I Remember You (1)


Chapter 18: I Remember You (1)


"Thankyou." After signing the acceptance record, Sera take the parcel gave by the postman. It was sent to Jungkook from PhotoGram Co. She frowns as she examine the parcel. Unknowingly, she already inside Jungkook's room to put it on his table.

"Oh. My. God." She was shocked looking at the messy room. Papers unarranged on his table and lots of it crumpled in the dustbin and outside it as it overloads. Sera shook her head.

"Jeon Jungkook. Sometimes I wonder if you are a student or an employed lyricist." She picked the crumpled papers and eventually tidy up his room. She only hope Jungkook won't throw tantrum tonight.

When she finished sweeping the floor, she picks the laundry and put it in a basket. Then she tidy up his bed. Lastly, his table. She rearranged his books and his papers. She found a family’s frame. She smiles while looking at it. She decides to wipe it since it dusty a bit. Sera then notice there is another frame there, on his book shelf above the desk. There are seven boys in it. She guess its Bangtan Boys because she recognizes them. Sera's eyes getting smaller as she is looking at a face. She take the frame.

Among the seven boys, there is someone she didn't recognized much as he wear shades on their first meeting and since that she never see him clearly. In the picture, they look like they are at school's yard together with tools. That blonde boy. Who has his arms around Jungkook and Jimin, look so familiar with the one she saw at the hall.

"Y-yoo?" She then chuckled by herself.

"It can't be..right?" She tried to calm. It’s surprising of course. If, they have met.

That evening, Sera decided to take a look at Suga. It has been one week since she last saw him. As usual, she was with her umbrella, waiting for him at the corner of the road. When she heard a car is coming, she quickly hide behind a phone box.

"Thanks. See you all tomorrow." Suga get off from the car and waved at them as he smile sweetly. Sera closed because she was too shocked. The pink haired guy was her son! He dyed his hair! Sera leaned on the phone booth. Her tears fall down. The one she longing for was always just by her side. Just she didn't recognized him. She turned when the sound of the gate heard. Suga already went inside. She wonders if Suga didn't recognized her when they met last week.

"It has been 14 years though." She bit her lips. Holding back her tears. The moment all the boys gathered at her house, keep playing in her head.

Suga sighed while climbing upstairs. Although it is last week of school and the exams were over, he still feels tired. He still have to prepare for entrance exam though. Suga throw his bag on his bed and walk towards the window because he wants to close the curtain.

"She's here again." Suga pulled a small smile.

He saw the woman with her umbrella at the phone booth. He actually noticed her existence all this time. After the key dropped incident, he noticed her since then. Always at the same spot, waiting for him after school. She tried hard to hide from him. Yes he can't see her on his way home but he saw her from his room. Just like this, he knew she already knew that her son is doing well even without her.

Suga gripped the curtain hard when he realized she was crying. Suga frowns. What the hell? What happened? He wanted to jump down right now and run to her. Hug her and calm her down. But he hold himself. That it is not the right time yet. He sighed in relieve when she calmed down and slowly walked home.

"Did you missed me mom?" He asked to no one.

"I guess you do. Because I missed you too."

*      *      *     

Knock! Knock!

"Come in!"

Sera walked in with a tray of milk and biscuits. She calmly approached her son who was busy doing things on his desk.

"Kookie, are you mad that I cleaned your room? I'm sorry that I came in but a parcel arrived and I need to put it on your desk." She put the tray on a coffee table and his back.

"It’s okay mom. I'm not mad. Thank you for tidy up my 'nest'." Jungkook held her hand and chuckled at his own last word. Sera chuckled too.

"I thought you don't know that fact." She teasingly said. She glances at his desk. Jungkook look likes he was pretending to revise his study but some pieces of pictures shown under his book. Sera really want to see the pictures. She wanted to confirm that if really her son, Yoongi is one of the Bangtan Boys.

"Jungkook! Taehyung’s here!" Mr. Jeon shouted from downstairs. He was watching news when someone pressed the doorbell.

"Coming!" Jungkook stood up. He looked at Sera. "Leave it there mom. I'll eat it and bring it back to the kitchen." Jungkook said to her before run downstairs. Sera nodded. She waits until Jungkook really have gone outside before pulling out one picture.

It’s a picture of them with all black hair at the school gate. She guessed this was their first day of exam. She smiled when her eyes fell on Suga. She then pulled another two. Luckily, it were the latest pictures. One of it was a picture of them in a car. Based on Jungkook's attire, it was on Christmas morning where he and the boys hangout. On second picture she took, they were inside an accessory shop where everyone take an accessory as props. The difference in this picture and before was the hair colour. Suga had pink, Namjoon was bluish grey and Jin in dark maroon colour. Seeing the pink haired boy, her eyes got teary again.

