Newbie ( 4 )

Unexpected Love With EXO

~ SUHO P.O.V ~


I've just done taking my bath. I'm feel so tired today. I even don't know what have i done in this entire day.


Beside, i'm still shocked of what have they all said. I don't know what am i supposed to do now.


Hmm. Hashhh! What's wrong with me?? Come on Suho. You can do it. Just believe it. 


Hmm. I'm feel somethings wrong now. Arghh! Damn!


~ END P.O.V ~


Hai Hee was sitting infront of her laptop in her rooms. 


" Where's he?? Harhh, For how long do i have to wait?" She said to herself while watching at her laptop's screen.


" Hrghh. Just let him be. Better i take my sleep" She said then her finger was starting to click at the log out button of the Chat Chit site.


Suddenly, a message appear. 


She's quickly open the message then saw a message from the ' Mr. Nerdy '.




Here he is. Hrghh.


Mr. Nerdy : Hey Bunny. I'm sorry for being late. I just have done taking my bath just now. Sorry ... :-/


Hmm. Sorry? Should i forgive him? Haha. Pabo Hai Hee.


Me : Where have you been? Just got back home? Wow. So late.


Mr. Nerdy : Yeah. I just back from hang out with my friends. Sorry ;-)


Me : Haha. Gwenchana. I don't even mind :-) 


Am i really don't mind? Harhh. Whatever.


Mr. Nerdy : Have you take your dinner Bunny? Haha :-D


Me : Yeah. You Mr. Nerdy ? :-P


Mr. Nerdy : Yeah but i'm still starving. Can you give me some food? Haha :-P


Me: Me? Giving you food? Hahh for what? Better i give it to myself :-P


Mr. Nerdy : So stingy are you. :-/


Me : Am i care? :-P Haha. Heyy. By the way, how's your first day school? Fun?


Mr. Nerdy : Hmm. Not bad. As usual :-/


Usual? This boy was so boring.


Me : Haha. How about the girls there? Is there anyone who had attrack you?


Mr. Nerdy : Girls? I think that's question good to be asked to my friends. And not me. You did know me right.


Me : Yeah. Heyy. There are new students in my school too. They just move from.. err.. I've forgot i'ts name. But i don't like them. They've make my school be more chaos than usual. It's make me sick you know?


Remembering about the face of the boys was totally make me sick!


Mr. Nerdy : New students. Wow. How was their looks? I guessing they all are handsome. Am i right?


Me : Are you kidding me? Stop talking nonsense. They are so annoying. I hate them. 


Mr. Nerdy : Ani. You Did'nt hate them. But do hate ALL BOYS. Except... ME ! Right? haha :-P


Eeeuuwww. Silly boy !


Me : I said. Stop. Talking. Nonsense. Don't you get it?


Mr. Nerdy : Heyy. Relax Bunny. I'm just joking. Hmm. I want to tell you somethings. Its about my friends. Hmm. I need your opinions.


Me : What is it?



~ SUHO P.O.V ~


Should i tell her about that?


Hmm. Maybe she can help me. Who knows right?


Me : Heyy. Relax Bunny. I'm just joking. Hmm. I want to tell you somethings. Its about my friends. I need your opinions.


Bunny : What is it?


Me : I've been knowing about a group of girls in my school. Physically, they all looks very nice and pretty. But they seems different compared with the others. I        mean,  they always keep themself only with their group. My friends and i want to know them more.  Moreover, one of the girls in the group was sitting beside me in the class. But... They all have done something terrible to my friends. 


Bunny : Terrible? Like what?


Me : My friends had to move out from the school because of them. It was happened last year.


Bunny : Which friends?


Me : My old friends. :-/


Bunny : So ? Is there any problems with that?


Me : Yah! Bunny i'm serious!


Bunny : Haha. Mianhae. Hmm. What have the girls done to your friends?


Me : Its enough for you to know that they really do something that was totally bad. But actually thats not the point that i want to tell you.


Bunny : Then what?


Me : Its about my friends.. They asked us to ..


Bunny : To what ??


* Knock * Knock *


"Yeah come in !".


" Hyung, there's a call for you. Its from Lay" 


" Ohh. Just tell him to wait for a while. I'll be there shortly"


" Neh "


Me : Bunny. I'm so sorry. I've got to go. I'll see you tomorrow okay? Annyeong :-*


Me: Just joking :-D 


Bunny : So silly are you. Haha. Annyeonghi Jumuseyo :-) Have a nice dream. Bye.


