Chapter 7

Break Your Heart

Chapter 7
It was snowing when Hyun came out of her house. Thank goodness she wore gloves and coat out since she felt that the weather was becoming a little colder.
She checked the time on her watch. 1:35pm. She still have got a lot of time to head over to the café, so she decided to slowly walk to her destination instead of hailing a cab. She let out a gentle smile as she took out her phone and looked at her wallpaper. It was the picture of Hyukjae hugging her from the back as he took the picture, both of them smiling ever so blissfully in it.
Hyun was mixing the eggs, flour, sugar and all while Hyukjae was just fooling around, playing with the flour and gotten some of it on Hyun’s face, drawing whiskers like the cats. ‘Yah! You aren’t helping with the baking at all and yet you’re the one who wants to bake! I’m the one who does everything and yet you’re just fooling around.’ Hyun complained, pouting and stopped the things that she was doing before.
Hyukjae sensed that Hyun was getting mad over there so he decided to take the bowl of flour, giving it to her and cooed, ‘Sorry Hyunnie~ You can draw whatever you like with the flour on my face.’ Hyun then smirked while drawing the same whiskers on his face, making her laugh at how ridiculous he was looking. ‘Happy now? I think I look cute with these whiskers though.’ Hyukjae said proudly while admiring himself in the reflection of the glass in front of him.
Hyun scoffed playfully and returned back to mixing the ingredients, not feeling as angry as before already. Hyukjae then took out his phone and suggested, ‘We should take a picture commemorating us being the cutest cats for the day.’ Hyun rolled her eyes but agreed anyway. She was caught off guarded when Hyukjae hugged her from the back and took the picture, after that giving her a kiss on her cheek before whispering, ‘I like you, my prettiest cat.’  
Throughout this whole relationship thing, Hyukjae has never said ‘I love you’ to Hyun before and when she asked him about it, he just replied saying, ‘I don’t say that three words that easily anymore.’
She was already outside of the café, she checked the time again, 1:55pm. He should be here… She thought to herself and continued to think back of the happy times they spent together.
Her thoughts were then disrupted when someone called her name. She looked up to see Hyukjae in his beanie, and wearing his black coloured coat. He tugged his hands inside the pocket to keep it warm and walked towards her.
Hyukjae’s heart broke into two when he saw her. She has certainly lost a significant amount of weight since he last seen her. And Hyukjae knows how Hyun acts when she was depressed. She’ll skip meals, ignore people, and isolate herself from everyone. Hyun smiled happily when she saw Hyukjae. She wanted to hug him but she didn’t know if it was ok to do it or not and so she decided not to.
‘Oppa, where have you been? I’m so worried about you!’ Hyun said as the worried look crept up to her face. Hyukjae tried to put on his poker face and heaved a deep breath.
‘Let’s break up.’ His cold voice stings Hyun at the very moment he said it. She knew this was going to happen, she knew it when she gotten the phone call from him, asking her out because he had something he want to talk to her about.
‘Why…?’ Hyun tried to say it as loud as possible, but it just came out as a whisper. He scoffed and looked at her with that cold expression plastered on his face. ‘You know exactly why, Hyun. You broke the rules.’ He spat before he started walking away. She held on his wrist, ‘Please Hyukjae oppa, don’t do this. I really love you.’ She confessed in exasperation.
‘That’s just the reason why I’m breaking up with you.’

Annyeong readers! I'm backkkkk~ With a new update kekeke~ ^^ And I see some new readers! -waves hand frantically- Annyeong new subscribers!! Thanks for subscribing!! :D So sorry to keep you all waiting for so long ><;; I was really busy with school (as usual) but here is the update!! =3 ...And a sad one too :( But you can't deny the flashback part was sweet.... right? Kekeke~

@Reenaa: ><;; your predictions are right~ something bad has happened T^T Hyukkie broke up with Hyunnie~ D: Updated!!! ^-^

@sheskristine: Kekeke~ -wriggles eyebrows- Love triangle brewing~ And I totally can see how you adore Hae more than Hyuk now~ Kekeke! Don't hate Hyuk tho he's a jerk here!!! >< Yesssssh! We sure can get along very well! ^-^ And you're welcome <3

@leesooyeon_139: Thankkyu~ <3

New and old subscribers!!! Talk to me~ Comment more okay! <3

Comments, Subscribers, Readers are loved <3 kekeke~ Till next time!

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Chapter 30: Awwwweee :") the final chapter was so sweet. sequel please. hihi with their children xD
The last chap is so sweet..... I'm sorry because late comment... Huhu~ I really want to comment and read it as you post the chap.. But I've my own reason to read it late... Huhu~ Mianhaeyo..<br />
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To Hyukjae and Hyun... Chukae!
I loooove this fic :) Thanks for sharing this! I'm surely gonna love your new fic 'cause its Donghae centered! :"> So excited. :D
<3 welcome <3 love it !
@leeyab0o: thankyou :)
wow! nice!
@shineehyekyo: Omg, kekeke~ I'm really happy to know you like this story~~ But do sleep!! ><;; Yessssss~~ I'm a hardcore Hyuk stan~ He's just.... asdfghjkl!!! >///<<br />
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@Katarainaa: Thankyou!!! <3 Awww, that was fast! Kekeke~
Omo! I started reading this tonight around 1am because I couldn't sleep... Then I couldn't stop reading! D: It was so good, I also sobbed at parts - Hyun seemed so upset ): x It's now 5am and I've just finished... :$ x<br />
Oh my, I'm a huge HyukJae fan - it started with me watching SuJu music videos, now I'm losing sleep for him xD lol :$ x
@mariiah: Kekeke~ Thank you! Happy New Year to you too! And yup, I surely will >_< Next fic gonna be Donghae centered! Hope you'll read it and hope you'll like it ∩_∩ Hwaiting!! <3<br />
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@meowchie09: Kekeke >< thank you! Happy New Year to you too! ^~^<br />
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@SarangHyuk: Awwww~ Thank you so much for your kind words >< I'm glad that you liked it! Keke!<br />
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@xXshelleybloobellyXx: Happy New Year to you too! And yes, I'll continue writing~ I'm glad that you loved it :3 Keke~<br />
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@cassie10: Thank you for reading! Kekeke~ Yup, my next fic is up! Hope you'll subscribe to it ><;; Keke thank youuuuuu <3<br />
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@ihanchul, @Nurus94, @Reenaa: ^w^<br />
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@purplekpop: Kekeke~ Hope you've liked it! ^.^
awww im reading it and gosh<br />
the first chapter<br />
"never fall in love with me"<br />
cries<br />
you stupid child hyuk jae ><