Chapter 20: Why Her?

Saviour: Right Next to You

It’s like Hoon’s daily routine before he starts his day. He would get out of his house, walked a few steps to his ‘garage’; now Eun Kyung’s home and knock on it, to wake her up.

Hoon thoughtlessly knocked on Eun Kyung’s door, shouting. “Kyunggie! Wake up! What time is it already?”

Inside the house, all the three nineteen year-olds are all sprawled across the floor, in heavy blankets sound asleep. They played until late in the morning and just collapse into Dreamland.

Eun Kyung groaned at the sound of banging on the doors and the wake up calls of Hoon. After losing an internal battle with herself; whether or not to wake up, she sat up. Eun Kyung stretched as she yawned, looking at the two ‘Seop’ Brothers sleeping soundly. She stood up and dragged her feet to the door.

“Good Morning Kyunggie!” Hoon chimed the moment Eun Kyung open the door.

Hoon peeped inside to see two boys sprawled on the floor of Eun Kyung’s house.

“Who are tho…” Hoon’s words were cut by Eun Kyung who puts her fingers to Hoon’s lips.

“Let’s go have a walk.” Eun Kyung suggested as she rushed in her house to grab her winter jacket and the bread she bought for Hoon the night before.

Eun Kyung passed Hoon his breakfast and locked her door.

“Let’s go!” Eun Kyung exclaimed as she grabbed Hoon’s hand and dragged him to their usual morning walk route.


The morning sun started to shine in the house, shining directly onto AJ. He turned away and slowly opened his eyes. Right next to him, his best friend, Kiseop still fast asleep.

“Kiseop-ah.” AJ whispered to himself. “Why her?”

Kiseop rubbed the sleep away from his eyes and open them to see AJ looking at him.

Despite being surprise, Kiseop greeted AJ, “Good morning.”

AJ smiled, smacked Kiseop’s and sat up.

“I wonder where Eun Kyung go.” AJ stood up and looked around the house and realised Eun Kyung wasn’t home.

“AJ! I’m hungry!” Kiseop complained still rolling on the floor.

“AJ! Make breakfast!” Kiseop called out again.

AJ shook his head as he heard his best friend whining on the floor.

“AJ-ahhhhh~” Kiseop whined.

Annoyed, AJ picked up a cushion from the couch and threw it at Kiseop who was still on the floor.

“YAH! If you’re so free to whine and roll around, stop being a lazy bum and help me make breakfast!” AJ chuckled as he heads for the kitchen.


A/N: im sorry for the lack of updates! im not feeling too well these days! xD oh well. heres one chapter! i'll post another soon k? :D THNKS FOR THE READS AND COMMENT,love! <3

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Chapter 36: Nice story~^^
Keep writing, there're not many new fics that are actually entertaining and have nice grammar so I scrolled to the old ones and ended up here so thanks~♡
woah, this is end ?
I'm glad becoz finally ma boy can pass the audition and be an entertainer.
And i'm sad because this story end :'(

can you tell me if you make a new story ? Thank you :D
*uncontrollable overflow of tissues everywhere!* ><

actually... it was a sweet chapter ending...
BUT STILL.. I am going to miss this fanfic so much!
Its made me realise... Not to give up in life (well, well, didn't we learnt that from someone, aye ;D)
kekeke.. I am still pretty new to AFF too and the karma thing... and yep, I am currently writing my first fanfic too~
BUT ANYWHO~ congratulations... I shall forever LOVE YOUR STORY!!! <3, patiently waiting for your next U-KISS fanfic~~~~~ xD
AH... sorry, but KISEOP and AJ! <3 xD hehehe, 2SEOP OTP~ :D

I was so gutted when I saw the 'completed' sign.. T^T
and I haven't even read the final chapter~
OMG..still crying when Eunkyung and her mother visited their deceased father's grave...
aah, update update update !!
Eerh, i'm so so worry about the audition ! I hope he'll be succes :D *hug and kiss Kiseop*
It's okay! ^^ kekeke~ you're welcome!~ xD

Aw, Eunkyung and Kiseop's public affection is enough to make Hoon gag? :D hahahaha~
OMG! KISEOP FIGHTING~~~! <3 *sends kisses and hugs*
I kinda don't' want it to end... *sigh* T^T..
but I will wait for your next U-KISS fanfic! xD
saygoodbyetolullaby #8
@Raemii YEAH! THNKS FR READING! <3 heh.
saygoodbyetolullaby #9
@TheInspiritedGirl AH! I just realised tooo! xD HAHA. thnks alot. yayyy!
and you are one faithful reader! HAHA. ilubbchuu~ <3