Love Part 4 ( 24 )

Unexpected Love With EXO

The girls are at the mall except for Ha Rin and Min Byul.


Ha Rin have to go for her photoshoot while Min Byul said that she wanted to rest at home.


Hai Hee and Ha Na were in an accecories shop.


While they are looking at the things there suddenly Soo Jung call Ha Na.


" Yeoboseyo? " She answered.


" Hey come here now! We are at the outside of the mall! Lu Han is fighting with a boy! " Soo Jung said.


" What? Lu Han?! Okay we are coming! " Ha Na said then immediately end the call.


" Hey what's wrong??! Lu Han?? " Hai Hee asked curiously.


" Khaja! I'll explain later! " Ha Na said then grabbed Hai Hee's hand.


Fortunately they were at the ground floor so it faster for them to reach there.


As they reached there, Soo Jung immediately grab Ha Na's hand and bring her in the crowded to see Lu Han.


" What?! " Ha Na said in shocked while looking at Lu Han who are punching the boy's face.


The boy was laying on the ground while Lu Han sat on his stomach and punching his face.


Min Ah was with Chanyeol as she wanted to stop Chanyeol from getting involved with the fight.


" Min Ah-sshi, I said go! " Chanyeol shouted to Min Ah.


" I'll stay here no matter what happen! " Min Ah said while holding Chanyeol's arm.


While the others are still look at Lu Han and the boy.


Kai and Kris still tried to stop Lu Han but he seems like don't want to stop.


Ha Na was still shocked by looking at Lu Han.


" Stop!! " She suddenly shouted while staring at Lu Han.


All the people there immediately looked at her.


Then Lu Han stopped punching the boy's face and look at Ha Na with his bruised and bleed face.


" Ha Na ?? " He shouted in shocked.


Then Ha Na slowly walk to him.


" What are you doing?? " She asked Lu Han.


But then the boy laughed.


" she's really in loved with you... " He said while grinning.


" Ricky??! " Ha Na asked in shocked as she have recognized the boy.


" Hai sweety. Long time no see " He said as he slowly get up.


" Go away " Kris said with his mad face.


" Okay okay... chill guys. I'll go now. But remember, we'll definitely meet again. er " He said then walk away.


" He's too much " Kai said while staring at Ricky.


" People, there's nothing to be watched now. Please take your own way " Suho said to the people who were still gathered there.


A while then people starts to walk away.


" What is he doing here? " Soo Jung asked Tao.


" Err.. I'm not sure.. " He answered then glacing at Kris.


" Don't be so worried girls. It was nothing. Just ignore him " Kris said calmly.


~ HA NA P.O.V ~


I just look at Kris with unsatissfied looks.


" This? You mean by nothing? " I said while glancing at Lu Han that is standing infront of me.


" Ha Na-sshi please. I can explain " Lu Han said.


" Do you guys know him? Ricky? " Hai Hee asked the boys.


" Err.. No.. we were just.. got bumped with him " Xiumin said.


" Yeah " Kai agreed.


" Got bumped then.. fight? " Ah Hyo interrupted while glancing at Kai.


" Err.. " Kai was speechless.


" You. Come here " I said to Lu Han while walking to the nearest bench there.


Then I take out a small box of first aid kit in my handbag and sit on the bench.


" I don't care what have he did to you but I totally can't believe that you could do that to him " I said as he have sat beside me.


" Mianhae... " He said.


" To whom? To me? Hey sorry to yourself " I said while looking at his face.


Then I wipe the blood that was on his lips carefully.


Then I put some medicine on it and also at the bruise on his cheeks.


" Gomawo " He thanked as I've finished done it.


" Hey. I don't like you being like that. You are my friend. And I don't like my friend get involved in sort of that fight. I hate it " I said while packing the stuff in the first aid-kid back.


" Mianhae " He said.


" actually, what have he done to you? " I asked him curiously.


~ LU HAN P.O.V ~


' omo. What should I tell her now? Hashhh '


" Err.. nothing. We.. we just.. err.. misunderstanding.. Yeah.. " I replied.


" That worse? " She asked while looking at me.


" Yeah.. I think.. " I said then smile.


" what ever it is, please don't act like that again " She warned me.


" Neh. Arasso " I answered then smile at her.


"Pabo " She said then chuckled.


" Yah how could you said that " I said while making a sad face.


" Am i care? " She said then stand.


Then we walk to them.


As we reached there, they all looked at us.


" Done. Let's go. I have to be back at 7 " Ha Na said to her friends.


" Neh. Khaja " Yi Naa said.


Then they all give us farewell and leave.


" Hahh " I sighed.


" Are you okay? " Sehun asked me.


" Yeah " I said then smile at him.


"So what do we have to do next? " Lay asked.


" I won't let them hurt Ha Na " I said seriously.


