~ Hai Hee & Suho ~ ( 12 )

Unexpected Love With EXO




I just got home from the school. Arghh! I feel so tired today. 


" Omma! I'm home! " I said as I sat on the sofa at the living room. 


" Neh. How was your school today honey? " Omma asked then sit besides me.


" Like always. But.. I felt so tired today. I don't know why" I said then chuckled.


" By the way, I feel so guilty at Ha Ra" I continued.


" Guilty? Wae? Have you done something wrong to her?" Omma asked in worries.


" Hmm. We've let her eat by herself alone during the break at school just now" I said sadly.


" Why? You guys always be together right? Where did you and your friends go?" Omma asked.


" We have some meetings with the teachers at that time, we did'nt know that she was alone in the park" I explained.


" Oh. So did you guys have said sorry to her? " Omma asked while playing with my hair.


" Yes. But I still feel guilty with her" I said.


" It's okay honey. I'm sure she will understand your situation. She'll be okay. Don't worry. Now, go shower. Then rest. Okay honey" Omma said then kissed my forehead.


" Hmm. Neh" I said then starts walking upstairs and get into my room.







" Harhhh! " I shouted while lying on my bed.


I feel so tired today. 


A while later, I've fall asleep.




* Knock! Knock! *


" Hai Hee! Hai Hee! Are you in there?? Hai Hee?" Omma knocking the door while shouted for me.


I woke up from sleep when I hear the door was knocking.


* Knock! Knock! *


" Hai Hee? Hai Hee?" Omma called for my name.


" Neh! " I said as I've get down the bed and opened the door.


" Hey you're still not taking your bath?? It's already night! Go to bath now! And come down to take your dinner" Omma nagged at me.


" Neh. Arasso" I said with my sleepy voice and closed the door.


But then Omma push the door back.


" Don't sleep back. Arasso??" Omma asked.


" Neh" I said then closed the door.


After that, I walked to the bathroom and take a bath.


When I've finished bathing, I go to my wardrobe and take out my pyjamas.


After finished preparing myself, I walked out of my room and walks downstairs.


" Hai Hee-ahh! Come! " Oppa called for me from the dining table.


" Oppa? So early are you today?" I asked him while sitting on the chair.


" Wae? I can't be home early now?" He said while making a sad face.


" Ani. I'm just asking. So.... Weird" I said while starts to eat the food.


" I've finished doing my works early today" He said.


After finished eating, I stayed at the living room and watch the drama in the television.


" Hmm. What am I wanted to do now? " I said while thinking.


" My Mr. Nerdy! " I shouted as I've remembered about the boy.


I quickly run upstairs and get into my room.



~ SUHO P.O.V ~



I was sitting infront of my laptop while waiting for the Bunny to reply my text.


" Bunny... Where are you...?" I asked.


" A while later, a message approached.


Bunny : Annyeong! Sorry for being late!


Me : Where did you go? Sleeping?


Bunny : Ani. I was watching a drama just now. Mianhae.


Me : Since when are you liking to watch dramas?


Bunny : Never. I just watched it for a while and then.... Boring. Keke ~


Me : Right? Drama are so boring :-P


Bunny : Have you take your dinner?


Me : Yeah. You?


Bunny : Me too.


Me : So. Tomorrow was Saturday. Are you've planned on going out?


Bunny : Ani. I need to settle down my sciences project. No fun for now. Hmphh :(


Me : Yeah. Me too. But I feel like wanted to go out tomorrow. I just don't know where should I go.


Bunny : Haha. So annoying are you :P


Me : Hey I.. I was thinking of.. something.


Did I really want to say it? What if she rejected me later? Hmm..


Bunny : What?


Me : Err.. Can we.... meet?





* Kring! Kring! *


My alarm was ringing.                                                                          


" Arhhh! Shut up! " I said while turned off the alarm


A while later, my phone rang.


I reached my phone that was on the table next to my bed and answered the call without seeing at the screen.


" Yoebseyo? " I asked.


" Yo! Hyung! Wake up! " Seems like Lay's voice on the line.


Then I quickly looks at the screen and yeah, that was Lay.


" Hey what do you want by calling me this early in the morning? " I asked him.


" Sorry for disturbing you hyung. But it was noon already" He said.


" Mwo?? " Then I quickly looks at the time on the screen's phone.


" 2 ?? Hashh! I'll be late! " I said as I quickly get down of the bed.


" Hyung? Do you have made any plan for this evening? " He asked me.


" Err.. I.. I.. I want to go out with my brother" I lied.


" Oh. It's okay then. I was planned on inviting you to come to my house this evening to try the new games that I've just bought yesterday. But.. It's okay then. Next time okay. sorry for disturbing you. Annyeong " He explained then turned off the call.


" Sorry Lay. I've a date today" I said as I put the phone on the table back.


Then I quickly walked into the bathroom and take a bath.


As I've finished bathing, I go to my wardrobe and looks for my blue shirts. 


But seems like the shirt was'nt there.


" Hashh! Where is the shirt?? As I remember, I've put it here before" I mumbled to myself while still searching for the shirt.


After a few minutes, I still not found the the shirt so I planned on taking another blue shirt. But all of the shirts was'nt suitable for the date.


" Harhh. Otoke? What will I wear now? I've told her to wear a blue shirt for the date. If I wear take another colour, I'm afraid that she can't recognize me" I said while still searching for the suitable shirt. 


" Hmm.. This dark blue shirt seems nice. I think it's fine if I just wear that. Hmm " I said as I've took out the shirt from my wardrobe.






After finished dressing, I walked downstairs.