"It is him."

*      *      *     

"Yo Tae!" Jungkook snapped Taehyung who stand facing the garden. Taehyung response with his jumped shoulders. Jungkook giggled.

"Don't forget that we have something to do." Taehyung reminds him. Jungkook tapped his forehead.

"Gosh! Sorry, I just remembered it!"

"I knew it. That's why I have this." Taehyung showed his bag pack on his back and a paper bag in his hand.

"You'll stay overnight?" Jungkook's eyes sparkled. Taehyung nodded.

"Jimin will come over at nine." Taehyung said as he take off his shoes.

"Oops. Can I come in?" He asked when he already stepped in the house. Jungkook smirked.

"You already were." Jungkook said and pushed Taehyung to go deep inside as he needs to take off his shoes too.

They chat with Mr. Jeon for a while before they go upstairs.

"Namjoon hyung planned that we should held the party at Hongdae Park." Taehyung told Jungkook on their way up.

"You mean Hangang Park?" Jungkook glanced.

"Yeah! That memorable place!" Taehyung snapped his fingers. Jungkook laughed. He know that Taehyung forgot the name and randomly pick a place sounded like it.

"Yah. Why are you laughing?" Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows. Jungkook shook his head and pushed Taehyung inside the room and locked the door.

"So besides that, I guess, for some of the pictures, we can do a card for them." Jungkook brought Taehyung to his table.

"Wow. This is brilliant." Taehyung smiled looking at the pictures.

"Are you sure we can use this. You ordered it for your personal purpose right?" Taehyung took one of the picture and looked at Jungkook.

"Yes I am. But hey, it’s plenty. Sure we can have some for it. Leave the decoration of the card to me. You and Jimin do the banner." Taehyung nodded and sit on the floor, emptying the paper bag onto the coffee table.

"I take one biscuit." Taehyung said with one mouthful biscuit in his mouth. Jungkook just smirked. He found that attitude of Taehyung is some kind of funny and cute.

"How about Hobi hyung and Namjoon hyung?" Jungkook asked while separating the one he wants to keep and the one he will use to make the cards.

"Namjoon hyung settled about the court. He already booked it. They both will decorate it." Taehyung informed and sipped some milk too. Jungkook saw that and he eventually chuckled. Kim Taehyung.

They then fell in silence as they focused to do their part and just exactly on nine, Jimin arrived.

"Sorry I'm late. I have sudden meeting with Handball Club." Jimin told them while he put his bag on Jungkook's bed and laid down as he feels so tired.

"Jimin. We're doing some work before going to bed, ok?" Jungkook reminds him as he noticed some sign that Jimin will fall asleep soon.

"Hey! Have some biscuits and milk!" Taehyung tried to attract him to get awake. Jimin sat up.

"You eat a lot." Jimin commented when he saw only the crusts were left with three more biscuits on the plate. He eventually take one and it goes into his mouth.

"Don't worry. I have more. I'll make coffee for you." Jungkook stopped his work and stood up. Jimin had no intention to stop Jungkook because he thinks that was a good idea. He is very sleepy right now as he keep yawning while eating the leftover biscuits. Taehyung smacks his head when Jimin's eyes starting to close. Jimin chuckled and nudged Taehyung.

"Hold on. Don't be such a drunken." Taehyung snickered and he avoids Jimin's punch.

"Watch your words." He glared and Taehyung grinned.

"Aigooo this sleepy boy~" Taehyung grabbed his neck and made a head lock.

"Yahh Kim Taehyung!!" Jimin tapped his arms countlessly and he is fully awake now. He doesn't feel sleepy anymore.

On his way back to the room, Jungkook heard the noises and smile. It was fun to have someone to play with at home. He then suddenly thought of Suga. What is he doing right now?

*      *      *     

Suga was studying for his entrance exam while listening to music when someone knocked his door.

"Come in." He simply replied as his eyes glued on the book. His hand busy jotting down important notes and keywords. He frowns when no one greets him so that he turned and surprised to find his dad standing there at the door. They both exchanging looks and silence came in between.

"May I?" Mr. Min asked a gestured to come in. Suga nodded and focus back on his study.

"How was it? Is it hard?" Mr. Min slowly approached him.

"Not bad." After that, silence and awkwardness came again.

