieved and.. a lot of good things!!<3 thank you so so much.. He made it goddamn it ;-; thank you again.
Ah, I love this story so much ;-; it's so beautiful