Saviour: Right Next to You


my first ever fan fiction has come to an end! <3 though th first time i wrote this story i thought like 'sigh. would there be people who will actually read this?' but oh well, i still uploaded it, just to try my luck! TA-DA! WHO KNEW, 35 CHAPTER,YAW! <3

*does celebratory dance

to the darlings who actually commented all the time or gave me some consstructive comments, you know who you are /winkwink, you all guys are what inspired and motivated me to write on. i admit there are times when i almost gave up on this fan fiction because, yes, writers block is no joke, but thanks to the comments, subcribers and readers, I MADE IT THROUGH. so, THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH! <3

i loveeeeee youuuuuuu allllllll! <3

yes, all, every single one of you, who reads on and supports this fan fiction despite me being superrrr new. :D HEH. (yes, i just founf out about the karma point thingy) K,I FAIL, MISERABLY. but im getting used to the site. <3

i'm currently working on another fan fiction. i thought of trying something new this time. like instead of having a girl Protaganist, im actually planning to put in U-KISS couples. like Kiseop Kevin, Kevin Eli, AJ Kiseop. we shall see, aye? :D YES, IM AN AVID FAN OF KISEOP. he sleeps with me, every night, in my dream, HEHE. in NEVERLAND. <3 bwaghhhhh!

so again. thank you all. :D


see you all in my next fan fiction! and if you happen to come across awesum fan fictions or whatnots, please feel free to tell me k? promise!

or if you wna get to know me better. you know what to do /winkwink. ^_______^ (yeah, pm me or write on my wall or anything like that) :D


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Chapter 36: Nice story~^^
Keep writing, there're not many new fics that are actually entertaining and have nice grammar so I scrolled to the old ones and ended up here so thanks~♡
woah, this is end ?
I'm glad becoz finally ma boy can pass the audition and be an entertainer.
And i'm sad because this story end :'(

can you tell me if you make a new story ? Thank you :D
*uncontrollable overflow of tissues everywhere!* ><

actually... it was a sweet chapter ending...
BUT STILL.. I am going to miss this fanfic so much!
Its made me realise... Not to give up in life (well, well, didn't we learnt that from someone, aye ;D)
kekeke.. I am still pretty new to AFF too and the karma thing... and yep, I am currently writing my first fanfic too~
BUT ANYWHO~ congratulations... I shall forever LOVE YOUR STORY!!! <3, patiently waiting for your next U-KISS fanfic~~~~~ xD
AH... sorry, but KISEOP and AJ! <3 xD hehehe, 2SEOP OTP~ :D

I was so gutted when I saw the 'completed' sign.. T^T
and I haven't even read the final chapter~
OMG..still crying when Eunkyung and her mother visited their deceased father's grave...
aah, update update update !!
Eerh, i'm so so worry about the audition ! I hope he'll be succes :D *hug and kiss Kiseop*
It's okay! ^^ kekeke~ you're welcome!~ xD

Aw, Eunkyung and Kiseop's public affection is enough to make Hoon gag? :D hahahaha~
OMG! KISEOP FIGHTING~~~! <3 *sends kisses and hugs*
I kinda don't' want it to end... *sigh* T^T..
but I will wait for your next U-KISS fanfic! xD
saygoodbyetolullaby #8
@Raemii YEAH! THNKS FR READING! <3 heh.
saygoodbyetolullaby #9
@TheInspiritedGirl AH! I just realised tooo! xD HAHA. thnks alot. yayyy!
and you are one faithful reader! HAHA. ilubbchuu~ <3