"If you're so busy, we'll talk next time then. I'm sorry for disturbing." Mr. Min stepping away. Suga stopped writing. He take a breath and..

"What is that you want to talk about?" For the first time, it was the longest sentence from Suga to his dad. Mr. Min made a quick turn to him. He smiles widely.

"Erm..I heard that you want to further study in music." His dad spoke at the door. Suga nodded.

"I had a friend. He works at America and he knows someone who is good at writing lyrics and he is a producer. If you want, I can introduce him to you. You'll go there this upcoming March."

"Am I learning at a university or that is a private lesson?" Suga asked. Looked like he was a bit interested.

"At a university of course." His dad smiled. "I asked to make a contact if you want to ask for their help in managing your registration there." He continued. Suga nodded again.

"Okay. I'll think about it." Suga said.

"I wish you will further your study there. Your mom really wants to see you further study overboard." His dad said. He stretched out a business card to him.

"Make a call if you have made your decisions." He smiled again before leaving the room.

Will Warners. Suga read the name printed on it. He's the famous music producer of hip hop and various style in America. Suga formed a smile. His dad knew his music preferences.

*      *      *

The clock strikes 1 AM now yet Jungkook doesn’t feel sleepy. He kept staring to the sky throughout his open window that unclosed by curtains. Slowly, he let out small sigh.

“You can’t sleep?” Taehyung asked. Jungkook looked to his left side. Taehyung and Jimin sleep together on the sleeping mattress just beside his bed. Taehyung looked at him with his still wide opened eyes. Jungkook hummed as response as he look back to the sky.

“There’s no moon tonight.” Jungkook told Taehyung.

“But there’re stars. A lot.” Taehyung smiled. Jungkook smiled too. Yes. There are lot of stars. It was still a beautiful night even without the moon.

“Where do you think the moon goes?” Jungkook asked abruptly.

“Maybe taking an EL (emergency leave.)?” His answered made they both chuckled. Taehyung smiled when Jungkook finally smiled. He had a sad look tonight even he tried to make some jokes while they’re working.

They fell in silence. Both were looking at the sky.

“The moon are there. It just been somewhere we can’t see.” Taehyung said with hands under his head.

“It was hiding. Hiding from my sight.” Jungkook response in quick. “I saw it light beams, but still, it wants to hide.” Jungkook then let out soft chuckled.

“I’m waiting for it to appear.” Jungkook turned to Taehyung and pulled small smile. Taehyung look at him with confused look formed on his face.

“Good night.” Jungkook pulled the blanket up to his neck and closed his eyes. Taehyung just hummed as his eyes roaming around the dark skies. Trying to digest what Jungkook had been saying. Are you just spoke out your random poem Jungkook? What do you wait to appear?




Surprise update! hahaha coz I'm happy~~

Our boys are back! XD As expected, they have never disappoint us. :') The song was soooo gooood! especially their MV! OMG. why did Jimin looked so damn y in there??! hahahaha and I love the rap parts in RUN. OMG RapMon. you're not just having y brain, but so do y voice! XD and Jhope part was always my favourite. I love how he'll sing before he raps. Not to mention, They are SO talented in acting! OMG I really got the feels! The feels of broken youth, their seek for freedom, their dreams and everything! and I can't wait to see their choreography TT TT.

ANd..enjoy reading! comment down your feels. let me know if I'm lacking something. Okay? :) Love u!

Last but not least, ARMYs let's RUN together with BTS! Fighting!


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Chapter 28: I can't remember how many times I have read this. But everytime I read this it feels just like my first time. I can't stop myself from crying. Please write more BTS fanfic author-nim.
Chapter 28: this is my first bts fanfic and I didn't regret spending my time reading this. because it is awesome! You make me cry a lot author-nim.. TT.TT
ainkyu #3
Chapter 28: yeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhh... it short but good... happy ending yeahh..
ainkyu #4
Chapter 27: oh my..... i knew it i knew it i knew that suga's mature now, he's not mad at kookie
Chapter 27: oh and happy birthday my dear husband .... I appreciate every single hoseok part in this fic
Chapter 27: Rip papa min
Its going to end
*sobs gonna miss the update

nervous for result but at least im not at home when it out.. hahaha
Chapter 26: *punch myself
I knew it you will do this
mummy risa i love you

i cant believe new sem start too soon =..=
ainkyu #8
Chapter 26: Yatta... i knew it.. but i cant keep waiting the next.. oooo....
Chapter 25: Why do I cry? Dont kill anyone

Yeah . congratulations~~~ now holiday for one month
Then new semester =.=