
Always Here
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"What apprentice?"

"The one she got a few days ago, from the big contest."
"I never heard of such contest, or any apprentice. Are you sure it was real?"
Tiffany thinks for a moment, then remembers the letter Umji brought that she had seen in your office. 
"She had an official-looking letter with her on her first visit." She says, then he picks up his phone and dials a number. He asks for the promotional director, who runs the contests. He hadn't heard of it either. 
"How long did you say she has been seeing concepts for new albums?" Your boss asks, rubbing the bridge of his nose in stress.
"Just a few days." She says, then gasps. "But....she knows the secret."
"She knows WHAT?!" He says, standing up and slamming his hands on the desk.
"Well on her first day Sunny wanted to suprise _____ by giving her flowers so she burst in calling her babe and they had no choice but to tell her or she would've found out anyway and it was better to let her know then because we thought she had signed a contract they didn't mean to tell a random person don't be mad at them!" Tiffany explains quickly before breathing heavily from the lack of air. Your boss sits down, sighing. 
"I'll have to bring the three of them in at a later time, along with the CEO, I guess. It's not their fault." He says, and Tiffany bites her lip nervously, looking at the ground.
"Can you bring Sunny up now, though? I'd like to breif her on the situation." Tiffany nods and bows before leaving, heading back down to the dance studio. The girls are practicing their dance for Catch Me if You Can.
"I'm going to find my heart, my heart, my heart, CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!" (A/N: If you haven't heard the teaser for the new song, click HERE!) Sunny sings while she dances, shouting the last few words with the rest of the girls. Tiffany motions for her to come over, and she does. 
"_____'s boss wants to talk to you." She whispers in her ear, and Sunny's face goes white. 
Am I in trouble? She worries. It's probably about last night.
She excuses herself and heads up, hesitating before knocking. She goes in, bows, then sits down.
"Sunny, we need to talk about _____'s apprentice." He says seriously.
"I'm sorry I ran away and didn't contact anyone, I was just distressed and it won't happen again." She says maturely, and he shakes his head.
"It's not about that. _____ doesn't have an apprentice. There was never any contest or anything. We have no idea who Umji is." 
Sunny's heart drops, and a million thoughts cloud her head. A random person now knows the secret she's kept hidden for years, that she's safely covered up on variety shows and interviews where they ask about guys. Soon, the whole world will know that Lee Soongyu, a lead singer in the nation's girlgroup, is gay. Not only that, but your comfortable life as a regular person will be changed in an instant to a life of someone with no privacy at all. Guilt rose up in Sunny, as she remembered that it was her fault Umji knew at all. 
"Sunny?" Your boss says, and she snaps out of her trance.
"She knows everything. The dating, the engagement, all of it. She even has pictures of us on her phone." She says, tears forming at her eyes. "It's all my fault. I'll take responsibility for everything, sir." Your boss reaches over his desk and puts a hand on her shoulder.
"It's not your fault, Sunny. Anyone would've done the same." He says, but she continues to frown. "We'll need to have a meeting with you, _____, Umji, and your uncle to make a deal with her. There's no way she'll keep this secret without a price. Is there any way _____ can leave the hospital for the meeting?" 
"I don't think so. She begged and pleaded for them to let her go home early once, but they didn't let her, so she probably can't leave. They have private rooms other than her room there, though."
"Alright. You can go back to practice now, Sunny. We'll let you know when the meeting is."
Sunny bows and leaves, but instead of going back down she heads to the bathroom instead. In there, she goes into a stall and cries her eyes out.


A few days later, the meeting is held. Umji was forbidden to see you or anyone else in the company for the time being, and when she walked in the room, she looked furious. One one side of the table, Lee Sooman, your boss, Sunny, and you were sitting in that order. She sat on the other side, facing the four of you. 
"Kim Umji, you have infiltrated SM Entertainment's private matters, as well as forged a document supposedly written by the company to decieve one of our employees. Do you have any idea the kind of trouble you are in?" Says Mr. Lee. Umji's angry face suddenly goes white and scared. She shakes her head. 
"You are going to be subjected to a $5,000 fine for trespassing and forging official documents. You will also be required to sign a binding contract stating that you will not tell anyone about any information you have heard in your time here. Failure to comply to said contract will result in another fine, as well as your name being added to a list of people who are never to enter the SM Building or go to any SM sponsered events. Do you understand?" 
You squeeze Sunny's hand under the table, and hold your breath as she answers.
"I'll only do that one one condition. I get to date _____." 
You gasp and look at the people to your left. Sunny looks to the two men as well, hoping they can get you two out of this.
"Absolutely not." Says Mr. Lee, and Umji scoffs.
"Then no deal." She says, standing up and heading to the door. 
"Wait!" Says your boss. You, Mr. Lee, and Sunny stare at him, wide eyed. Umji stops walking and turns to him.
"You can date her for one week, no more." 
You gasp loudly in unison with Sunny, your jaws dropping. Umji smirks.
"Okay. One week, and she has to pretend to enjoy it, at least. She'll have to act like we've been dating for years, and do whatever I ask." She says, and you stare at her, then at your boss, then back. 
"Excuse me?!" You shout, and all eyes are on you. "Do I have no say in this?"
"It's do that or I tell everyone about your little secret." Umji says, and you can just see the devil horns pop out of her head. You look at Sunny sadly, and she shrugs. Tears form at your eyes. 
"C-Can I at least see Sunny?"
At her words, you an

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Hello everyone! (If you’re still here haha) sorry I haven’t been updating at all in a long while, life kind of got ahead of me. I’m planning on making ends to these stories, so I don’t leave them open ended. Keep an eye out!


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Nadinevanthe #1
Chapter 30: UwU
Nadinevanthe #2
Chapter 20: Secret bathtub
Nadinevanthe #3
Chapter 9: Who’s that girl?
Nadinevanthe #4
Chapter 8: Lmaooo
Nadinevanthe #5
Chapter 1: So cuteee
Chapter 35: hohoh... getting a bit heated up here with both couples ;)
Chapter 18: You made me cry v; but that was a good one xD
Chapter 54: Please update ;_;
Chapter 54: please update soon
Breaky #10
Chapter 54: woww!! nice so nice i like this story i will wait for more uptdates kekekek;)