Me : You too. Dream about me okay? Haha. Have a beauty sleep :-) Bye.


~ END P.O.V ~


Suho closed his laptop then runs quickly to answer the calls.




Hai Hee then shut down her laptop and go to sleep.



>>>>>>>>>> FAST FORWARD >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>



" Where's Ha Ra. How long must i have to wait for her? It's almost 8 " Ah Hyo nagged while looking at her watch.


* Tin! Tin! Tin! *


Ah Hyo pressing the horn.


" Yah! I'm on my way there. You don't have to make noise here" Ha Ra said while running to Ah Hyo's car.


" Why are you late? I've been waiting for you for almost 10 minutes okay" Ah Hyo asked Ha Ra when she have entered the car.


" Mianhata! I'm searching for my science's file. Its gone. I forgot where do i placed it last week" Ha Ra explained.


" So did you found it? " Ah Hyo asked while started to drive.


" Ani. Hashh. I'll be dead soon. Mr. Tee want it today " Ha Ra said while covering her face.


" Haha. Serve your rights" Ah Hyo said while laughing. " So be careful next time" She continue.


" Ya ya. Arasso" Ha Ra said.


 After a few minutes, they reached their school.


~ AH HYO P.O.V ~


I parked my car besides of Ha Rin's Beetle. I take my books then get out from the car.


" What time now? " Ha Ra suddenly asked me while we're walking.


" Almost 8.25. wae?" I asked her curiously.


" I..I... I need to go. Toilet! Now. You just go okay. I' meet you in the class. Bye" Ha Ra said while run away. 


" Did she just left me alone here? Wow. Super. That's make me feel very happy" I nagging to myself.


I was started to take my way to the class when suddely I feel someone was calling out my name. But the person is not from my friends voice because, it was a boy.


Then I turn my face back to see who was the boy. 


" What?! That boy? What he want from me?" I asked myself when i saw the person is Kai, one of the boys in the new students group.


Then he ran straight towards me, I just watching him with my weird face.


"What do you want?" I asked him spontaneously.


" Err. I'm sorry if I have disturbed your time. I just want to ask for help on something" Kai asked nicely.


"  But why me? Where's your friends?" I asked him curiously. But. He seems nice. So gentle with girl. Arghh! what am I saying now? Ridiculous! Nonsense! Stop it Ah Hyo. 


" I.. I dont know where are they now. I'm just arrived here. And i'm looking for the library. Can you help me with it?" He said.


" I'm sorry. I need to go to class now. My friends are waiting for me. You can asked another students here by the way" I said and starts to walk. But my walks was stopped when I felt something was sticking at my arm. 


" Yahh!! what are you trying to do? Let go of me" I said harshly as I take my hand back. 


" I'm sorry. I did'nt mean it. I just need your help now" He explained and then looks at the ground. I guess he was ashamed of what have he did just now.


" Hmm. But what the hell are you wanting to go to the library in such of early in the morning right now?" I asked him out of weird. 


" I need to borrow a book for our lessons later. Can you help on it?" He asked me with hope in his eyes. 


Wait. Why do he have to make a face like that? Is he trying to attrack me ? Haha. Good trick. But sorry. It does'nt make sense on me. 


" Our class will starts in 15 minutes more. So please be hurry" I said while started to walk.


 He just grinning as he follows me. " Hey lose the grin dude. We're not going on date right now" I said while giving him a sharp glanced.


~ KAI P.O.V ~


Wow. She's so beautiful. Even she's not smiling but, she's totally pretty. Wait. What am I talking? Stop being nonsense Kai. Just stop it. She's not like the girls that you used to be with. She's different. Keep that in mind.


" I need to borrow a book for our lessons later. Can you help on it?" I asked her politely while making a puppy face.


She looks like smiling when she saw me do it. Maybe she was attracted to my face. 


" Our class will starts in 15 minutes more. So please be hurry" She said then walks.


I just can't believe from what have she said. What? She's willing to help me. Wow. Seems to be the plan. Its working. 


" Hey lose the grin dude. We're not going on date right now" She suddenly warned me while giving me her sharp glances.


Arghh. So stupid are you Kai. Okay. I feel ashamed now. Seriously.


Then while we're walking, I noticed that the students there keep watching us with their shocked face. Why? Is there something wrong with us? 


" Why are the students keep on watching us?" I whispered in her ear.


