
Always Here
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It was a brisk fall morning, and you and Sunny are walking through the park that you met in. You're sharing a scarf, but it isn't going well because you keep stopping to pick up leaves. (A/N: That picture is how I imagine "you", and I used Sunny's new hair ^^)
"Ooh! Look how pretty this one is!" You say, bending down and nearly choking Sunny. 
"Babe, you gotta warn me before you lean down!" She says, giggling. "That is a pretty leaf, though." 
"Oops, sorry!" You say giggling and kissing her cheek.
"It's okay, you cutie." She says, smiling brighter from the kiss. The two of you stand up, and continue your walk. A few minutes later, you can't help but feel eyes on you. 
"What was that?" You ask, and Sunny's eyes go wide. 
"I know. Keep walking." She whispers, locking your arm with hers and rushing you two into the forest. Once you reach the clearing where it all happened, she sits the two of you on a bench. 
"Babe?" You whisper, and she seems to break out of her trance, smiling warmly at you.
"Don't worry Princess. It's one of my fansites, but I'll keep us safe." She whispers back, kissing your head and holding you close with one arm. 
"Who's there? Show yourself!" Sunny says loudly, and you hear a rustling from some bushes across the clearing. Out of them, a woman about your age emerges with a nice camera. 
"Oh, it's you." Sunny says, taking off the scarf and standing to meet her. You sit on the bench, not knowing what to do. 
"Hello, Sunbaenim." The woman says, and Sunny shakes her hand. 
"It's nice to see you, Helianthus." Sunny says, and the girl smiles.
"It's nice to see you too!" She says, then her smile turns to a frown. "Sorry for following you around like that." 
She bows respectfully. 
"It's fine, at least it was you and not some random ert or something." Sunny says, smiling and ruffling her hair a bit. "Oh, let me introduce you to my wife. _____, come here and meet one of my old friends."
You stand up and walk over to them, a little uneasy. 
"Nice to meet you, I'm Lee _____." You

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Hello everyone! (If you’re still here haha) sorry I haven’t been updating at all in a long while, life kind of got ahead of me. I’m planning on making ends to these stories, so I don’t leave them open ended. Keep an eye out!


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Nadinevanthe #1
Chapter 30: UwU
Nadinevanthe #2
Chapter 20: Secret bathtub
Nadinevanthe #3
Chapter 9: Who’s that girl?
Nadinevanthe #4
Chapter 8: Lmaooo
Nadinevanthe #5
Chapter 1: So cuteee
Chapter 35: hohoh... getting a bit heated up here with both couples ;)
Chapter 18: You made me cry v; but that was a good one xD
Chapter 54: Please update ;_;
Chapter 54: please update soon
Breaky #10
Chapter 54: woww!! nice so nice i like this story i will wait for more uptdates kekekek;)