Chapter 22: Temporary Joy

Saviour: Right Next to You

           Eun Kyung puts down her guitar and began to pack her things. Her daily audience started to disperse slowly; back to their life after their soul being given warmth by Eun Kyung’s voice. She puts away her tips into her pouch and kept her guitar in the case. As she was buckling the guitar case, a familiar voice whispered in her ears.

            “Guess who?” The voice greeted her, making her smile.

            Eun Kyung turned around smiling as the person wrapped his hands around her waist.

            “I missed you.”

            “Kiseop-ah, it’s only been like what, three days since we last saw each other.” Eun Kyung scoffed as her fingers trails his back.

            “Hm. But it feels like forever.” Kiseop whined and he planted a playful kiss on Eun Kyung’s cheeks. Eun Kyung blushed and hugged him tighter, taking in his scent.

            Kiseop pulled away and carried Eun Kyung’s guitar case. She stared at the guy in front of her; the guy who can make her heart leaped and skipped the entire time she was with him. The guy that makes her misses him the moment they part ways. The guy who she will never be shy to throw kisses at. The guy whom she managed to drag him out of depression and back into the world. Kiseop now meant the world to her.

            “Eun Kyung!” Kiseop called out to her who was still spacing out.

            Eun Kyung snapped out of her reverie and turned to see Kiseop already with her guitar case and bag pack ready to leave the park. Eun Kyung jogged to Kiseop and held his free hand.

            “Oppa.” Eun Kyung giggled as she tugged on Kiseop’s sleeves.

            Kiseop heart flipped. After days of trying to get Eun Kyung to call him that, she finally did. When he first told Eun Kyung to call him ‘Oppa’ she erupt to laughter, saying how it makes her sound like a small girl and how embarrassing it is. Furthermore, Kiseop is only a few months older than her.

            “What did you just say?” Kiseop pretended he didn’t hear.

            “Oppa!” Eun Kyung said it again, a little louder this time.


            “I’m done for the day.” Eun Kyung said.

            “You mean?”

            “Ahjumma told me to get some rest today. I’m done for the day.” Eun Kyung explained.

            Kiseop was silent. Awkward, she turned to face Kiseop only to see a cheeky smile forming on his lips. He turned and their eyes met. Kiseop pulled Eun Kyung’s arm as he ran down the pathway of the park. Laughing along, she just let Kiseop leads the way.

            Unable to keep up, Eun Kyung slids her hands away from Kiseop and motioned for him to continue running like an idiot. She slows down to a walk as she witness Kiseop jumping around.

            “Eun Kyung-ah! Let’s play! No, Let’s go have a date with me!” Kiseop shouted as he skipped around.

            “Pbabo.” Eun Kyung scoffed to herself.

            “Ack! I’m very sorry. I’m sorry, ma’am,” Kiseop voice was apologetic from a distant.

            Curious, Eun Kyung jogged to where Kiseop is and saw him bowing to a woman. He then bends down to pick up what seem to be her hand bag and wiped the dirt off his hands. Eun Kyung’s guitar case lying on the ground next to Kiseop.

            “What happen?” Eun Kyung rushed to Kiseop’s side and picked up her guitar case.

            “I was too excited jumping around and the next thing I know, I collided into her. I’m sorry again ma’am” Kiseop bowed down again.

            “It’s okay. I’m fine. Don’t worry.” The woman smiled as she replied.

            Eun Kyung’s eyes that were fixed only at Kiseop since the accident now slowly turned to look at the owner of such a familiar voice. Her hands balled into a fist when she saw the woman standing right in front of her.


            “Eun Kyung?”

            Both the mum and daughter said at the same time. Kiseop stood there eyeing the woman then Eun Kyung then the woman again.

            “You both know each other?” Kiseop said as he pointed to both of them.

            “Know? Huh, we even look alike.” Eun Kyung scoffed as she turned her back against the woman who left when she could have stayed.

            Kiseop smiled a crooked smile. Eun Kyung crossed her arms, her head all muddled up; not knowing how to react. The moment where her mum returns, she had been living each day for it. But when the moment came, she just stood there.

            “Have you been well, Eun Kyung-ah?”  Hee Young puts her hands on her beloved daughter’s shoulder.

            Eun Kyung tensed up at the cold touch of her mum. She missed it; the hugs, the of hair and nights when she couldn’t sleep, her mum would pat her to sleep. After so long, that touch somehow felt foreign to her skin. Eun Kyung took a step forward to Kiseop, letting her mum’s hand fell off her shoulder.

            “Eun Kyung-ah.” Hee Young called out to her daughter.

            Eun Kyung went behind Kiseop, her fingers balled to a fist, trying hard not to cry. Kiseop puts his hand around Eun Kyung shoulders and took the guitar case away from her hands.

            “Let’s sit somewhere to talk things over, shall we?” Kiseop said, politely.

            Eun Kyung looked up to see Kiseop smiling at her. He died a little inside seeing the girl whom he loves on the verge of breaking down.

            “Heads up, my girl. It’s going to be fine.” Kiseop whispered.

            Kiseop now wraps his hands around Eun Kyung’s waist as he leads both the mother and a daughter to a quiet shelter in the park. Hee Young took a seat next to her daughter who had her head hung low.

            “Then, I shall leave the both of you to talk things out?”

            Eun Kyung’s head snapped up as Kiseop placed Eun Kyung’s things on the floor, next to the white bench they were sitting on.

            “I’ll come back for you.” Kiseop whispered in Eun Kyung’s ears as he winked, bowed to Eun Kyung’s mum and took his leave.

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Chapter 36: Nice story~^^
Keep writing, there're not many new fics that are actually entertaining and have nice grammar so I scrolled to the old ones and ended up here so thanks~♡
woah, this is end ?
I'm glad becoz finally ma boy can pass the audition and be an entertainer.
And i'm sad because this story end :'(

can you tell me if you make a new story ? Thank you :D
*uncontrollable overflow of tissues everywhere!* ><

actually... it was a sweet chapter ending...
BUT STILL.. I am going to miss this fanfic so much!
Its made me realise... Not to give up in life (well, well, didn't we learnt that from someone, aye ;D)
kekeke.. I am still pretty new to AFF too and the karma thing... and yep, I am currently writing my first fanfic too~
BUT ANYWHO~ congratulations... I shall forever LOVE YOUR STORY!!! <3, patiently waiting for your next U-KISS fanfic~~~~~ xD
AH... sorry, but KISEOP and AJ! <3 xD hehehe, 2SEOP OTP~ :D

I was so gutted when I saw the 'completed' sign.. T^T
and I haven't even read the final chapter~
OMG..still crying when Eunkyung and her mother visited their deceased father's grave...
aah, update update update !!
Eerh, i'm so so worry about the audition ! I hope he'll be succes :D *hug and kiss Kiseop*
It's okay! ^^ kekeke~ you're welcome!~ xD

Aw, Eunkyung and Kiseop's public affection is enough to make Hoon gag? :D hahahaha~
OMG! KISEOP FIGHTING~~~! <3 *sends kisses and hugs*
I kinda don't' want it to end... *sigh* T^T..
but I will wait for your next U-KISS fanfic! xD
saygoodbyetolullaby #8
@Raemii YEAH! THNKS FR READING! <3 heh.
saygoodbyetolullaby #9
@TheInspiritedGirl AH! I just realised tooo! xD HAHA. thnks alot. yayyy!
and you are one faithful reader! HAHA. ilubbchuu~ <3