~ Ha Na & Lu han ~ ( 9 )

Unexpected Love With EXO

Ha Na and her friends were walking to the park in the recess time.


Then they saw Soo Jung have already be there. She's sitting under the tree alone.


" Soo Jung-ahh. Are you okay? " Yi Naa asked her worriedly.


" Yeah. Wae?" She asked back.


" Why are you fighting with Tao in the class just now?" Ha Na asked her.


" Hey don't mention his name. I hate him" Soo Jung said in her serious face.


" Okay. I'm sorry. I just wanna know why did you fighted with him just now?" Ha Na asked.


" Wait. What?? Fighting? Hey guys. What are you talking about? I don't get it" Ah Ra asked with her weird face.


" Yeah. Seems we have missed something" Ah Hyo said.


" Soo Jung was fighting with the boy that sitted beside of her in the class just now" Min Byul explained to them.


" Fighting???" Ah Ra asked in her shocked face.


" Which boy that you mean?" Hai Hee asked.


Then Ha Na go to Hai Hee, and whispered something to her. Seems like Ha Na was telling her the boy's name. Tao.


" Oh! That one. Okay. But why??" Hai Hee asked curiously.


" Yeah. Why?" Ah Ra asked impatienly.


" He was the one who disturbing me in the class. How would I not getting mad ?!" Soo Jung said angrily.


" Hey. We're just asking. Relax. Calm down" Ha Ra said.


" Sorry for being too emosional girls" Soo Jung said while playing with her fingers.


" It's okay. We got it. We know that you're not in the mood right now" Ha Rin said then Soo Jung's back.


" Thanks for understanding me friends" Soo Jung said then smiled.


" Of course we were. We're friends right. We'll always be by your sides. We'll always understands you Soo Jung" Hye Kyu said.


" Wow. So sweet are we" Min Ah said then laugh. Then all of them were laughed too.


" Thanks guys for cheering me up. I'm so glad that you're here" Soo Jung said then smile to them.


" Awww. So sweet..." Min Ah said then laugh again.


" Yah! Do you want me to kick you like I kicked that boy just now?! " Soo Jung said spontaneously.


They all were stopped laughing and stared at Soo Jung.


" You.. You.. You what??" Ah Ra asked with the shock expression on her face after what have Soo  Jung said just now.


" You did what??" Min Byul asked.


The rest were just shocked by hearing what have Soo Jung said.


" Err.. Yeah. I kicked his stomach and punched his face just now" Soo Jung said then chuckled. 


" That's what he got by disturbing me" She said again then laughed.


" You hitted him?!" Min Ah asked with shocked.


" Yeah. Why? Is it weird? " Soo Jung asked while making her blur face.


They all were changing views to each other then stared at Soo Jung.


" Wow" Hai Hee said.


" Super" Yi Naa said later.


" That was awesome Soo Jung! You hitted boy! You've never acted like that for a very long time! New record for you! " Ah Hyo said then they all laughed.


" Cool right?" Soo Jung said then laugh too.


They all then were playing at the park until the bells rang.


Later, Ha Na was about to take out her books from her locker when she found a letter in the locker.


She immediately open the letter and read it.


' Hi. I've been watching you for a long time since I was enter this school. I don't have the strength to meet you as I afraid that you'll rejected me. By the way, sorry for disturbing you with this stupid letter. I just want to know you more. Can I?'


~ HA NA P.O.V ~


What's this?! Who did this?! Stupid. 


I don't know who had write the letter so I just throw it away.


After I've took my books and my stuff in the locker, I walked into the classroom.


" Ha Na do you have finished the works that Mr. Gi Kwang gave last week?" Min Byul asked me when I just sitted on my chair.


" Yeah. Wae? " I said.


" Omo! You know what? I've forgot to do it! Arhh! I'll be dead!" She said then closed her face with her palm.


" Just tell me that you want to copy my works. It's easy right? " I said as I smirking at her.


" Hehe. Ha Na. You're so nice. Saranghae" She said and make her puppy face.


" Take this" I said as I gave her my book.


" Gomawo! " She thanked me when she have took the book.


I just smile at her back. Then I take out my phone from my shirt pocket and starts to play game in the phone.


Suddenly Lu Han was calling out my name from behind. I finished the game first and then turn to him.


" Wae??" I asked him.


" Err.. Nothing. I.. Just want to see your book. Can I?" He asked.


" Ouh so you want to copy my works too? But sorry, my friend have took it first" I said as I look at Min Byul and turn to my phone back.


Hrghh. So shameless.


Then I heard someone was playing one of my favourite game.


I try to look around to search for the person but when I've turned back, I saw Lu Han was the person who are playing the game.


"Err.. Are you the one who are playing the Pokoping?" I asked him curiously.


" Yeah. Wae? " He asked back.


