~ Yi Naa & Lay ~ ( 10 )

Unexpected Love With EXO

~ YI NAA P.O.V ~


" Omma! I'm home! " I said while searching for omma.


" Omma?? Where are you?? " I'm searching for her in her room and the reading room but she's not there.


" Omma?? Where are you?? I'm home" I asked while still searching for her.






But then, when I've enter the kitchen, I saw a note on the small table there. .


' To : My sweety


            I'm sorry sweety for leaving you alone today, I've to go to the hospital to look for your granny. There's no one that can look for her today so I've to take the duty. I know that we've planned to go for shopping today but I'm sorry Yi Naa. I'm totally sorry. I've prepared the meal on the dining table. If you're hungry, you can eat that okay. That's your favourite foods. I would come home late, too, so no need to wait for me okay. Take care. I love you ~ 





" Hmphh. Again? This all have totally make me sick! Appa always busy with his work. Omma always busy on taking care of granny. Then me? Who would care about me then? Why would I always have to be alone? It's like my world will be fulled of colours in the school but when I'm home, all the colours seems like dissappeared and turned to dark. Such a mess!"  I yelled to myself alone. No one would hear and care. It was just me. This large house does'nt give any meaning to me. It's all wasted. 


Then I walked into my room.







" Harghh!!! What a mess room! I'm guessing when would the stupid maid will come back! I've sicked from all of this! "  I expressed my feelings while lying on my bed.


" I rather stay in a small but neat room then staying in this large room but so...... Arghh! " I can't control my feelings again. I feel so stressed now. Suddenly my cheeks feel hot and the liquid from my eyes starts to flow. I've tried to stop it but seems I can't.


I closed my faced with my pillow and cried. I can't control my feelings. It seems I've too long hiding these feelings away. So now, I just let it out without trying to control it anymore.


A while later, I feel my heart seems like have feel better than before. My tears also have stopped flowing.


Then I removed the pillow from my face and slowly opened my eyes.


" Harhhh. Better than before" I said then smiled.


" Hmm.. I think it's fine if I just hang out alone today" I said as I get down the bed and walked into my bathroom.


After I've finished bathing, I go to my wardobe and take out a dress. 






" Hmm. This seems nice for today" I said then wear it.


After finished dressing, I go to my make-up table and drying my hair then I made a little face makeup.


When I was satisfied with my appearance, I walked out of the room.


Then I get into my Mercedes Benz SL63.





After I've started the engine, I moved to the shopping mall.