" Hyung? You looks so cool. Where do you want to go? " My dongsaeng asked me.


" I have a date today" I said as I rubbing his hair.


" Omma! Hyung wanted to go for a date! " He said while running to the living room.


" Omma I.. " I just wanted to say something but Omma suddenly cut it.


" Wow. You look so hot. Are you really wanna go for a date? " Omma asked.


" Err.. It's not a date. We're just friends" I said then have a sit beside her.


" Are you sure?" Omma asked then smirking at me.


" Mwo yo? Why should I lie. Unless, I'll fall in love with her when we got met later" I said then chuckled.


" So naughty are you" Omma said then hitted my arms.


" Don't you want to eat first? I've cooked some food there" Omma said while pointing at the dining table.


" Hmm. Yeah. I'm starving now" I said as I've starts walked to the dining table.



~  HAI HEE P.O.V ~



I've been standing infront of the wardrobe for almost half an hour. But I still don't get a cloth for the date.


" Arghh! What should I wear?? There are too much clothes here. Dresses, shirts, shorts and this all! Hashh! What am I gonna wear now!" I said while looking at the clothes.


" I think maybe I should wear a dress. Hmm.. White.. Hahh! That one! " I said as I took out a white casual dress. 


" It seems nice"  I said while still looking at the dress.


" Yeah! Perfect! Simple but it's nice! " Then I get dressed and walked to my make-up table.


" Now. Make-up time. Erghh! I hate this part. What can I do with my face now. Hmm. I think I just have to make a simple touch up on my face. Yeah" I mumbled to myself then starts preparing myself. I just made a simple make-up on my face and blowed down my hair.






" Done! " I stand up and look at myself in the mirror for a while. Then after I've feel satisfied with my looks, I walked out of my room and go downstairs.


" Hai Hee-ahh? Where do you want to go?" Omma suddenly asked me.


" Err.. I want to meet my friends" I replied.


" Your best friends?" She asked again.


" Err.. No. It was my.. New friend" I said then grinning at her.


" Hmm. I think I know who is it. Mr. Nerdy right?" She said then hug me.


I just smiled at her.


" Okay honey. Be careful. Just call me if you do need anything okay? " She gave me some adviced then kissed my forehead.


" Neh" I said then kissed her cheeks.


Then I walked out of the house and get into my Mazda.






After starting the engine, I starts driving to the Seokchon Lake park.


As I've reached there, I walked into the park. 


Wow. So beautiful. Actually I've never been here before.


I do know the place, I just never have the time to come here. 






Then I sat on a bench besides of the lake while enjoying the views there.


Suddenly my phone rang. 


I quickly look at the screen. 


" It's him. Harhh. Okay I feel nervous now" I mumbled to myself then answered the call.


" Yoebseyo? " I asnwered.


" Hey. Bunny. Where are you? Do you have arrived at the park?" He asked.


" Neh. You?" I asked him back. Harhh. I'm feel so nervous now.


" Yeah. So. Now can you come to the bridge? " He asked.


" Bridge? What bridge? I'm sorry. I've never come here before" I explained to him.


" Hm. It's okay. Where you are on now?" He asked.


" I'm sitting at the bench besides of the lake here" I said.


" Hmm. Arasso. Now, you just have to follow the path that is close to the place that you are on it now" He ordered.


Then I turned back, and go to the way that he have told me.


" Just walked until you've found a bridge there" He said again.


" Neh" I said as I keeps on walking. 


A while later I saw a bridge near of the lake.


~ SUHO P.O.V ~



I was hiding behind a tree near of the bridge.


I just wanted to see her first before we met.


" Have you see the bridge?" I asked her.


" Yeah. I'm on my way there" She said.


Harhh. Calm down Suho. Relax. Focus.


Then suddenly I saw a very beautiful girl wearing a sunglasses, with a white dress walking on the bridge.


Is that her?


" Where are you? I'm on the bridge now" She said while took off her sunglasses.


Wait! Is that her?! Hai Hee??! Suli Hai Hee?? Oh no! My bunny is Hai Hee?? Am I dreaming??


" Hello? Hey. Mr. Nerdy?? Are you there??" She asked me curiously while keeps searching for me.


Then I quickly turned off the call.


Sorry Hai Hee. I can't show myself to you for now. I never thought that you're the girl that I've been known all this while. My Bunny. Hai Hee? Arghh! That stupid plan just have ruined everything! The girl that I've waited all this while, was the girl that was in our planned. ! No! I will never do that to her! 


I slowly step back and walked to my car. Mianhae Hai Hee.






" Hello? Hello? " I looked at my phone's screen.


What the hell was he trying to do now? Why was he turned off the call??


What's all this?


Is he was fooling around with me?


I've tried calling the number again and again but there was still no response. 


What was his motive actually?






                  ~ ENJOY ! ~ 


                  ~ SARANGHAE ! ~


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Chapter 1: it has been almost 2 year , i still looking forward for yur update, my lil sister :)
Chapter 42: I noticed a new chapter updated from u ..its quite long to wait for ur update but still waiting more about the story :)
Chapter 42: Oh ya, new chapter!
Chapter 41: Done re-read your story till the last chapter u update your story... I'm waiting for your update. Seriously pleaseeee
Chapter 41: Yahhhh. Luhann!! Wae you treat her like that. What going on??? Update soon!!
Chapter 41: Yeay finally you update your story ^^ Update more. I'll be waiting for you :)
Chapter 41: woot woot ^,^ *tumpang lalu naik skuter* :D
I'm waiting your story update. Love you :*
Chapter 40: Please update soon!!!
coolkidz_BTOB #10
Chapter 40: Please update soon!!!