" Can I borrow your phone? I want to play it just for a while. My sister have removed the game in my phone so I can't play the game for now. Can I?" I asked him nicely. 


" Err.. But I want to play it too" He said.


" Ouh. It's okay then" I said then turn myself infront back.


" Hey wait. Take it if you want. I can play it later" He suddenly said then handed me his phone.


Yes! I've been waiting for a long time to play the game since my sister have removed it. Finally!


" Gomawo! " I said as I take the phone.


Wow. What a nice phone.


Later, I feel like want to pee. So I quickly gave his phone back and walked to the toilet.


But before that, I go to my locker first to take some tissue. But then I saw a teddy bear inside it.






Because I've really feel want to pee, so I just ignored the teddy bear.


After I've done peeing, I washed my hands and walk to the class back. But before that, I go to my locker to check on the teddy bear.


" Teddy bear? Err.. Who gave this?" I asked to myself.


But then I feel weird. 


" If there is someone who have put this in my locker, so that's mean he was open my locker without my permision" I mumbled to myself.


" But.. This bear was so cute. Am I have to throw it? Hmm" I said while thinking.


" Maybe I just have to keep it" I said then take the bear with me. 


" What's that? " Min Byul asked me while looking at the bear when i've enter the class and sit at my place.


" Of course a teddy bear" I said while playing with it.


" Who gave that??" Min Byul asked me curiously.


Then Hye Kyu, Soo Jung, Yi Naa and Tae Nii come to my place and looks at me with the weird expression on their faces.


" Since when you like teddy bear Ha Na? " Soo Jung asked me while making her disgusting looks.


" Since now. It's so cute right" I said then laugh. Soo Jung was just making her disgusted looks at me.


" Who gave you that?" Hye Kyu asked me.


" I don't know. I've found it in my locker just now. I also got a letter. I don't know who did it" I said.


" Letter? " Tae Nii asked.


" Yeah. I don't remember the contained in the letter. But I think the person who gave that was admiring me" I said while laughing.


" It's funny right?" I said again then continue laughing. Same goes to them.


" Wow. You've an admire now Ha Na" Min Byul said then smirking at me.


" Like I care, you know" I replied then laugh again.


" So.. You don't want to inverstigate about the person who gave you the letter and this... erghh. I hate to say it"  Soo Jung asked then making her annoying face.


We all were just laughing by watching her behaviour.


" It's just a teddy bear Soo Jung" I said then continue laughing.


" Hmm... I don't know. Maybe I should. But.. Maybe I should'nt" I said as I've stop laughing.


" It's up to you" Soo Jung said then walked to her placed. Same goes to the others.


But suddenly Hye Kyu turned to me. " You can give me that teddy if you don't want it" She said while grinning.


" Hey. Who said that I don't want this? I love it okay" I said then laugh.


This teddy bear was so cute. Even though I already have a few teddy bears at home, but this is the most adorable.


' Hmm. Should I find the mystery boy? But.. How? Arghh! I can't think! '


~ LU HAN P.O.V ~



' She's holding the bear. And she seems like it ' I mumbled to myself when I saw Ha Na was holding the teddy bear tha I've gave her.'


" Hey. Who said that I don't want this? I love it okay" She said to Hye Kyu.


' Yes! She likes the bear! Finally! I've did it! ' 


' But.. How can I tell her that I am the one who gave her the letter and the bear? Harshh! Think Lu Han. Think! '


~ END P.O.V ~


The school periods have already over. 


Ha Na was waiting for her driver to fetch her. 


" Harshh! Where did he go? How long that I've to wait for him?! " Ha Na mumbled to herself.


" Maybe I should call him again" I said while taking out my phone.


But when I started to dial the number, a boy poked my shoulder from the back.


I immediately turned in shocked.


" Mwo? " I said to him in my shocked expression.


" Err.. For you" He said while giving me a letter. But then he run away before I could ask him who gave him the letter.


" Hrghh. What's wrong with him?" I mumbled to myself while opening the letter.


' Hi . Sorry for disturbing you again. If it's not too much if I asked, can you call this number now? '


" Nonsense! This person was asking me to call the 'unknown' number?! Ridiculous! But.. What he want then? Arghh! " I said to myself while thinking to call the number or not.


" But.. This was the chance for me to know the mystery boy. Hmm. Should I call this number?" I mumbled to myself.


A while later, I've decided to call it.


" Maybe I just need to call. Yeah" Then I started to dial the number on my phone and press the call button.


" yeobseyo? " I asked when the person have answered the call.


" Err.. Annyeong" A boy replied.


" Hey. What do you want? Is it you who gave me the letter and the teddy bear? " 


" Yy.. Yeah. It's me" 


" So? What's your motive to do all that? What did you want then?" 


" Hey relax. Calm down. I just wanted to know you. Is it wrong?" 


" But why?" 


" Err. Do you really want to know why?"


" Just tell me dude. Why?" 