When I've arrived there, I walked into the shopping center. I went to one of the boutiques that I always go and look at the clothes and shoes there. After I've satisfied in buying some items in the shopping center, I returned to my car and went to my favourite cafe.
When I was just entered the cafe, a waiter greeted me and give a seat for me.
He gave the menu as I have sitted. After he have took the order, I was asked to wait for the menu to be prepared.
A few minutes later, my food was arrived. Then I eat the food while enjoying the scenery around the cafe, which is very quiet and comfortable.
After finished eating, I walked at the park which is nearby the cafe.
The park was so peaceful. The views in the park also very nice and pretty.
Then when I was enjoying looking at the view there, someone have bumped me from the back.
My body seems can't control the balanced so I fell on the ground. 
" I'm sorry! " A boy said in worried while trying to help me get up.
I quickly turned my face back to look at the boy. Then I was so surprised when I saw that was the boy that sitted besides me in the class. Lay.
" Hey ! Are you blind?? " I asked him angrily.
" Err.. I.. I am so sorry Yi Naa. I'm totally sorry" He said while wanted to help me stands.
" Get your hands off me! " I said. 
" But... " He wanted to say something but I cut it.
" I said get your hands off me! " I said then pushed his hands away.
" Okay. I'm sorry" He said with guilted.
But when I was trying to stand up, my feet was felt very painful.
I keep trying to get up over and over again but I can't. It was so painful.
when I was wanted to try to get up again, suddenly my legs felt so extremely pain.
" Arghh! " I accidently let out a scream.
" Let me help you please. You feet will be more worse if you're keep doing that" He said worriedly.
But then, when I was about to say something, he have lifted me in the bridal style.
" It's more easier if you just let me help you just now" He said while walking toward the nearest bench.
" Yah! Where did you put your eyes while you was walking just now?! " I asked him as he have let me sit on the bench.
" I'm sorry. I was accidently bumped you when I was wanted to take out my phone from my pocket. I'm totally sorry" He said as looking at my feet.
" Does it hurts?" He asked.
" What kind of question is that?" I asked him while showing my blur face.
" Okay. Sorry again" He said while laughing. Same goes to me.
" Hmm. So what're you doing here alone?" I asked him as I've stopped laughing.
" I feel boring by staying at home alone so I've decided to take a walks here. You?" He asked while playing with his watch.
" Err.. Yeah. Me too" I said.
" But.. Where are your friends? " He asked.
" Err.. No. I.. I just wanted to be alone" I said then rubbing my feet.
" Do you want to go to the clinic? I can bring you there"  He asked politely.
" No. No. It's okay. I'm fine" I said then smile at him.
But then I feel so cold by the night temperature. 
Lay noticed that I was in cold. Then he took off his jacket and put it on my body to cover me from being cold.
I was shocked by what have he did. 
" Err.. It's okay. You... " My words have been cut by him.
" You need it more than me. It's okay" He said then smile at me.
Arhhh. I can feel that my face was starting to blush right now.
~ LAY P.O.V ~ 
Wow. She's so beautiful in her dress. Her face also so pretty.
" You need it more than me. It's okay" I said while stopped her from taking off the jacket.
Okay now I saw that she's getting blushed. Arhh, so adorable.
But then I getting an idea. Hmm. Maybe I can use this chance to take her out.
" Hey. I planned on bringing you to one of my favourite places. Do you wanna come? "I asked her as I look at my watch. A few minutes more, the place will be full of colours. I can bring her there.
Yi Naa was just keep herself silence for a few minutes. Maybe she was thinking on that.
But.. She seems like does'nt want to go. Arhhh. I hopw she want.
" Err.. S.. Sure.. I don't feel like want to go home now" She said.
Yes! She's agreed!
" Okay. So.. Khaja! " I said then lifted her.
" Hey it's okay. Just get me down. I can walked by myself" She said as she was trying to get herself down.
" Err.. Did you just say something??" I pretended like I was'nt hear what was she said just now as I keep walking. 
" Yah! I said put me down! " She said again while shaking her legs.
" Stop moving or I will kiss you right now" I said then stared directly into her eyes.
" Err.. Okay fine! Just stop staring at me like that!" She said as she have stopped moving.
Aww. She's so cute in her scared face. 
" That's my girl" I said then winked at her.
" Yah! Stop teasing me or I will..." She just wanted to say something when I quickly put my face closer to her. I can feel that her nose was touching mine.
" If you're still talking or make any noise, I will kiss you" I said then keep staring at her eyes.
" O..ok..okay.." She said then closed with her hand.
" Good girl" I said then winked at her again.
Aww. So cute.
Then when we've arrived at my car, I put her in the co-driver placed.
I starts the engine and quickly drive the car to the place.
A few minutes later, we've arrived there.
It was one of my favourite placed that I loved to go.
Then I asked her to close her eyes until I've asked to open it.
When we've arrived besides of the theme river, I let her down but I asked her to not open her eyes yet.
" Yah! For how long do I need to close my eyes??" She keeps on nagging at me. But I just ignored her while waiting for the waterfall to turned into the colourful views.
" I will counted until three. Then you can open your eyes then. Arasso?" I asked her.
