
Drops of Gold

        The house was just as I'd left it. It was a bit charred from the fires but it was almost seemingly untouched. The blue walls were adorned with some blood splatters which were now brown. It no longer felt like home to me due to the grief I carry around with me. Headaches came to remind me of every single pain, remorse, and worry I ever felt just by looking at the broken picture frames. 

        As I walked into my old room, I smiled looking at all my old posters and artwork I had, covering every spot of my walls and not leaving me any idea of what color my room had been before. A flashback of my parents laying on my bed, one parent on either side of me, watching Netflix movies together. Our smiles were bright and joyful. 'I miss all of you so much', I hugged myself trying to imagine my family embracing me warmly.

        I made my mind decide whether or not to distract itself for a bit. I didn't want to feel anything anymore. I just wanted to be back in the city where I could never remember any of this. 'You have to remember. How else will your family live on in history?' I know I could never go back to the city without being immediately incarcerated for the rest of my endless life.

        I had almost forgotten about Kai waiting patiently outside. I called for him, "Kai!" It took him a couple of yells for him to get out of the car. He seemed impatient with me.

        "What?!", he yelled.

        "I need your help moving this mattress"

        "What happened to the person that denies all help?"

        "Just get in here, smart !"

        He shuffled his way into the house and into my former bedroom carrying an annoyed face with him. I made him carry the mattress by himself while I gathered other belongings I needed to take with me. I finished putting my things into his car and sat down in the passenger's seat. Kai was still struggling to move the bed. A twinge of guilt surged through me before I went to help him.

        Kai had sweat on his brow and his teeth were clenched. He managed to have gotten my queen sized bed off the actual bas and headboard by himself but it seemed to be a very strenuous task to get my bed to flip over and carry it into the narrow hallways. I knew it was really difficult.

        I grabbed onto one end of the mattress and pushed it onto its side while Kai followed. "So now you're going to help?", he said. I ignored his comment and just focused on what I was doing. We bickered at each other on how we could get this done faster, but finally came to a solution after those irritating 30 minutes. Somehow, we had managed to get it to his car and with a final boost of strength, we lifted it onto the top of his car and strapped it on top. We drove off back to my Walmart tiredly.

        "Hey Kai"

        He looked in my direction for a bit. "Yeah?"

        "Are you the only other person down here?"

        "No". 'Great! That means I can get caught quicker and fed to the authorities if anyone suspects me of something'. He seemed calm...like always. "Why do you ask?"

        "Just curious." I prayed that my answer came out non-chalantly.

        "You're a fugitive too, huh?" Kai kept his pokerface on. 'Maybe all fugitives come down here to avoid the law?'


        "It's okay. I already know since that what all of us are down here".

        "You are a fugitive. I should feel threatened or scared of you shouldn't I. What did you do? Did you kill someone?"

        It was the first clear expression I have seen coming from him. He chuckled lightly, his adam's apple bobbing. His chuckle was kind of manic in a way. "Yes, I am on the run and you shouldn't feel scared or anything. We all help each other down here".

        "And nobody offered me shelter?"

        "You said you could take care of yourself and didn't give me a chance to ask you if you wanted any help."

        "But you didn't talk....at all"

        "Well, I'm talking now". He smirked at me and I have never wanted to smack someone's face so furiously. 'I liked him better when he didn't talk.' I huffed at him, not going to argue with him any more. "Be thankful I'm helping you."

        "I am thankful but if you keep on being a smart , I'm going to kick your right in this car, !"

        "But you know that everything I said is true, so drop it". The car felt so awkward now. Things were tense along with the vein that popped out of his forehead. 'Kill me now', I thought. There was a 10 minute silence before I interrupted.

        "Okay! Fine! You win!"

        "Huh?" I'd completely held onto that conversation by myself. 'Kai must've forgotten and spaced out instead'. Recovering from my embarrassment, I asked him, "Where do you stay?" The car swerved and stopped in the grass. My head was spinning at the moment. 'Was that question really that serious?'

        "Why would you ask that? Are you part of the authorities? What do you want?", he attacked me witth interrogative questions stabbing into my dizzy head from his driving.

        "One question at a time". I calmed down. "I'm asking you because you pretty much know where I live. No and nothing."


        "You know where I live. I am not part of the government and I'm the one running away from them. I don't want anything, okay."

        "Oh okay", I took a relieving breath.

        "We're all in this together, I guess".

        "Nice High School Musical reference".

        "I know. I loved that movie as a kid". Only a kid born centuries ago would know about the old version of that movie. 'Maybe he's from the same era as you'.

        "Which one's better? The old one or the new one?" I had secretly hoped he knew about the old one with Zac Efron.

        "There was an old one?" I shook my head. I got my hopes up a little too quickly.

        "I was just playing with you, Kai". 'Guess I am the only immortal in the world, unless vampires exist.'

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I hope I did alright on this last chapter I wrote. I was trying hard to remember since all of that chapter got deleted at one point and I had to remember it


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popcult #1
Chapter 27: Wow this new unknown character is really a psychopath. Like who does that to their assistant. My guess is he must be like a scientist or something.but the other half of me think he must be like her (since he talking about the past when the fever broke). Hmm... that will be interesting to find out that others like her was immune to the fever and pretty much live for a long time. Loving to update !!!
popcult #2
Chapter 25: Oh no oh no.
popcult #3
Chapter 24: OMG!OMG! Wait ... what leela don't die. Wait, but that earlier dream about kai. The white roses and then it turn red. So much.... can't wait in the next update
popcult #4
Chapter 23: great update !
popcult #5
Chapter 22: now that is just too cute, but i do have some suspicions about kai. like what if he is not as old as leela but still older way older than the others that live in the fog. i mean with the more he is opening up to her and her seeing that photo of his family. i mean he could be regular age i guess. lol loving the update!
popcult #6
Chapter 22: now that is just too cute, but i do have some suspicions about kai. like what if he is not as old as leela but still older way older than the others that live in the fog. i mean with the more he is opening up to her and her seeing that photo of his family. i mean he could be regular age i guess. lol loving the update!
popcult #7
Chapter 21: oh snap, oh snap, oh snap. that will be a game changer if he is?? loving the updates !!!
popcult #8
Chapter 18: Awe they are getting closer .
popcult #9
Chapter 16: good they need to know each other more. but dang 500years older.
nanililo #10
Chapter 15: Sorry I've been missing for such a long time and writing such short chapters! I'm glad you guys are liking the story so far and I hope I can interact with you guys more :)