" We too. But I think they won't listen to us " Suho said.


" So what do we want to do? " Chen asked.


" I will make sure, no one can touch my Min Ah. Never " Chanyeol said then walk to his car.


" Hey where do you want to go?? " Beakhyun asked while ran toward him.


" Guys see you later " Baekhyun said as he turn to face us while waving his hand then get into Chanyeol's car.


" I think I want to go home too. My body... arghhh " I said while rubbing my waist.


" Yeah le's go " Kai said.


Then we get into our cars and drive home.




~ HA NA P.O.V ~


The clock showed 9 o'clock but there still no call or message from him.


' Where did he go? '


" Hahh... " I sighed.


Then suddenly I remembered of Lu Han.


Actually since the incident at the mall just now, I've been worried about him.


The way he looked at me when I shouted for his name when he was puching Ricky's face and they way he looked at me when I put some oilment on his face have made my heart feel something to him.


Moreover, he always be nice to me.


We always play games together at the school and he did know what I like to eat, what was my hobby, my interest and so on.


When I asked him how did he knew all that, he said that was my friends who have told him.


But my friends told me that they never told him anything about me.


I wonder how did he knew it.


As I remembered I only told Mr. Nobody about that.


'Could he was Mr. Nobody?'


" Hahh.. Lu Han-sshi.. What game did you wanted to play with me.. I've gone crazy from it.. " I mumbled while hugging the bear that I got from Mr. Nobody.


" whatever it is, I'm still waiting for the answer.. " I said.




~ MIN AH P.O.V ~


I'm laying on my bed.


Thinking of what have happened to me and Chanyeol at the mall just now.


I never expected that he could said like that to me.


>>>>>>>>> FLASHBBACK <<<<<<<<<


I was standing beside of him while still holding his arms.


" He's gone. Take your hand back " He said.


" Why are you being like this? Are you crazy? " I asked him with my serious face.


" So what if I've gone crazy?? " He asked with his mad face.


" I don't like you acted like that " I said then hold his hand.


But then he push it away.


" What's wrong with you?! " I asked in weird.


" Go " He said without looking at me.


" Chanyeol-sshi, relax. Don't treat her like that " Baekhyun interrupted.


" Shut up Baekkie " He said to Baekhyun.


" Fine. I'll go. Don't you dare find me again " I said then leave.




I know he was frustrated with that but why did he have to treat me like that.


'What have the boy done?'


" Hahh... " I let out a heavy sighed.


* knock * knock *


" Noona! Your friend is coming! " My little sister said while knocking the door.


" Who was it? " I asked while still laying on the bed.


" Chanyeol oppa! " She said.


" Just tell him that I've asleep! " I said.


" But he really want to meet you " She said.


' Hahh. What did he want? Hmm... '


" Fine! I'll be there shortly " I said while get down from my bed.


Then I walk out of my room and go downstairs.


I walk out of the house and saw him leaning on his car.


" What do you want? " I asked him as I have stood infront of him.


" Min Ah-ahh.. I'm sorry.. " He said while holding my hand.


" Let go of my hand " I said then he take his hand back.


" please.. don't be like this.. I'm truly sorry.. " He persuaded me.


" I've told you to not come and find me anymore right? Don't you got it? " I said while not looking at him.


" Okay I know I'm wrong. But please.. forgive me.. " He said then move closer to me.


Then I take a step backward while glancing at him.


" Why did you acted like that? " I asked.




Seems like she was so angry to me.


" I'm truly sorry. I can't control my anger. He's trying to.. " I'm suddenly stopped.


' omo. I'm not supposed to tell her about that '


" To what?? " She asked curiously.


" Err... Nothing. Just forget it " I said.


" please.. forgive me.. " I said then hold her hand softly.


Then she look at me.


" you did know that I love u right? " She asked.


" Yeah. I do know it. Mianhae.. " I said then smile at her.


" Okay.. " She said then smile too.


" Saranghae Min Ah.. " I said then hug her.


" Saranghae.. " She replied then hug me back.


'I won't let them hurt you. Never '




Tae Nii was just reached at the school.


While she is walking to meet her friends, she saw Xiumin with some girls.


They seems so happy. Joking and laughing together.


" Jerk " Tae Nii said while keep walking.


As she have met her friends at their usual place, she sit beside of Ah Hyo.


A while then, the boys come. Except Xiumin.


" Hey girls " Kris said then sit beside Hye Kyu.


" Hey did you guys saw Xiumin? " Chen asked.


" He's there. Playing with some girls " Tae Nii answered whiled making an annoying face.


" Girls? Wow... " Lay said then laugh.


They all were laugh too. Except for Tae Nii.


A while then, the bell rang.


So they quickly pick up their stuff and walk into their class.


In the class, Tae Nii was just sat at her place.