" How would I know. Just keep walking and ignore them" She said. 


Why do she have to be like this? I was asking nicely and she replied it with her mad voice. 


When we have arrived, she asked me to be hurry after I asked her to wait for me.


So I quickly walks into the library to get the book.


After i've done taking the book, I quickly run outside to meet her. But she's not there. Where did she go? Is she have leave me here? Harshh! Why does she have to treat me like this. How can I be her friends then? Arghh. She makes me crazy.


So I just walks to my class alone.


~ AH HYO P.O.V ~


Where's he? Harshh. So late. I'll be late for class if he still be in there. Hmm. Or maybe I should go. Yeah right. He do know the way to go to the class. So there will be no problems for him. 


So I walked back to class. 


When I enter the class, the teacher have already arrived. So I said sorry to the teacher and take my seat. While Ha Ra keeps on staring at me. But I just ignore her and sit on my chair.


" Why are you late Ah Hyo? Where are you going? " Ha Ra asked when he came to my seat. 


" Err. I.. I..." What should I tell her now? Oh god. I'll be dead. Hmm. Should I tell her the truth? Or just lie her? Harshh! What must I say?!


" HELLO?! You? You what? What were you thinking?!"  Ha Ra asked me again with her unsatisfied face.


" Nothing. Mr. Taemin was asking for help when i'm accidently met him. That's why I late" I explained her. I'm sorry Ha Ra. I had to lie. I don't want you to know that I was helping the boy just now.


" Mwo? Oh. Okay. Sorry I just worried about you" Ha Ra said.


" Hey. What's going here? " Min Ah suddenly looks back and interrupt our conversation.


" Nothing's important. I'm just asking her why is she late" Ha Ra said then go back to her seat. 


" Oh. Then why are you late Ah Hyo? Min Ah suddenly asked me. Arhh. Whay are she's being so busy body right now.


" I'm just helping Mr. Taemin" I said and smiled. 


" Hmm. Arasso" She said and turn her face back.


Suddenly Kai enter the class with the sad expression on his face when he's looking at me. Jerk. What the hell is he making that face to me.


" Hey where are you going? Why are you not waiting for me?" He asked me innocently when he have sit at his place.


Arghh. Why are he asking me that question? Min Ah will hear our talks. And i'll be dead if they know that I was lying to them.


"Shhh. Can you slow down your voice?" I said while placing my index finger on my mouth. 


" Okay okay." He said while covering his mouth with his hand. Aww. So cute. Wait. What've I said? No no no. No he's not. 


" Okay" I said.


" So. Why are you leaving?" He asked slowly. 


" I'm sorry. The class just want to start so I decided to enter the class. I don't want to be late. Anyway, you know the way to class right?" I explained to him.


" Oh. Okay" He said in his sad tone.


" I've said sorry right? Don't do such of sad face there. I don't like it" I said while making my annoying face. But my heart does'nt feel like hate it. Arghh. What's wrong with me? No Ah Hyo. You can't feel that way. He's the newer here. You just met him yesterday. Why are you should feel that way to him whereas with the other boys you had never feel that? No Ah Hyo. Stop being nonsense.


" Hmm. Okay sorry" He said and then starts to focus at the lessons.


Why am I feel guilty at him now? Am I have done any wrong to him? No right?  Hashh. Whatever. Like I care.


~ NO ONE  P.O.V ~


Soo Jung and Hye Kyu was talking each other in their class. Then Tao and the boys enter the class. Soo Jung and her friends seems like just ignoring the presence of the boys. Except for the other girls. They all keeps on screaming and whispering to each other.


" What's wrong with the girls?! So annoying" Yi Naa said while making her disgusted looks to the girls.


" Hai" Kris suddenly greeted Hye Kyu while he's sitting on his chair. But Hye Kyu just smiled to him.


" Why is the teacher does'nt come yet?" He asked Hye Kyu. 


" How would I know? I'm not his assistant by the way" Hye Kyu said with her blur face. 


" Ohh. Okay. Sorry" He said.


Then Mr. Gi Kwang enter the class. Everyone stand up and greet him. 


" Okay class. Listen here carefully" He said while knocking his table to take the attention from the students.


" For the Science's project that you will make in the next month, I've rearranged the members of all the groups that you've make. I need to do it because of the entry of the new students here. So there will be some group that have four members and three members. So these are the new arrangement for you" He explained.


