The Action ( 30 )

Unexpected Love With EXO



The girls were preparing theirself to go to school for the vacation. They all have decided to just follow the school planned. Same goes with the boys.


Yi Naa have already done preparing everything. Then she call Ha Na to know whether she have done or not.


" Have you done? " Yi Naa asked.


" Yeah. You can come fetch me now " Ha Na replied.


" Okay. I'll be there shortly " Yi Naa said then end the call.


Then Yi Naa grabbed the car key's and walk downstairs.


" Omma-nii. I'm going now " She said to her mother.


" Oh? Neh. Take care. Just call me if there's anything happened okay? " Her mum said then kissed her both cheeks.


" Neh. Arasso. You too, take care okay " Yi Naa said then hugged her mum.


Then she walked out of the house and get into her car.


A while then as she have arrived at Ha Na's house, she parked her car infront of Ha Na's house while waiting for Ha Na to come out.


As they have done moving all the stuffs in the car, they move to the school. But in the journey, suddenly Yi Naa's phone rang. Lay called her.


" Can you answer it? I'm driving " Yi Naa said while passing the phone to Ha Na.


" Oh? Neh " Ha Na said then answer the call.


" Yeoboseyo? " Ha Na answered.


" Who's there?? " Lay asked.


" Ha Na's here. Yi Naa is driving. Wae? " Ha Na asked.


" Ha Na-sshi! Please come here now! There's something happened here! Your.. your friend, Ha Ra-sshi.. she.. arghh, just come here! Faster! But please don't let the others know first. It's dangerous! " Lay said in panic.


" Mwo?! Hey what are you talking about?! I don't get it " Ha Na said in scared.


" Mwo yo?? What happened?? " Yi Naa asked curiously.


" I can't explain it now. Just come here! At the airport! Please be hurry! " Lay said in hurried.


" Neh, arasso! " Ha Na said then immediately end up the call.


" Yi Naa-sshi! There's something happened to Ha Ra. I don't know what is it. But he asked us to go to the airport now " Ha Na said in panic.


" Mwo?! What's wrong with Ha Ra?! " Yi Naa asked in shock.


" I don't know, just go! Please faster! " Ha Na said. She was so scared.


" okay okay " Yi Naa said then quickly move her direction to the airport.


As they have arrived at the airport, they quickly get down from the car and get inside. Then Yi Naa call Lay back and ask where were they.


" Lay-sshi! What's wrong?! " Yi Naa asked in panic as they have meet Lay. There were Suho and Luhan also.


" Err... " Lay was speechless. Then he glanced at Suho and Luhan.


" Hey! Tell me now! What's wrong?? What happened to Ha Ra?! Where is she?! " Ha Na asked.



While the girls have already gathered at the school. They all have to be at the school first then they will go to the airport by bus which the school have prepared for them.


" Where's Yi Naa and Ha Na? Why was they still not arrived yet? " Ha Rin asked in worried.


" Yeah. Ha Na told me that Yi Naa was in the way to her house just now. But.. why are they not arrived yet? They should have been here now " Ah Hyo said.


" Is there anything happened? " Hai Hee asked worriedly.


Suddenly the boys come toward them with the panic expression on their face.


" Girls! We need to go! " Kai said.


" Mwo?? Wae?? " Ah Hyo asked curiously.


" what's wrong with you guys?? " Ha Ra asked.


" Err... Ha Na.. and Yi Naa.. they were.. " D.O said but he didn't finished his sentences.


" why?? What's wrong with them?! " Soo Jung asked in shocked.


" They.. they were at the airport now.. something happened there.. " Chanyeol said.


" What?! Airport?! What happened?! " Hai Hee asked in shocked.


" We need to go there now. We don't have much time to explain it here " Kris said.


" yeah! Let's go! " Tao said then they all go to their cars and move. Same goes with the girls.


As they have reached at the airport they all go meet Suho and the others.


" Yi Naa-sshi! " Ah Ra shouted as they saw Yi Naa and Ha Na with the boys.


" Hey are you okay?? What happened?! " Min Ah asked worriedly.


" Y.. Yeah.. We.. are fine " Yi Naa answered then glanced at Ha Na.


" Yeah.. " Ha Na continued.


" Then what was the problems here? " Hye Kyu asked the boys.


" Err... actually... we.. we.. we are going... for.. a.. a va..cation " Tao said in stuttered.


" What?!! " The girls asked in the same time in shock.


All the boys just smile and glancing with each other.


" What vacation did you talk about?! " Soo Jung asked with her mad face to Tao.


" Err... " Tao was speechless.


" Soo Jung-ahh.. calm down.. " Ha Na said.


" What did you mean by calm down? They cheated us! " Soo Jung said angrily.


" Yeah I know but.. they just want to make a surprised for us " Ha Na said.


" Girls, they planned on bringing us to Jeju Island. We've been waiting for a very long time to go there right? Don't you feel happy for it? " Yi Naa said.


" Jeju Island?? " Hai Hee asked in shock.


" Yeah.. " Ha Na answered.


" But why did you guys don't tell us the truth? " Ah Ra asked.


" We just wanna make a surprised " Baekhyun replied.


" But you scared us " Ha Rin said.


" We are so sorry.. " Suho said.


" But.. you guys will go right? " Sehun asked.


Then the girls glanced with each other for a while.


" So.. how? " Yi Naa asked.


" I think... " Ha Ra said then smiled.


" Let's go then. We've been waiting for a long time to go there together. I think it's the time now " Ah Hyo said then smile at the girls.


" Yesss! " Kai cheered happily.


" ya ya.. Fine " Soo Jung finally agreed too.


" So.... khaja! " Luhan said happily.


" But... ticket? " Ha Ra asked.


" It was all have been prepared. Include all your things in the car have been put in the plane " D.O explained.


" Mwo?! How?? " Hai Hee asked in weird.


" We are using Suho's family private plane. So all have been settled by the workers here. Dont worry. Your key cars and your cars will be saved here " Chanyeol answered then grinned at Suho.


" Oh? Err.. okay " Hai Hee said then looked at Ha Rin.


" We are so lucky " Ha Rin whispered.


Then they all got moving. Everyones looked so happy. But Soo Jung seems like still feeling unsatissfied with the boys, especially Tao. But she just acted normal and control her feelings.


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Chapter 1: it has been almost 2 year , i still looking forward for yur update, my lil sister :)
Chapter 42: I noticed a new chapter updated from u ..its quite long to wait for ur update but still waiting more about the story :)
Chapter 42: Oh ya, new chapter!
Chapter 41: Done re-read your story till the last chapter u update your story... I'm waiting for your update. Seriously pleaseeee
Chapter 41: Yahhhh. Luhann!! Wae you treat her like that. What going on??? Update soon!!
Chapter 41: Yeay finally you update your story ^^ Update more. I'll be waiting for you :)
Chapter 41: woot woot ^,^ *tumpang lalu naik skuter* :D
I'm waiting your story update. Love you :*
Chapter 40: Please update soon!!!
coolkidz_BTOB #10
Chapter 40: Please update soon!!!