Chapter 19: The three of us

Saviour: Right Next to You

Outside, in the cold winter night, sat AJ, on Eun Kyung’s doorstep, dozing off every once in a while. It’s almost midnight and Eun Kyung has yet to return home. Right after his lunch date with his mum, AJ decide to stop by Eun Kyung’s place. He felt bad leaving her like that as he left for his appointment.

            He rang the door bell a couple of times and even knocking the door, yet no one answered. He decided to just wait for Eun Kyung’s return.

            Cold, AJ rubbed his hands together and blew air into them, trying to keep himself warm. Despite the layers of clothing, AJ felt like he’s going turn to an ice sculpture waiting for Eun Kyung.

            He heard voices and laughter from a distance and turned to see his best friend and the girl he has been waiting for two hours walking hand in hand. He felt a tug on his chest, and his heart sank. Jealousy, perhaps?

            AJ stood up and cleared his throat as they are nearing Eun Kyung’s house.

            “AJ! What are you doing here?!” Eun Kyung lets go of Kiseop’s hand and started running to where AJ was standing. Kiseop followed from behind.

            “Oh, you know. Turning into ice because it’s fun.” AJ answered, simply.

            Eun Kyung punched AJ’s tummy softly and laughed.

            “Yeah, I can see how much fun you had, waiting for me.”

            “Hey, AJ.” Kiseop and AJ did their handshake and stood awkwardly next to Eun Kyung, Eun Kyung in the middle.

            “Wah! I’m such a lucky girl, tonight. To have two Korea’s most good-looking guys right next to me!” Eun Kyung exclaimed as she grabbed both the boys’ arms, grinning to herself.

            AJ shuddered at the touch of Eun Kyung’s warm hands. Eun Kyung’s head shot up, looking at AJ, concerned. AJ just smiled his crooked smile.

            “Don’t you lie to my face and say you’re not cold because I’m very sure you want to be somewhere warm.” Eun Kyung said and she slid her keys into the keyhole and opened the door to her home.

            “Come in.” Eun Kyung offered as she took the hands of both the boys and dragged them inside, pushing them to the couch. She went back to the door to lock it.

            “I should be going, actually.” Kiseop suddenly stood up and walked to the door.

            Eun Kyung immediately covered the door with her entire body and began shaking her head vigorously.

            “No can do, mister. No one is leaving for home at this weather, unless you have the fur of a polar bear. It’s too cold out there!” Eun Kyung claimed.

            “You know Kyung-ah, you can call your other girlfriends over if you want to have a slumber party so much,” AJ spoke up, finally since they entered the house.

            “Yeah, that is if I have one. I have no one but you guys as a friend! It’s not always we can have a get together!”

            “Or, you can ask nicely if we would like to join you in your little slumber party.” Kiseop chuckled.

“Okay fine. Can you guys pleeeeeeease join me in my slumber party? It’s been so long since I had one!” Eun Kyung said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

            “Like we have a choice.” AJ scoffed and head for the kitchen, making them a hot chocolate drink.

            “I’ll help.”

Kiseop joined in, only to avoid the awkwardness they felt since AJ caught him going home together with Eun Kyung.

Eun Kyung sat on the couch, letting out a huge sigh, as she watch the two boys whom she cherished slapping each other playfully and laughing as they prepare some drinks and snacks.

“Sigh, if only everyday were to be like this. Wouldn’t it be bliss?” Eun Kyung said to herself, loud enough for one of the boys to hear her.

“To be like what?” AJ who heard it asked.

“It’s so nice, to be treated like a princess! AJ oppa! Faster, come with the drinks!” Eun Kyung started teasing them, speaking like a true spoilt princess.

“Kiseop oppa! Come here, my legs hurt from all that walking. Massage me!” Eun Kyung called out.

The two boys in the kitchen turned to Eun Kyung who is sitting comfortably on the couch.

“WHAT?!” The two boys shouted as they started for the couch.

Seeing the Kiseop and AJ storming out of the kitchen, nearing her, their eyes are just mere slits with a scary smile on their faces, Eun Kyung retreated.

“Wa…Wait. No! Go away! I was just kidding!” Eun Kyung screamed for mercy.

Within seconds, Kiseop was lifting her up in the air, threatening to drop her as AJ started tickling Eun Kyung. She screamed and struggled to get down and to get AJ to stop.

“PUT ME DOWN! I tell you!” Eun Kyung screamed.

“Or else what?” AJ teased as he tickled Eun Kyung.

“Yeah, or else what?” Kiseop laughed.

“Or else I’d…or else…” Eun Kyung was lost for words, she can’t think straight as one is flipping her up in the air while the other is tickling her ticklish body whenever he had the chance to.


“Oh yeah? Seriously Eun Kyung, seriously? Just look at you!” AJ shook his head.

“Helpless, Eun Kyung! Sigh, what are we to do with you, My Princess?” Kiseop said, emphasising on his last two words.

“HMPH!” Eun Kyung gave up. She’d never win with these playful boys. Never. AJ alone is enough, but if you were to put both of them together, it’s like The Dynamic ‘Seop’- brothers!

All three of them were laughing so hard, they can hardly breathe. Kiseop grew tired and put Eun Kyung down on the floor. Eun Kyung looked up at the two boys who were staring down at her. The moment their eyes met, all three of them erupt to a roar of laughters.

The night passed by, with non-stop jokes, smiles and laughter, it’s almost illegal to have that much fun in a night.

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Chapter 36: Nice story~^^
Keep writing, there're not many new fics that are actually entertaining and have nice grammar so I scrolled to the old ones and ended up here so thanks~♡
woah, this is end ?
I'm glad becoz finally ma boy can pass the audition and be an entertainer.
And i'm sad because this story end :'(

can you tell me if you make a new story ? Thank you :D
*uncontrollable overflow of tissues everywhere!* ><

actually... it was a sweet chapter ending...
BUT STILL.. I am going to miss this fanfic so much!
Its made me realise... Not to give up in life (well, well, didn't we learnt that from someone, aye ;D)
kekeke.. I am still pretty new to AFF too and the karma thing... and yep, I am currently writing my first fanfic too~
BUT ANYWHO~ congratulations... I shall forever LOVE YOUR STORY!!! <3, patiently waiting for your next U-KISS fanfic~~~~~ xD
AH... sorry, but KISEOP and AJ! <3 xD hehehe, 2SEOP OTP~ :D

I was so gutted when I saw the 'completed' sign.. T^T
and I haven't even read the final chapter~
OMG..still crying when Eunkyung and her mother visited their deceased father's grave...
aah, update update update !!
Eerh, i'm so so worry about the audition ! I hope he'll be succes :D *hug and kiss Kiseop*
It's okay! ^^ kekeke~ you're welcome!~ xD

Aw, Eunkyung and Kiseop's public affection is enough to make Hoon gag? :D hahahaha~
OMG! KISEOP FIGHTING~~~! <3 *sends kisses and hugs*
I kinda don't' want it to end... *sigh* T^T..
but I will wait for your next U-KISS fanfic! xD
saygoodbyetolullaby #8
@Raemii YEAH! THNKS FR READING! <3 heh.
saygoodbyetolullaby #9
@TheInspiritedGirl AH! I just realised tooo! xD HAHA. thnks alot. yayyy!
and you are one faithful reader! HAHA. ilubbchuu~ <3