" Oh ! God damn it! I hate him. Why is he need to do like that?" Soo Jung expressing her dissatisfaction to Hye Kyu. 


" Shhh. Soo Jung-ahh slow down you voice. Mr. Gi Kwang will hear you" Hye Kyu said while placing her index finger on . 


" Ya ya. I got it" Soo Jung said while making her annoying face.


Tao who have just heard what has Soo Jung said just smiled to himself.


" Okay. I will read the new arrangement for you" Mr. Gi Kwang said while holding the list.


" Soo Jung, Hye Kyu, Tao and Kris, you all will be in the first group" He said clearly.


" Haha. It is so funny. Is he just make a joke? Oh yeah, you're so funny. Seriously I like you the best" Soo Jung mumbled slowly but loud enough to be heard by Tao. 


" Hai. We will be in a group" Tao said with his teaser face.


" Shut your mouth dude. Or I will be the one who will shut it up" Soo Jung warned him with her harsh voice.


" Hey, chillax. I'm just saying okay" Tao said while grinning.


" Lose your grin or you want me to kick your ing mouth now" Soo Jung said while glancing at him.


" Okay" Tao answered while covering his mouth with his palm.


" Good" Soo Jung said.


" Are you guys have any problems?" Mr. Gi Kwang asked Soo Jung and Tao.


" Err. Nothing. We were just discussing about... Err.." Soo Jung explained but got stuck in her answer.


" About our project" Tao immediately continuing Soo Jung's answer. 


" Yeah. Project. The Science's project" Soo Jung convince the teacher.


" Okay. But you can discuss about it later okay. Now, please listen to me" Mr. Gi Kwang said.


" Neh" Soo Jung and Tao said.


" Min Byul, Ha Na, Chen and Luhan, You will be in the second group" Mr. Gi Kwang said.


" Min Byul, why do he have to mix us with the boys? I don't get it. He's really annoyed me" Ha Na said to Min Byul with her annoying face.


" Yeah, you're right. I don't get it too" Min Byul said.


While Lu Han and Chen seems happy with the arrangement. " Yes! " Lu Han said with his happy face. 


" Seems like the teacher was helping us" Chen said while grinning.


" For the third groups, Lay, Xiumin, Yi Naa and Tae Nii" Mr. Gi Kwang told them and then go on with the next group.


While Lay was smiling and looks at Yi Naa. " Hai. We will be in a group" Lay said with his flirting face.


" Stop it boy. It does'nt make sense to me at all. Happy for you and not for me" Yi Naa said then looks infront.


" Hey you know what? I feel very excited to make the project. When we can starts it?" Lay teased Yii Na again. 


" Can you please don't talks to me? I'm not interested in having any conversations with you. So just be silent okay" Yi Naa explained clearly.


" But I like it" Lay said while smirking to her.


" Erghh. Stupid boy" Yi Naa nagged to herself then continue focusing at the teacher.


After the teacher have finished told them about the arrangement, he start the lesson.




While in the recess time, Hai Hee and her friends were eating under a tree. It was their favourite placed since they all were in the first grade.





" Guys, you know what? Ha Na and I will be in a group with the new students for our Science's project. Mr. Gi Kwang have rearranged the arrangement that we have made before. It's all because of the boys" Min Byul told her friends with her frustrated face.


" Yeah, same goes to me and Soo Jung" Hye Kyu said.


" We too" Yi Naa and Tae Nii said.


" Actually, we all too" Ha Ra said pointing at Ha Rin, Hai Hee, Ah Ra and Min Ah.


" Yeah. She's right" Min Ah said.


" What the hell with the project?" Soo Jung expressing her dissatissfaction.


" Yeah. What's all this? Why do we have to be in the group with the stupid boys?" Ah Hyo said.


" Hey guys. Relax. It just for the project okay" Hai Hee calmed down her friends.


" But Hai Hee, I'm not okay with the arrangement" Ha Na said to Hai Hee.


" Yeah I know. Same to me. But the teacher have give us that arrangement. So whether we like it or not, we still need to follow it" Hai Hee explained.


" Yeah, she's right. Besides we have our members in the group right? So just ignore the boys" Ha Rin agreed with Hai Hee.


The girls seems like have to agree with what have Hai Hee and Ha Rin said.


" I'm just hope that everythings will be okay" Ah Ra said.


" Don't worry sis. Just tell me if the boys are disturbing you. I'll go get them and kick their ing " Soo Jung said while showing her fierce face.