' since when is he hang with the girls. Hahh. Annoying '


" Hey! " Yi Naa suddenly poked me. I was so shocked.


" Yah! You've made me shocked! " I said while my chest.


" Mian. Hey. Why are you looks like... bad mood? " She asked.


" Aniyeo.. I'm okay.. " I said while showing my happy face.


" Ya ya " she said with her annoying face.


But then suddenly Xiumin enter the class with a girl.


I just stared at him.


" Wow.. Xiumin brought a girlfriend " Lay said to his friends.


" Yeah.. Hot.. " Tao said. Then they all laugh.


" Shut up dude " He said then walk to his place.


But before that, he stand beside of my table.


" Hai " He greeted me.


" Hahh. Get lost " I replied with my disgusted looks to him.


He just laugh then walk to his place.


' So.. annoying '


Then Mr. Gi Kwang enter the class.


A while then the lesson starts like usual.


<<<<<<< FAST FORWARD >>>>>>>>


A few minutes from the break time, I was packing my book and my stuff.


But then I heard Xiumin talks to his friends.


" Guys I won't be with you in the recess time later. I've promised the girls to eat with them " He said then chuckled.


" Wow.. Baozi.. you're looking good huh.. " Lu Han said.


" Well.. " He said then laughed.


" Eeuww. So... disgusting " I whispered.


" Hey Tae Nii-ahh. Come " Yi Naa said.


" Mwo? " I asked in weird.


" Are you dreaming? Break time... " She remind me.


" Ouh.. okay " I said the quickly pick my things.


As we have put our things in the lockers, we go to the cafe to buy foods.


After I have bought my food, I just wanted to walk but then I saw Xiumin is sitting with a group of girls in the cafe.


Suddenly I got bumped with a girl. My food was fell on the floor.


" Err.. Mianhae, mianhae.. " I said while looking at the girl.


She just look at me in weird.


Then I glanced at Xiumin and I saw he was looking at me.


I felt so embarassed so I quickly ran out the cafe.


" Tae Nii-ahh! " Ha Na was shouted for my name but I just keep running.


Then I go to the rooftop.


" Arghhh !!!! " I let out a scream as I have reached there.


Then I take a deep breath and release it calmly.




I was eating with the girls at the cafe when suddeny I felt like there was someone stared at me and I was so shocked when I saw that was Tae Nii who was stared at me.


But then she ran out of the cafe.


" What's wrong with her? " Hyuna asked her friends.


" Err.. Girls.. I.. I need to go " I said to them then walk away.


" Oppa! Where did you want to go?? " The girls asked.


But I just keep walking and ignored them.


Then I try to find her at the park but she wasn't there.


But suddenly I hear a scream.


It came from the rooftop.


So I decided to take a look at the rooftop.


As I reached there, I saw Tae Nii was standing there while looking at the views there.


Then I slowly walk to her.


" Hahh. There you are.. " I said as I have stood beside her.


" Omo! "


" Yah! What are you doing here?! " She asked while looking at me with her shocked face.


" Sorry for surprising you " I said then laugh.


" How did you know I was here? " She asked me.


" I heard a scream just now. I knew it was you. Right? " I said then chucked.


She just keep herself silent and enjoy the views there.


" Are you okay? " I asked.


" Why did you want to know? Where are your girls? " She asked without look at me.


" I smell a jealous feelings here " I teased then smirk at her.


" what? Me? " She said then chuckled.


" Nonsense " She continued.


" Really? Are you sure? " I asked while grinning at her.


" Yah! " She yelled angrily then leave.


I just laugh by looking at her.


"So cute.." I said then chuckled.


"Tae Nii-ahh..I knew it..." I mumbled.






~So these are the new chapters ~


~ Sorry for being late to update these chapters ~


~ Sorry for this wrong grammar and spelling ~


~ I want  to thank my beloved friend, Norida Shahira for her helping me all this while. By the way, she was the one who have updated these chapters. Gomawo (clap) ~


~ I love her so much ^^ ~


~ Thanks for reading ~


~ Another 6 more chapters will be updated soon~




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Chapter 1: it has been almost 2 year , i still looking forward for yur update, my lil sister :)
Chapter 42: I noticed a new chapter updated from u ..its quite long to wait for ur update but still waiting more about the story :)
Chapter 42: Oh ya, new chapter!
Chapter 41: Done re-read your story till the last chapter u update your story... I'm waiting for your update. Seriously pleaseeee
Chapter 41: Yahhhh. Luhann!! Wae you treat her like that. What going on??? Update soon!!
Chapter 41: Yeay finally you update your story ^^ Update more. I'll be waiting for you :)
Chapter 41: woot woot ^,^ *tumpang lalu naik skuter* :D
I'm waiting your story update. Love you :*
Chapter 40: Please update soon!!!
coolkidz_BTOB #10
Chapter 40: Please update soon!!!