" Can you walk to your left sides?"


" My left sides? For what?"


" Just do it please"


So I turn myself to the left and starts walking.


" Then? Where should I go?"


" Just go straight until you've found a box"


" So weird are you. Why are you doing all this?" I said while walking.


" Sshhh. Just do it okay" He said.


" Okay now, open the box" He said when I've found the box.


Then I saw a rose inside it. Wow.


" A rose? Then? " I asked him as I have took the rose.


" Okay now, go to the park infront of you" He said.


Then I walk to the park while still holding the call.







" Then? " I asked him.


" Go to the end of the bridge. But don't look back" He said.


" Hey. Can you tell me what do you want??" I asked him curiously.


" Hey can you please just do it?" 


" Yah! If you don't tell me the truth, I won't go there" 


" If you really want to know, just keep walking and go there"


" But... If I don't want to know?"


" Yah! Please. Just go okay" 


So I just go and walk until I've reached at the end of the bridge.


" Then?" I asked him.


" Okay now, please don't look back and keeps on looking at the lake" He said.


" Yeah fine. But please be hurry. I need to go home now. My driver would be waiting for me" I said.


" I've asked someone to tell your driver to wait for you there. So don't worry okay" He said.


But then I hear  footsteps coming near to me.


Okay now I've feel scared. Who's he? What did he want from me? 


Then I feel there's someone was standing behind me. So closed.


"Hey. You can turn off the call now. But please don't looks back" He said by whispering to my ear.


" O..Okay" I said as I turned off the call.


" Okay.. Hi. I am the boy who have gave you the letter, the teddy bear and the rose just now. Nice to meet you Ha Na " He said.


" But why I can't look at your face?" I asked.


" You can't until you've not ready to know me" He said.


" What do you mean by ready?" I asked him in weird.


" Hmm. One day you'll know it. I just want to tell you something right now then you can go" He said then laughing.


" Hey why are you laughing? " I asked him then continue. " What is it?" 


" I just want you to know me as Mr. Nobody for now. And one day, if you've ready to know me, then you can call me as Mr. Somebody. I want you to always know and remember that I like you, I am your admire, you are my crusher and I am your Mr. Nobody. Okay?" He explained.


I've been shocked by what have he said just now. So sweet and romantic actually. I've never feel like this before but.. He seems nice. I don't know why do I have to feel that way. I also don't understand why did I follow his instruction just now. Am I've just trusted him? 

" Oh? Err.... Okay.. But.. Why did you do all this to me?" I asked him curiously while watching at the lake.


" Because I... I... Err.. You'll know soon. Now, answer the call" He said. Then I hear my phone ringing.


" Mwo? " I asked him as I've answered the call.


" I will sing a song for you. Then after I have turned off the call, you can go back home okay. But while I am singing please don't turn back" He said.


Later, I heard him sing. A song that I've never heard before. 


( I recommend you to play this song while reading the lyrics below)



* Lying beside you here in the dark,

   Feeling your heart beat with mine,

  Softly you whisper, you're so sincere,

  How could our love be so blind,

  We sailed on together, we drifted apart,

   And here you are by my side.

   So now I come to you with open arms,

   Nothing to hide, believe what I say,

   So here I am, with open arms,

   Hoping you'll see what your loves means to me,

   Open arms.  ~


Then the called off.


I still standing there by shocked from the song that he have sang for me just now.


' What he mean by the song? ' I mumbled to myself alone.


But then my phone's ringing. 


" Yeobseyo?" I anwered the call.


" Miss? Where are you? " Then I quickly looks at the screen. It's from my driver.


" Err.. Just wait. I'll be there shortly" I said then turned off the call.


" Hah. He's really have made me think about him now" I mumbled to myself while walking.


" I've to know him. Yeah. I really have to know him" I said to myself.


 ~ LU HAN P.O.V ~


Why was my heart beating so fast now? Am I really have fall in love with her? Oh. No. I can't. But. I feel that... I have... Oh no. I.. I can't fall in love with her. Lu Han stop it. You can't. Arghh!



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Chapter 1: it has been almost 2 year , i still looking forward for yur update, my lil sister :)
Chapter 42: I noticed a new chapter updated from u ..its quite long to wait for ur update but still waiting more about the story :)
Chapter 42: Oh ya, new chapter!
Chapter 41: Done re-read your story till the last chapter u update your story... I'm waiting for your update. Seriously pleaseeee
Chapter 41: Yahhhh. Luhann!! Wae you treat her like that. What going on??? Update soon!!
Chapter 41: Yeay finally you update your story ^^ Update more. I'll be waiting for you :)
Chapter 41: woot woot ^,^ *tumpang lalu naik skuter* :D
I'm waiting your story update. Love you :*
Chapter 40: Please update soon!!!
coolkidz_BTOB #10
Chapter 40: Please update soon!!!