" Neh! Faster please!" She said.
But before I count, I slowly take out my phone and take a picture of her face while she was closing her eyes. She looks so beautiful.
I felt like I was in a date with her right now because she was the first girl that I ever bring here. 
" Yah! Why are you not counting yet?! I'm waiting!" She suddenly said.
" Okay okay fine. I'll starts counting now" I said.
" Hana... Dul... Sit ! " I counted.
Then I walked beside her and look at her face.
She's slowly open her eyes. Then when her eyes are fully opened, she seems so surprised when she saw the water have turned into the rainbow.
" Omo! So beautiful! " She said while covering with her hands.
" Yeah. So beautiful right?" I said then chuckled by watching her face. She's so cute when she was in shocked.
" But... Where are we? I've been staying here for a long time but why am I never come here? Such a boring life that I have" She said then suddenly her face looks sad.
" Hey why? Is there something wrong?? Did your feet hurt?? You want me to lift you right now?" I asked her worriedly while touching her back.
" Hey don't be so worried. I'm okay. I just.. " She stopped saying then chuckled.
" I just never thought that I would see this such of..... beautiful thing with someone like.... you. A boy that I just get to know" She said.
" While my parents...." She continued but suddenly stopped. Then I saw something was flow down on her cheeks. 
What? Is she crying??
" Yi Naa? What's wrong?" I asked her while touching her back.
She just keep crying.
Then I slowly take her into my arms and placed her head on my chest. 
" Calm down. I'm here with you. Just tell me what you feel inside. Let it out. I'm here to hear you" I calmed her.
She hugged me back and tighten it more while crying harder.
" Sshhh. Stop crying. Please. Calm down. I'm here. Just tell me everything that you feel right now"  I said while holding her head.
" I.. I.. I miss Omma and Oppa..." She started to expresed her feelings while sobbing.
" I.. I never thought.. That.. You are the person that... will bring me here.. and not.. them" She continued.
" I... really miss them.. a lot.." She said again in her cry.
" But.. If it's not too much if I asked, where did they go? Are they were  going somewhere?" I asked her.
" Appa always busy in his works. While Omma was busy in taking care my granny" She explained.
" Ouh.. It's okay. Even though they are so busy in doing their works, I believe that they always loved you and thinked about you" I said.
She just keep silent for a long time.
A while later, she slowly released the hug and wipe her tears on her cheeks.
" Are you have feel better now?" I asked.
" Hmm. Yeah. Thanks" She said then chuckled.
" Why are you chuckling?" I asked her in weird.
" Err.. Nothing. I just wondering. Why are you being so nice to me?" She asked while looking at the river.
" Err... Because... Err... I.. I am your classmates" I replied then laughing.
Harhh. Nice answer Lay.
But then she was laughing too.
" You're so funny too" She said then continue on her laughing.
Suddenly her phones ringing.
~ YI NAA P.O.V ~
Why are he so nice to me? He makes me feel comfortable with him.
" Err.. Nothing. I just wondering. Why are you being so nice to me?" I asked him while looking at him.
" Err... Because... Err... I.. I am your classmates" He replied then laughing.
Then I was laughing too after hearing on what have he said earlier.
" You're so funny too" I said then continue laughing.
Suddenly my phone ringing.
I immediately look at the screen.
It's from omma.
" Yeobseyo?" I answer the called after clearing my voice.
" Yi Naa? Where have you been? Where are you?" She asked me worriedly
" Err.. I... I.. I was out with my friends" I said.
" Your best friends? " She asked again. Omo! What should I tell her now?
" Err... No... With my.. New friends. But I'll be back shortly. Annyeong" I said as I quickly turn off the call.
" Harhhh. I think I need to go home now" I said to him.
" Oh okay. I will ask my friend to take your car later. So now, let me sent you home okay?" He said.
Oh damn! My car! 
" Err.. It's okay. Just sent me to my car, I'll went home by myself. Because, if my car was there, then how can I go to school tomorrow right?" I asked.
" Don't worry about that. I'll come take you tomorrow" He said while making a puppy face.
" Err.. It's okay. You don't have too. I don't want to be a burden for you" I said.
" No you not. I'll do anything for you. Now. Khaja. Your mum will be worried about you" He said then lifted me.
" Hey I can walk by myself! Put me down! Yah!! " I said as I trying to get down.
" Stop. Moving" He said while closing his face to mine.
" Okay" I said as I quickly closed my mouth with my palm.
Urghh. He is so annoying! keeps doing that again and again. I hate it.
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Chapter 1: it has been almost 2 year , i still looking forward for yur update, my lil sister :)
Chapter 42: I noticed a new chapter updated from u ..its quite long to wait for ur update but still waiting more about the story :)
Chapter 42: Oh ya, new chapter!
Chapter 41: Done re-read your story till the last chapter u update your story... I'm waiting for your update. Seriously pleaseeee
Chapter 41: Yahhhh. Luhann!! Wae you treat her like that. What going on??? Update soon!!
Chapter 41: Yeay finally you update your story ^^ Update more. I'll be waiting for you :)
Chapter 41: woot woot ^,^ *tumpang lalu naik skuter* :D
I'm waiting your story update. Love you :*
Chapter 40: Please update soon!!!
coolkidz_BTOB #10
Chapter 40: Please update soon!!!