" Haha. Soo Jung-ahh. Stop making that face. You're not as fierce as you think. You're more like showing us your cute face" Ah Ra said while laughing. But then, everyone were laughing too.


" Yah! I'm serious okay!" Soo Jung said.


" Ah Ra, you're right. She's so cute!" Min Ah said to Ah Ra. Everyone there keeps laughing at Soo Jung.


" Guys. Please stop laughing at me. Or you will regret it later" Soo Jung warned them.


" Soo Jung-ahh we're just kidding okay. Don't take it serious sis" Ah Ra said to Soo Jung.


Soo Jung suddenly laugh loudly when everybody have stopped laughing.


" Hey. Don't do such of that worried face guys. I'm just joking" Soo Jung said while continue on laughing.


" Yah! Soo Jung-ahh! You scared us!" Yi Naa said while hitting her arm.


" Yeah. Come here dude. Let me kick your like you always did! " Hye Kyu said and then walking towards Soo Jung.


But then, everybody were ran after Soo Jung. They all were playing happily at the park. 


But they did'nt noticed that Kai and his friends were watching them.


" Awww. They are so cute. Playing and running like kids. So cute and funny" Baekhyun said while smiling.


" Yeah. They seems very happy" Kai said.


" We'll never see such of these faces at the class. They are so different here" D.O said while keep laughing seeing them.


" I thought Hai Hee would never laugh like that because she's so serious in study" Suho said while watching at Hai Hee.


" But i'm the most shocked here" Tao said with his shocked face.


" Wae? " Lu Han asked.


" I've never seen Soo Jung laughing with joy like that before. She's so different. I mean, its great if she always be like that" Tao said while keeps on staring at Soo Jung.


" Me too. Yi Naa was so beautiful when she's laughing. I wonder why is she not showing that face in the class" Lay said in his fascinated looks.


" She's so pretty. I've never seen that such of pretty girl before. All I could say now is. WOW" Kai said and then everybody were looking at him.


" What? Mine was! Look, she's so pretty right? " Chanyeol said while pointing his finger to Min Ah.


" Ani. Mine was more beautiful and cuter than yours" Kris said proudly.


" Mine was the prettiest there" Suho suddenly interrupted.


" What? Mine was !" Chen said than hitting Suho's back.


" Hey mine was the most adorable! " Sehun said.


" Mine was the most gorgeous ! " Lay said.


" Hey guys!! Stop fighting!! " D.O suddenly said with his mad voice.


" Mine was the most beautiful, prettiest, cutest, adorable and gorgeous among of them" He continued while laughing. Then they all ran after him and hitted him.


" Yah! You're so naughty!" Tao said to D.O while hitting his arm. " Mine was!" he continued.


" Mine! " Suho, Kai, Chen, Lay and Xiumin said simultaneously. Then they were looking at each other after realizing that they were saying the same words.


" Yah! Why are you copying my words?!" Kai said while hitting Suho's neck. 


" I was'nt! You're the one who are copying my words" Suho said and then hits Kai's arm.


" You! " Kai said.


" You! " Suho said back.


" You! " Kai said loudly.


" You! " Suho said loudly back while pushing Kai's body.


" Yah! what's your problem hyung?! " Kai said madly.


" You are my problems! " Suho said angrily.


" Hey hey!! Stop fighting guys!! " Kris suddenly shouted at them.


All of them were stop fighting and looks at Kris. But  then, they all laugh happily.


" Okay. Let's go. The recess have over" Lu Han said after he had stop laughing.


" Yeah. Khaja" Baekhyun said and then walks away with the boys.






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Chapter 1: it has been almost 2 year , i still looking forward for yur update, my lil sister :)
Chapter 42: I noticed a new chapter updated from u ..its quite long to wait for ur update but still waiting more about the story :)
Chapter 42: Oh ya, new chapter!
Chapter 41: Done re-read your story till the last chapter u update your story... I'm waiting for your update. Seriously pleaseeee
Chapter 41: Yahhhh. Luhann!! Wae you treat her like that. What going on??? Update soon!!
Chapter 41: Yeay finally you update your story ^^ Update more. I'll be waiting for you :)
Chapter 41: woot woot ^,^ *tumpang lalu naik skuter* :D
I'm waiting your story update. Love you :*
Chapter 40: Please update soon!!!
coolkidz_BTOB #10
Chapter 40: Please update soon!!!